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The University of the Air of Japan (UAJ) was founded with the idea of creating a university that is open to everybody in the country. In order to realize this objective, the university will expand its operation so it can provide education nationwide. However, the nationwide expansion will require many resources to be created and maintained. It is necessary to assess the effects of the education of UAJ to justify the expansion of its operation.This study aims at quantitative evaluation of the monetary and nonmonetary effects of the education offered by UAJ. In order to find the educational effects, questionnaires were sent to the UAJ graduates, and the responses were analyzed. Monetary effects were expressed by human capital value calculated with the data on the annual earnings of the graduates. When the UAJ graduates were compared with general workers that have the same educational background as that of the UAJ graduates before the enrollment, the graduates of UAJ have more human capital value than the general workers. However, the human capital value of the UAJ graduates who had not received a college degree before the enrollment is smaller than that of the graduates of conventional universities. In respect of nonmonetary effects, the UAJ is most likely to have impacts that are different from those of conventional universities because of the varied characteristics of the UAJ students. Therefore, we set the categories of the students' expectations from the gathered data, and attempt to determine if the university is meeting the needs of the students. As a result, it was made clear that UAJ education does meet students' expectations of cultivation and convenient study conditions, but does not satisfy their expectations of occupational advancement.  相似文献   

The economics of the University of the Air of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will be approximately 30,000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be Yen4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipment and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to Yen 5.0–7.1 billion. Adding this to the students' study expenses, Yen 6.7–8.7 billion will be required to operate the university. About 50–60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated to be Yen 171,000–237,000 per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in the humanities and social sciences programs of conventional universities, the academic structures of which are similar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be 1/4, 1/3, and 2/3 of that at national universities, public universities and day programs of private universities, respectively, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening programs of private universities, their day programs, public universities, and national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, and 20%, respectively.  相似文献   

In 1988 UAJ completed the first phase of its initial plan, thus enabling an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of UAJ and a forecast of its future based on available data. The cost per student at UAJ is 2/5, 1/2, and 3/4 of that at national, public, and day programs of private universities, and 1.1 times and 6.7 times of that at evening and correspondence programs of private universities repectively. The projected cost per graduate is slightly lower than that at national universities and 1.1, 1.9 and 2.3 times of that at public, correspondence and day, and evening programs of private universities respectively. The cost per credit is 1.3, 1.5, 2.2, 2.4 and 4.6 times of national and public universities, day, evening, and correspondence programs of private universities respectively.The simulations indicate that the cost per credit can be decreased by expanding the operation of UAJ to a nationwide scale, employing a surface circuit or satellite system; however, it is necessary that the number of students be doubled in order to make the cost per credit equivalent to that at public universities. However, even when the number of students is four times, the cost per credit is not equivalent to that at day programs of private universities regardless of what method is used. Although the current cost per credit is higher than that of conventional universities, changes in cummunication technology and student characteristics could alter the cost-effectiveness of UAJ.  相似文献   

日本放送大学的远程教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本放送大学是文部省所属的通过广播、电视等手段进行远距离教育的国立大学。在日语中,“放送”一词的意义就是广播,相当于我国的广播电视大学。本文主要从日本放送大学的发展历史、教育系统和对我国远程教育的启示这三个方面进行研究。  相似文献   

远程教育在日本开展的形式主要有两种,一是以被送大学为代表的开放式远程教学,二是全日制大学的通信制远程教学。它们具有各自的特色,从不同侧面反映了日本远程教育的策略与方法,同时,它们开展合作与资源共事,捉进了日本远程教育的整体繁荣发展。  相似文献   

高校教育成本核算问题探析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本从理论上对高校实施教育成本核算问题进行分析,并就如何推动高校实施教育成本核算制度的建立提供了一些初步设想。  相似文献   

Conclusion The University of the Air seems to have been favourably accepted by students after the first term's experience, and it can be assumed that the University activities will be developed in the future. The radio and television programmes broadcast via the University of the Air Foundation broadcasting station are listened to and watched by many people other than students of the University. The potential therefore for the social education of the public at large can be said to be enormous. Acknowledgement: The author expresses his thanks to the staff of the University of the Air Foundation and of the National Centre for the Development of Educational Broadcasting, and also to Professor Donald P. Ely, Syracuse University, for his helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Japan has a highly diversified mass higher education system, consisting mainly of private institutions. In their highly developed and matured "market", higher education institutions have been ranked in terms of selectivity for many years. However, the university rankings that began in the 1990s took a different approach, that is, showing multiple rankings in order to enrich the perspectives of university applicants. This article aims at tracing the development of university rankings in Japan and at explaining the link between rankings and the mature, but drastically changing, Japanese higher education market.  相似文献   

Australia is now moving into a unitary system of higher education following the current merger of the advanced education sector with the universities. As Australia will be without a non‐university higher education alternative, the resultant institutions are appropriately termed comprehensive universities. This article examines government policies which resulted in this extensive restructuring and discusses inadequacies in the conceptualisation of the post‐Dawkins university. Responses to the prospect of nationwide amalgamations and the ways in which they are being carried out are also discussed. Reference is made to the main challenges which will confront the new comprehensive universities.

Some have called the new changes in Australian higher education “a revolution”, a characterisation which is not altogether hyperbolic.  相似文献   

千年古都西安,在孕育着半坡文明的沪河之滨、现代气息浓厚的浐灞生态园,坐落着一所庄严的军营、美丽的学府——空军工程大学。她是军队五所综合大学之一,是空军专业技术人才培养的最高学府。1999年7月,原空军工程学院、空军导弹学院、空军电讯工程学院合并组建空军工程大  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the determinants of over-education in Japan and evaluate its opportunity costs for university graduates. To this end, we use the REFLEX data. Results reveal that over-education level in Japan is high and it brings an important wage penalty for Japanese workers. Large firm and high occupations point toward a significant reduction in the likelihood of over-education. Results for wage regressions for over-education indicate that Japanese workers who achieve jobs in large organizations will experience 20 % increase in their wage due to the firm size and, if over-educated, their increase in wage will remain positive. Results for women are puzzling as there is no significant effect associated with gender.  相似文献   

空军航空大学前身为1946年我党我军创办的第一所航空学校——东北民主联军航空学校,即著名的东北老航校。大学于2004年6月9日由原空军第二航空学院、空军长春飞行学院和空军第七飞行学院合并组建,2012年4月,原空军第十三飞行学院和原空军第三  相似文献   

以大学城作为视角,分析了大学城对大学生全面发展的制约因素,在此基础上探究促进大学城内大学生全面发展的策略:要把大学精神的奠立及高校校园文化的营造放在首要位置,大力提升校园品味;要把健全学生公共服务设施,营造安定和谐的周边环境作为工作重点,大力改善校园条件与氛围;要积极开展形式多样的心理健康教育活动,大力提高大学城关注心理健康的意识。  相似文献   

在"高师改大"运动中,南、北高师分别选择了"升格为师范大学"和"改建为综合大学"两种不同的发展道路.这是由两所学校不同的办学传统、宗旨、地理位置等因素决定的,也同校长的办学理念不无关系."升格"后的北京师范大学,逐步失去了高师时期的地位和影响力,但作为当时仅存的一所师范大学,它的存在本身就极大地维护了中国的师范教育制度."改建"后的东南大学自身获得了长足的发展,但这一模式却被其他高师盲目仿效,直接造成了中国师范教育的普遍衰落.分析南、北高师路径选择的得与失,对当今高师的改革应有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

本文从服务、管理、观念和知识四个方面论述了综合性大学图书馆的创新问题,并说明我们目前要做的工作。  相似文献   

"构建人类命运共同体"已经成为中国积极参与国际事务、维护世界和平与发展的指导思想,但是我国的一流大学尚未为实现这一战略思想做好准备,尚不能培养出具有广阔国际视野,有能力、有胆魄、有担当、有责任的领导人才.本文提出了高等教育已经进入广义国际化的新时代,研究了高等教育广义国际化与世界一流大学建设的关系,对照分析了美国和亚洲几所主要院校广义国际化的经验,最后指出我国一流大学国际化的成就与问题.  相似文献   

日本大学的学生就业援助——以国立大学的个案为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大学毕业生的就业问题,提出了基本应对策略,结合日本名古屋大学对学生实施系统的就业援助的详细个案,提出了大学的就业援助更应纳入到大学教育的整个系统,并要着重思考学生的职业学习和生涯发展问题。  相似文献   

文章结合综合设备管理理论,针对高校图书馆设备管理中存在的问题,对图书馆设备生命周期管理的具体内容进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

沈玲蓉 《煤炭高等教育》2004,22(2):21-22,103
综合性大学办师范教育是新的社会需要的结果,但存在着一些实践难题,诸如师范生人数减少、师范生专业思想不够稳定、师范生质量相对下降,学生管理更显其难。针对这些问题从师范性意识和专业化水平两个方面提出了理论应对措施。  相似文献   

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