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What are key issues that educational measurement professionals must confront in the next decade? What resources can we draw on as we face these issues? How can educational measurement contribute most effectively to educational reform?  相似文献   

The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing have evolved in the breadth and depth of coverage of issues in educational testing and measurement since their first publication in 1954. There were a number of substantive changes in the 1999 revision that addressed validity, fairness, accommodations, and compliance with the Standards. In addition, there was nearly a 50% increase in the number of standards contained in the last revision. The next revision of the Standards may be initiated in 2007 and there are remaining concerns about access and awareness by non-measurement professionals, compliance by test publishers and users, relevance in addressing mandates for accountability, and substantive areas of educational assessment. This review of major changes to the Standards and discussion of future topics is designed to inform the next revision.  相似文献   

以中华教育改进社等三大教育团体在1924年至1927年中国教育界以反对教会教育、收回反国教会学校为主要内容的收回教育权运动中起了积极的作用,对促进当时中国政府制定有关收回外国教会学校的政策直接产生了推动作用。  相似文献   

The basic outlines of the European engineering educational systems are presented in the SEFI guide 1990. This article contains further detailed information on the characteristic elements of the two parallel systems which exist in the Netherlands. Attention is given to the common elements of both systems and to the points where they differ. The entrance qualifications of the enrolling students, the role of the government and the impact of the relations with industry are briefly reported.  相似文献   

洋务留学教育的历史定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
洋务派能够启动近代留学教育,主要出于军事上的考虑。洋务时期的留学教育是粗糙的.但它播下了中国现代性的种子,促进了中外文化交流,是晚清社会变迁的重大推动因素之一。从纵向上看。洋务留学教育是对中国传统教育的重大突破;从横向上看,洋务留学教育也适应了世界之潮流。促进了人类文明的发展。留学教育是现代国家教育制度中不可或缺的重要章节。  相似文献   

教育理念的历史性飞跃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,人类社会已经历了采集社会、农业社会、工业社会,目前正在进入信息社会。在采集社会和农业社会中,人的知识、智力和教育在社会生产和生活中的作用甚微,人们对其作用也没有太大的认识。直到工业社会初期,人们开始用物质制作有动力的功能较大的机械,才对知识和技术的作用有了较大的认识。工业社会后期,功能巨大的动力、传动和操作机械,大大地延伸了人类的肢体,弥补了人类体力的不足,科学技术在生产力中显示出十分重要的地位和作用,成为了主导因素。与此相应,人类对于知识、科学技术对经济、社会发展的推动作用的认识也在不断深化。当…  相似文献   

Since 1985 the Educational Priority Policy (EPP) has been in effect in the Netherlands. This policy is aimed at reducing the educational disadvantage of children due to their social, economic and cultural circumstances. The first section of this article describes the outlines of the EPP. The second section presents the results of an EPP evaluation study conducted in secondary education among 20,000 students from nearly 400 schools. The emphasis is on test performance in relation to three student characteristics: gender, social class and ethnic background. The analyses show that the test results are largely determined by social class. Gender hardly plays a role, while the influence of ethnic origin is also limited. It should however be added that the performance of two migrant groups, the Turks and Moroccans, is the worst of all. As most Turks and Moroccans belong to the lowest socioeconomic category, the factor of ethnic origin is so closely interwoven with the factor of social class, that it is not really possible to distinguish the two. In the final section of the article these findings are related to three theoretical perspectives regarding the explanation of differences in educational performance. This is followed by a discussion on possible consequences for the EPP.  相似文献   

个人品质是美国名校招生中独立且重要的评价维度,指向申请者的一系列品格与素质,其中领导力与公民素质占据核心地位.基于哈佛大学等八校的分析,发现个人品质之所以被选中,成为被广泛接受的选拔和排斥某些学生的"合法"基础,与美国名校追求成功和注重贡献的教育理念相关,可以有效预测申请者入校后的成功可能性和贡献能力,也与美国社会势力的政治博弈有关,是不同族群政治地位差异的产物.亚裔学生擅长的勤奋好学、守规矩等品质未被招生官普遍看好,既是因为与教育理念不够契合,更是根源于亚裔族群的政治弱势地位.  相似文献   

反观西方社会科学的"转向历史"学术史,政治学因对历史的不同理解而出现三种层次性的历史转向.在历史作为方法的层次,以政治学生产的理论、命题、概念为"体",以历史研究为"用",作为论证知识合理性的材料来源;在历史作为认知的层次,历史研究与政治学融通,从现实政治问题出发,重视政治知识的历史经验来源与提炼,阐释或解释其历史过程及成因;在历史作为本体的层次,政治学倒转为"用",所关注的任何议题是为了揭示普遍历史进程之"体".三种转向方式都有其知识生产的合理性和学术史依据,也存在不同程度的缺憾.中国政治学已经意识到转向历史的时代意义,但不能撕裂转向历史的三个层次,而是要在层次之间寻找逻辑与事实的关联机制,尤其重要但也艰难的是在第三层次,基于中华文明传统确立统一的历史观念,使之成为前两个层次的基石.  相似文献   

The growing industrialization of the Netherlands, particularly since the Second World War, rapid developments in science and technology, the expansion of the service sector, and the resultant rise in prosperity have all led to a much greater demand for education on the part of both the community and the individual.  相似文献   

荷兰《宪法》第23款强调:教育应成为政府始终关注的焦点。教育是政府义不容辞的责任,教育质量监督和评价成为教育督导团的主要任务,体现在以下三方面:学校创办自由、教学组织自由和教育信念自由。从1998年开始,随着政府为确保教育质量的全员性、公平性和建立多样化的有效动力机  相似文献   

The general education process is discussed with emphasis on electrical engineering at the level of higher professional education institutes and at university level. By law, a shorter curriculum was introduced at universities in 1982. In this paper attention is given to the project stimulating micro-electronic design. The various possibilities in the post-graduate studies are also mentioned. Some differences from other European educational systems are touched upon.  相似文献   

This article analyses educational research on gender inequality carried out in the Netherlands between 1982 and 1991. It can be regarded as a case study on the conceptualisation of the problem of gender inequality in education. In the Netherlands two types of research can be identified: policy‐orientated research, which was largely concerned with primary and secondary education, and action research which developed from within and focused on adult education. In the beginning most researchers in both types of research were aware of the problems related to the concept of ‘disadvantage’. Later on, policy‐orientated research on gender and education has increasingly approached education primarily as a means of preparing for a promising position on the labour market. The concept of disadvantage, which at first appeared to have been superceded, has been frequently applied in the analysis of gender in education. Action research, however, focused on the learning processes of women considering feminine qualities to be positive and valuable. We discuss the criticism from women's studies of the research carried out. Finally, the central concepts of the Dutch research are related to the classifications used in England.  相似文献   

1919年爆发的五四运动是一个具有划时代意义的历史事件,它是中国新民主主义革命的开端,民族复兴的历史起点.  相似文献   

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