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Dissatisfied with the usual explanations British publishers have offered for the large price differentials between their U.K. and U.S. customers-explanations such as increased distribution costs and currency fluctuations—the author examined 108 journals published by seven major British publishers. He compared their U.K. and U.S. prices and price differentials against four “value indicators”: local use, citation frequency, a listing in Katz's Magazines for Libraries, and OCLC holding libraries. He has found that high prices and high price differentials correlate with high indicators of use/value. He concludes that the data suggest that British publishers are pricing their journals in the U.S. market according to what that market is apparently willing to bear. He further suggests that the challenge for libraries arising from this pricing strategy is to identify on-going mechanisms for measuring value against price, in order to ensure that the price any publisher demands for a title corresponds to the value delivered.  相似文献   

The “gender gap” in the U.S. publication of English language and literature scholarly books has not been fully investigated. In order to investigate gender disparity, we collected, aggregated, and analyzed data on 1633 faculty members who authored or edited 4835 scholarly books at the top 50 U.S. English Ph.D. departments. Despite the fact that more women than men have received Ph.D.s in English since 1987, the top 50 departments are predominantly male, and male faculty members publish more books on a per capita basis. However, who publishes more books in these departments varies: (1) with the department that the faculty member is in (with grater parity in the middle 30 departments); and (2) when the faculty member published their first book, with female faculty who published their first book after 1998 publishing as many books on a per person basis as male faculty. This paper also offers recommendations on how marketing strategies can be used to ameliorate the “gender gap” in this academic field.  相似文献   

It is highly possible that international television programs will become a substantial part of American television fare within the next few years. The example of Eurovision and the promise of Echo I are before us. Under these circumstances, familiarity with the programming and production practices of other nations is to the American broadcaster's advantage. In this issue of the Journal we have coupled this study of programing (Tuber) with a study of production methods (Howell) in one country, the Soviet Union. The similarities as well as the differences in programming provide interesting reading.  相似文献   

In the context of the 2016 U.S. Republican primary election debates, the qualitative method of Conversation Analysis is used to describe a discourse/rhetorical strategy candidates use to control the agenda when answering questions. By prefacing answers with First of all, First, or First off, candidates claim that the immediately next talk will constitute something other than a relevant response to the question, but that one will be forthcoming after first matters are resolved. Findings contribute to agenda setting generally, and specifically to candidates’ strategies for controlling the agenda by variously evading questions’ agendas in order to make space for other political actions (e.g., policy support, acclaim, attack, rebuttal), and doing so in a way that manages public accountability associated with evasion.  相似文献   

This article presents a portrait of ImaginOn, a combined children's library and theater building in Charlotte, NC. Unlike so many modern library buildings intended primarily as warehouses for materials or as civic icons, this structure is designed to encourage visitors to experience the joy to be found in stories of all kinds. The author conveys the excitement of ImaginOn and, using photographs, highlights the principal features of the structure.  相似文献   

Ethnic music of all kinds has had a powerful influence on American popular music throughout history, and this is certainly true of Irish music. For nearly 100 years, radio has been a vital conduit for conveying musical influences of all kinds to listeners and musicians alike. This qualitative study analyzes Irish radio broadcasting in the United States The article is based upon an open-ended survey of U.S. broadcasters of Irish music programs in the top 10 markets and provides a summary of their recent playlists.  相似文献   

Research has shown that holding conflicted attitudes (ambivalence) about political decisions may lead people to act as ideal citizens. One example of this normatively ideal behavior is seen in research linking ambivalence to information seeking. To expand on this line of inquiry, this study examines the over-time relationship between ambivalence and information seeking. We use three-wave panel data collected during the 2012 election to determine whether over-time relationships exist between these variables and test the causal direction of these relationships. We find that use of counterattitudinal information increases ambivalence, which leads people to seek out more counterattitudinal information. We also find that use of pro-attitudinal media decreases levels of ambivalence.  相似文献   

The study analyzes the U.S. academic library spending, staffing and utilization trends during the “great recession” in the period 2008–2010. These trends are compared to similar trends during the period 1998–2008, one of the most robust economic periods in U.S. history. The data used in the study was from publicly available surveys from the National Center for Education Statistics. In general it was found that for both periods many similar trends persisted and were not significantly affected by macroeconomic conditions, and that U.S. academic libraries cannot be seen as a homogeneous group with similar investment and operating profiles. Between 2008 and 2010, growth among especially small to medium sized libraries has declined; while large libraries continue to expand their investments and grow, particularly in electronic services. The economic collapse that occurred in 2008 and the effects of which are still being distributed through the economy and society are having the same impact on all types and sizes of libraries, as many library trends are not influenced by the economic downturn of the period 2008–2010. The study describes the significant differences in the level and scope of spending, staffing, and utilization by size of library, and how the differences among small and large libraries became more accentuated in the period of the great recession.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth in U.S.-China film coproductions and Chinese companies’ high-profile investment in Hollywood studios and U.S. cinemas signal a shift in global power relationships and a reshaping of the global media structure. Combining textual and document analysis with interviews of policy makers and film professionals in China and Hollywood, this article explores the implications of U.S.-China coproduction for global communication. The article proposes three ways of understanding coproductions: as a market-driven and profit-seeking partnership, as a policy and power negotiation, and as a brave experimental adventure. This article contends that the current state of U.S.-China coproduction manifests the contradiction between desire and reality. Although coproductions have the potential to create a space for a new global culture, to develop innovative communication models, and to achieve a China-U.S. consensus, the fulfillment of these potentials will require a steadfast effort and the commitment of more than one generation of filmmakers from both China and the U.S.A. Nevertheless, a global culture and a reshaping of the global media structure are in the making.  相似文献   

Amy Reynolds and Brooke Barnett (Eds). Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2006 394 pp., ISBN 0805849424 (hardcover).  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):171-177

One of the biggest challenges of a Reference Librarian is trying to respond to an information request on an unfamiliar topic. This article will cover techniques to use when confronted with a request on a subject with which the librarian is completely unfamiliar. It will explore techniques that librarians can use to keep up-to-date with current events, styles, music, and trends. It will also deal with staying informed about relevant terminology, print resources, and electronic sources of information.  相似文献   

Many researchers have assumed that social media will reduce inequalities between elite politicians and those outside the political mainstream and that it will thus benefit democracy, as it circumvents the traditional media that focus too much on a few elite politicians. I test this assumption by investigating the association between U.S. Representatives using Twitter and their fundraising. Evidence suggests that (1) politicians' adoptions of social media have yielded increased donations from outside their constituencies but little from within their own constituencies; (2) politicians with extreme ideologies tend to benefit more from their social media adoptions; and (3) the political use of social media may yield a more unequal distribution of financial resources among candidates. Finally, I discuss the implications of these findings for political equality, polarization, and democracy.  相似文献   

The author explores how the structure of the national television programming market has changed during the past decade and finds that the market has become highly concentrated and is increasingly being dominated by foreign owners. The author argues that the trends provide support for relaxation of prohibitions on television networks’ participation in syndication  相似文献   

This article uses the problems associated with citizenship verification in U.S. government health insurance programs to argue that paper needs to be analyzed as a media technology. To examine paper as a media technology is to ask, “How does paper work?” and “What are the rules and habits that enable paper to be used in paperwork?” To consider paper as a media technology, this article makes 2 arguments. First, it argues that there is a set of skills and knowledge associated with paper documents that need to be recognized as a distinct form of literacy. Second, this article argues that the relation between paper and identity is an argument about the materiality of information. In focusing on how paper facilitates the materialization of information, this case study illustrates how distinct practices of use create specific relationships between technology and information that give information a distinct functional presence.  相似文献   

Home health aides are often low-paid, low-status workers, performing their job in an isolated and interpersonally complex environment. This study, made up of semistructured interviews with 36 home health aides, explores compliance-gaining challenges faced by “low status, remote workers.” It was found that altercasting, a compliance-gaining technique using social roles to govern behavior, is well suited for the home care context. Aides were found to activate four altercast roles, including parent, trainer, employee, and friend. It is suggested that by using positive altercasting as a compliance-gaining technique, aides are able to both persuade their client to complete necessary tasks of daily living at the same time they construct and maintain the moral identity of a good caregiver.  相似文献   

Drawing from a talk she gave to an international conference in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2016, the author explores major changes in services for teens both now and those expected in the future. The two most important shifts are the increasing focus on what the library does over what the library has and the growing emphasis on information and information services in digital forms and formats. There are other future trends, but these are paramount. Libraries that keep up or move quickly to advance their work to fit such trends will do well; those that don’t, won’t.  相似文献   

In response to rising consumption effects on the environment, green advertisers have employed different tactics to advertise their unique products. Limited research has explored the impact of culturally congruent appeals in green advertising. A total of 118 (N) adults participated online to assess the influence of these appeals in a cross-cultural context. Findings indicate that collectivistic appeals worked best among Indian consumers while individualistic appeals were more effective for Americans. Ad novelty and environmental concern were important covariates. Implications for advertisers are discussed.  相似文献   

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