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网络化时代图书馆性质的再变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着社会网络化的普及与深化,传统图书馆将逐步向数字化图书馆转变。新型图书馆既是知识集结工作系统,又是知识组织工作系统,也是知识创新工作系统,还是知识服务工作系统……图书馆的性质将会再次发生变迁,形成以知识集结性,知识组织性,知识创新性和知识服务性等为主体的新的属性组合。  相似文献   

大学生网络阅读与图书馆网阅群体流失问题剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从大学生网络阅读途径的调查入手,分析了大学生网络阅读的特点,归纳了高校图书馆网络阅读群体流失的原因,在此基础上提出图书馆应该采取的对策.  相似文献   

移动互联时代全面来临,技术潮流的创新导致大众获取信息的方式以及传播信息的角色发生改变。网上档案展览因此面临了新的挑战和机遇,顺应时代需求才能更加有效地发挥档案展览的文化价值。探究网上档案展览适应移动互联网络的途径,首先应该考虑到用户体验、交互和共享、及时获取咨讯等方面的需求。国内外网上展览已经涌现出不少应对移动互联的优秀案例,基于社交平台的推送和分享、响应式网页布局、3D虚拟现实技术、及时快捷的展览简介发布以及移动应用APP是这些案例中用到的策略,将有助于网上档案展览紧跟潮流实现发展创新。  相似文献   

This study examines how news stories framed in terms of discrete emotions (anger, fear, hope) influence online news message processing and information seeking. Results revealed that participants who read the approach emotion stories (anger and especially hope) spent more time on the story page than those who read the avoidant emotion (fear) story. These two emotional frames also differentially affected the information that people selected post-exposure in emotion-consistent ways. Overall, the findings deepen our understanding of the role that the emotional framing of news stories plays in determining how consumers respond to and selectively engage with online news content.  相似文献   

为实现网络游戏产业的高质量发展,助力数字经济建设,文章通过对我国网络游戏出版管理现状的分析,指出我国的网络游戏出版管理尚存在管理体系不清晰、法律规制滞后、审批程序繁琐、属地化进展缓慢等现实问题。提出完善网络游戏出版管理的对策建议:设立网络游戏出版管理双层审核制度;完善法律规定,建立分级制度;探索出海发行,传播中华文化;拓宽发展形式,探索影游结合。  相似文献   

丁夕 《兰台世界》2016,(16):18-20
文章以北京外国语大学网络教育学院文件归档为例,阐述了对互联网时代新型教育模式下产生文件归档的现状,明确了在线教育文件归档的重要意义,并针对其特殊性提出了工作思路和策略,为高校在线教育文件归档提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

从多种角度看,证券业就是一种信息处理的行业。未来10年美国证券监管的质量越来越倚重于证监会对技术变化的理解力。竞争性企业与监管机构相关政策的制定,必须建立在准确把握技术发展的未来走向的基础之上。  相似文献   

The contradiction between the stated preferences of social media users toward privacy and actual privacy behaviors has suggested a willingness to trade privacy regulation for social goals. This study employs data from a survey of 361 social media users, which collected data on privacy attitudes, online privacy strategies and behaviors, and the uses and gratifications that social media experiences bring. Using canonical correlation, it examines in detail how underlying dimensions of privacy concern relate to specific contexts of social media use, and how these contexts relate to various domains of privacy-protecting behaviors. In addition, this research identifies how specific areas of privacy concern relate to levels of privacy regulation, offering new insight into the privacy paradox. In doing so, this study lends greater nuance to how the dynamic of privacy and sociality is understood and enacted by users, and how privacy management and the motivations underlying media use intersect.  相似文献   

大数据时代下的信息具有体量大、复杂性高、更新速度快的特点,从具有如此复杂特性的信息中挖掘出用户所需的情报,难度较以往有了很大的提升.要在发展中抢占先机,在大数据时代获取竞争优势,就必须对原有的情报分析思路进行必要的升级改造,以满足信息的情报属性.文章在介绍了大数据以及大数据环境下情报内涵转变的原因之后,提出了一种在大数据背景下的情报分析与挖掘的建模机理,首先应用MapReduce建立情报任务分解概念模型,然后针对分解后的某一单任务数据表进行预处理和数据挖掘工作,利用数学模型、人工智能等方法构造大数据时代下情报分析与数据挖掘的新思路.最后利用仿真实验来验证这一新思路的可行性和合理性.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Three emotion work themes were displayed in the discourse of individuals who lost their jobs and of their family members. Foregrounding-backgrounding of emotions indicated not only how some individuals and family members exerted effort to express positive emotions, but also why they would do so (for deep authenticity). In the construction of normalcy, respondents made an effort to portray and enact their lives as similar to the way things were before the job loss. By (re)instituting traditional masculinities, the men who lost their jobs were able to be "real" men in an emasculating situation. Taken together, these findings offer possibilities for further theoretical development and for communication interventions that can be applied by human resource professionals, career and outplacement counselors, family members, friends, and the individuals themselves.  相似文献   

数字时代中美图书馆学情报学教育的科学定位应当是"坚守与拓展"。坚守,就是对已有优势的图书馆学的教育不能削弱,而应加强。拓展,就是要将教育内容从传统优势扩大到相关领域,特别是一些新兴的、跨学科、交叉学科领域。参考文献10。  相似文献   

We explore how marketing imperatives shape the employment of information technologies for the surveillance of individuals online. Informed by political economy theory, we analyze the discourse surrounding marketing models of the World Wide Web, specifically Internet ad servers and infomediaries, in an effort to understand the social implications of online corporate surveillance. Drawing upon the work of Foucault, we consider the usefulness of the metaphorical Panopticon in conceptually apprehending online surveillance and power relations in cyberspace. We argue that the participation of individuals in the online gathering of data about themselves as economic subjects results from the commodification of privacy.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展、社会环境的巨大变化、用户需求的逐渐复杂化,档案文献编纂功能的内涵与侧重点都发生了变化,主要表现在资源整合、文化传承功能、信息服务和社会记忆功能等方面,本文旨在探讨从传统时代到数字时代档案文献编纂功能的变化,并从社会环境、信息技术、用户需求的层面论述其变化的原因。  相似文献   


This article proposes that the metaphors with which people imagine the Internet are more central to its political constitution than might at first be supposed. Instead of focusing on discourses of whether the Internet is a progressive force, a capitalist or anticapitalist space, digital commons or artifact of controlled interests, this article shows that metaphors of social relations themselves frame the politicization of the Internet. The way social actors are conceptualized in turn informs the senses in which a technology could be considered an object of political constitution, and the senses in which policy is a relevant mode of social engagement. An ethnographic account of uses of the Internet in St. Petersburg, Russia is presented with a view to framing Western metaphors of sociality.  相似文献   

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