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In this article, Andrew Wilkins, the former publisher of bookseller+publisher magazine, provides an annual overview of the Australian book marketplace, offering statistics on the market and analysis of the key publishers, retailers and consumer habits. The second half of the article concentrates on international rights sales, an important aspect of the Australian publishing industry. This article was originally published in 2007 as part of the annual Think Australian magazine, which aims to support Australian publishers and literary agents at the Frankfurt Book Fair (see ).  相似文献   

Growing cooperation between Chinese journals and international publishers invites an investigation of the effect of this cooperation, based on an analysis of journal IF changes. Data from 23 Chinese academic journals were chosen from about 50 English-language academic journals indexed by SCI or SCIE and with a long history of cooperation. The data do not suggest that cooperation has improved the journals’ IF thus far. It appears that cooperation is generally limited to international distribution, and this has a weak influence on the quality of the journal and its IF, even though the papers can be accessed by worldwide users through publishers’ international distribution networks. Cooperation with international publishers is one step, but actively working on the quality of the journals is a more important step.  相似文献   

This study investigates the current status and attitudes towards academic e-book publishing by mainland Chinese academic publishers through an online survey. This study collected survey data from 49 authoritative academic publishers in China, focusing on their e-book sales profiles and their perceptions of how e-book sales affect publishers and libraries. The data reveals that China's academic e-book industry is still at an early development stage and has a relatively small market. The findings show significant differences in the willingness and attitudes towards e-book publishing between SSH publishers and STEM publishers, and also demonstrate that the enhancement of the demand for e-books by academic libraries promotes the process of the digital transformation of academic publishers. This study then argues that Chinese academic publishers need to further improve the quality of academic e-books, accelerate the transition from academic content providers to academic content service providers, and strengthen their cooperation with stakeholders.  相似文献   

  • WeChat is one of the most popular social media applications in China and is widely used by publishers to promote their journals and activities.
  • The Chinese Laser Press (CLP) has four WeChat accounts; approximately 1 million reads were recorded in 2018.
  • The most influential WeChat account of the CLP had almost 43,000 subscribers at the end of 2019.
  • WeChat is a successful tool for connecting journals with readers and can increase the visibility of the journals both within China and elsewhere.
  • Connecting with researchers via WeChat is helping CLP maintain relations with researchers throughout their career.

This article considers China's English language journals (CELJs) and looks at two aspects of partnership with international publishers: the financial cost and their ability to deliver the quick success objectives of the journals. Success is defined as being indexed in international databases such as SCI (Science Citation Index) and Ei (Engineering Index) Compendex databases. Our research shows that 226 CELJs (57.8%) have an international publishing partnership with publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley. A survey of 12 CELJs in Hubei Province, China, shows that 75% journals have financial pressures on the journal operation. The Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ( JRMGE ) is provided as an illustration of the operation costs of CELJs and to demonstrate the associated financial pressures. We conclude that although international partnership is an on‐going fashion at present in China, it has both benefits and limitations. We also propose that to reduce the financial pressure on CELJs, government funding should be differently apportioned, providing a better return on investment (ROI).  相似文献   

刘晶 《编辑学报》2019,31(6):600-605
我是《中国国家地理》杂志内容总监,迄今已在该杂志做采编工作20年,亲身经历了她从《地理知识》杂志改版更名为《中国国家地理》、发行量从1.5万册/期增长到100万册/期、杂志社从十几个人发展到拥有几百人的传媒集团的全过程。本文通过总结在《中国国家地理》20年的采编实践,探讨了自1999年以来中国科普期刊内容特性的几个发展阶段,探究了该杂志在近20年间是如何将其内容制作的性质从简单科普向科学传播转变的,介绍了其在内容制作方面是怎样完成了对美国的《国家地理》杂志从学习和模仿到质变和超越的实践经验,总结出有中国特色的“地理味儿”是如何制造出来的一些经验。我最想表明的意思是,《中国国家地理》的实践给我们以信心:中国的科普期刊,只要坚持科学传播理念、遵循媒体传播规律,完全可以走出一条有中国特色的科普道路,并成为向全世界展现中国的一张名片。  相似文献   

图书馆法的调整范围和立法架构   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
图书馆法调整的范围包括政府、公众、出版者、作者、捐赠人、资助人、信息服务商与图书馆之间的权利与义务关系,参考国外图书馆立法的经验,我国在构建图书馆法立法体系时可以考虑制定“国家图书馆法”、“公共图书馆法”和出版物缴存法。  相似文献   

In recent years, many general-interest magazine publishers have had problems maintaining stability. What can these publications learn from smaller, niche titles that have  remained successful through the same industry changes? This paper will examine three major strengths for niche magazines that general-interest magazine publishers lack: their reader devotion, their careful approaches to digitalization, and their use of paid digital content. These strengths are analyzed in three case studies from different sub-genres of niche publishing: a city magazine, a luxury product magazine, and a hobby magazine. This paper offers practical suggestions general-interest magazines can implement. Looking at the successful practices suggests the potential to address industry-wide problems and to potentially yield more stable magazine publishing environments.  相似文献   

数字出版产业的崛起在一定程度上撼动了科研图书馆的传统竞争优势。为促进科研图书馆与数字出版商协同发展,中国科学院国家科学图书馆打造了"全产业链"式融合共生策略:在产业链上游,开展面向数字资源长期保存协议与专题特色数字资源库的内容合作;在产业链中游,开展面向参与OA出版与数字出版生产性服务外包的技术合作;在产业链下游,开展面向提供数字出版增值服务的市场合作。以其为范本,我国科研图书馆可通过数字资源共建共享,加快建设统一的数字资源开发与利用规范,建立旨在保障数字版权利益相关者权益的数字资源市场化交易模式,实现科研图书馆与数字出版商的包容联动式发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析国内与国际跨学科研究人员文献需求的特点并比较异同,为跨学科研究的文献保障工作提供依据,以促进跨学科研究的国际合作。[方法/过程]使用引文分析法,以1998-2016年发表在CSSCI和Web of Science上南海争端相关文章的期刊与图书类引文为样本,从年代分布、被引频次、学科分布与出版机构等方面,分析国内与国际南海争端研究引文的特点与差异。[结果/结论]国内研究对较新中文期刊和经典外文图书依赖度高,中文图书缺乏国际认同。南海争端研究整体偏向人文社会科学领域,但国际研究较国内研究在引文学科的分布上更加广泛与均衡。权威、主流出版社是国内与国际研究共同的选择,少数研究机构出版社开始进入了跨学科研究者的视野。  相似文献   

The publishers and editors of the early Finnish women's magazines were familiar with Central European, English and Swedish women's magazines. A women's magazine started the history of Finnish magazine publishing in 1782. However, it survived less than 6 months and the next 2 women's magazines appeared only 70 years later. The article asks how the publishers of the first four magazines chose, adopted and localized this particular international magazine genre. Successful localization needs the approval of the content by the readers. Only the fourth women's magazine Koti ja Yhteiskunta (Home and Society) published in 1889–1911 managed to create a permanent readership. The central theoretical concept used to analyze the localization is the gender contract, which defines the rights and duties of women in society and is renegotiated as women's situation is changing.  相似文献   

夏丹 《图书情报工作》2016,60(22):41-47
[目的/意义]研究以馆社合作的方式进行学术图书出版推广服务,以期提升学术图书的出版质量,促进学术交流与科学传播,推动图书馆与出版社的创新发展。[方法/过程]运用文献调研法、网络调研法,系统分析当前学术图书出版推广所面临的危机与机遇,总结学术图书出版推广国内外图书馆与出版社的合作现状及现有合作中存在的问题,提出馆社合作新模式,并探讨二者在新的合作模式中需解决的问题。[结果/结论]从搭建学术图书出版推广一体化平台、开展学术图书出版素养教育、加强数据合作、制定有效的合作政策、建立长期稳定的资金保障体系、建立良好的沟通协调机制6个方面构建馆社合作模式,使合作更深入、更专业、更高效,能积极促进学术研究成果的产生、传播与共享,推进学科发展与学术繁荣。  相似文献   

调研了国外主要数据库商的移动APP应用现状,将其服务按内容分为科研、学习、工作型应用,和生活、事务型应用。从用户对其移动应用的评价中可看出,目前数据库商的多数应用得到了用户的认可,但在内容的深度以及应用的可用性上还有待提高。通过与图书馆移动服务的对比,认为图书馆应加强移动APP的开发,广泛借助数据库出版商的移动服务平台开展移动图书馆服务,深化信息的组织,并根据目标用户的不同提供多样化、差异化的服务。  相似文献   

Magill magazine was an influential current affairs magazine which was first published in Dublin in October 1977. The magazine was owned by journalist Vincent Browne, who was also its first editor. Having worked in Belfast in the early 1970s Browne saw the conflict in Northern Ireland as one of the main concerns of the news agenda. This article examines Magill's coverage of Northern Ireland which was largely driven by an interest in exploring thinking within the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The magazine's coverage was comprehensive but narrow. Exclusive interviews with republican paramilitaries, who were banned from the broadcast airwaves, were a regular feature as was an interest in hard-line unionist leader, Rev. Ian Paisley. The magazine's journalism in this period has proven to be a valuable historical record of the emergence of the Irish peace process.  相似文献   

李心乔 《出版科学》2011,19(6):82-86
网络时代来临,对平面媒体造成的冲击与日俱增,消费者的阅读体验也开始改变,加上不同的载体和素材的混搭,数字出版的形式愈来愈多元,连杂志出版也不得不转换全新经营思维来面对数字时代的媒体发展趋势。本研究从两岸电子杂志市场现况,分析经营模式之异同并进行对比,总结两岸电子杂志产业发展的问题。期许两岸的杂志出版业者打破传统思维,开始思考新的杂志出版形式,是否能有新的经营模式来突破现有产业困境。  相似文献   

周玲玲 《编辑学报》2014,26(3):253-257
在广泛梳理科技期刊数字出版国际合作3个不同阶段(合作前期、合作期间及合作期届满后)可能涉及的权利人、权利转让与许可授权事宜的基础上,结合中国科学院科技期刊国际合作实践以及国际出版商版权战略调研,从版权法理角度入手对科技期刊数字出版国际合作中涉及的重点版权谈判问题进行剖析,探讨并归纳出科技期刊出版单位开展数字出版国际合作时应当注意的版权谈判最佳实践策略。  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in the internationality of national publishers' journals for the period 1990–2013. The patterns of foreign and interregional authorship in papers and references of 4,199 journals from 3,529 publishers were analyzed. The results revealed that foreign authorship increased from 36% to 62% during the period, but interregional authorship only grew from 77% to 82%. The growth in internationality is not the same across disciplines and regions of the world. Agricultural sciences, psychiatry/psychology, and economics and business have the least number of foreign authors, while journals in space science, mathematics, and physics have the most. According to the number of both foreign‐authored papers and foreign‐authored citations, clinical medicine is one of the least international fields. Latin America and Middle East publishers have a greater tendency to publish papers from authors in their countries. In contrast, national publishers in North America have become considerably more international over time. Russia, China, and Brazil publish the least number of foreign authored‐papers in their journals, while Switzerland's journals publish the most.  相似文献   


In June 2017, the Business Reference & Services Section of the Reference & User Services Association organized and hosted an event known as the Publishers' Forum during the annual American Library Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois. The Publishers' Forum is a professional development event that brings together business librarians and publishers of business information to engage in a discussion about business information products. The theme of the 2017 Publishers' Forum was private equity and venture capital data and information, and three different publishers were invited to speak and showcase their information products. This article will provide an overview of the Publishers' Forum, discuss the selection of private equity and venture capital as the theme, and highlight the importance of private equity and venture capital to business librarianship. Finally, this article will include a discussion of each of the publishers who presented at the Publishers' Forum and the information products they showcased.  相似文献   

Recently, foreign and U.S. corporations have purchased a significant number of U.S. publishers. If this consolidation continues, a small number of firms could dominate the publishing and information-processing industry in this nation and the world. Albert Greco outlines the pattern of mergers and acquisitions of U.S. publishing firms between 1984 and 1988; describes some theories explaining the increase in mergers and acquisitions; and examines some key public policy issues.  相似文献   

为进一步促进中外文明互鉴和文化互识,文章聚焦中国和阿尔巴尼亚两国的出版交流合作,以“中国-阿尔巴尼亚经典图书互译出版项目”为案例进行分析,总结中阿出版交流的实施策略,提炼其组织型协调专家机制、多家出版社合作竞争机制、双翻译双审稿机制等项目创新机制,以期为中外文化领域广泛合作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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