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高等教育研究与大学的创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对中外高等教育研究发展历史的简要回顾,指出高等教育研究的发展和大学的创新是一个密不可分的互动过程,必须有高水平的高等教育科学研究才能促进大学的创新,并对我国当前高等教育研究的发展提出了若干参考意见。  相似文献   

要推动我国高等教育创新,就必须高度重视并积极推进高等教育科学研究的创新。当前,既要克服高等教育研究脱离高等教育实践的倾向,也要克服高等教育实际工作者远离高等教育科学研究的局面。而加强院校研究是促进高等教育研究与实际有机结合的可行方法。  相似文献   

后合并时代高校的选择:战略联盟   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
高校合并后并不意味着高校间合作的结束,后合并时代的高校战略联盟具有自己的特征和比较优势,其模式可分为资源共享、学分互换、共同开发项目、合作办学和联邦等五种。高校要根据自身实际采用适当模式和对策。  相似文献   

从“大学是什么”、“大学之道是什么”入手,揭示大学制度建立发展中的基本问题,阐明制度创新是大学数百年发展进程中的不变动力。立足现实、面对挑战、着眼未来,提出了中国高等教育制度在新世纪创新发展的四项原则,并诠释中国大学应具有的理念,强调要坚定追求真理的职业信念、高扬理性。  相似文献   

心理健康教育与完善高校德育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“全面推进素质教育的决定”明确指出 :“各级各类学校必须更加重视德育工作……针对新形势下青少年成长的特点 ,加强学生的心理健康教育”。通过几年的努力 ,心理健康教育不仅成为高校德育的一个内容 ,也开辟了增强德育科学性和实效性的重要途径。一、心理健康水平与德育效果的关系高校德育是教育者根据一定社会或阶级的要求对受教育者施加政治思想、道德影响 ,使个体具有一定的政治观点和立场以及一定的人生观、价值观和社会要求的道德规范等等 ,较多强调个体的社会属性。而心理健康教育则是运用心理学理论和方法 ,通过解除个体的心理困扰…  相似文献   

对现代高校体育教育指导思想进行了归纳总结,并从教师队伍的建设、体育课程建设、教学方法、教学管理等方面提出了对高校体育改革的几点建议.  相似文献   

The politics of mergers in higher education in South Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How do political forces come together to influence merger forms and outcomes? This question is posed in a context of an analysis of the forms and outcomes of three “case studies” of mergers that took place in South Africa in the past decade. The theoretical stance, borne out by the data under review, places political actors at the centre of the explanation for change and continuity in the merger of institutions. While there are clearly broad lessons that could apply in other national contexts, the paper recognises that the fact that most published studies on mergers originate in established economies like those of Norway, Australia, England, the USA. The paper poses the question, therefore: do mergers follow different processes and deliver different outcomes in the social, economic and political contexts of third world institutions?  相似文献   

This article presents a model for analysing dynamics in higher education politics (DHEP). Theoretically the model draws on the conceptual history of political contingency, agenda-setting theories and previous research on higher education dynamics. According to the model, socio-historical complexity can best be analysed along two dimensions: the political situation and political possibilities. Politics as a situation connotes the idea of an opportune moment when politics can be changed, and political possibilities concern the different alternatives the actors see in different situations. Depending on whether the situation is favourable or unfavourable to change, and on whether the possibilities are politicised or settled, the DHEP model introduces four types of dynamic: reform, gridlock, consensual change and friction. On the empirical level the model has been tested and developed in the context of Finnish higher education by means of interviews and documentary material. It was found, in the Finnish context, that four policy threads functioned according to each of the dynamics. It appears from the empirical findings that dynamics in higher education politics are strongly related to changes that are external to the higher-education system, the changing positions of the actors in different policy threads and the unexpected nature of the dynamics. The DHEP can also be used to shed light on the effects of the silent, settled possibilities that may enable or disable other policy threads within a higher education system.  相似文献   

对高校体育专业选修课程模式进行研究,运用ASP语言实现动态网页效果,研制体育专业网上选课管理系统.系统开发采用了结构化设计思想,通过对Access数据库的处理,能够达到和满足使用者的要求.  相似文献   

New politics of higher education: Hidden and complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Public universities in the United States are in a changed political environment, resulting from past enrollment growth and increased budget needs, centralization, the routinization of state-university relations, government budget uncertainty, and the emergence of strong competing claims on state or federal monies. The author argues that centralized government intervention is carried through technocratic approaches that mask the political forces at work. The article discusses characteristics of government intervention such as: buffer groups, formulas and data monopoly. It suggests these technocratic approaches hide the political weakness of the public universities. These, in turn, have been weakened. In conclusion, three new trends are suggested: (1) public universities will seek to do with less government support - that is, the privatization of some American public university services; (2) they will seek to increase government's or society's dependency on what it is the public universities do - that is, making universities more immediately useful to government and society; and (3) they will increasingly organize political coalitions both inside and outside the universities. This last strategy implies greater collaboration between faculty, students and university administrators and between higher education, the public schools and other potential allies.  相似文献   

Administration for innovation in higher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper commences from the premise that the major paradigms of administration are not appropriate to higher education. Structural approaches place too great an emphasis on the organization and its mission, subjectivist approaches fail to acknowledge the constraints and enablements of structure and the role of continuity and radical change approaches fail to provide a positive basis for administration. The paper outlines an approach to educational administration which addresses these difficulties. It is based on structuration theory together with cooperative learning theory and group work. The paper reports an investigation of an attempt to apply this approach to the administration of a program of teaching awards in an Australian university. It reports some success and some limitations.Peter Ling is engaged in education quality assurance and educational development at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He is the President of the Victorian Branch of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia. Dr. Ling's current research is in faculty responses to educational development activities. He holds M.Ed, and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Melbourne. Lorraine Ling is Chair of the Teaching Center at LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia. The focus of her research and publication is analysis of administrative systems in education. She has wide experience in schools and in teacher education. She has engaged in educational consultancy, including faculty development, in Australia, Europe, and Asia. She holds an M.Ed, from Deakin University.  相似文献   

高等教育管理的创新及产业化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泰罗、法约尔、韦伯等创立的西方古典组织理论模式保证了西方现代社会及其教育有序向前发展。我国的教育管理也将面临着一场深刻的革命,即由传统的、经验的、低效的管理模式向科学的、高效的管理模式转变。而教育产业化为这种模式的转变提供了一个支持系统。  相似文献   

高等学校学术权力的反思与建构   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
学术权力是大学对学术活动的管理与统治权力 ,主要有欧洲模式、英国模式、美国模式和日本模式。高等教育管理权力区别于其他社会权力的特性在于它的学术性。我国高等学校内部对学术权力的认识存在着局限性 ,需加以关注 ;现实的学术管理也存在着一些问题 ,需要不断完善  相似文献   

高校体育电子信息化管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高校体育信息化研究的现状,提出了高校体育信息化建设的管理模式,为高校早日实现体育网络化信息管理提供参考.  相似文献   

创新是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力 ,培养创新人才 ,也是中学政治教师的使命。为此 ,中学政治教师在教学中应做到三点 :切实转变教育观念 ,树立创新教育思想 ;积极汲取新知识 ,大胆运用现代化教学手段 ;组织丰富多彩的活动 ,营造创造思维的空间  相似文献   

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