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李小光  李扬眉 《海外英语》2013,(21):165-167
文章从影片Lost in Translation的片名翻译入手,探究了"lost in translation"的出处,通过分析英语电影片名的特点及主要功能,总结翻译电影片名的终极目的,试图回答这个问题:影片Lost in Translation缘何译成《迷失东京》?对该问题的回答也为解决英语电影片名的翻译提供理论指导。  相似文献   

The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King《魔戒:国王归来》B—e,s。t。P…i ctu re№Lost。窦::艺淼鬈琵釜㈣ 。最佳影片冀蔑蒙婚静锄iⅧ0霉弱2004奥斯卡提名奖  相似文献   

I.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.I think it’S too——(danger)to skate on the ice.2.Mother will not be——(please)if I don’t study hard.3.The——(Canada)is their English teacher.4.The twins are very——(friend)to us.5. (real),I don’t like American food.6.Going to bed too late iS bad for your——(healthy).7.The bird eats——(1ittle)food than before.8.She likes to do some——(cook)for her family on Sunday.9.My mother is much——(busy)than me.10.How——(care)he isI He makes another mista…  相似文献   

丹·布朗,这位因为《达芬奇密码》而迅速蹿红于全世界并在全球培养了众多密码破译爱好者的美国作家,于美国当地时间2009年9月15日,以他天才的逻辑推理、丰富的历史与科学知识、复杂的宗教牵连和种种神秘的暗示诱使着唯利是图的图书商们和他进行了一次令人激动的、未知的冒险游戏,推出了他最新惊悚、悬疑、推理小说The Lost Syombol(英文版)。中文版的The Lost Symbol预计在2010年元月上市!  相似文献   

维果 《今日中学生》2007,(26):25-27
January 1.New Year’s Day(新年January 1 st)2.The New Year’s Day in Korea(每年的1月末或2月初)3.Spring Festival(春节The New Moon on the first day of the new year—  相似文献   

练习一词组练习把括号内的汉语译成英语填空,再把句子译成汉语: 1. It has been decided that the plan——(不起飞)tomorrow due to weather condi-tions. 2. Salt——(与糖相似)in colour. 3. The plane——(有…的危险)losing its altitude When it met with a cold air current.  相似文献   

I.单项选择。(10 分) 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. —What does Mike do? —He is _________ actor. A.a B. an C. the ( )2. —Where does your pen pal________? —The United Kingdom. A. get up B. be from C. come from ( )3. —Why d  相似文献   

1. Some shops open 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during the Spring Festival holidays. (山东省) A. at B. between C. from D. about 2. —Which picture is more beautiful? —The one the left, I think. (浙江省丽水市) A. in B. on C. at D. to 3. — are you going? —I’m  相似文献   

F. Scott Fitzgerald, the famous American novelist in the 1920s, is famous as the spokesman and laureate of the“The Lost Generation”. Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest a...  相似文献   

A卷 .英汉互译(1O分) 1一件白T--恤 4.二十七美元 7.Englishparty—— Io.3t即athome_ 2.乔的黑色短裤 5.三枝短铅笔 8.music festiv滋 一3.这把吉他的价格 !!.根据句意及首字母填空(to分) 1、Cometo shoPo andseefory__· 2.The blueshorts ons_are ve珍eheap. 3,When 15”urb  相似文献   

丁小兰 《中学生英语》2002,(21):28-31,32
Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.The t—— month of the year is December.2.The w—— in China is quite different fromthat in Australia.3.It rained the whole day yesterday.The radiosays it’s w—— today than yesterday.4.What kind of p——aye you going to givehim for his birthday?  相似文献   

l完形填空A(10分) Men first measuredthe ground.The Iength (3) what time ofEg)rptianS used a pilIar,of the dav (5)(1)(2)lt waSusing a stick in shadow would(4) ,the(5)(6)as a gnOmOn,aJld thell (7)deve【0ped a simpk sundial, (6) 00nsisted of a stonewith a pOinter on it.The stone waS placed in£u1 east—weSt (8)directIOn,a11d the shadow of the pointer showed the tinle. About 300 BC,a Babylonianvented a semi—circular sundial。(7)(8)BerOsus in一 (9)he markedtwelVe hours.The Babylonians,like…  相似文献   

王利娟 《教师》2014,(23):120-121
F. Scott Fitzgerald,the famous American novelist in the 1 920 s,is known as the spokesman and laureate of the"The Lost Generation". Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest achievement of his literary career, The Great Gatsbyis widely recognized as a classic of American literature. The paper is an investigation of the patriarchal ideology and misogyny,with a discussion of their influence on the portrayal of women characters in The Great Gatsby.  相似文献   

!I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.—How m_________is your T-shirt?—It’s588yuan.2.This sweater is too small.Do you have a b__________one?3.There are t__________months in a year.4.The red sweater is$30.The brown shorts are a__________$30.Their prices are the same.5.—W__________is Tom’s birthday?—It’s July23rd.6.The eighth month is A__________.7.March is the t__________month of a year.8.—What k__________of…  相似文献   

周莹 《海外英语》2013,(22):252-253
Hemingway and Fitzgerald both belong to the Lost Generation.They were both favorite son and the creature of that prosperous era.Foreign scholars believed that there existed similarities and difference between the two writers.This paper aims to analyze A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby from these two aspects.  相似文献   

请用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.The sun gives us______(hot)and light.2.What is the______(high)of that mountain?3.Do you practice______(speak)Englishevery day?4.The bus is too______(crowd)at this timeof day.5.I______(real)don’t know what to do next.6.We were______(surprise)at the news.7.Remember______(close)the windowwhen you leave.8.—How is the weather today?—It’s______(sun).9.______(leaf)turn yellow in autumn.10.This is the______(begin)of the gardentour.11.My pen pal can speak Engli…  相似文献   

10Unit7Where would you like to visit?A卷(选择题)Ⅰ.单项填空(10分)1.The old man decided up his company in Dalian.A.open B.to open C.opened D.opening2.—Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday,Dick?—John.A.cleaned B.does C.did D.is3.They!re making too much no  相似文献   

20世纪美国女作家薇拉·凯瑟创作许多脍炙人口的作品,塑造了许多中西部开拓者的形象,《一个迷途的女人》就是这类作品的代表。以《A Lost Lady》中的"lost"作为切入点,解读福瑞斯特太太由财物的失却导致身份的丧失,进而迷失自我的过程。  相似文献   

吉启涛 《中学生英语》2006,(1):28-29,39,47
Ⅰ. 根据首字母及句子的意思填写单词。(10 分)1. I like to watch football (比赛).2. — (多大) are you9—Twelve.3. The black jacket is very (短的).4. In the (傍晚), we have dinner athome.5. What’s your email (地址)?6. The blue socks are seven (美元).7. My backpack is (绿色的).8. My birthday is in (十二月).9. I think Beijing Opera is very(有趣的).10. We go to the shops on (周末).Ⅱ. 单项选择。 (10 分)1. What club do you want 9A. join B. to joinC. joining D. joins2. They’re going to play foo…  相似文献   

1 .The musie 15 too Ioud,would you mind—? (2 007四月}内江) A .turn it down B.turning it down C .turning down it 2 .Some of my elassmates_cartoons_ (2007江苏连云港) A .Prefer…to B.woufd rather…than C .like…better D.like…leSS 3.Do you like musie_makes  相似文献   

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