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李栋 《文教资料》2006,2(36):77-78
陈列展示是博物馆与参观者沟通的主要方式,也是整个博物馆设计方案的重点所在。本文通过对展示设计中的展示对象、展示主题、展示方式及展示空间这基本四要素的分析,从而提出博物馆设计中的展示设计基本要素及其发展趋向。  相似文献   

展示设计具有资讯传播的直接性和对于社会文化的敏感性的特点,而博物馆历来都是永恒、继承和发展的代名词,所以博物馆的展示设计属于人的创造性的活动,属于展览设计中的一部分,而具有展览设计的共性,但同时也有其自身的属性,能够更好地体现设计的民族性、区域性及文化性,在满足人类物质生活和精神生活的同时,提高了生活的质量和品质。博物馆的展示设计艺术一般会根据其所在地的特殊性而具有其自身的规律性、文化性、地域性、时代性及特殊性,一个大型的、综合性的博物馆往往在一定程度上反映了这个城市乃至整个国家的文明状态。所以,对于博物馆的展示设计通常会有政府部门的参加,而且审核较严格,以表示里面所展览物品的权威性。  相似文献   

在现代社会,计算机辅助设计技术的发展不仅为博物馆展示提供了快捷、有效的设计手段,也为博物馆展示设计的规范管理提供了有力支持。计算机辅助设计技术具有真实性、多维性、科学性、艺术性以及经济性等特性。设计师运用造型、灯光、色彩、文字、背景音乐、电子媒体、虚拟现实系统等技术工具,改进传统的展示设计方法。计算机辅助设计技术存在的局限性。可以通过设计师的创造性工作予以弥补。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国逐渐加大了对环境保护的重视,低碳理念也逐渐融入到各个领域中,现代博物馆展示设计中也逐渐的融入了低碳理念,文章深入的对博物馆展示设计中应用的低碳理念进行了分析。  相似文献   

在我国,地域性作为一个热门话题在建筑方面研究较多,而本文所研究的地域性虽然特指的是南京地区的博物馆展示设计,但文章的重点在于从宏观的角度提出地域性在展示设计中的必要性和重要性,并立足于展示设计本身的特征,挖掘出地域性在展示设计中营造的切入点以及构思实施的角度和途径,并从设计师的角度归纳出一些可行的方法和建议。  相似文献   

沈晓峰  汪清 《教育技术导刊》2014,13(11):150-151
博物馆藏品三维数字化是目前数字博物馆研究领域的一个热点问题。如何将三维数字化后的模型展示给观众,又是藏品三维展示领域的关键问题。以苏州博物馆藏品三维展示方式为例,阐述了藏品三维模型在藏品展示中的应用。  相似文献   

博物馆展示是指博物馆利用文物或藏品通过一定的形式和程序向公众开放,向大众传播科学、历史、文化知识,进而达到认知、审美和道德教育的目的.博物馆展示要遵循特定的工作程序,要科学管理,要有服务意识,只有这样,才能充分发挥博物馆的教育和服务职能.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、全球信息化的形势下,经济和社会的发展离不开沟通和交流,展示设计这门综合性、多元性的应用性学科发挥着举足轻重的作用。而展示色彩往往给人第一印象,表达着最直观的效果,展示色彩运用的得当与否将直接影响着信息的传递。  相似文献   

语言资源是重要的非物质文化遗产,建立中国语言博物馆是展示与保护语言资源的重要举措.在湖南建设中国语言博物馆的条件已经成熟.以湖南方言口头文化为个案讨论面向博物馆建设的语言资源展示方案,有助于推动中国语言博物馆的建成.  相似文献   

本文先论述在商业展示设计中倡导绿色设计的必然性。然后,分别从强调设计生命周期、强调选用绿色材料、强调可拆卸性设计、强调可回收性设计四个方面,总结商业展示设计中绿色设计的方法。  相似文献   

在衡量博物馆展览的方式中,博物馆观众评估是其中一项比较重要的方式。本文利用此法通过抽样问卷调查对深圳博物馆《古代深圳》展览进行观众评估研究,发现游览观众的基本结构,并针对问卷中的问题提出相应的改善建议。  相似文献   

中国飞速发展的经济为会展行业提供了广阔的前景,而在会展活动中,会展的艺术设计则起着至关重要的作用。如何运用艺术设计的各种元素来充分体现会展自身的魅力,以引导观众,吸引观众,从而达到较好的会展效果,是会展艺术设计研究的意义所在。  相似文献   

Schools may be places of learning, but a great deal of learning occurs outside of school. A growing body of literature investigates how school field trips allow rural students to make real-life connections with their school curriculum. This paper contributes to that area of research by describing how students from five middle schools in the United States responded to a travelling museum exhibition hosted at a non-museum site. The authors explore the impact of the exhibition on students from poor, rural backgrounds, discussing how it helped them to engage with themes such as freedom of expression, democracy, citizenship and Holocaust education. The results show that, by connecting curricular content with real-life situations, field trips such as this have the potential to change not only students’ understanding of the curriculum, but also their teachers’ estimation of their abilities.  相似文献   

天津的会展业是一项正在发展的行业。有许多不尽人意之处,还不能给城市的经济发展以及城市总体形象带来应有的贡献。 要发展天津的会展业。还应在基础工作和思想观念上多做工作,做大做强会展业不仅需要政府要投入,企业的投入,而且更多的是要分析这个行业的特点和主要工作要点。天津国际汽车展就是一个具体实践的成功范侧。 随着天津整体经济的发展必将能为会展业提供一个快速发展的物质环境,但还需要在软件和硬件设施上更多地投入,使市场规范,人才辈出。  相似文献   

In this paper I report on the sociological and educational particulars of The Biodiscovery Space exhibition of the Life Museum of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using Basil Bernstein’s framework of pedagogic discourse and recontextualization. Data for analysis was obtained from interviews with the exhibition developers, field observations of museum visitors and analysis of exhibition documents. Using the ideas of power, classification and framework, among others, I analyzed the recontextualization process of the production of expositive discourse. Thus, working with Bernstein’s idea of classification, I explain the relationship between the discourses of the science of biology, history of science, museology, education, and communication in order to produce an expositive discourse. I also make explicit how agents of the Official Recontextualization Field of the Museum and the Pedagogic Recontextualization Field “....of the Museum determine partly the final expositive discourse of an exhibition”. Using the idea of a pedagogic discourse framework, I discuss how the constraints imposed by objects and texts in exhibitions help to create a specific manner of visitor interaction with these elements, “even if they have some autonomy”. Considerations about the audience and the intended process of acquisition are presented, when I discuss the control strategies of the exhibition. I propose that the Biodiscovery Space exhibit has a visible pedagogy. Finally, using the collected data I discuss the power tensions created in the production of expositive discourse showing how distributive, recontextualization and evaluation rules work in the context of exhibitions. The study of the dynamics in forming the expositive discourse using Bernstein’s framework reveals the individuals and institutions, the selection criteria, the negotiations and the power relations involved. It has the potential to assist both educators and researchers in the museum education field, as well as designers to understand the teaching and learning processes that occur during a visit and to establish relevant criteria to evaluate quality to best produce exhibitions in science museums.  相似文献   

Sociocultural approaches emphasize the systemic, context-bound nature of learning, which is mediated by other people, physical and conceptual artifacts, and tools. However, current educational systems tend not to approach learning from the systemic perspective, and mostly situate learning within classroom environments. This design-based research aims to seek answers to these challenges by enhancing the use of museum objects and inquiry tools in learning through developing a new kind of virtual environment. By using learning objects that represent physical objects, the students can develop their own research questions, and choose related museum artifacts and inquiry tools with which to find answers to their questions during forthcoming museum visits. This study aims to examine what kinds of learning systems emerged when three different student groups collaboratively designed their visits to the Finnish Forest Museum based on their own interests and afforded resources in the learning environment. Data analysis indicates that a tool-driven system typically seems to represent the approach of primary school students, with an object-driven system for technical college students, and a strategic, research-question-driven system for teacher-education students. When considering the desired effects of technology and open environments on emerging learning systems and processes, the results of the study suggest that self-organization and free choice do not necessarily lead to research-question-driven learning processes, unless the variation in student approaches, design-process scaffolding, and paying attention to the social arrangements, and to the use of tools during the implementation of inquiry activities are all taken into account.  相似文献   

大多数人去博物馆参观,都有点像橱窗购物,通常是迈着悠闲的步子漫不经心地浏览13世纪女皇的肖像、旧时代的猎枪、皇家穿旧的衣服碎片。有些人只顾着照相,往往忽略了仔细观看藏品。还有些人忍不住公然违反“不要触摸”的禁令,偏要伸手去摸一摸。更有甚者还会睡着。  相似文献   

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