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Globalisation has changed the way most people live, work and study in the 21st century. Teachers and teacher educators, like other professionals, must embrace these changes to be effective in their jobs and one ongoing change is the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for lifelong learning. In this paper we describe how one group of academics in a university programme preparing new teachers has embraced change to introduce innovative programmes using ICTs and heutagogy rather than pedagogy. Heutagogy prepares students for the self‐determined lifelong learning which is essential for survival in a 21st century world.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,亚洲成人教育沿着包容性路径发展,其核心价值诉求是保障成人特别是受排斥和边缘化群体的受教育权利,实现成人教育的平等和公平。为此,联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育局在全民教育框架内与成员国共同制定成人教育包容性发展战略,构建相关法律制度和实施机制,成人教育领域反“社会排斥”力度增强,包容性不断提升。  相似文献   

During the 19th and 20th centuries modern Western education systems have become so globally embedded that alternative forms of educational provision-and goals-have become almost inconceivable. The article argues the likely need for a substantial reconceptualisation in the content, organisation and evaluation of contemporary education systems in response to the profound changes currently impacting on society. Comparative education, it is argued, has a unique capacity 'to make the familiar strange' but so far, despite the advent of exciting new methodologies and the rapidly increasing prominence of comparative studies as a tool for policy-making, comparative education has largely worked within the conventional 'delivery model' conception of education. By so doing, it has arguably helped to reinforce the status quo. Thus the second half of the article offers a prospective vision for the mode, purpose and context of comparative education studies which is in tune with the emerging new educational aspirations of the 21st century and the acknowledged shortcomings of conventional forms of educational provision. Such a 'neo-comparative education', it is argued, would focus on learning and its relationship with culture; would become perhaps better conceptualised as Wa 'comparative learnology' as the means of understanding how individuals can be encouraged to engage successfully with the many new forms of learning opportunity that are likely to characterise the third millennium.  相似文献   

面对21世纪挑战提高高校教育质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了世纪之交我国高等教育面临的挑战,认为转变传统的质量观,树立全面素质教育质量观,提高高校教育质量是我国高等教育改革发展的焦点,并提出了提高高校教育质量的若干措施  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革发展的进一步深化,特别是第三次全教会的召开,一场全面贯彻教育方针的伟大实践——全面实施素质教育即将蓬勃展开,这必将深刻地影响教育领域的改革发展和社会的全面进步。处在教育第一线工作的教师,在新形势下,如何根据实际,务实创新,努力开创教师继续教育工作的新局面,这是一个需要研究的课题。为此,展开现状调查、分析工作得失,探讨改进对策是十分必要的。(参见图1)  相似文献   

发展为主题改革与开放为动力--新世纪中国高等教育展望   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
引言:把握大发展中的机遇 新世纪的旭日在东方的地平线上正冉冉升起,中华民族在通往实现伟大复兴的征途上又进入了一个重要的历史关头。党的十五届五中全会所制订的《中共中央关于制订国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》,拉开了我国新世纪大发展的序幕。 我国政府明确提出,“十五”计划要以发展为主题,加快改革与开放的步伐。历史上,我们曾屡屡与一些重大的发展机遇失之交臂,其结果加大了我国与发达国家的差距。从国际视野中,从我国的国情和党中央、国务院对我国高等教育发展的指导方针出发,探讨我国新世纪初高等教育在深化…  相似文献   

This paper describes the way in which the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Sonora in Mexico is facing the challenge posed by sustainable development. In order to integrate the principles of Agenda 21, the Group of Sustainable Development has designed an educational model called ‘sustainable cell’. This educational model is based on a proactive conscience towards ecological and social problems, which could ensure in the future a responsible participation of these professionals at their workplaces, by the application of the universal values: to develop better processes and products that would cause a lower impact on nature, and transmit these ideas to their employees, co-workers and superiors. Even though the sustainable cell was designed to be applied in higher education, it is feasible for application at any level of education.  相似文献   

二十一世纪的远程教育:质量保证的蕴涵   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西方教育的传统方法,亦即“传递使命”模式,植根于公元7-8世纪的修道院学校以及其后的13-14世纪的早期欧洲大学(诺勒斯,1980)。同样地,”质量”教育的历史也有几百甚至几千年的历史。重要的一点在于指出,决定质量的背景是历史性地受到教育的目的和教育所服务的人的限制的。  相似文献   

21世纪教育技术对教育的影响及作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的信息全球化,使人类社会发生着深刻的变革,世界已进入知识经济时代。因特网大量的普及化的应用,促进了现代教育技术的发展,已成为设计最优化教育过程的主要方法和手段,对传统的教育提出了时代的挑战。21世纪教育技术的发展,对教育资源、教育模式、教育内容、教育结构调整有重要的影响及作用。  相似文献   

会计人员的知识结构和能力,是随着社会经济发展的需要而变化的,随着21世纪的来临,会计人员所需要的知识结构和能力将更加深化和综合化,会计教育正面临着新的挑战。通过比较研究和理论分析,会计教育的目标应定位于复合型专业人才的培养上,21世纪的会计人才需要具备五种知识、六种能力,同时应该按照4:3:3的比例配置专业知识,基础知识和一般性财经知识,并采取有效措施解决能力训练以及有关课程之间的重复问题。  相似文献   

本文提出了国际学院和全民教育模式的雏形,十项学院指导原则及其核心价值观。国际学院的学习贯穿课堂内外,为全球化教育概括出4个主要学习目标。全民教育模式整合了通识教育与全球化教育。十项原则为重建学习环境而制定,目的在于培养和提高学生学习能力,将课程设计与教学实践有效结合。21世纪,应把全球化教育当作一门课程来对待。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的大学远程教育模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪信息技术和知识经济的发展,带动了网络教育和远程教育的兴起。大学专业课程由于实践性和多学科交叉的特点,很适合网络教学与传统教学的结合。本文重点研究面向21世纪的大学远程教育模式。本文利用建构主义理论,在专业网络教室建设的实践基础上,提出了学习价值管理理论,认为建构主义教学模式的核心就是以学生为中心,提高学习者学习价值的教学形式,适用于现代化大学远程教育。  相似文献   

This is an exciting time to be a biologist. The advances in our field and the many opportunities to expand our horizons through interaction with other disciplines are intellectually stimulating. This is as true for people tasked with helping the field move forward through support of research and education projects that serve the nation''s needs as for those carrying out that research and educating the next generation of biologists. So, it is a pleasure to contribute to this edition of CBE—Life Sciences Education. This column will cover three aspects of the interactions of physics and biology as seen from the viewpoint of four members of the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation. The first section places the material to follow in context. The second reviews some of the many interdisciplinary physics–biology projects we support. The third highlights mechanisms available for supporting new physics–biology undergraduate education projects based on ideas that arise, focusing on those needing and warranting outside support to come to fruition.  相似文献   

This paper explores Paul Brandwein’s contribution to the concept of conservation education in America. It examines the evolution of the concept to today’s environmental education. It then identifies some of the weaknesses of current environmental education and presents ideas on how to move past them to a point where conservation education is integrated into every classroom discipline, which brings conservation closer to Brandwein’s concept of conservation education to create a sanative environment. The paper looks at place-based learning as a step in that direction, giving several examples. It concludes with the 24 scientifically based conservation concepts compiled by the Society for Conservation Biology that can serve as curriculum for the 21st Century and beyond.  相似文献   

在推进和落实21世纪核心素养教育的过程中,需要各级政府相关部门、相关研究机构与组织、社区和社会机构等多方面的协调合作,提供支持和服务。通过梳理全球支持21世纪核心素养教育的优秀经验,从三个方面描绘21世纪核心素养教育的支持体系:政府通过制定相关政策支持21世纪核心素养的整体推进或局部推进;加强地方、学校和教师的自主权,发挥研究机构或民间组织的作用,利用社会资源为学生提供真实学习机会,与职业教育相结合;进行指向21世纪核心素养的教师研修,为教师提供资源与工具支持。在此基础上,从系统设计21世纪核心素养教育、建立全方位的支撑体系、加强教师研修的有效性以及打造可复制、可推广的系统解决方案四个方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

21世纪的国际竞争,主要是以经济为中心的综合国力竞争,竞争的焦点在于高新技术的产业化与产业的高新技术化,于是,科技进步与经济发展的紧密结合成为关键。成人高等教育因其性质、功能而必然处于科技与经济的契合点上。这种独特的社会位置给它带来特殊的时代使命──在高新科技与现实生产力之间架起桥梁。从而,也决定了我国成人高等教育面向21世纪深化改革的总体走向。  相似文献   

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