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20世纪即将结束,21世纪将要来临。在这新旧世纪交替的重要历史时期,怎样培养适应未来世纪激烈竞争的德才兼备的人才,成为面临挑战和变革的社会关注的一个热点问题。对这一问题的深入讨论使人们愈益认识到,作为人才培养重要阶段的中学教育,在许多方面存在着不适应社会变迁的倾向,其中德育工作的不适应在一定程度上削弱了学校教育的成效。毫无疑问,改革中学德育工作,使之切实承担起培养具有良好道德水准的跨世纪人才的重任,是中学教育改革中的一项十分重要而又紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育规范化发展的现状与路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规范化是高校思想政治教育的重要发展趋势,它有助于增强高校思想政治教育的有效性和权威性,克服高校思想政治教育中的人治倾向和随意化倾向.当前思想政治教育规范化发展依然面临着高校对思想政治理论课建设的重视程度不够.思想政治教育的法制不健全、制度不完备,高校思想政治教育工作者工作待遇差、工作压力大等因素的制约.在新时期推动思想政治教育规范化发展的各种举措中,领导重视是前提.完善法规、加强制度建设是关键,加大必要投入是重要保障.  相似文献   

加速培养教学带头人不断优化中专师资队伍朱谦阳《中国教育改革与发展纲要》指出:“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。建设一支具有良好政治业务素质、结构合理、相对稳定的教师队伍,是教育改革和发展的根本大计。”实践也证明,教师的水平在一定程度上决定...  相似文献   

教师组织是西方发达国家公民社会的重要组成部分,在国家的政治生活和教育改革与发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用.从组织目标的角度看,教师组织所关切的事务不仅仅是教师自身的工作权益,同时还有教育工作者对于教育事务的公共性、政治性和伦理性的自觉意识.在一个利益多元、权力相对分散的社会中,大多数教师组织都倾向于采用集体谈判、罢工、政治活动、会员服务活动等运作策略借以达致其组织目标.在新的历史条件下,"新工会主义"在一定程度上预示了世界教师组织的发展趋势.  相似文献   

正一、高校餐饮经营分析的内容及其目的餐饮经营分析主要是通过对比、分析等手段,把实际经营结果与经营战略、经营目标和预算,与上年同期或上月,与同行先进等作比较,检讨供、产、销,人、财、物各环节的经营管理活动,找出差异,分析原因,采取措施,扬长避短,不断改进餐饮生产经营管理水平,提高经营效率和经济效益。(一)高校餐饮经营的特点1.公益性(即福利性)高校餐饮经营因其教育属性决定了它在一定程度上必须保留着相当比例的福利性伙食,它不能以盈利为唯一目的,必须兼顾学生的伙食消费承受能力,在水、电、气、税收等方面享受着国家给予的减少或减免的福利政策。它所提供的产品具有准公共产品特性,这也是它区别于社会餐  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,社会的进步,思想政治教育受到了广泛的关注,在整个教育体系中高校贫困生思想政治教育发挥着重要的作用,同时也是新时期思想政治教育中的重点性内容。在一定程度上讲研究高校贫困生思想政治教育能够拓宽学生的视野,还能进一步完善思想政治教育中的内容。另外,对于构建社会主义和谐社会也具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

“升学教育”必须向服务经济转轨 全国人大、国家教委最近成立了“端正教育思想,深化教育改革”研究与对策领导小组,组长张承先在新闻发布会上强调:一定要将基础教育从“升学教育”转到为当地经济建设服务的轨道上来。他说,教育思想不端正,教育脱离实际和片面追求升学率倾向,是深化教育改革的一大障  相似文献   

夜大学是我国当代成人教育中最早出现的办学形式之一,在长期的办学实践中,夜大学教育为国家建设培养了大批人才,在提高全民文化素质方面做出了不小的贡献.1993年,《中国教育改革和发展纲要》正式颁布实行,《纲要》在肯定以往成绩的基础上,提出了我国教育改革和发展的主要任务,同时指出,目前我们的教育在总体上还有不能适应加快改革开放和现代化建设需要的问题,其中在教学思想、教学内容和教学方法等方面都程度不同地存在脱离实际的倾向.应当说,这一基本估计是符合实际的,对改革夜大学教育具有重要的指导意义.而今,时过五载,夜大学教育已经迈出了新的步伐,取得了新的成绩,然而对照《纲要》所提出的教育发展的方向检查我们的工作不难看出,在夜大学教育中,《纲要》指出的脱离实际的倾向,尽管一定程度上有所克服,但距改革开放时代发展的要求仍有相当大的差距.毫无疑问,在这方面  相似文献   

《中国教育改革和发展纲要》明确指出:“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。”建设一支素质优良、具有敬业和奉献精神的新世纪的教师队伍,是深化教育改革和落实素质教育的根本保证。我国现有上千万教师,他们在政治思想、业务知识、心理和身体等方面基本达到了要求。但不可否认不少教师身上仍然存在着一定程度的心理健康问题,应引起学校领导的高度重视。  相似文献   

通过福利制度实施再分配被认为具有维护社会稳定、保障社会公正和塑造合法性等功能。近年来我国实施“民生导向”的福利改革反映了国家—社会关系在“分配政治”维度上的历史回归,因而有必要聚焦再分配的制度设计和制度绩效考察福利改革的政治效应。倾向值匹配分析发现,福利制度有效地强化了政治信任,但提升效应存在“央强地弱”的层次化现象。制度设计约束着再分配产生政治信任的效应,普惠性福利的政治回报高于选择性福利,豁免性福利比转移性福利的政治回报更稳定。基于因果中介分析进一步考察制度绩效、福利偏好和公正效能感传递福利生产政治信任的机制性作用,发现再分配生产政治信任的首要机制是制度绩效,其次是福利偏好。因此,通过福利制度推进共同富裕取决于福利制度的优化设计和再分配过程的有效治理。  相似文献   

位于阿拉伯半岛的沙特王国,石油美元使得其经济飞速发展,但其政治上却仍然是家族统治的君主体制,随着民主化浪潮的发展,美国“大中东计划”的出台,其政治体制暴露出弊端,民主呼声日渐高涨,自身为适应民主化作出改革和探索,使得其实现民主政治具有了可能性。由于其伊斯兰特性,受传统价值观念的影响,从长远来看,沙特的民主政治不可能一蹴而就,具有渐进性。  相似文献   

This paper explains the reproduction of gender divisions and power relations through education in a traditional Islamic country, Saudi Arabia. That country has drawn both upon Islam and its oil wealth to expand female education vastly within traditional boundaries. Its model of female education is unique among all Islamic countries, in its structure and strategies for the reproduction of gender divisions through (1) a dual system of male and female education; (2) a gender‐specific educational policy that emphasizes women's domestic function; (3) gender‐segregated schools and colleges; and (4) curriculum differentiation at the various educational levels. The author maintains that Saudi education, a microcosm of Saudi Arabian society, has intentionally instituted these mechanisms and structures as a means of cultural conservation and social control. The Saudi experience proves previous research findings that female educational expansion does indeed increase women's social and occupational options, but does not necessarily alter gender and power relations.  相似文献   

The pressures of a growing global population, compounded by environmental degradation, escalating energy use and the depletion of natural energy resources, have led to sustainable energy (SE) holding a prominent position on the international agenda. In spite of the widespread recognition of the important role of SE education in securing a sustainable future, it has not yet received much attention within oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia. A single-sex private college in Saudi Arabia – referred to here as ‘Al-Ola College’ – has been selected as a case study for this study. As part of this work, a survey has been distributed to all of the female students of Al-Ola College in order to examine their potential acceptance of such a proposed course dedicated to SE. Moreover, several in-depth interviews have been conducted with senior staff of the Al-Ola College and with the potential employers of SE graduates. Issues that have been investigated herewith go beyond the likelihood of acceptance of the new course, and include a detailed examination of the potential benefits and challenges that might be encountered when incorporating the subject of SE into Saudi higher education curricula, in addition to the employment prospects for female students specialising in SE in Saudi Arabia. The primary conclusion was that the launch of a postgraduate course on SE for Saudi females might not be viable at present. This conclusion emerges from the identification of a wide range of barriers including insufficient government support for the SE agenda, a lack of sustainability awareness, a strong social resistance to accepting this field of study and lack of work opportunities for females in the highly conservative Saudi society. As a result of this empirical research, a set of practical ‘enablers’ has been proposed in order to change the status quo with regard to the poor prospects for SE education in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

作为社会福利体系最为完善的国家之一,英国的教育福利制度是彪炳人类教育史册的。由民间慈善济助到政府法定职责标志着英国教育福利制度的基本确立;由入学机会平等到学业成功机会平等是英国教育福利制度的重要发展;而公平与发展兼顾则是英国教育福利制度的深化推进。我国的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》已经明确提出:"坚持教育的公益性和普惠性,保障公民依法享有接受良好教育的机会。"英国教育福利制度的演进史中所体现的诸多具体措施为落实我国上述教育指导思想提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

中亚地区的伊斯兰复兴是当代世界伊斯兰复兴的一部分。由于历史变迁的原因 ,中亚地区的伊斯兰复兴与中东和西亚地区的伊斯兰复兴存在着明显的差异。本文从中亚伊斯兰复兴的历史地理条件入手 ,分析中亚伊斯兰复兴的原因、特点、影响 ,并与中东、西亚的伊斯兰复兴运动作适当的比较 ,说明伊斯兰教对中亚五国的政治与经济的发展和对地区格局变化的深刻影响  相似文献   

This article explains why there are so few world-class universities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region today. It first summarises the systemic exogenous economic, political and social problems facing all countries in the region, and the impact of these on the development of their higher education sectors in recent times. Then, with reference to the Times Higher Education and Webometrics rankings of the world’s leading universities, the article describes several endogenous explanations for the absence of world-class universities in the 19 countries of the MENA region. These include the lack of strategic investment in research and teaching in local universities; the absence of intellectual freedom and the constraints imposed on the free expression of ideas in all MENA universities; the failure of universities in the region to encourage, monitor and reward high-quality and high-impact research (and teaching) in the natural and social sciences, the humanities and the liberal arts; and the anti-scientific mind-sets of local ruling political elites, many Islamic theologians, and those who are responsible for the oversight and administration of universities in the region. The limitations of this exploratory study and suggestions for future research are then described. The article concludes by explaining why it is highly unlikely that the political and educational leadership of countries in the MENA region will initiate the institutional higher education reforms that would be required to build world-class research-teaching universities in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

In order to generate higher levels of interest in politics and participation in political processes, political or citizenship, education in schools must be at the heart of the curriculum and be characterised by active, learner-centred approaches. This paper hypothesises that, when compared with Germany, a more limited form of political education in Irish post-primary schools may be impacting negatively on the extent to which it is achieving such aims. In order to begin to explore this hypothesis, the results for seven items relating to interest in politics and participation in political processes from the most recent (2010) round of the European Social Survey are compared for the Irish and German populations. In addition, the nature and status of political education in the German and the Irish school systems are compared. Conclusions are drawn and the implications for future research in this field and for political education in both countries considered.  相似文献   

合作医疗与政治合法性--一项卫生政治学的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前中国政治合法性建设有两种发展路径:福利政治与权利政治。本文以农村合作医疗为例,指出党和政府倾向于通过建立福利政治、重建社会公共产品供给体制的方式来达到扩大政治合法性来源的目的。虽然这是一种政治文明进步的体现,但是缺乏公民参与权利的福利政治会严重制约福利政治的建立与实施,也会影响政治合法性资源的扩大效果。因此,本文建议应当树立权利政治思维,在社会公共产品供给体制建构过程中赋予公民更多的参与权、知情权、自治权,从而使政治合法性建立在权利保障的福利政策之上,才不失为一种更稳固和有效的选择。  相似文献   

Educators all over the world are trying to revise and/or build their teacher education programmes to ensure pre-service teachers working on their teaching credentials are competent and ready to manage classrooms from day one. This study surveyed 179 faculty from 30 colleges and universities in Saudi Arabia to find out the extent to which they agreed that their coursework included various skills and knowledge sets leading to competent teachers. Teacher education programmes offering special education teacher preparation programmes at undergraduate level strive to base their curriculum on standards recommended by Council for Exceptional Children. The results showed a moderately strong agreement on most items under the various competency areas. Academic ranks of faculty did not have any significant effect on the extent of agreement. However, faculty from newer programmes, and those with degrees obtained in Saudi Arabia showed a better agreement. This article discusses findings, implications for the special education teacher preparation programmes in Saudi universities, and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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