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目前中小学性教育一般还停留在生理常识的阶段,缺乏以人格教育为核心的全面科学的性别教育系列课程.本文介绍了小学一至五年级开设性别教育课程的实践探索,从"性别意识、性别认同、身体保护"三方面内容入手研发,力求做到"活泼又干净,明了又渐进",使小学生公开坦然地接受生理、心理和伦理等方面系统科学的性别教育.  相似文献   

Home teaching materials generated in the social culture play an important part in the socialization of children's gender roles. They not only transmit to children the gender biases and role stereotypes that exist in the social culture, but also reproduce and consolidate these stereotypes and rationalize the gender biases in society. Family teaching materials must be reformed so that children may receive equitable gender education.  相似文献   

In many states, the rapidly increasing number of English language learners (ELLs) presents new challenges for undergraduate education programs. In addition, because areas with the most rapid growth generally have little history of educating the ELL population, there may be a corresponding lack of understanding of and empathy for ELLs. The author describes a language shock class that develops empathy for ELLs among preservice teachers, develops strategies for teaching ELLs, and promotes understanding of second language acquisition. Analysis of preservice teachers' reactions to the shock class helped them brainstorm strategies for working effectively with ELLs.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of parental socialization of children's coping behavior is described and tested with 310 elementary school children ( M age = 10.5 years). Mothers and fathers reported on the coping suggestions they made to their children, their own coping strategies, and their perceptions of the family environment. Children reported on their relationships with their parents and on their usual coping behavior. Children's coping efforts were associated with family environment, the quality of the parent-child relationship, parent's own coping, and parent coping suggestions, though these relationships differed by gender and were quite specific. Maternal data were more strongly associated with children's coping than paternal data, and active and support coping were predicted more successfully than avoidance strategies. Analyses supported a model of direct, rather than mediated, effects on children's coping. There was modest support for the interactive effects of maternal coaching and modeling on girls' active coping and boys' avoidant coping.  相似文献   

This cohort study, including 15,810 children born 2000–2003 in Denmark, aimed to investigate the association between father absence in pregnancy or during childhood and pubertal development in girls and boys. The children were followed from 11 years of age and throughout pubertal development. Mean age differences according to exposure groups were estimated for each pubertal marker separately and for a combined pubertal marker. The results suggested that father absence in pregnancy and during childhood was associated with earlier pubertal development in girls, and father absence from late childhood was associated with earlier pubertal development in boys. The paternal investment theory, the psychosocial acceleration theory and the energetics theory were explored, and did not seem to explain the observed associations.  相似文献   

针对国内中学生情绪智力研究存在的性别差异不一致的现象,使用元分析技术对中学男女生情绪智力研究的结果进行再分析。结果显示:(1)总体上,中学男女生情绪智力得分与1998年初始测试结果差异显著(t男=-1.719,P〈0.05;t女=-5.862,P〈0.05);(2)中学生情绪智力确实存在显著性别差异(^-d=-1.63,P〈0.05),其中女生在感知情绪和调控他人情绪的能力上优于男生;(3)情绪智力研究存在地域效应,但报告质量、发表年代、样本容量等特征对情绪智力的调查结果影响不大。  相似文献   

Traditionally Headmasters’ Conference schools have been concerned with both the reproduction of class relations and gender relations and have served an elite group of males. However, these schools are at present undergoing dramatic changes and by 1981, over half of the HMC schools admitted girls as well as boys.

The paper discusses the pressures and processes which led to the introduction of girls and uses interview data from a detailed case study as illustrative material. It is suggested that economic and social changes were important considerations and that the initial phases of the process can be understood in terms of the exploitation of a ‘dual student market’.  相似文献   

This study explored girls' and boys' (aged 10–11) attitudes towards reading and writing. Girls enjoyed reading significantly more than boys. Boys liked mostly comics and humorous books; adventure books were girls' favourites. Poetry did not appeal to pupils. Many boys did not enjoy typical school texts. Most pupils, especially boys, did not like to read aloud. Even many fluent and motivated readers felt embarrassed when doing it. Pupils' attitudes towards writing were more negative than those regarding reading. Boys were significantly more reluctant writers than girls. To interest boys the writing task should have a meaningful purpose or a communicative function. The results suggest that pupils' interest should be a key factor in the selection of reading material; otherwise, many students will avoid reading and may develop a lifelong aversion to it.  相似文献   

教育男生和女生:对性别平等教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性别平等教育长期被视作教育中的次要问题,教育学界对此也存在不少误解。“零和式”的教育使性别平等问题走向了极端。性别平等教育的目标不仅使女生享有平等的教育的机会,同时也使男生受益。打破教育体制中固有的性别成见才是实现平等教育的根本途径。  相似文献   

Compared to boys, many girls are more aware of a social context in the learning process and perform better when the environment supports frequent interactions and social relationships. For these girls, embodied agents (animated on-screen characters acting as tutors) could afford simulated social interactions in computer-based learning and thereby supply a girl-friendly instructional context. This study examined the effects of the age and gender of an agent on ninth-grade Caucasian and ethnic-minority girls' perceptions of the agent, mathematics attitudes, and learning in a computer-based algebra-learning environment. In general, the findings support that a virtual agent plays both social and instructional roles that favor teenage girls and could be a viable tool to create a favorable context for girls learning challenging topics.  相似文献   

The Family Context of Gender Intensification in Early Adolescence   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This longitudinal study of 144 young adolescents (ages 9–11 at phase 1) examined the hypothesis that boys and girls would experience increased "gender-differential socialization" across a 1-year period in early adolescence, and that such patterns would be stronger in families in which ( a ) parents maintained a traditional division of labor, and ( b ) there was a younger sibling of the opposite gender. Longitudinal analyses of 3 aspects of family socialization (adolescents' participation in "feminine" and "masculine" household chores; adolescents' involvement in dyadic activities with mothers and fathers; parental monitoring) revealed that gender intensification was apparent for some aspects of family socialization but not others. In addition, when gender intensification was apparent, it generally emerged in some family contexts but not in others. Only dyadic parent-adolescent involvement was characterized by an overall pattern of gender intensification in which girls became increasingly involved with their mothers and boys with their fathers; this pattern was exacerbated in contexts where adolescents had a younger, opposite-sex sibling.  相似文献   

通过对高中学生在主要学科学习中存在的性别差异,特别是物理学习中的性别差异的对比,从男、女学生智力和非智力因素两方面入手,进行了智能特点、智能品质、兴趣水平、性格特征等方面差异的分析研究,并针对女同学在物理学习中的困难,提出了因材施教,提高女生物理学习效果的教学对策。  相似文献   

By using the Movement Assessment Battery (MABC), the present study investigated possible gender differences in several tasks of motor competence in children. The sample included 67 Norwegian sixth-grade children (Girls N?=?29; Boys?=?39). Boys' performance exceeds that of girls in ball skills and in one of the balance skills. No differences were revealed between girls and boys in manual dexterity and in total score of MABC. The results may support the theory of task-specificity. Furthermore, they may challenge the school as an arena of physical activity for developing as appropriate motor skills as possible contributing to further engagement in physical activity.  相似文献   

从建国初期至今,社会传媒对青少年的影响大致可以分为三个阶段,即书报阶段、电视阶段和电脑阶段。这三种形式的传媒各有利弊,而电脑的利弊更加显著。如何发挥电脑的优势,消除电脑的负面影响,是一个值得深思的问题。  相似文献   

兄弟姐妹关系是中国家庭伦理关系中的一个重要方面。《诗经》中有25篇涉及这一关系的诗篇,其中大部分为兄友弟恭的和睦关系,只有"国风"中少数婚恋诗描写薄情寡义的兄弟形象。两类截然不同的同辈血亲关系之形成皆与当时宗法制度和礼教制度相关:一方面,周代早期家族笼罩下的家庭模式和宗法政治体制需要和睦的兄弟关系来巩固贵族统治;另一方面,周代后期男性在家庭中的权威地位逐步巩固,男尊女卑的礼教制度使兄妹关系走向冷漠无情。  相似文献   

This study examined whether male students dominated classroom interactions in home economics lessons and whether other classroom processes sustained gender divisions in this subject in two Form I and two Form II classes in two schools. The sample included two female home economics teachers and all the students in the four classes (34 boys and 31 girls). Data were collected during five 60‐minute observation sessions in each class (inter‐observer reliability reached 94%) and structured interviews with both teachers and 24 students (three boys and three girls from each class). Statistically significant (p < 0.001) differences were found in the number of times students were helped by the teachers (boys received 76% of teachers’ help) and in the number of reprimands they received (boys received 87%). Boys and girls received a comparable amount of praise but boys received a greater amount of interaction in all other categories (direction of teacher questions, choice of students to answer questions, call‐outs and calling students by name) although these differences were not statistically significant. There were major individual differences between students of the same sex in all the categories. More boys (19) than girls (seven) were high participants in different classroom processes. Most of the students in mixed‐gender kitchenettes co‐operated in cleaning up. Teachers expected the same standard of work from all the students but they allotted more special jobs to girls.  相似文献   

This study investigated early child and family risk factors for relational and overt aggression in 207 children followed since birth. Risk factors were assessed during infancy and preschool, and aggression in Grades 1, 3, and 5. Independent risk factors for Aggression Severity (total of relational and overt aggression) included lower language abilities, lower levels of temperamental withdrawal/inhibition, and greater exposure to family environments characterized by maternal negativity toward the child, family negative expressiveness, and maternal depression. The major risk factor for Aggression Directionality (relative preponderance of relational versus overt aggression) was gender. Child temperament interacted with family risk factors in predicting Severity, and child gender moderated the associations of temperament and family risk factors in predicting both Severity and Directionality.  相似文献   

This contribution offers an overview of two studies testing two attachment theoretical correspondence hypotheses in the prediction of individual differences in young children's God concepts. The correspondence hypothesis supposes that people's view on God parallels their images of their early caregiver–child relationship. The revised correspondence hypothesis incorporates caregiver religiosity and socialization. In the first study support was found for the correspondence hypothesis in the school context examining 72 preschoolers. In the second study the revised correspondence hypothesis was partly confirmed among 198 kindergarteners. Children cognitively learn about a powerful and comforting, helping God in their homes and schools, even when all relationships with their caregivers are experienced as negative. However, in such a surrounding they do not emotionally learn about an intimate, personal bond with God.  相似文献   

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