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共享经济是推动经济增长的新动能。精确配置资源,实现资源利用最大化,可以创造更高的经济收入和社会效益。为了适应共享经济时代国际劳务市场向技能型、知识型中高端转型的趋势,本文基于文献分析法和系统分析法,分析了外派劳务企业人力资源管理的困境,以及外派劳务企业人力资源管理转型的现实需要,从理念与思维、招募与甄选、培训与上岗、保障与激励、晋升与发展等5个方面提出创新路径。研究成果有利于提升企业管理水平、增强企业核心竞争力、实现人的全面发展,扩展外派劳务的广度和深度,实现中国劳务发展与经济发展同步转型。  相似文献   

企业的发展与其管理人员的素质有着至关重要的关系.胜任素质模型为企业的人力资源管理提供了一个整合所有人力资源功能和服务的通用的工具和方法,能指导员工、公司甚至整个社会在未来的更具挑战的年代中提高工作效率.本文在论述胜任素质的概念的基础上,对人力资源经理的胜任素质加以具体描述.  相似文献   

本研究以10名企业外派人员作为研究对象,通过深度访谈,了解这一群体在踏出国门后,在海外的工作和生活中遭遇的跨文化适应方面的困难和需求。与量化研究相比,这些访谈数据更加具体,生动地展现了企业外派人员在海外实际生活中所面临的语言困境和心理困境。基于研究发现,我们提出了几点建议,对企业外派人员英语培训今后的发展前景和效果具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和访谈,针对美国雪佛龙公司川东北天然气项目外派人员在华跨文化适应状况,深入分析和探讨了影响跨文化适应期的相关因素,加深了对外派人员在华的跨文化适应状况的认识。同时,研究也能有效指导外派人员采取适当的行动去学习、适应东道国文化,帮助其顺利适应外派国的工作和生活。  相似文献   

人们对人力资源、人力资源管理的认识有一个渐进的过程。过去,公司拥有最多资本或最新技术,就有最好的竞争优势;如今,能够提供高质量产品的公司才有助于提高竞争力。然而,提高公司未来优势的关键是提高组织中人的能力和才干。随着人事管理向人力资源管理的发展,人事经理的工作已经不再是单纯的事务性工作。在有些企业已经出现了“人力资源工程师”的称呼。提高人事经理的工作技能,对于提高企业人力资源管理水平非常重要。一、什么是人力资源管理人力资源是指推动社会发展和经济运转的人的劳动能力,包括智力劳动能力和体力劳动能力。…  相似文献   

最近一段时间一直在困惑:我所在的公司是个60多人的小公司,由于公司所处的行业是刚起步的移动通信增值行业,发展的变数很大,所以每年年初的时候都没有制定战略计划,具体到每个部门也就没什么计划了。基本上都是随着市场的变化走,前一段时间还好,每天忙忙碌碌地招人,现在不招人了,绩效考核也就是每个月月底做的事情了,弄得我不知道现在该做些什  相似文献   

教师在英语教学中起着至关重要的作用。中国政府和教育部近些年来都选派英语教师赴国外学习,使他们有良好的机会提高自身的英语口语能力;同时,这也是他们提高跨文化交际意识、融入目的语国家文化环境的宝贵机会。英语教师的跨文化意识与交际能力的提高对于提高学生的跨文化交际意识与能力有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

据悉,最近一家性格特质测评公司把国内著名企业的100位人事经理、总监与美国的100位人事经理/总监做了比较,发现我国企业51%的受测评人员都是"老虎型"管理者,所谓"老虎型"管理者的特征就是:强势、喜欢冒险、为别人排忧解难,是强有力的沟通者。而美国受测评人员的性格特质类型排在第一位的是"无尾熊型"管理者,其特征是:耐心、谨慎、有恒心、随和、有合  相似文献   

连锁经营企业主要通过规模扩张以实现其规模经济效用,而外派员工在其连锁扩张进程中起到了不可估量的作用。通过对其在人力资源管理中所遇到的问题剖析,进一步构建连锁经营企业外派人员管理模式,为企业的后续发展带采勃勃生机。  相似文献   

MBA教育与中国企业职业经理人培养   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
MBA教育是培养和造就企业职业经理人的有效办法之一。面对世界经济全球化和我国加入 WTO的挑战 ,我国的 MBA教育还存在很大差距 ,应以造就企业职业经理人为目标 ,进一步深化改革 ,实现我国 MBA教育的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

物业管理服务人员欲得到业主的青睐,必须具备基本的素养,包括良好的职业道德风范,娴熟的服务技能以及健康的身心.  相似文献   

女性管理者作为一个特殊群体,在公共管理和经济发展中的作用愈来愈大。但她们也面临着发展的巨大压力和难题,多重角色的困惑、性别意识的刻板、社会的偏见直接影响着女性管理者的成长和发展。分析女性管理者的角色特征,找出制约女性管理者发展的因素,有助于对其未来趋势的洞察。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争日趋激烈和消费自我保护意识增强,管理道德行为对企业长期生存与持续繁荣的重要性日益凸显出来。然而,在我国现实经济中,企业管理非道德行为现象却频繁发生,这将会侵蚀企业可持续发展的根基。因此,我国建立现代企业制度,必须进一步完善企业的法人治理结构,改善企业组织内部结构及运行机制,培育崇尚道德标准的诚信的企业化,加强市场监管和执法力度,预防和禁止现代企业管理非道德行为。  相似文献   


Mentoring is a unique educative workplace relationship which holds the potential to support the skill, knowledge, social and emotional needs of both new and experienced staff members. As promotion of mentoring in the nursing workplace can improve workforce retention and cohesion, understanding of nurse managers’ perceptions of the barriers to the mentoring of early career researchers in hospitals can offer insights that enhance the efficacy of mentoring in these dynamic contexts. In-depth interviews with 20 nurse managers were conducted to identify these barriers, with interpersonal conflict, competing priorities for time and financial resources, and lack of training emerging as recurring themes raised by participants. We explore how these barriers can be mitigated to strengthen the contemporary mentoring quality and opportunity in acute care hospitals.  相似文献   

The focus of our paper is the leadership role of programme managers in the higher education sector. In particular, we highlight the complex and paradoxical nature of the programme leader’s role, and provide an insight into leadership in this challenging and dynamic environment. We identify cognitive and behavioural complexity as necessary capabilities for programme managers to ensure they can navigate the turbulent river system of academia. The Integrated Competing Values Framework describes some leadership behaviours appropriate for the programme manager’s role. We also argue how critical observation skills, reflection and self-awareness can assist programme managers to provide leadership in this uncertain environment. Our paper concludes with a discussion of areas for future research and important practical implications for universities.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify the leadership behaviours displayed by non-academic middle-level managers in the Australian higher education sector. The study also identifies the importance of these leadership behaviours and the leadership effectiveness of these managers. The integrated competing values framework was used to measure leadership behaviours and effectiveness. A total of 75 middle-level managers participated in a 360-degree feedback programme that sought responses from 816 of their work colleagues (line manager, peers and staff). Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. The results of the analysis found that the managers were reasonably effective, were reflective and learnt new behaviours, displayed all leadership behaviours at a reasonable level and considered all the leadership behaviours to be important. In the main, the managers held similar perceptions to their work colleagues. Future research is needed to identify gender and cultural differences.  相似文献   

This study explores the narratives behind how academics in formal leadership positions perceive their roles as leaders and their leadership development. Fifteen leaders in their varying capacities as managers of research in their universities participated to illustrate the complexities and challenges associated with their roles. Using narrative and discourse analysis, multiple lenses (“what”, “how” and “why”) were used to analyse the participants' narratives. This study then explores the impact of the leaders' perceptions on their teaching, research and graduate supervision roles. Results indicate that research managers' narratives replicate those of the storied lives of leaders with constructed images. The study concludes with some implications for policy and practice as well as suggesting the use of multiple-lens analysis as a tool for narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

This article employs qualitative research methods to explore the urban adaptation and adaptation processes of Chinese migrant children. Through twenty-one in-depth interviews with migrant children, the researchers discovered: The participant migrant children showed a fairly high level of adaptation to the city; their process of urban adaptation emerged as three categories: the U-Type, the J-type, and the “flat line” type. Also explored were long-term acquisition of explicit behaviors, implicit notions, adaptation to the socio-cultural environment, and success in education as difficult aspects of adaptation. After comparing these three processes, the research team developed a theory of migrant children urban adaptation. It hypothesizes that during the urban adaptation process, migrant children will encounter four stages of development: excitement and curiosity, shock and resistance, exploration and adaptation, and finally integration and assimilation. __________ Translated by Amanda Weiss from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2008, (3): 9–20, revised by Deane Neubauer, Emeritus Professor, University of Hawaii  相似文献   

The number of international higher degree research students has grown at a significant rate in recent years, with Australia becoming a hub for attracting such students from around the world. However, research has identified that international higher degree research students often encounter a wide range of academic and socio-cultural challenges in adapting to their new environment, which can have a significant bearing on their levels of satisfaction with their studies. This paper outlines the findings of a mixed method study exploring the experiences and perceptions of international higher degree research students from five different countries in Australia. Findings revealed that the most important issues in terms of satisfaction were not directly related to academic studies. Instead, factors such as integration into the community, interacting with other students, relationships with supervisors, and the provision of adequate desk space were often given the greatest weight. Implications for how university policy can better support international doctoral students are discussed.  相似文献   

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