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Assessment of prior learning (APL) refers to the process of validating individuals’ learning in a variety of contexts, representing a relatively new practice in many countries. In higher education, APL is used to receive access and credits based on skills and knowledge acquired mainly outside of formal academic settings. This paper focuses on validity of admission decisions based on this type of assessment in higher education. The study examines decisions made by higher education institutions for approximately 600 applicants who have used APL in order to receive admission to, and credits in the vocational teacher education programme in Sweden. The results are analysed and presented in relation to a validity discussion. A conclusion is that the existing practice of APL needs improvements in order to obtain validity and trustworthiness in the decisions made in relation to APL.  相似文献   

高校扩招对高等教育质量的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
高等教育质量是高等教育发展的生命线,我国高校扩招对教育目标,办学条件,教育制度,教学过程都产生了巨大的冲击和影响。  相似文献   


Higher education (HE) research often draws on a range of qualitative research approaches. However, some methods developed in other fields are underutilised in HE research, even though they could be of great use for answering particular kinds of research questions, or for involving students more actively in the research process. In this article, we draw on a study that piloted different methodological approaches to explore students’ conceptions of good teaching and effective learning at university. The participants in our study included 33 high achieving international, Māori, Pacific Island, and (other) local students enrolled in Humanities subjects. Our study used photovoice as a visual data collection approach in conjunction with more traditional methods of data collection: open-ended focus group questions and critical incident technique. In this article, we review the photovoice literature, which is mostly from outside HE. Then, we describe our study, discussing the students’ responses to photovoice, and the different kinds of data it elicited. We note that, while most students expressed appreciation of the photovoice approach, some also found it restrictive and challenging in some respects. We conclude, photovoice offers a useful methodological addition to HE research, while noting, as with all data collection approaches, researchers need to be mindful of its limitations.  相似文献   

At a time when learning and teaching in higher education have become the focus of increasing attention and high priority is being accorded to the attainment of excellence in teaching there is a growing concern that teaching is being reduced to the acquisition of a set of competencies. This paper will draw on the work of Alasdair MacIntyre to explore the nature of a practice and of teaching as a practice, and then draw on a case study of teachers in a higher education institute in Ireland to gain some insights into the realities of practice. While acknowledging that this knowledge is unequivocally contextual, this case study has the potential to contribute to our understanding of teaching by affording insights into how teachers respond to the challenges of practice. The paper will argue that to conceive of teaching as a practice, in the manner in which practice is explained and elaborated by MacIntyre, moves us beyond a narrow and mechanistic view of teaching built around the adoption of effective strategies to one that is broader in scope and takes into account notions of internal standards of excellence, complexity and integrity.  相似文献   

Healy  Michael  Brown  Jason L.  Ho  Candy 《Higher Education》2022,83(5):1125-1142
Higher Education - Much research into how universities seek to support their students’ graduate employability has focused on academic strategies such as graduate attributes and...  相似文献   

This paper outlines the possibilities for using broadband videoconferencing within the larger context of changing the focus for teaching from the teacher to the learners. It also explores opportunities that might be created by this technology to facilitate learner‐centred engagement in learning and to provide new opportunities for collaboration and support for students studying by the distance mode. As part of the wider discussion, it presents a decision‐making framework for teachers to consider when integrating videoconferencing into their curriculum. The bandwidths possible from broadband Internet connection rather than the integrated services digital network transmission increase the richness of videoconferencing to a much closer approximation of natural communication, thus creating opportunities for more creative uses for the medium. The outcomes of trials undertaken at the University of New England during the last two years provide the basis for predicting the usefulness of the technology for learner‐centered interactions when the majority of students are learning from locations quite remote from the main campus.  相似文献   

本试卷为物理、化学、生物、地理的综合试卷 ,试卷满分 15 0分 ,测试时间 12 0分钟。试卷分第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 )和第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 )。第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 )本卷共 2 5个小题 ,每一个小题只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。每小题 3分 ,共 75分。一、选择题 :(一 )通过中国、美国、日本、英国、法国、德国等六个国家科学家的共同努力 ,“人类基因组计划”得以很好地实施 ,并取得了举世瞩目的成就 ,其意义远远超过了“阿波罗登月计划”。请回答下面的 1~ 4小题。1.“人类基因组计划”的实施 ,有利于A .破解人类疾病发生的原因和死亡之迷B .提高世界…  相似文献   

纵观近几年“理综”高考试题,生物学科在综合考试中命题有如下六大特点:①注重“三基”,突出“主干”知识;②强调能力,考查逻辑推理论证过程;③突出实验,重在考查科学实验方法、探究能力和学以致用的能力;④加强综合,考查学科内知识的运用、推理和迁移能力;⑤注重科普信息,以考查学生的阅读理解、收集和处理信息、  相似文献   

在我国的现代教育中,职业教育是十分重要的一部分。高职体育教育为我国的建设发展培养了很多技能型人才,以职业教育为先导的高职体育教育创新是提升我国职业院校办学水平的重要内容,对学生的未来发展具有积极影响。  相似文献   

素质教育的提出,给中国的传统教育带来了新的勃勃生机。但在应试教育向素质教育的转变过程中,有人把与应试有关的教育都看作是应试教育加以否定,甚至认为应该取消考试:笔者认为应试不能等同于应试教育。对于我国学校教育影响最大的莫过于高考,但高考并没有取消,而是按照素质教育的要求进行了一系列改革,赋予了它新的功能。所以我们不应该一提到高考复习.就与素质教育对立起来,而是要认真领悟高考的功能,促进素质教育。下面仅从生物学科的角度来谈这个问题。  相似文献   

理综考试下的生物学复习策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学阶段生物学课程的开设,是在初一、初二、高二、高三四个年级。由于中考不考生物学,所以许多初中都没有专职教师,更没有按照大纲要求授课,所以学生对生物学知识了解很少,动手能力很差,在调查中学生说“对生物学没什么印象”。高二又开始上生物学,高三毕业参加考试。由于时间跨度大,初中阶段对生物学不够重视,再加上生物学在理综300分中只有78分左右,所以学生心中就形成这样一种错误认识,生物学不重要,学不学都可以。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):263-282

Throughout the world, education curriculum are determined and guided by knowledge perceived as being critical for the advancement of humanity. Often such progress is indicated and determined by curriculum shaped by the ways of knowing of the dominant cultural group or languages that have achieved hegemonic status in such communities, in the process marginalizing any ‘indigenous’ ways of knowing as embedded in the language of other cultures. Sometimes such curriculum have little or no connection with contemporary reality. In this article I therefore argue that inclusive curricular knowledge types are critical in education in order to enable all people, individually and collectively, to progress without being inhibited by the hegemony of so-called ‘scientific’ knowledge. I also argue that knowledge as embedded in a language is power, and should therefore be connected to reality. Using critical social theory, I propose an alternative, inclusive treatment of knowledge types in education curriculum – open-ended inquiry – in order to level the learning field for all learners, and, in so doing, to adequately prepare tomorrow's world citizenry.  相似文献   

Private higher education: The Philippines as a prototype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high proportion of college and university students in the Philippines attend private institutions, mainly because of limited space in public institutions. The system is examined as a case study for studying certain hypotheses about the impact of substantial private provision on higher education systems. After presenting basic data for the system as a whole the article compares public and private institutions and then explores the policy implications.  相似文献   

谈我国高考模式改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1999年 2月教育部发出《关于进一步深化普通高等学校招生制度改革的意见》 ,并决定在广东省试行“3+X”高考模式 ,由此拉开了新一轮高考改革的序幕 ,从而使高考改革又一次成为教育界乃至全社会普遍关注的热门话题。 2 0 0 0年又增加山西、吉林、江苏、浙江四省进行试点。 2 0 0 1年 ,全国共有 18个省 (直辖市、自治区 )进行了“3+X”高考模式试点。经过 3年的试点 ,已经显示出了一些预期效果。1 高考改革的教育和社会背景自 195 2年以来 ,我国高考科目的设置经过多次变化。 195 2年高考设高中所学全部科目 ,高校根据专业要求 ,按不同比例…  相似文献   

Many students in Britain, especially those training for the professions, do parts of their courses in the form of placements in the field. Most such placements are compulsory. During placements students are the joint concern of their tutors on the campus and their mentors in the field. The placements on the different courses seem dramatically different. For example, some placements are in primary schools, some in hospital wards, some in factory pharmacies and some in electrical power stations. This study shows, however, that despite such obvious differences in the placement settings, student feelings about placement can be remarkably similar. For staff whose courses include placement there are issues which they could usefully discuss in common.  相似文献   

第一卷本卷共 30题 ,每题 2分 ,共 60分。在下列各题的四个选项中 ,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。1.在人类基因组计划研究中 ,科学家要对人类的全部染色体进行分析 ,而人类的全部碱基对有 30亿之巨 ,工作十分艰巨。科学家应对几条染色体进行分析 ?A .4 6条 B .2 3条 C .2 4条 D .2 2条2 .植树造林是西部大开发中的一项重要的环保措施 ,它不仅能保持水土 ,还可调节气候。盛夏季节 ,在炎炎烈日下 ,人们闷热难耐 ,此时若来到浓荫蔽日的林下顿觉凉爽。下列事实中 ,可以用来解释其原因的是 :( 1)植物能进行蒸腾作用带走热量( 2 )植物能…  相似文献   

Information regarding why adults choose to participate in higher education is necessary if educators are to provide meaningful programs for these learners. This study was designed and conducted to explore the higher education needs and interests of adults. Factor analysis of interested adults' responses identified four major factors which could influence an adult's decision to participate or not to participate in higher education. Based on the nature of the items comprising each, the factors were designated self-development goal, affective barrier, career goal, and situation barrier.  相似文献   

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