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The stronghold that games have on our society has made it imperative that educators understand the impact that video games can have. Owens (2012) presented two frames for how the press discussed the popular game Spore, which incorporates elements of science topics. One frame suggested that the game teaches children about intelligent design, while the other implied the game merely made students excited about science topics. While this debate is nothing new, having foundations in several theoretical perspectives; educators must identify their own perceptions of video games and how even commercial games can be used as tools for teaching.  相似文献   

在文学艺术的审美创造过程中,酒与文学结下了不解之缘。本文借用精神分析学的理论,探析了酒在文学艺术创作中的作用,认为酒是激发文学艺术家进入创作境界的触媒,但真正作品的形成离不开文学艺术家对文学创作规律的娴熟领会与运用。  相似文献   

互联网络与高校思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何运用网络技术拓展高校思想政治工作的空间,是高校思想政治工作面临的新课题,高校思想政治工作要坚持正确的舆论导向,筑起自己的网络阵地,发挥网络宣传教育功能,防范网络负面侵害提高高校思想政治工作队伍的网络素质。  相似文献   

政治哲学从总体上不是空虚的概念,必须与时代的方式、存在方式。与思想文化相关联。而现代的时代,是科学技术的时代,不能回避科学技术对人的政治生活方式产生的影响。这是必须正视的问题。  相似文献   

Professional and personal values and virtues in education and teaching   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This article seeks to shed light on the dilemma facing history education in regions beset by a protracted, and as yet unresolved ethno-political conflict. The article will examine this issue by means of a unique test case that observes a dramatic war event in Israeli textbooks. The event in question is the Six-Day War of 1967 and the study of its outcomes. This war stands in the twilight between memory and history and there is an extreme gap between the public history and the formal representation of that war in school textbooks. The question that begs an answer is why such a seminal event in Israeli history is not presented in history textbooks like the country’s other wars. The research methodology, which was conducted on two generations of textbooks, is based upon a comparative discourse analysis. A discussion of the findings contends that a critical pedagogy approach to history education might equip adolescent students with more powerful lenses through which to view several plausible scenarios for healing the wounds of the present by means of a rational and grounded perception of the past.  相似文献   

随着海峡两岸交往的日益频繁,连接两岸的旅游业将日益蓬勃发展;为了满足海峡两岸旅游业界对人才的需求和对高素质旅游人才的渴望,提升两岸旅游业界的服务质量和人员素质,海峡两岸的高等旅游职业教育的互动与发展势在必行。在互动与交流中,两岸的旅游教育将在办学理念、教学模式、课程建设、师资队伍建设、教学与科研等诸多方面有一个新的飞跃。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育对大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观起着巨大的作用,而艺术美育在培养大学生审美情趣、道德情操中也发挥着不可忽视的作用。促进两者的有机融合和渗透,发挥各自的作用和功能,是培养和提高大学生整体综合素质的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

阮瑀和应玚的文质论有相同之处,都肯定了文质并重.但是他们的侧重点不同,阮瑀重质轻文,应玚重文轻质.两者的文质观表现在创作中,形成了他们在创作上的异同.  相似文献   

田径教学与学生创新精神和创新能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识社会呼唤创新教育 ,在田径专业教学中培养学生创新精神和创新能力需要更新教育观念 ,构建多元化的教学模式 ,改革教学方法和教学手段 ,提高教师的创新意识 ,建立符合创新要求的评估机制  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are neurodevelopmental disorders that emerge in childhood. There is increasing recognition that ADHD and autism frequently co-occur. Yet, questions remain among clinicians regarding the best ways to evaluate and treat co-occurring autism and ADHD. This review outlines issues relevant to providing evidence-based practice to individuals and families who may be experiencing difficulties associated with co-occurring autism and ADHD. After describing the complexities of the co-occurrence of autism and ADHD, we present practical considerations for best practice assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD. Regarding assessment, this includes considerations for interviewing parents/caregivers and youth, using validated parent and teacher rating scales, conducting cognitive assessments, and conducting behavior observations. Regarding treatment, consideration is given to behavioral management, school-based interventions, social skills development, and the use of medications. Throughout, we note the quality of evidence that supports a particular component of assessment or treatment, highlighting when evidence is most relevant to those with co-occurring autism and ADHD across stages of development. In light of the current evidence for assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD, we conclude by outlining practical implications for clinical and educational practice.  相似文献   

What do art and design graduates and postgraduates do once they have completed their courses, and how well do they feel those courses have equipped them to realise their career ambitions? This paper firstly examines the available data on the career paths of art and design graduates, and considers to what extent this data is able to represent their success. It would appear that much of the national data presents a pessimistic view of the career prospects of these graduates and postgraduates. Secondly, the methodology and results of the Ambitions and Destinations project are outlined. The purpose of the project was to determine the career paths of graduates from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, and to discover the retrospective views about the courses on which they had studied, in the light of their subsequent careers. A postal questionnaire was used to survey all those who had graduated from a cross-section of undergraduate and postgraduate courses 1991–1995 inclusive. The career outcomes of the first-degree respondents are compared with those of the postgraduates, including their respective participation in the areas of paid employment, further study, self employment and unemployment. Respondents’ propensities to remain involved with art and design, and the likelihood of their entering teaching or lecturing are also examined. Some of the key points which emerged from respondents’ comments about the career usefulness of their courses are presented. Finally, the extent to which the career paths of these BIAD graduates and postgraduates are consistent with those obtained from national data is considered.  相似文献   

In 1995, the International Association of Universities( IAU) created, within its Board, a Task Force on Universities and Information Technologies. This Task Force is composed of eminent personalities from the academic world. At two recent meetings held in 1997, it examined some of the challenges facing universities in the new information society. This paper summarizes the main questions concerning the impact of information and communication technologies on universities, mainly the benefits of, and limitations to, the use of information technologies in teaching, learning and research. It ends with concluding remarks from the IA U Task Force and a number of recommendations as to what strategies to adopt.  相似文献   

英语与汉语分别属于两种不同的语系,但是,英语中绝大部分常用修辞格都能在汉语中找到与他们相同或相似的修辞方式。针对英汉两种语言在常用的修辞手法上存在着相似之处,而在相似之中又有各自的特点的现象,本文选其中的"明喻"与"隐喻"的应用及翻译进行比较研究。有助于我们在英汉翻译工作中正确理解原文的各种修辞手法,翻译出符合本民族文化特征的作品。  相似文献   

人即使是在满足其自然性欲望时,满足的方式通常也具有不同于动物的满足方式的社会性或社会性色彩,人的生活行为除了常常有意向性和意志性体现之外,还常常有动物所不具有的趣味性体现。欲望、需要和表象的产生及呈现与人的生命存在具有同一关系,而作为人的欲望、需要的高级心理表征一精神性表征的趣味和表象的产生及呈现不但与人的生命存在具有同一关系,而且对人的生命存在来说具有特殊的意义。人们的日常生活中,趣味的生发是随时随处都有可能的,正是日常生活丰富多彩而意义无限的种种形态成了文艺创作取之不尽、用之不竭的活水之源。  相似文献   

设计:科学技术与艺术的统一与整合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术与艺术是紧密结合在一起的。不仅实用艺术与技术有着密不可分的关系,纯艺术与一定的技术也有着密不可分的联系,这种联系的历史与艺术的历史一样久远。技术发展到一定阶段时总是需要更高层次的艺术观念来引导和互助,这样才能使技术融入艺术之中。科学技术与艺术的结合是在不断发展的层面上开展和提升的。随着21世纪高科技的日益发展,两的结合表现得更加紧密,并走向新的整合。设计艺术将以艺术与科学的结合为己任,并以之为手段和工具来创造为人所用的一切产品,它能够克服两之间的不协调和矛盾,并将两有机地整合与统一。  相似文献   

科学技术方法产生于科学技术的认识和实践过程中,心理学在其发展的历程中,毫无例外地移植了其适用于自己的研究方法,这些科学方法大大促进了心理学的发展,使心理学成为独立的学科,同时,由于研究者在运用科学技术方法时,片面强调某一种范式,企图把心理学体系固定在某一框架内,不可避免地带来一些缺陷,这缺陷引发当今的心理学危机.要使心理学从危机中走出来,要从自然辩证法的高度,综合使用科学方法,使心理学摆脱危机,走向成熟.  相似文献   

思想政治理论课和理论宣传都是思想理论战线工作的重要组成部分。同时,两者又有很大区别。具体来看,两者的不同,体现在两者的接受对象、推进方式、具体目标等方面。两者的统一性。主要体现在产生根源、要素、方向等三个方面。从两者的辩证关系出发,一方面要注意两者的差异。把握思想政治理论课与舆论宣传的内在要求;另一方面要注重两者的统一,推进思想政治理论课与舆论宣传的协调统一。  相似文献   

Girls and boys and practical science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A critical examination of the evidence from the literature suggests that there are more similarities than differences between the performances of girls and boys on practical laboratory tasks, notwithstanding well‐established, sex‐related differences in areas of interest, science‐relevant experience and confidence. This premise is supported by an analysis, with differentiation by sex, of the Techniques for Assessment of Practical Skills in Science Project (TAPs)? data, gathered from 1122 Scottish pupils 15‐16 years old, considered by their teachers to be low achievers in science.

It is argued that, by neglecting the assessment of practical work, there has been a failure to capitalize on the generally favourable attitudes of pupils, particularly those of girls, to this component of science courses, and that a formative, diagnostic and criterion‐referenced approach to assessment, together with the development of a sensitive reporting system, has the potential to enhance teaching and learning. An assessment system with these characteristics was developed and the resulting profiles of achievement, compiled by the class teacher, were used for purposes of national certification. Novel features of the scheme may have contributed to the better performances ‘overall’ by the girls in the sample.  相似文献   

大型仪器设备开放共享是促进创新型人才培养、支撑高水平科学研究和服务国家战略需求的重要举措。该文基于山东大学大型仪器设备开放共享的管理实践,在对大型仪器设备基本现状分析的基础上,从理论和实践层面进行总结分析,提出了"四个坚持"的开放共享思路和"一统四分三构建"的开放共享路径,以推进大型仪器设备开放共享水平和效能的提升,为进一步探索开放共享新理念、新思路、新举措提供参考。  相似文献   

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