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本文针对全日制专业型研究生培养的现状,分析了研究生实践环节存在的问题.结合海洋化工领域的化学工程专业的专业硕士实践环节培养方案,探讨了从招生面试环节增加其专业应用能力考核权重,制定可行的专业硕士实践环节考核机制,加强专业硕士实践基地建设,严格专业硕士导师资格评定机制,切实发挥企业导师的指导作用,制定适合专业特点的专业硕士培养计划等几个方面完善专业型硕士研究生培养的实践环节.  相似文献   

Universities and graduate education are increasingly viewed as part of the emerging lifelong learning and education system and we see the evidence of this as the average age of graduate students increases. We are also seeing an increasing emphasis on education for employment in the lifelong learning and education literature, and this discourse is now infiltrating universities and graduate education; graduate education is increasingly referred to as graduate training and is being recast as vocational training. In this meditation I examine these changes in graduate education in light of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life viewed through the lens of Jungian psychology, and discuss implications of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life for graduate education. This is followed by examining the implications that changes in graduate programs have for graduate students in the second half of life.  相似文献   

This study examines an innovative model program for the mentorship of diverse graduate students entitled the Inter-Ethnic/Interdisciplinary Mentoring Institute for Graduate Education (i.e., Mentoring Institute), which was established by the Graduate Student Diversity Programs in the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Virginia (UVa). The Mentoring Institute was created to promote an inclusive environment for graduate students from diverse backgrounds as well as to provide support for and increase the number of students of color who successfully matriculate and graduate from UVa. A comprehensive program evaluation was conducted that assesses the mentoring experiences of UVa graduate students who participate in the Mentoring Institute. The evaluation data reveals how graduate students’ involvement in the Mentoring Institute has positively impacted their academic and social experiences as well as their feelings of connectedness to UVa's professional community. The evaluation also assesses ongoing activities, professional trainings, workshops, and other support mechanisms provided for graduate students by the Mentoring Institute. In all, graduate students who participated in the Mentoring Institute evaluation indicated that the program has contributed significantly to their academic success, social well being, and feelings of connectedness to the UVa graduate school community. This study should particularly benefit administrators, faculty, students, and higher education professionals who are interested in multicultural graduate student development at predominately White institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

通过对浙江工业大学研究生学习生活现状的调查研究发现,当前研究生的价值取向和就业观比较明确,但还存在一些问题;研究生的课余生活与社会实践目的性较强,就业压力和学习压力是研究生产生心理压力和心理问题的最主要根源。因此,高校应指导研究生进一步树立正确的择业观和价值观,丰富研究生的课余生活,尽可能地为在校研究生提供各种社会实践的机会,以培养其各方面的能力,从而减轻研究生的心理压力。  相似文献   

研究生学术行为失范的内源性因素主要是学术能力的欠缺,表现在学术积累厚度不足、学术训练强度不够、学术交流质量不高等方面。对此,研究生应重视学术积累、提高积累效率,树立学术信心、勤于学术训练,培养学术交流能力、注重学术交流效果。这样,既有利于强化研究生的学术能力,也有助于减少研究生的学术失范行为。  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior is a significant concern among graduate students. Because many suicidal graduate students do not access mental health services, programs to connect them to resources are essential. This article describes the Interactive Screening Program (ISP), an anonymous, Web-based tool for screening and engaging at-risk graduate school students. We include qualitative responses from participating graduate students providing information on their symptoms or circumstances, desire for treatment, and gratitude for services. Concluding remarks highlight ISP's benefits for graduate students and ways to implement this protocol for other graduate student populations.  相似文献   

黄海峰 《高教论坛》2008,(1):131-133
我国研究生教育历经几十年,取得了引人瞩目的成绩,但也面临着质量下滑的危险。基层研究生组织在研究生教育与管理中具有举足轻重的作用和地位。本文阐述了基层研究生教育与管理的特点、重点和难点,分析了基层研究生教育的地位与作用、职责与权限,提出了研究生培养环节、研究生导师管理及思想政治教育等方面的重点工作,探讨了基层研究生培养的机制创新和管理绩效等难点问题。  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的迅速扩大,毕业生就业将面临着严峻的挑战,如何转变就业指导观念,建立一个新的就业指导模式,是高校开展就业指导工作面临的两个重要课题。  相似文献   

Curtin University's Curriculum 2010 (C2010) initiative aimed at ensuring degree programs were excellent and sustainable. Before C2010, graduate attributes were not universally emphasised and indicators showed room for improvement in generic skills. C2010 focused on embedding graduate attributes through three strategies. The first was embedding graduate attributes in degree programs and mapping for constructive alignment of outcomes and assessments. The second strategy was related: programs were reviewed drawing on evidence including perspectives of graduates, employers and program teams on the relative importance of graduate attributes and the extent to which they were generally demonstrated or developed. The third strategy was a university-wide eportfolio system enabling students' self- and peer-assessment of graduate attributes. Since completion of C2010, proxy indicators show improvement. However, this paper highlights the challenges associated with graduate attributes and renewal. These include: academic staff engagement, the time needed for innovations to come to fruition and evidencing achievement of graduate attributes.  相似文献   

Favourable graduate employment outcomes are critical for future enrolments in higher education. Enrolments fund higher education providers and ensure a continuous supply of graduates to enhance organisational effectiveness, national productivity and global competitiveness. Recent evidence suggests the global financial crisis has softened graduate labour markets. Stakeholder concerns for graduate career prospects and the adequacy of return on investment from studying at university prompt exploration of those factors which influence graduate employment outcomes. This study tests, using logistic regression, a model of job attainment in recent Bachelor graduates of Australian higher education providers using national data gathered in 2011 (n = 28,246) and 2012 (n = 28,009). Findings indicate employer selection criteria broadly align with our understanding of what constitutes graduate employability, including technical expertise, generic skill mastery and a successfully formed graduate identity. Labour market opportunities, however, are not based on merit alone with employers favouring those graduating from prestigious universities, part-time students and whose study incorporated elements of on-campus learning. There were also noted variations by discipline, age and residency status. The study enhances our understanding of which factors influence graduate employment outcomes and discusses implications for relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

广西研究生教育发展的现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述了广西研究生教育发展的成绩和存在的主要问题,分析了当前广西研究生教育发展背景和全面考察当前广西研究生教育发展条件的基础,提出了当前广西研究生教育发展的若干基本对策。  相似文献   

Graduate employability has become an issue since there are broad mismatches between the acquired graduate skills from university and the required skills by employers. While previous researches have outlined the salient skills that need to be embedded in graduate education, to date no studies have attempted to methodically identify and synthesize the literature on graduate attributes. In this paper a total of 39 relevant studies on graduate skills and attributes in the subject areas of business and management, accounting, and computer science were extracted from Scopus® (database). This revealed a total of 53 graduate attributes, with some being highly used, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, technological skills, creativity, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, self-management and flexibility/adaptability. The majority of studies used a quantitative survey method to collect and rank graduate attributes, and Australia emerged as the most active country in researching the domain.  相似文献   


Research methods are perhaps the most difficult subject matter to teach in the graduate criminal justice curricula. This is in part due to the mix of practitioners and aspiring researchers in most criminal justice graduate departments, leading many instructors to question whether their own coverage is in line with the needs of their graduate students as well as the coverage of other instructors. Also complicating matters is that research methods textbooks are not geared specifically for the graduate level, and thus may neglect topics that are necessary for today's criminal justice graduate students. The present study addresses these concerns by providing an analysis of 11 current criminal justice research methods textbooks, as well as a survey of 36 instructors of graduate criminal justice and criminology research methods classes. Both the texts and instructors are found to place a strong focus on quantitative methods, while the textbooks tend to place a greater emphasis on qualitative methods than the instructors. Moreover, both the texts and instructors neglect topics crucial to today's criminal justice graduate student, including grant writing, article writing and critiquing, and standards for collaborative research efforts.  相似文献   

《美国新闻与世界报道》研究生院排行是大学排行的重要组成部分。研究生院排行的指标选择、数据来源方式以及统计方法都体现出科学性、可操作性以及与学院特色相适应的特点;我国研究生院排行由于起步较晚,排行方法论以借鉴为主,虽然注重本国研究生教育的特殊性,但在数据来源、指标选择、数据统计以及学院特色等方面相对于《美国新闻与世界报道》研究生院排行相对成熟的方法论体系仍存在较多问题。因此,在研究生院排行过程中要关注排行对象的特殊性与排行方法论选择的关系,以实现排行方法论体系本土化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current understanding of the development of graduate attributes in higher education. The current understanding is rooted in the system-based, behaviouristic approach that emphasises the identification of graduate attributes and curriculum mapping. This approach gives little consideration to more relational-holistic, person-based approaches that emphasise students' agency in determining which graduate attributes they develop, why they choose to develop them and through what means. Although the system-based approach is necessary, this paper suggests that the person-based approach supplements it by addressing the development of meaningful graduate attributes for students in their evolving life and career circumstances. The development of quality graduate attributes involves more than the alignment of what is intended, taught and learned; rather, it occurs through students developing personal graduate attributes in a self-directed and genuinely engaged manner. This person-based perspective, stressing student self-directedness, has important implications for higher education that has as a principal goal the enrichment of student graduate attributes.  相似文献   

研究生信息素养水平的高低与研究生科研创新能力、研究生人才培养质量正相关。面对互联网时代带来的海量信息,研究生的信息素养显现出一些特点,检索与获取信息更依赖网络浏览及搜索引擎、分析与评判信息更趋于感性化、运用与创造信息更依赖于软件工具,这些特点反映了当代研究生信息依赖心理过重、信息处理能力相对不足以及信息道德素质尚待提高等问题,因此针对研究生信息素养的现状开展专项培育工程,切实提高研究生信息素养成为研究生创新人才培养的重要课题。  相似文献   

建立研究生导师培养能力的评估机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生导师的培养能力如何,对研究生的培养质量起着关键性的作用,但对其培养能力,目前尚无评估机制,理应创建。笔者认为,研究生导师培养能力评估机制的主要内容应是,建立科学的评估指标,其中应综合考察研究生培养的外在环境因素以及导师内在的德能才情因素。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to measure graduate students’ academic hardiness (GSAH) and academic self-efficacy (GSASE) and to examine the relationships between the two. A total of 202 graduate students across disciplines were recruited to complete two questionnaires (GSAH and GSASE). Results of exploratory factor analyses showed that the GSAH and GSASE were reliable for assessing graduate students’ academic hardiness and academic self-efficacy. Comparing master’s and doctoral students’ scores in the GSAH and GSASE scales, we found that doctoral students outperformed master’s students. The findings also revealed that three dimensions of GSAH (commitment, control of affect, and challenge) were strong predictors of graduate students’ academic self-efficacy. These results confirm and strengthen the relation between graduate students’ academic hardiness and academic self-efficacy. This study calls attention to graduate students’ ability to recognize and appraise causes of their failure and to learn how to overcome academic difficulties.  相似文献   

通过对目前煤炭行业研究生创新能力培养方面存在的问题分析,指出研究生培养观念、教师队伍、教育投入等方面存在的问题,制约了研究生创新能力的培养和提高;结合煤炭行业研究生特点,针对存在的问题提出了意见和建议,有利于提高煤炭行业研究生的创新能力。  相似文献   

加拿大研究生教育述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
19世纪中后期,加拿大初创研究生教育体系,硕士研究生教育很受重视,博士研究生教育尚待完善。20世纪初期加拿大研究生教育得到了充分发展,自第二次世界大战后逐渐走向成熟。当前,加拿大各大学的研究生教育各具特色,但也不失其共性。加拿大研究生教育的每个环节都体现出细致、严格的特点。全国性的研究生教育联合会为之提供交流与发展的平台;严格的淘汰率保证了研究生的教育质量;细致的心理指导是研究生教育的必要保障。  相似文献   

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