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发展高等职业教育是我国完善教育体制的一件重要事情。目前.高等职业教育的发展却存在一些问题,如生源结构复杂、专业设置及相应的课程设置、培养目标及其与普通高等教育之差异等方面值得我们思考。  相似文献   

扩招四年公办高校存量资源挖潜殆尽;未来十年高等教育社会需求急增;财政性经费重点投在“两头”上;主要靠非财政性经费支撑高等教育大众化发展。这四个因素决定了未来十年是民办高等教育发展的重要战略机遇期。  相似文献   

对精英教育应赋予新的内涵   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国高等教育进入大众化后,“精英教育”不仅存在,而且必将进一步引起重视。但长期以来,人们对大众化前和大众化后的“精英教育”在认识上存在一些误区,在一定程度上制约了精英教育的健康发展。通过分析高等教育大众化前、后两种“精英教育”在概念上的联系与本质区别,建议用“高等精英教育”代替“精英教育”,并给“高等精英教育”这个概念下了定义。  相似文献   

In the current climate of change and expansion in higher education, a danger exists that mature women students will not be given equitable access because the fundamental barriers to their full participation are not acknowledged. As a result, adequate support and academic facilities, such as childcare, woman‐friendly courses, teaching and assessment methods, sympathetic timetables and counselling services, are not provided for them. This paper examines the barriers that mature women wishing to enter higher education have to overcome, and suggests solutions that would facilitate the dismantling of these.  相似文献   

高等教育改革应当面向信息社会就业市场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迎接信息化的挑战,应对经济全球化的竞争,世界各国把希望寄托在高等教育的改革和人才的培养上。我国一般劳动力严重过剩,但符合产业结构、适应新技术革命和经济全球化要求的高素质技术人才和经营管理人才严重不足。要能在信息化社会拥有一席之地,关键是要落实“科教兴国”战略,面向信息时代社会就业市场,加大高等教育改革力度,培养社会发展急需的劳动者和高科技人才。  相似文献   

高等学校作为培养"四有"人才的摇篮,学生思想政治工作尤为重要.面对新形势和新任务的要求,高校的学生思想政治工作必须以促进人的全面发展为着眼点,坚持以人为本的思想,体现以人为本的情怀,以武装人、引导人为基础,以理解人、关心人为重点,以培养人、塑造人为目标,为全面建设小康社会和高等教育事业的改革发展稳定提供精神动力、舆论环境、智力支持和思想保证.  相似文献   

目前高校校际合作存在合作意愿不强、项目范围窄、实施项目难度大等问题.其原因主要有高校旧管理体制的影响、合作目标与合作对象定位不准、产权不清晰、没有相关的政策保障及相关的管理队伍等等.高校发展合理和有效的校际合作既有单项合作模式、多项合作模式及大学联盟合作模式三种主要方式可以遵循,同时还需要针对现状和问题采取相应的措施.  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997, as part of the Bangladesh Higher Secondary Education Project, the author and three local colleagues provided consultancy support to assist college professors to become teacher trainers in four newly established teacher training institutes for higher secondary teachers (grades 11 and 12). At an individual level the process sought to introduce the concept of practical training and to develop relevant skills. At an institutional level staff were encouraged to work as a team in delivering training, especially in implementing an Action Research module developed by the consultants, and to recognise that the institutional context provided a vehicle for learning from each other. Surprisingly the professors developed positive attitudes to their role and productivity increased dramatically over the consultancy, although resources were inadequate and working conditions difficult. Strategies to sustain teacher training on the termination of the project are outlined.  相似文献   

We tested key predictions of a theoretical model positing that confusion, which accompanies a state of cognitive disequilibrium that is triggered by contradictions, conflicts, anomalies, erroneous information, and other discrepant events, can be beneficial to learning if appropriately induced, regulated, and resolved. Hypotheses of the model were tested in two experiments where learners engaged in trialogues on scientific reasoning concepts in a simulated collaborative learning session with animated agents playing the role of a tutor and a peer student. Confusion was experimentally induced via a contradictory-information manipulation involving the animated agents expressing incorrect and/or contradictory opinions and asking the (human) learners to decide which opinion had more scientific merit. The results indicated that self-reports of confusion were largely insensitive to the manipulations. However, confusion was manifested by more objective measures that inferred confusion on the basis of learners’ responses immediately following contradictions. Furthermore, whereas the contradictions had no effect on learning when learners were not confused by the manipulations, performance on multiple-choice posttests and on transfer tests was substantially higher when the contradictions were successful in confusing learners. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

通过论述高等学校党政领导班子和谐,高等学校在发展中的规模、质量、结构、效益的和谐,高等学校师生关系的和谐,试图提出解决高等学校在构建和谐教育过程中所存在的问题的意见和策略,以期推进和谐高校的建设。  相似文献   

提出高职CAD/CAM教学亟待解决的问几个题,即认清形势、提高认识、教学内容应突出针对性与实用性、教学方法和手段更强调实践性和创新意识。同时也对CAD/CAM课程的重要性和特色,以及最应该学习什么和怎样学习,结合教学实践提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的改革与发展,管理队伍建设在高校生存与发展中的地位,日益受到关注和重视.管理队伍承担着科学地组织和使用学校资源来实现办学目标的任务.管理薄弱是制约高职高专院校办学水平和效益的瓶颈.高职高专院校管理队伍现状令人堪忧,管理队伍建设亟待加强.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,高职教育受到前所未有的重视。然而,作为一种新型的教育制度,它的教育理念、培养模式尚未最终形成。要发展高职教育,处理高职教育中的一系列问题,必须首先处理好四个方面的关系。  相似文献   

薪金激励的特点是直观、可预见性强,经营者的风险相对较小,但短期行为严重,不利于企业长远发展;股权激励则能使经营者更加注重企业的长远发展,经营者通过股权激励可以取得较高的收入和报酬,但风险相对比薪金激励要高。对于多数企业而言,目前阶段较适宜的激励方式是薪金与股权相结合.薪金作为经营者基本的生活保证,股权作为经营者对企业贡献的特别奖励。  相似文献   

The nature of partnership between schools and higher education institutions is changing in many countries, with experienced teachers taking on more responsibility for teacher education whilst remaining in their school as teachers, rather than entering the higher education sector to become teacher educators. This research considers the perspectives of these school-based teacher educators (SBTEs) in England, exploring the impact that this role has on them, their student-teachers and their schools. Some benefits and challenges that they face in the dual role of teacher and teacher educator are revealed. The research takes an interpretive perspective, listening to the meanings being constructed by the participants through use of a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and a focus group of student-teachers who learned from these SBTEs. Possible impacts on student-teachers’ learning and implications for the development of high-quality teacher education are examined.  相似文献   

成人高等教育的价值取向亟待改变   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
我国的成人高等教育在教育价值取向上存在着偏差。这种偏差导致了“唯凭主义”现象越来越严重,并且使成人高等教育的课程体系建构、教学过程实施、教学评价标准等长期处于低层次化。要纠正这种教育价值取向的偏差,必须要求全社会树立正确的人才使用观念,要求成人高等教育的管理部门、主办机构和受教育确立正确的教育价值观。  相似文献   

高校“党政一把手要当好教学质量第一负责人”的说法,初看似有道理,细想颇多疑惑。高校党政一把手的工作无疑能够对教学质量提高产生很大的促进作用,但不能完全且直接的决定教学质量。而能够直接决定教学质量水平的只有高校教师,他们也应该为高校的教学质量负责。高校领导为教学质量提高所应该承担的工作,是建设公平、公正、科学、文明的教学制度和教育文化。  相似文献   

献检索是获取献信息的重要方法。十分有必要在电大等成人高校中开设献检索课,为此应当尽快纳入教学计划。  相似文献   

多年来毕业生的思想政治教育工作一直是我国高校思想政治教育工作的一个难题,本文中,笔者提出了目前我国高校毕业生思想政治教育工作存在的一些问题,并对如何解决问题进行了思考和探索。  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育经过近30年的发展,已逐步成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,在我国高等教育迈向大众化的进程中发挥了重要作用。然而,民办教育在法人治理结构、获取合理回报、稳定师资队伍等方面无论是从政策、观念、机制等层面都还存在着许多值得深入研究、探讨和实践的问题。文章对这些问题进行了剖析,提出了一些对策与建议。  相似文献   

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