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随着我国高等教育的大众化和对幼儿园教师学历要求的提高,高等师范院校已成为学前教育师资培养的重要基地。进入本世纪以来,我省的学前师资培养也主要由高等师范院校来承担。但在其发展中存在诸如专业定位、课程设置、毕业生就业等问题。为此,高师在学前教育师资培养中应加强自身专业建设,面向幼教市场准确定位;在课程设置上把握专业特殊性,加强专业技能训练和教育实践课程。建构和完善高师的学前师资培训模式,培养出素质与技能并重,研究与教养兼能的新型幼儿教师。  相似文献   

根据梅州山区城镇的自然地理条件,分析了建筑工程质量责任主体存在问题,简述了问题来源及其特征表现,得出了建筑工程质量责任主体存在问题产生的根本原因.为今后梅州山区城镇的发展制定科学合理的管理方法提供依据.  相似文献   

民办教育的资金来源关系到民办教育的生存,影响到民办教育的发展.近代江西民办教育的资金来源,主要是来自省内官僚、商人、士绅等阶层的捐助捐资办学.近代江西民办教育资金的涌入弥补了政府财政的不足,促进了近代江西教育的发展.探究近代江西民办教育资金来源及其影响,对今天民办教育资金的来源,提供了可借鉴的方式、方法.  相似文献   

Thirty physical science and 30 chemistry classes, which contained a total of 1332 students, were observed using the Brophy-Good Teacher-Child Dyadic Interaction System. Classroom interactions were examined for gender differences that may contribute to the underrepresentation of women in physics and engineering courses and subsequent careers. The Brophy-Good coding process allows for examination of patterns of interactions for individuals and groups of pupils. An analysis of variance of the data yielded a significant main effect for teacher praise, call outs, procedural questions, and behavioral warnings based on the sex of the student and a significant teacher-sex main effect for direct questions. Significant two-way interactions were found for the behavioral warning variable for teacher sex and subject by student sex. Female teachers warned male students significantly more than female students. Male teachers warned both genders with similar frequency. Male students also received significantly more behavioral warnings in physical science classes than female students. In chemistry classes, both male and female students received approximately the same number of behavioral warnings.  相似文献   

论高校学生工作中的人本理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生工作贯彻和实施以人为本的教育理念,要不断强化学生主体意识,努力建立一种以教育服务为中心,充分体现人关怀和法制原则的管理机制与制度;要注意尊重学生的自主意识,引导学生进行自主教育和自我管理,努力探索民主、平等、充满活力的教育和管理的方法。  相似文献   

The medicalisation of the behaviour of children is a phenomenon that is attracting growing attention, with particular concern about the increased likelihood of children living in disadvantaged contexts receiving a medical diagnosis, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and treatment. This paper reports on a study of professionals involved with children experiencing behavioural problems. The professionals interviewed in this study articulated their own reservations about the medicalisation of children’s behaviour and revealed a number of strategies for interrupting the process towards diagnosis. These interruptions, analysed using Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of deterriorialisation, took place along linguistic, visual and affective planes and were successful in encouraging teachers and head teachers to see alternatives to the medical route. The findings have implications for existing practice in the response to, and support for, behavioural problems and for teacher education.  相似文献   

提高留学生教育质量已成为目前我国高等教育国际化的迫切任务之一,研究适合来华留学生地质类课程的课内实习教学方法对于保证留学生教育质量具有重要意义。本文以来华留学生现状及任课教师素质的探讨为基础,主张运用以传统的课内实习教学法为主体的教学模式,强调结合不同地质课程的特点侧重不同教学环节,分别阐述了该方法在“石油天然气地质学”和“含油气盆地模拟”课程课内实习教学中的具体应用。  相似文献   

李白《静夜思》“床前明月光”的“床”字,学者中有四种解释:一曰卧具;一曰坐具;一曰坐卧具;一曰井上围栏。笔者通过对“床”这个概念在古代所表示的不同事物比较及对全诗意境的分析,认定“床”当为卧具。  相似文献   

课堂民主的实施由于缺乏深层理论的指导而困难重重。文章基于建构主义和课堂民主的共同点,抓住建构主义理论重视个人主动建构的特点,以此为切入点来重新解释课堂民主现象,并发表自己对课堂民主的一些新看法。试图从个体角度去把握课堂民主的落实,期望能够给广大师生对于课堂民主的认识和实践提供些许参考和建议。  相似文献   

环境保护是人类社会可持续发展的前提 ,通过环境教育增强人的环保意识 ,已成为全社会的共识。中小学环境教育是素质教育的重要内容之一。探索国内外中小学环境教育的发展与现状 ,找出适合我国国情的环境教育途径 ,是全面实施素质教育的基本要求  相似文献   

美国从颁布《不让一个孩子掉队》法案以来,教师质量问题成为改革的中心议题。美国教育改革者主张,师范生如果在大学里准备不够充分,就不可能达到优质教师的标准。21世纪初美国教育部建立"有效的教师准备课程国家奖励项目",目的是通过优质教师教育课程评选,有力推动师范生达成高学术性标准,成为有效教师。因而,教师教育课程开发和变革成为当前美国教师教育改革的重大主题。  相似文献   

"五四"小说的情感世界是丰富多彩的,从新文学刚刚开始的"短暂欢愉"、激情宣言,到发泄对传统思想和当下社会的不满与愤激之情,再到愤激过后的哀伤,经历了一个复杂的变化过程。其间有对纯真美好理想的赞美、追求爱情自由而不得的压抑、贫困生活煎熬的痛苦、与现实斗争失败后的哀伤、选择归乡后的失落等等情绪的表现,虽然情感表现多种多样,但都隐隐约约地透露出他们因处在这个时代和这个时代本身存在的感伤。  相似文献   

西文图书中出版者号的特殊情况主要有,国际版与国内版有不同的ISBN号;多卷书可能既有一个总的ISBN号,同时各卷书又有各自的ISBN号;同一种书不同装帧形式也可能有不同的ISBN号;多个出版社共享一个出版者号以及一个出版社有多个出版者号等现象.  相似文献   

A study carried out in 1998 (reported in the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 2003) of the information systems used by farmers in the Czech Republic to access information and advice was repeated in 2003. The research aim was to assess whether, and how, the systems had changed during these five years. The perceived importance of 10 categories of information relating to farming had changed little during this time. The sources used to obtain this information, and related advice, had, however, been less stable. The relative importance of half the sources used had changed to higher or lower levels. The sources of high importance for information are largely institutional; for advice they are more social. There is an increasing need for professional consultants and horizontal transfer of information is important as well. There was no evident consistent trend in the size of the information systems, measured as the actual numbers of sources used, but it is possible that there is a move towards smaller numbers, especially for advice. There has been a large investment in computers on farms since 1998. A good start has been made in developing a system of professional consultants for farmers. Optimism about the future has declined a little among the private farmers, though it remains higher than on the co-operative and company farms, despite the uncertainties facing agriculture. More study is needed to assess the adequacy of the information systems for farmers undertaking diversification.  相似文献   

家长参与子女的学校教育日益得到社会的普遍重视。文章试图对美国在家长参与子女学校教育方面的研究进行综述,从而探讨美国在家长参与子女教育方面的研究轨迹,以期对我国有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Gender gap in returns to schooling in Palestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study provides estimates of the private returns to schooling in Palestine utilizing eight quarterly labor force surveys for 1999 and 2001. This period was chosen to investigate the differential impact of the Israeli closure policy on Palestinian male and female workers. Although gross enrollment ratios for males and females reveal little to no difference in the primary, middle and tertiary levels of schooling, returns to schooling are significantly different. On average, females earned 14–15% less than males in 1999. The gender gap is narrowed during 2001 due to rising male unemployment in the Palestinian areas. Performing the regression for males and females separately, it is found that returns to schooling are larger for women (at least at the margin). The gap in returns to schooling was reduced in 2001; however, female returns to schooling as estimated by OLS suffer from selectivity bias which worsened during 2001. The work in Israel premium increased for women and decreased for men. Finally, Palestinian public sector employment parallels periods of restricted access to Israeli labor markets; its average wages are lower and years of schooling are higher relative to private sector employment.  相似文献   

提高投资的规模和质量是四川经济增长的动力所在。近年来四川实施投资拉动和项目带动战略取得了巨大成就,但仍存在着投资结构不够合理、工业投资增长缓慢、资源环境制约和投资波动等诸多问题。今后应以优选投资项目,优化投资布局为发展思路,采取有效措施,使投资在经济增长中发挥更大的拉动作用。  相似文献   

The scientific rigor of education research has improved dramatically since the year 2000. Much of the credit for this improvement is deserved by Institute of Education Sciences (IES) policies that helped create a demand for rigorous research; increased human capital capacity to carry out such work; provided funding for the work itself; and collected, evaluated, and made available the results of that work through the What Works Clearinghouse. Major challenges still remain for education research, however. One challenge is dealing with the replication crisis that has plagued other scientific fields and is likely to be a problem in education science. A second challenge is better supporting the generalizability of education research. A third challenge is adapting our rigorous research designs to the increasing complexity of our interventions and our questions about the mechanisms by which these interventions achieve their effects. Promising approaches to meet each of these challenges are suggested.  相似文献   

This article provides bibliography, some with annotation, for three areas of computer use in interpersonal communication: computer‐assisted instruction, simulation of interpersonal communication, and analysis of verbal behavior. There are brief introductory comments for each section of the bibliography.  相似文献   

Mastering spelling is important for children to progress in writing. The National Curriculum in England details spelling lists linked to each year group in primary education. Assessment practices also emphasise the importance of teaching spelling. However, to date, little is known about how teachers feel about teaching spelling nor the instructional methods that they use in primary schools in England. This study addresses this gap by investigating approaches to teaching spelling. An online survey was distributed to primary-based teaching staff with roles in supporting teaching and learning. The survey asked for information about the respondents’ teaching experience and school setting, and about their attitudes and approach to teaching spelling. The survey was completed in full by 158 respondents. Approaches to teaching spelling were varied and over two-thirds of the sample highlighted that their school did not have a spelling policy. The importance of explicit teaching of spelling was supported by the majority of teachers. This judgement was more frequent and rated more highly by teachers supporting younger children. Teachers largely reported devising their own spelling resources, highlighted that the curriculum spelling lists lack guidance for teaching spelling strategies and questioned their suitability for pupils of varying abilities. A range of spelling programmes and strategies were recorded. The findings provide insight into universal instructional approaches. Practical implications for teacher training and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

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