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The recognition of the key role and moral responsibility of higher education institutions (HEIs) in cultivating the environmental literacy (EL) of their students is growing globally. The current research examined the contribution of HEIs to their students’ EL by focusing on an Israeli college as a case-study. A survey was conducted among a representative sample of 1147 students from all departments in four phases of their academic studies. A moderate level of EL was found. The college’s green agenda attracted more pre-environmentally literate students, but its contribution to the development of students’ EL throughout the learning years was minor. Variation in pro-environmental behavior was better explained by students’ environmental values and attitudes than by their environmental knowledge. It seems that a combination of knowledge, values, and attitudes is needed in order to instill EL among students in HEIs. Commitment to environmental education must be translated into effective contents (what) and ways of teaching and learning (how) EL, which should be adapted to the varied populations of HEIs’ students in the various faculties and departments. Some recommendations are detailed.  相似文献   

Internationalisation of higher education in Malaysia is seen as a means for improving and empowering higher education so that the higher education institutions in the country can become comparable to the best in the world. While the government has spelt out the directions as well as some of the targets for internationalisation, higher education institutions in the country have been internationalising for different reasons and with different levels of priority and intensity. Public universities, especially the older ones, have been engaged in internationalisation as part of their academic growth and development. Concurrently, a variety of private institutions of higher learning has evolved since the opening up of private higher education from the 1980s. These include private universities that have been established by large corporations, smaller private colleges that have been elevated to the status of degree-conferring institutions as well as branch campuses of foreign universities. The objective of this paper is to examine the different concepts and challenges of internationalisation faced by the different types of higher education institutions in the country, using the case study approach. It was found that in each of these cases, the concept of internationalisation and the challenges faced are different, although funding is raised as a problem in three of the four cases. These different challenges imply that current policies may have to be fine-tuned in order to address the different needs of these institutions in their respective efforts to internationalise.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Education Review - Tribal Colleges and Universities in the United States and Ethnic Minority-Serving Institutions in China play a significant role in changing the underrepresented...  相似文献   

论高等学校定位   总被引:170,自引:0,他引:170  
高等学校定位 ,包括高等学校在整个社会大系统中的定位 ,一所学校在整个高等教育系统中的定位 ,学校内部各要素在学校发展中的定位三个层面。当前应重点研究的是高等学校在高等教育系统中的定位 ,其实质是高等教育系统的分层。在对高等学校进行定位时 ,应综合考虑社会发展的需求、相关学校的状况以及自身具备的优势等各方面的因素 ,展其所长 ,要有大视野、大智慧和大手笔  相似文献   

从网络环境对成人高校图书馆的冲击和影响出发,分析成人高校图书馆目前的状况和差距,提出建立资源共享、调整馆藏结构和优化服务资源、完善服务设施及变革服务模式、馆员的自我调整和提高的应对措施。  相似文献   

地方高校发展与高等教育政策调整   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来,我国地方高校在规模迅猛扩张的同时,普遍陷入了多重发展困境之中。从制度变迁的类型和路径依赖两个角度来看,这种困境产生的制度根源有两个:一是以中央政府为主体的激进式强制性制度变迁的局限性,二是对传统高等教育管理模式的路径依赖。今后高等教育政策调整必须遵循两个基本的指导思想:一是弥补激进式强制性制度变迁的局限,二是摆脱对传统高等教育管理方式的路径依赖。  相似文献   

高等教育的治理:重构政府、高校、社会之间的关系   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
在高等教育领域推行治理 ,已成为许多国家高等教育改革追求的目标。高等教育的治理 ,首先意味着政府的角色或功能将发生重大变化 ,政府不再是高等教育产品的惟一提供者 ,政府对高校的管理由“政府控制模式”向“政府监督模式”转变 ,在资源配置方面 ,将更多地引入市场机制 ,政府、学校和社会之间存在着权力的依赖和互动 ,它们之间的关系将发生重组。高等教育治理的基本特征是非国营化、去中心、自治和市场化  相似文献   

高校德育与创新素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了高校德育在大学生创新素质教育中的导向、激励、启发、人格内化、保障服务等功能 ,简介了我校德育推进大学生创新素质教育的实践。  相似文献   

论并校中的融合   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
将并校带来的机遇性优势转化成现实优势的关键 ,在于实现实质性融合 ,其实质是体制创新和资源重组 ,体现在“四个融合”和“五个统一”上。在并校改革中 ,融合的速度和深度影响甚至决定着学校发展的速度和水平。合并组建的新校要在并校提供的学科结构框架上 ,从自己的办学目标出发 ,选择适合自己的学科融合模式 ,进一步优化学科结构 ,为融合发展打下坚实的基础。校园精神的融合 ,是实质性融合最牢固的根基。校园精神融合的实质 ,是在继承历史文化“遗产”和消融历史文化“壁垒”的过程中 ,实现校园精神的更迭和创新  相似文献   

在社会思潮纷繁的背景下,我们要正视思想道德领域价值取向多元化倾向,在事关为谁育人、育什么人的高校意识形态阵地旗帜鲜明地强调德育工作中价值导向的一元化,弘扬社会主义的主导价值观.要充分发挥德育的化功能,优化育人环境,把坚持“三个面向”、培育“四有”新人作为高校德育工作的方向和目标.  相似文献   

From a financial perspective, the criteria for category distinction of higher education institutions should be based on the ownership of institution property and income for recurrent expenditure. The development of modern higher education witnessed the period wherein higher education institutions have both private property and private payment for recurrent expenditure. The development also saw the period wherein all the institution properties were owned by the state and all the recurrent expenditure were paid by the government. Accordingly, universities could be divided into two categories of “public” and “private” institutions until the 1970s. However, things have been changing greatly over the past 20 years. Property ownership and payment for recurrent expenditure have been separated. The public institutions appeal to more and more individuals sharing recurrent expenditure, while private institutions ask for more and more public financial support. Therefore, some financially mixed institutions came into being and “three categories with sub-groups” has become a new phenomenon. __________ Translated from Peking University Education Review, 2004 (2)  相似文献   

The need to understand how prospective students decide which higher education institution to attend is becoming of paramount importance as the policy context for higher education moves towards market-based systems in many countries. This paper provides a novel methodology by which student preferences between institutions can be assessed, using the United Kingdom as a case study. It applies both revealed preference and discrete choice modelling techniques to estimate the priority attributes and potential trade-offs of students choosing between different UK universities. Whereas the former methodology has the advantage of being based on actual decisions, the latter provides an experimental setting for more nuanced findings to be elicited; the combination of approaches allows for a rich and detailed set of results. This methodology can also be used to ask detailed strategic questions of higher education institutions and further applied to other international markets.  相似文献   

本文对远程教育高校校园文化的特点、作用进行概括,并对校园文化建设中存在的问题和应采取的措施提出了看法.  相似文献   

高校定位是高校对自身发展方向和发展路径的理性选择,高等教育系统秩序的形成是建立在高校定位基础之上的组织化过程。高校分类只是对高等教育系统秩序认识的特例,仅仅用高校分类与自生秩序相结合来建构高校定位机制是不够的。高等教育系统秩序的形成是一个组织化过程,既有人类理性的安排,又有自组织方式。因而,高校定位应该由政府宏观引导、社会广泛参与、高校理性选择三者共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

中美高等教育交流与中国高等学校教学改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文研究了中美高等教育交流对我国高等学校教学改革的影响 ,认为对我国高等学校的课程与教学内容变革、教学方法变革和教学管理体制变革等产生了有力的推动作用。同时认为 ,美国经验是推动我国高等学校教学改革的重要因素 ,但只是作为外因起作用 ,并不是根本动因和全部外来经验  相似文献   

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