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在当代中国画坛上活跃着众多出色的女画家,朱理存就是其中之一。朱理存早年在美院时学的是写意画,她毕业后创作的一系列作品如《四不要》、《叔叔喝水》等都是写意画。后来,为了表现的需要她又画起工笔画。她的作品多以少女、儿童生活篇为题材,形象饱满,色调清雅。朱理存的作品是极具特色的,她的工笔人物画工中含写、写中有工,同时又体现着一种不失传统又有一定装饰味道的特征,充满人情味和浪漫的生活情趣。  相似文献   

在新文学尤其是女性文学发展史上,冯沅君占据着重要的地位。她的小说创作极具现代性,对封建伦理道德给予了强烈的冲击和批判,同时,她表现了新女性在爱情追求上的勇敢与"怯惧"的真实状况,尤其是她对情爱的热烈、大胆、真诚的抒写,更显示出其独特的价值和意义。  相似文献   

社会资本视阈下的现代女性创业研究:一个嵌入性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国正处于市场经济转轨和现代社会转型时期,女性自主创业不但是深化改革开放的需要,也是女性适应社会变迁而做出的积极参与社会发展的一种表现.而嵌入干经济社会结构中的社会资本是女性创业的必要资源,一个女性创业者社会资本的多少直接决定了其动员企业存在和发展所需的关键性资源的能力.但是长期以来,由于结构等诸多因素的制约,女性获得社会资本的机会受到极大的限制,社会资本的两性差别使女性在诸多创业领域不仅是少数,而且处于一种"边缘"地位.因此,如何大力构建社会资本、提升组织网络资源对于女性创业研究意义深远.  相似文献   

贾平凹作品中塑造了许多女性形象,体现了他对女性的体悟、思考和关注,同时形成了他对现代女性应然状态的成熟看法.做女人既要自我本色又要虚饰脸面。  相似文献   

潘向黎是当代一位颇具个性的女作家,她的创作唯美婉约,在当代文坛中独树一帜。与同时代的卫慧、棉棉等女性作家充满物欲、缺乏真情的世俗小说不同的是,潘向黎《倾听夜色》等小说中的人物形象都充满着善心与爱意,都怀着真挚纯朴的感情;艺术上追求一种高雅的格调,含蓄蕴籍,耐人寻味,有一种诗歌般的意境。  相似文献   

本文旨在从两方面讨论梅娘小说,以此重新评说沦陷区的女性写作:首先,梅娘小说从书写女性自身经历和个人情感进入女性写作。其次,梅娘小说充满强烈的女性意识。因此,表明中国女性写作并没有因为抗战而成为空白,而梅娘小说延续着中国新文学女性写作传统,是20世纪中国女性文学发展中不可缺失的一环。  相似文献   

美国作家赛珍珠一生关注妇女问题,对女性的命运与遭遇始终保持敏感。不寻常的童年经历和在华生活的记忆奠定了她为中国女性写作的基础。在《东风·西风》中,赛珍珠以其特有的双重文化背景和宗教立场,对时代变迁中的中国女性命运做了深刻而细腻的分析。作家通过批判旧礼教下妇女的"无我"婚姻,构建中西融合的新式婚姻,集中表达了自己鲜明的女性主义立场。对赛珍珠女性主义意识的分析有助于我们更全面而客观地评价作家的人道主义思想和文化融合观;有助于我们反省现代女性在社会中受到的不公正待遇,更好地聆听她们内心的真实需求。  相似文献   

After her first-time experience as a patient in a hospital, a midwife and childbirth educator reflects on the vulnerability and dependence of women who undergo operative birth. Continuous support for these women during the early postpartum period is imperative. Childbirth educators are encouraged to advocate for these women's needs and to teach them how to advocate for themselves.  相似文献   

在新文学发展中 ,女作家竞相出现。丁玲不仅以其创作的当代性 ,笔致的从容和风格的深厚突破了女性文学的狭小格局 ,而且以其对生活的独特理解和表现生活的出色才华 ,塑造出从前期的孤独感伤的女性形象到后期的坚毅执著的女性形象 ,这种变化镌刻着时代变迁的印记 ,从而使丁玲成为左翼文学发展的重要开拓者之一。  相似文献   

张欣小说爱情观透视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在20世纪80年代以来的中国小说格局中,张欣的小说创作虽不曾山高海阔大红大紫,却也总是让人无法割舍、难以忘怀的。她的小说直接承续了现代抒情小说的抒情传统,以男女情爱为故事框架,以对人生命运的深沉思索和终极关怀为指归,叙事舒畅而清隽,意境浪漫而纯情,语调温婉淡雅而又不时洋溢着反讽的快乐,形成了一种典型的现代都市小说风格,为我国新时期小说大潮中女性写作的创作与发展提供了一个优美而典型的艺术范例。  相似文献   

在对福克纳短篇小说代表作之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》的既往研究中,有女性主义批评者认为父权制是导致爱米丽人生悲剧的重要原因。在此基础上借用巴特勒的性别操演理论进一步提出,爱米丽性别的复杂表演性质从根本上揭示了社会文化机制对个体性别身份的规约以及个体在颠覆机制时所遭遇的遏制。两者形成一种合力,共同促成作品的悲剧意识。爱米丽先是在父权制的掌控下遵循"南方淑女"这一性别规范来建构自己的性别,之后在父亲去世后对性别和身份的操演解构了这一所谓本质主义的迷思。其操演的身份既是对社会文化机制的颠覆与反抗,又是对性别主体重建的诉求,是女性个体争取性别解放的必经之路。  相似文献   

It is recommended that all pregnant women should receive a comprehensive oral health evaluation because poor maternal oral health may affect pregnancy outcomes and the general health of the woman and her baby. Midwives are well placed to provide dental health advice and referral. However, in Australia, little emphasis has been placed on the educational needs of midwives to undertake this role. This article outlines the development of an online education program designed to improve midwives’ dental health knowledge, prepare them to assess the oral health of women, refer when required, and provide appropriate dental education to women and their families. The program consists of reading and visual material to assist with the oral health assessment process and includes competency testing.  相似文献   

为了适应国家建设的需要,1950—1965年新中国通过多种方式和渠道着力塑造了一种新型的女性形象:积极参加生产劳动;婚恋自主,把共同的共产主义理想作为爱情和婚姻的主要基础;勤俭持家,一切听党的话。这一塑造活动对当时女性的生产生活方式、范围以及精神气质都产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

Women with a multiple pregnancy have unique learning needs in preparing for birth. This paper explores the issues relevant to women with a multiple pregnancy to support a positive birth experience. One of the foundations of childbirth education and nursing care is to provide the individual woman and her family with knowledge regarding the birth process, what to expect, and how to cope with labor and birth. Education also focuses on caring for the newborns after birth and how to manage in the early days at home. However, traditional childbirth education classes, which meet in a series of evenings or Saturdays, may not meet the needs of women with a multiple pregnancy. In addition, because of the differences in care that exist for women with a multiple pregnancy, new paradigms for childbirth education are needed to meet the learning needs of these families. The purpose of this paper is to provide information to the childbirth educator on the differences in care women with a multiple pregnancy can expect and to suggest strategies to meet the childbirth education needs of these families.  相似文献   


The child‐centred theme of natural development in Rousseau's Emile has exercised a powerful and benign influence on education. Rousseau's proposed curriculum for girls, however, seems extraordinarily illiberal, requiring as it does a rigorous preparation for playing the traditional female role in a male‐dominated society.

It is argued here that such a conservative policy on the education of girls is inevitable in an educational theory which makes a virtue of its empirical foundations. Observational studies of the female's nature and of her needs and interests portray her as society permits or requires her to be rather than as she could or should be. This is a dangerous weakness in influential twentieth‐century versions of child‐centred theory which have embraced a scientific approach in the hope of enhancing their credibility. The full educational development of girls, however, requires a distinctive vision of how things ought to be, a willingness to defend such value judgments, and a determination to intervene positively in the classroom.  相似文献   

本研究采用叙事探究的方法,借助活动理论剖析了一名优秀高中英语教师的教学故事,挖掘其实践性知识的生成过程。本研究发现教师实践性知识的发展是一个由内部矛盾驱动的拓展学习过程,充满着各种矛盾、张力的较量。基于矛盾的反思性实践和教师强烈的主动发展意识是教师实践性知识发展的重要影响因素,但是教师对学生的爱是教师实践性知识发展的根源。本研究表明教师教育应触及教师的自我经历及其教学环境的核心问题。  相似文献   

池莉凭着其作品的通俗易懂深得读者的喜爱,而她所刻画的女性形象也在读者心中烙下印记,成为大众探讨的一部分。她作品中的女性原型均来自于现实生活,来自于她本人对女性的认识,是现实与自身的一个缩影。然而在她作品中出现的女性也并非是一个固定的模型,相反却是随着社会的发展,融入了社会变化的大潮流中,演绎出不同时期的生活,奏出与时俱进的乐章。  相似文献   

巴巴拉·汉拉汉(1939--1991)是澳大利亚著名女作家,她的小说分三类:自传体小说、幻想或哥特式小说和传记小说。要理解汉拉汉文学作品的重要性,需要对她的智慧和灵感的源泉、背景和教育以及她对自身才能的信心进行框定。本文探讨了其如下主要成就:艺术及女性情感、艺术和性、艺术家的精神生活、心中的孩子、善与恶的问题、无知与知识及对男女劳动生活的歌颂。  相似文献   

Feminist historians have long argued that women have been absent from history, and recovering their position in the historical discourse has been one of the main projects of academic feminism for the last 40 years. But while women’s marginal position as historical subjects has been recognized and addressed their actual contribution to the historiographical operation is still a grey area that needs further research and exploration. Narratives are at the heart of how women have attempted to write history and it is this marginalized area that I address in this paper by focusing on Maud Gonne’s controversial autobiography, Servant of the Queen, as well as on moments of her correspondence with her life-long friend William Butler Yeats. Gonne’s auto/biographical narratives are read as discursive effects of fierce power relations at play, but are also theorized as recorded processes wherein Gonne as the author of her political story emerges from the margins of knowledge production and actively inserts herself in the discourses of Irish history.  相似文献   

赛珍珠《群芳亭》与沈复《浮生六记》的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赛珍珠的《群芳亭》是一部具有鲜明中国传统文化印痕的长篇小说,主要内容与清代沈复《浮生六记》有许多相似之处。赛珍珠可能藉由林语堂《吾国与吾民》、《生活的艺术》等著作的启发而关注到这部清代随笔。《群芳亭》在情节基础和人物性格设计上虽受该作启发,但人物身份地位、生活目标和生命轨迹都发生了现代性转变。作者的写作目的是要为中国传统女性探索一条通向现代的自救之路,体现了她特殊的东西方文化观,但人物形象难免因观念先行而有失自然真实。  相似文献   

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