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说明:我之所以写这篇文章,是因为我知道我们即将阅读这份杂志,而且她也能看得见,能听见我的心声,那次伤了她的心,让我至今都无法平伏我那惭愧的心。我很高兴她仍把我当朋友,但我仍想通过这份杂志来完完全全化解它。促使我们的友情更进一层,我们会认真阅读这份杂志,相信她能理解  相似文献   

我之所以写这篇章,是因为我知道我们即将阅读这份杂志,而且她也能看得见,能听见我的心声,那次伤了她的心,让我至今都无法平伏我那惭愧的心。我很高兴她仍把我当朋友,但我仍想通过这份杂志来完完全全化解它,促使我们的友情更进一层,我们会认真阅读这份杂志,相信她能理解的。  相似文献   

The story happened when I w as ten years old.O n a rainy day,m y father w as busy and he asked m e to go to a shopto buy som ething for him . The shop was about three m iles aw ay from ourhom e.I set out with an um brella in m y hand.The road was very wet andm uddy,and I walked with great difficulty.A fter I bought w hat m y fatherneeded,I started to go back with all the things in m y hand.O n m y w ayhom e I fellseveral tim es,but I w asn tbadly hurt.W hen I was 500m etresaway from our ho…  相似文献   

Passage1H ello.I’m M aggie.I’m13years old.Ihave a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham-burgers and salad.M y brother likes tom atoesand m y sisterlikesice cream.W e have a sm allsports collection.W e alllike te…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

H ello,everyone!M yEnglish nam e is John.Iam a happy boy ofeleven years old.M y favorite friend is A m y,she hasa pair of big eyes and long hair.A m y can play the piano,she alsocan play the saxophone.I have a very nice fam ily.T hereare three people in m…  相似文献   

M y C hinese nam e is Li Zuo,w orks in a bank,and m y m other and m y English nam e is Frank.w orks in C ER IS.M y father is an I m a boy.I m ten years old.I officer,and m y m other is an T his Is M e’’live in X uan W u D istrict.T here engineer.Ihave a…  相似文献   

I’m a m iddle schoolstudent in W uhan.M yChinese nam e is LiuX iaolu.M y English nam eis Cherry.I’m twelveyears old.I’m in Class2,G rade1.I like Englishvery m uch.A ll m y teach-ers are very friendly tom e and I like them all.I’m a tall girl.I havelong black hair and brightbig eyes.A ll m y classm atessay I’m pretty.There are three people in m y fam ily.M yfather is an engineer.M y m other is a nurse.They both work hard.In m y eyes,they aregood parents.M y favorite sport is ping-…  相似文献   

H e was 50years old w henI was born,and a “M r M om ”long before anyone had a nam efor it. I didn’t know why hewas hom e instead of M om ,butI w as young and the only oneof m y friends w ho had theirdad around. I considered (认为)m yself very lucky. D ad did so m any thingsfor m e during m y grade schoolyears.H e convinced(使 ……信服; 使……确 信) the schoolbus driver to pick m e up atm y house instead of the usualbus stop that w as six blocksaway.H e alw ays had m y lunchready for m e…  相似文献   

点评:这篇自我介绍向我们展示了一个积极向上的“我”的形象。小作者语言简练,善于利用所学的英语知识综合地介绍自己的基本情况(姓名、年龄、班级、爱好、能力)。同时描述了自己一天的生活、学习情况,内容全面,基本上能涉及到七年级上册所学的全部重要知识。这是一篇值得学习的好范文。指导老师:水果湖第二中学杜成萍?M y nam e is K ong Zhulingyan.M yEnglish N am e is Frank.I am a boy.I’mthirteen years old.M y birthday is A ugust4th.I’m in Class N ine G rade Seven.M ye-m all address is313654690@qq.com.M y telep…  相似文献   

The Price of a D reamI grew up poor—living with m y wonderfulm other.W e had little m oney,but plenty of loveand attention.I was1and energetic.Iunderstood that no m atter how poor a personwas,he could still2a dream.M y dream was3.By the tim e I wassixteen,I started playing baseball.I couldthrow a ninety-m ile-per-hour fastball and4anything that m oved on the baseballfield.I was also5:M y high schoolcoach was John,who not only believed in m e,but also taught m e6to believe inm yself.H e7m e the difference be...  相似文献   

Let Me Tell You     
My nam e is Wan Liu.My English nam e is w illow (1).From the dic- tionary I know “w illow ”m eans “liu (柳 )”.So I love m y English nam e very m uch.Im twelve years(2).M y fa- vorite subjects are Chinese and English. A fter class I like playing com puters, lis- tening the m usic(3),reading stories,(4) writing som ething. A nd m y favorite stars are R oy,Jay and Blue.They are very cool. I think Im a kind and funny girl. I like m aking friend(5)with others. D o you wantto be m y frie…  相似文献   

圣诞节马上就要到了,大家是不是都很期待这个节日呢?今天我们隆重推出“快乐圣诞秀”,特别邀请Tom m y和Lisa两位小嘉宾给大家介绍圣诞节的有关知识,听听他们对圣诞节了解多少,下面有请Tom m y和Lisa上场!Tom m y:I have a nick鄄nam e——W isem an.I can answerall your questions.(我有一绰号叫智者。我能回答你所有的问题。)Lisa:W ell,what festival is iton D ecem ber25every year?(那好,请问每年的12月25日是什么节日?)Tom m y:Christm as D ay.(圣诞节。)Lisa:Can you tell m e som e鄄thing about“Christm as tree”?(你…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Children sleep in d when theylive at school.2.I r Peter although I hadn’t seenhim for10years.3.W ill you please e the thirdparagraph again for us﹖4.If I pay all m y d I shall haveno m oney left.5.H e has e a lot of m oney byworking in the evenings.6.I am going to l to m y studentstoday.7.This new m odel is of high qand is not expensive either.8.They’re being very(神秘的)about their holiday plans.9.W e buy j from a jeweller’s…  相似文献   

The first word I learnt in m y life is “m um ”.From then on,I learntto know m ore aboutthis m agic word from m y m um s tender love.W hen I was a child,m y curiosity about everything m ade M um worrya lot about m e.N aturally,I was interested in everything that M um didn twant m e to do. She didn t criticize m e or punish m e, instead she spenther valuable tim e with m e to m ake sure I w as free from any trouble.But I used to be a troublem aker in m y childhood.Being naughty andactive,…  相似文献   

There isa happy girl.She has am d sm all eyes.short hair two This girlism e----Chen Yang.School.Iam a pupilofBeixing Primary m onitor in m y nam e is Betty.I am theM yEnglish and singing.I like drawing,class.I likereading ofm y too.one m um very m uch.She is I love m y English.often m ewith m y bosom friends.She helps m other:m other.Iwantto sayto m y She is a good”Ibelieve“H appy every day!teacherin thefuture.Ihope Ican becom e a bosom[]friend知心朋友:m z藜inm yself.'bu future[]n.将…  相似文献   

一、单词拼写根据句子的意思和所给的首字母,写出单词,使句子意思完整、通顺。1.M y grandfather u to be a Chineseteacher,but now he is a m ath teacher.2.I’m a I can’t help you.I’mreally busy now.3.O ur school has changed a lot in thep few years.4.I m iss m y best friend Linda.She hasm to another city.5.They used to c w ith their friendson the Internet.6.H is voice s like the singing ofbirds.7.D o you m m y being late forschool,M r.Li?8.M y parents don’t a m e to go outalone at night.9.—H o…  相似文献   

有个老太太双目失明,她很痛苦,于是她请来一位医生,希望他能将自己的眼睛治好。“如果你能恢复我的视力,我将给你最优厚的谢礼。如果你治完了,我仍然看不见,我就什么也不给你。”医生同意了。这样,医生每天来给老太太治眼睛。一开始,医生并没有认真治,因为他想趁老太太眼晴看不见时,将她的东西一点一点地拿走。1.An old lady becam e blind,she was sopainful that she called in a doctor. Shewished him to cure hereyes.2.“Ifyou restore m y eyesightI wouldgive you a m osthandsom e reward.Butifyoudo notcure m e,I willpay you…  相似文献   

今天是星期天。天气很晴朗。我们家来到了公园。有很多孩子在公园里玩。他们在一棵大树前放风筝。在大树下,我的爸爸正在钓鱼,他很喜欢钓鱼。我和妈妈在大树附近放风筝,放风筝是我的爱好。我们一起度过了一段愉快的时光。T oday is Sunday.It’s a sunny day.M y fam ily isat the park.M any children are playing there.Infront of a big tree,they are flying kites.U nder thebig tree,m y father is fishing.H e likes fishing.N earthe tree I’m flying a kite w ith m y m other.M y hobby isflying a kite.W e are having ago…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇 A)根据句意和括号内汉语提示 ,写出正确的英语单词或词组 。 1.Don’t forget (喂)m y dog three tim es a day. 2.Thank you for (邀请)m e to your birthday party. 3.I (不同 意)your idea.I think it is right for us to do like this. 4.Could you please (借)m e som e m oney? 5.I hate (洗)the plates. B)用括 号 内所 给单 词 的适 当形 式 填空 。 6.Can I use your dictionary,please? (m y)is at hom e. 7.I don’t like doing the dishes.I think it is (bore). 8.H e needs (do)m ore sports. 9.H e has to (st…  相似文献   

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