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人权,作为法治的内核,作为人类文明的一种突出性表征,不仅体现在作为知识系统存在或被传承的人权的规范制度和相应设施,表现在人权与国家权力之间关系的制度化,而且体现在对作为知识系统的人权以及权利与权力的制度化关系的内在信仰。知识与信仰的内在交融构成了完整的人权系统。人权,从知识上的承认、传播到情感上的信仰,信仰的产生与升华是一次更为重要的权利的深化。  相似文献   

追诉有组织犯罪需要平衡打击犯罪与人权保障。有组织犯罪的特点决定了必须强化打击度,正当程序的理念决定了必须恪守程序正义的底线。为了有效打击有组织犯罪,应当强化刑事侦查手段,加强证人和被害人保护,鼓励被追诉人与控方合作,倾斜证明责任分配。在打击有组织犯罪的过程中,也应坚守人权保障的底线:禁止使用酷刑手段,辩方有效参与,贯彻无罪推定原则,程序依法公开。  相似文献   

This article takes up Foucault's politics of human rights and suggests that it may constitute a point of departure for the renewal of HRE, not only because it rejects the moral superiority of humanism—the grounding for the dominant liberal framework of international human rights—but also because it makes visible the complexities of human rights as illimitable and as strategic tools for new political struggles. Enriching human rights critiques has important implications for HRE, precisely because these critiques prevent the dominance of unreflexive and unproductive forms of HRE that lead toward a declarationalist, conservative and uncritical approach. It is argued that Foucault's critical affirmation of human rights—that is, an approach which is neither a full embrace nor a total rejection—provides a critique that can be disruptive to the conventional HRE approach and creates openings that might renew HRE, both politically and pedagogically.  相似文献   

While not underestimating the value of useful knowledge and skills, it is suggested that education should also develop the subjective self of the learner. A distinction is drawn between an ‘additive’ view of education which simply furnishes the individual with knowledge and skills and a ‘transformative’ concept which concerns itself with changes to more central parts of the learner's self. In developing a concept of the subjective self, reference is made to the Enlightenment notion of the autonomous rational self and the interpersonal or cultural self of the Symbolic Interactionists and Communitarians. Particular attention, however, is given to Heidegger's three categories of entities experienced by the phenomenological self: the ‘present at hand’, the ‘ready to hand’ and those entities with whom we share the experience of ‘being with’. An attempt is made to interpret important aspects of education in terms of the development of learners' growing knowledge and deepening understanding of these three kinds of entity and the relation in which they stand to them.  相似文献   

2008年西藏拉萨“3·14”打砸抢烧严重暴力事件,使中国人权问题再次成为国内外热切关注的焦点。可见研究中国人权的特殊性有着重大的理论和现实意义。人权就是人依其自然属性和社会本质所享有的和应当享有的权利。从人权的起源人手,进而分析了中西人权观差异,启示我们要建设有中国特色的社会主义人权。  相似文献   

宪法本质上是一部人权法。人权价值在宪法中往往表现为人权规范,人权规范在宪法文本通常表现为人权条款。人权条款的入宪模式主要有宪法序言、宪法正文和宪法修正案等单一模式以及在此基础上形成的复合模式。从当前世界各国宪法的文本规定来看,人权条款的入宪模式具有多元性的特点。  相似文献   

Negotiating Classroom Knowledge: Beyond Achievement and Socialization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Shibao Guo 《Interchange》2008,39(2):259-275
This study reports that SUCCESS was founded in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1973 as a result of the failure of government agencies and mainstream organizations to provide accessible social services for newly-arrived Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong. During its initial stage, the organization provided mainly basic settlement services. But SUCCESS has become a well-established multi-level service agency, providing a wide range of programs and services to both Chinese and non-Chinese. More importantly, it has created a home and a community to which immigrants feel they belong. It demonstrates that SUCCESS has played a significant role in promoting immigrant integration. Furthermore, it has built a bridge between the immigrant community and Canadian society at large. In addition, the study challenges the view of liberal universalism and provides an alternative model to interpret minority group rights, citizenship, and democracy.  相似文献   

人权与主权问题,均经历了一个从观念到制度的演进过程,但二者间的关系却呈现出复杂的形态,既存在内在的对立,也存在外在的冲突。这些对立与冲突的存在并不会阻断其沟通与契合、实现统一的可能。人权与主权存在共同的哲学基础,是均服务于人类的终极目标,即对自由和幸福的追求。处理好人权与主权的关系,不仅有助于澄清理论中存在的误区,也有利于在实践中形成健康和谐的国内秩序,推动实现世界和平。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,人权与主权的关系问题成了国际政治生活中的热点问题。近年来某些西方国家在“人权高于主权”的旗号下,践踏《联合国宪章》确认的主权平等和不干涉内政原则,频繁地动用战争手段推行其价值观,对一些主权国家进行干涉,严重地威胁发展中国家的主权。对于第三世界国家来说,主权的实现与人权的保障是密不可分的,没有国家的主权便不可能实现人民的基本人权。为了深刻认识所谓“人权高于主权”的实质,有必要对人权与主权的关系作一历史的分析。最早提出“国家主权”概念的是法国的自然法学家让·博丹。他把主权界定为“国家内绝…  相似文献   

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