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图书馆业务流程重组的动因与意义   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
改革图书馆旧的业务管理体制,重组适应时代发展的新的业务流程,是图书馆事业持续发展的需要。图书馆通过业务流程重组,将建立起一个充满生机的、动态的、复合型的管理体系,既有利于图书馆整体功能的发挥,又使图书馆具有足够的应变内外环境的能力,最终达到满足读者需求的目标。图1。参考文献7。  相似文献   

This article discusses problems in the management of library e-resources and attempts to identify potential solutions to the problems. By describing an e-resources enhancement project taken by Rutgers University Libraries, this article points to the importance of providing contextually rich metadata and reorganizing the accessibility of e-resources on a library's website. It introduces how this Rutgers project adopted the National Information Standards Organization Metasearch Initiative to support the identification of appropriate e-collections for metasearching. The outcomes of the project have facilitated a dynamic display of relevant e-resources to library users as an effective way of automatic access to library e-collections.  相似文献   

The need to continuously evaluate resource usage, whether in print or online, has been a challenge for libraries for a long time. The shift in resources to digital formats has made gauging the utility of resources more convenient as well as enabling cross database comparisons on various parameters. In this context, the article explores the aggregator databases subscribed by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad library. The study compares EBSCO's Business Source Complete, EBSCO's Academic Search Premier, Proquest's ABI INFORM Complete, JSTOR, and Project Muse packages in terms of the features available, usage, and the most used journals in these packages.  相似文献   

信息流程重组与业务流程重组   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
企业的管理与运作是通过一系列的业务流程来完成的。业务流程重组的实质就是企业价值链的重新整合与优化改造,企业的价值链实质上又是由一系列信息流来实现的。企业在进行信息化建设的过程中,只有协调好信息流程重组与业务流程重组的关系,以信息流程重组带动业务流程重组,才能降低重组的成本,有效提高重组的成功率。图3。参考文献4。  相似文献   

The session explored how collaboration among libraries, suppliers, and the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) cooperative can address some of the problems being faced with the management of electronic resources. Examples of specific challenges that impact budgets and services are: libraries’ reliance on multiple non-interoperable systems; the difficulties in getting and maintaining high quality and timely metadata; and the issues with managing workflows that cross system and staff boundaries. As work continues to introduce and enhance integrated systems for electronic resource management, these cooperative efforts can improve both the quality of the services and the associated data and workflows.  相似文献   

RFID技术的应用,给传统图书馆各个岗位的工作都带来了影响。一方面它使传统图书馆岗位上的工作人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,另一方面为图书馆的业务重组和岗位变更提供了条件。参考文献10。  相似文献   

Established in 2014, Usus (Latin for usage), supported by Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources (COUNTER), but editorially independent, is a community-run website designed to provide a space for librarians, consortia, publishers, aggregators, repository managers, and scholars to discuss all aspects of usage, including particular ways that use is measured. In this session, Usus Supervisory Board members provided an introduction to Usus, outlined the purpose of the community-run site, and discussed how librarians may utilize the site to submit ongoing and complex usage issues. In addition, the presenters engaged attendees in discussing specific e-resource usage issues they have encountered as well as report changes and additions in the recently released COUNTER Code of Practice 4.  相似文献   

摘要:随着外购电子资源的不断增加,如何提高这些资源的利用率,如何使资源更有效地服务于读者,始终是公共图书馆的重要关切。作者结合项目实践经验,探讨了如何利用远程访问服务解决公共图书馆电子资源服务难问题。本文探讨了公共图书馆提供电子资源远程访问服务的必要性和可行性,比较了不同的技术方法,结合公共图书馆的特点,提出了具有针对性的服务管理策略,为其他希望提供电子资源远程服务的图书馆提供了可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

从伟大的长城到伟大的图书馆——对当前国际上电子出版物、书本式出版物及图书馆建筑的一些看法利奥·福赫德ABSTRACTIFLAGeneralConferencein1996isamostimpressiveachievementthattheorga...  相似文献   

定位·重组:媒体应对WTO   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国媒体目前面对的主要是拥有巨额资本的国际性媒体集团的竞争。同它们的竞争不仅是意识形态的竞争 ,而且是资本、设备和技术、传播人才的竞争。在竞争中最有发言权的是有钱人 ,传播权利的获得建立在充足资金的基础上。在国际性媒体集团纷纷将目光投向我国市场的今天 ,我国媒体如果不能及时完成经营观念的重新定位 ,不能及时融入世界传播体系之中 ,将面对被排斥、被挤压的恶劣传播环境 ,失去在世界传播市场上平等竞争的权利和机会。  相似文献   


Moves occur due to a variety of reasons. There can be changes in the mission, budget cuts, restructuring issues, changes in the staff, or the changes that technology brings about that are either forced on or desired by the library. Acceptance, helpful participation, and a conscious effort must be made to engage the staff in accepting what will be happening, participating in the areas that affect them, directly or indirectly, and motivating them to buy into the process. This is necessary or the success of the move will be in jeopardy. The level of change that occurs is more than what you might expect. Maneuvering between mission changes and having the collection reflect those changes takes planning, teamwork, use of volunteers, and some hard work.  相似文献   

Analysis of twenty-six college and university libraries' monographic holdings in WorldCat shows that university libraries hold radically more rare titles and their collections are seven times larger than college libraries. Language and Literature (Library of Congress [LC] class P) accounts for 30% of university and 27% of college holdings. The number of books held declines and the number owned by only one library increases after the 2000 publication year. Since then, total library budgets have barely kept pace with inflation and book budgets have declined as a percentage of library expenditures. These changes align with current emphasis on priorities other than book collections.  相似文献   

通过对赐书楼这类特殊的藏书室进行历史考察,考梳其历史渊源、地点位置、形制结构、藏贮书类等方面,统述此类书室作为地方文化现象的功能演变及历史特殊性,以填补古代私家藏书室研究之空白。文章主要采用"E考据"的研究方法,对古籍数据库进行挖掘整理,兼采现代书刊数据库,以考证梳理"赐书"名室者诸方面为旨归。此类书室最早出现于北宋,广泛出现于明清,分布于里第园林、寺观祠宇、学校书院、官府公宇中;所藏以御制书和钦定书为主,兼藏宸翰奎画、御赐珍宝及室主个人藏书。赐书之举多含褒奖和勉励之意,具有宣恩和理化的双重功能。室主出于因物示敬、自炫美名和训导子孙等原因而特以"赐书"名室。清代大量藏书家受赐,使得赐书室功能逐渐演化为纪念和收藏并重,甚而衍生出学术研究的功能,推动了古代校刻勘雠事业的发展。赐书室名亦由原本标志具体房屋的符号演化为代表室主身份的别号,室主以室名命名诗草文集或刻印钤盖于所藏。  相似文献   

In a time of increasing financial pressures on universities, the expense of library resources—and the potential for cost inflation—threaten the academic library collection. This article asks whether the academic library media center will be able to continue to offer a stable inventory of films, given the legal and commercial structures currently in place. It provides a history of the film industry’s interactions with its intermediaries, forecasts some of the obstacles to ongoing feature film affordability and access in libraries, offers strategies for librarians, and suggests some cause for hope.  相似文献   

Changing trends in library use and management of e-resources were discussed by Jane Burke from ProQuest/Serials Solutions. A paradigm shift in library collections has occurred in which e‐resources are now the major component of new library materials, requiring new ways to manage and display them. The use of e‐resource access and management services was discussed as a helpful tool, along with federated searching. Burke suggested that by spending less time processing print materials and ending bibliographic instruction, more time will be available for librarians to market and manage e-resources, which will be of greater benefit to today's library users.  相似文献   

为充分发挥图书情报机构文献资源的社会效用 ,缓解运行经费紧张状况 ,图书情报机构要积极参与电子出版物市场的开发 ,包括参与馆藏文献的光盘制作 ,参与电子书 (e book)的生产 ,开展选题信息服务和按需印刷服务等。参与的方式有 :合作出版、代理操作、投资参股、有偿服务等。参考文献 7。  相似文献   

论图书馆的知识重组与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了知识重组的含义、形式、特点及功用,并以创新性是知识重组中最重要的特点为出发点,从六个方面阐述了图书馆的知识创新。  相似文献   

口述资料采集与收藏的先行者——美国班克罗夫特图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
班克罗夫特图书馆的口述资料采集与收藏始于19世纪70年代,比现代口述历史诞生标志的哥伦比亚大学口述历史研究中心的成立(1948年)早了半个多世纪。其口述资料的采集与收藏经历了两个阶段:19世纪70—80年代的班克罗夫特口述阶段;1953年至今的复兴阶段。班克罗夫特口述推动了美国口述历史的兴起,而图书馆在口述资料的搜集和提供利用方面的各项举措,如成立图书馆之友俱乐部、设立磁带捐献中心,以及对访谈抄本的批判式利用等,对当今从事口述资料收藏的图书馆有很好的借鉴意义。图2。参考文献22。  相似文献   

Today's managers of library journal collection budgets experience pressures from shrinking resource allocations and rising costs. Consequently, they seek ways to assess the value of their collections in relation to user needs. This study at Montana State University seeks to understand what resources users (both faculty and graduate students) are citing in their research, the breadth of the information cited that is provided by the Library, how the Library's proactive and reactive efforts might influence user satisfaction with the information resources provided, and how user perceptions align and differ from information realities. It takes a unique approach by comparing LibQual+® survey results and faculty and graduate student citation behaviors.  相似文献   


At tribal colleges and universities, libraries are challenged to serve Indigenous communities while supporting Western formal education. In this article, we examine three tribal higher education institutions in the southwestern United States: Diné College, the Institute of American Indian Arts, and Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute. In examining the collections and their use at these libraries, we find multiple strategies to “center” Indigenous knowledge despite most materials being written by and for non-Natives. We hope the strategies present here can inspire people at libraries of all types to consider ways to include the diverse perspectives of their own communities.  相似文献   

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