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请从下面的图画中找出各人喜爱的物品:(1)A:What do you like,Ben?B:I like strawberries.(2)A:Which do you like,a toy car or a toy bus?B:I like a toy bus.(3)A:I'd like to draw a tree.B:All right,Lin Tao.(4)Helen likes dress,but Lily likes skirt.(5)A:I like red flowers.And you,Kate?B:Me too.What do you like?!山东@白冰…  相似文献   

Do you like me?     
I'm a girl of thirteen years old. I'm tall and thin with short hair. People say I look like my father. I am good at math and I like English very much. I can play the guitar very well. I want to be a guitar player when I grow up. I have a lot of pen friends. They are very friendly to me. We learn from each other. Of course, I'm getting on well with my classmates. I can help them with their English and math. Next week, our school will have an English contest. I think I will be the winner,…  相似文献   

(本课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书<英语(新目标)>九年级第7单元.) 一、教学目标 (1)知识与能力:掌握短语thousands of,ag soon as possible,so that,according to,quite a few,dream of,be willing to,hold on to,computer programming,achieve one's dream,provide for  相似文献   

英语课上,山羊老师提了一个问题:What do you like best?请跳跳鼠回答,跳跳鼠的肚子正咕咕叫,于是张口就说出了答案,没想到同学们哈哈大笑。想知道跳跳鼠的答案吗?那就快来走走跳跳棋吧,每走一步都会得到一个字母,把这些字母组合起来就会得到答案啦!  相似文献   

I am Maria.I am from Mexico.I like New York better than other cities.It’s a busy place, and there are many people on the streets.Supermarkets are open for twenty-four hours every day. You can always find some places to eat. I am Dimitri.I am from Greece.Los Angeles (洛杉矶) is better for me! The life is more relaxed (轻松的) than the life in New York.The weather there is better too.I can go to the beach and enjoy the sun,because the weather is warm.I like the sunshine and the palm trees(棕榈树) best in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

世界上不少国家除了有自己的国名外,还有另外的美称。下面这些国家的美称都是以植物命名的,你能准确无误地辨别出来吗?1.Whichisthecountryofmapleleaves,CanadaorTurkey?2.Whichisthecountryofcactuses(仙人掌),MexicoorColombia?3.Whichisthecountryofcherries,SwedenorJapan?4.Whichisthecountryofcocoa,NewZealandorGhana?5.Whichisthecountryofsugarcane,HungaryorCuba?6.Whichistherosecountry,BulgariaorBelgium(比利时)?7.Whichistherubbercountry,NorwayorMalaysia?8.Whichisthefr…  相似文献   

Would you mind…?常用来征询对方对某一件事的同意或许可,是一种比较客气的表达方法。其意为:“你介意做……吗?”汉语常常译为:“做……你不反对(介意)吗?”其后一般接动名词短语、动名词复合结构或者接if引导的条件状语从句。  相似文献   


As LEAs and schools develop their inclusive policies and practices, arguments about how to provide the most effective education for pupils with EBD continue. Is it possible to provide high quality education for this group in mainstream schools whilst not adversely affecting the education of the other pupils? What are the consequences of placing the most disturbed pupils in special schools? What do the pupils themselves think? This article draws on findings from 26 interviews with former pupils of an EBD residential school. We were interested in their opinions about the quality of education and care they received at the school and the impact of the placement on their experiences as young adults. Overall, despite some concerns, the former pupils have very positive memories of the school and felt that it had helped them to overcome their learning and behavioural difficulties. The findings have key implications for the development of policy and practice.  相似文献   

“‘井和、吕触甲宜f八,吕曰心加。纽J攀认I·林句宜和句子后面助臀柱能空。J蔚水粤‘My叻er—’。matoes.。向’飞·冬M娜and Alice—‘ce cream.万议、反一Do you likep邸?一—·。~熟一Do they like baskethall?一_.场子记ad.之少4 .They__broccoli. Q 6.一DoeS 8 .The cat  相似文献   

在Unit7课文中有这样一组对话:—Wherewould you like to go on vacation,Sam?—I’d like to trek through the jungle,because I like exciting vaca-tion.Would like表示“想要”,从语法本质而言应属于虚拟语气范畴,其使用目的为表达较为婉转的语气,多用于与人协商、建议等会话语境。如:“Would you like...?”表示征求意见,“Would you like to do...?”表示{请或建议对方做某事。其缩写形式为:“’d like”;疑问形式:“Would you like n/to do sth”。(用·于·第·二·人·称·)·;其否定形式较为少用。would like在句中没有人称…  相似文献   

would like要:想要:愿意。但比want,like客气,表达语气的婉转,有礼貌的说法。  相似文献   

<正>记得第一届五年内青年教师评优课是在2010年举办的,那时我第一年当老师。当时,学校里有个同事说课出线了,要参加上课比赛,于是我和学校的老师一起去给她加油。在一天的观摩中,我不时地发出感慨:这些青年教师展示出来的课真是太精彩了,我能上的这么好吗?很幸运,我能代表学校参加第二届青年教师评优课,深知这次机会来之不易,  相似文献   

【新课程要求】1.本单元要求从听、说、读三方面认识一些常见的动物,简单区分食肉性动物与食草性动物。2.学会用形容词来正确地描述动物,表  相似文献   

小学英语课堂有效教学的优化应体现在"有趣、有用、有效"三点上。这三点构成了有效教学的铁三角,使得教师开展课堂教学能更有意义。当教师拘泥于感叹课堂形式多样,课堂气氛活跃,教学方式新颖,学生学习热情高涨等形式外观下,教师却忽视了这"热闹"背后教学有效性的缺失。  相似文献   

<正>课题:小学英语三年级上学期3A Unit7 Would you like a pie?内容简介:本课的教学内容是Unit7 Story time,以Mike介绍他的妹妹给大家认识而展开的话题,在这个过程中学会与新朋友打招呼,以及offer your friends some food。本课时突出学生介绍朋友和认识朋友的能力及学会分享的意识培养,并在这个过程中培养孩子善于交流、主动交际、开朗自信的优秀品质。同时掌握食品类单词an ice-creamr,an egg,a cake,an ice cream,a hot dog和本单元的重点句型Nice to meet you.Would you like…?What about…?及相应回答。目标预设:1.知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词:a cake,an ice cream,a hot dog,an egg。(2)能初步听懂、会说、会读句型Would you like…?/What about…?及回答Yes,please.和No,thank you.明白如何询问别人的意见。(3)能读懂理解、会说并且会读Nice to meet you,并且明白回答是Nice to meet you,too.(4)能读懂理解、会说并有感情地表演:Story time,初步学会向他人介绍自己的朋友和主动结交朋友。  相似文献   

同学们,你们好!让我们一起进入第七单元的学习。在本单元,我们将学习使用"would you mind doing…"来向别人提出建议及要求;谈论自己所抱怨的事,对别人的抱怨表示道歉;了解各个国家的礼仪、社会行为标准的相同点或不同之处。在上学期第十一单元中,我们学习了如何有礼貌地请求别人作某事及向别人提出建议。为这一单元的学习打下了基础,我想同学们一定会学好这一单元的,一定要有信心哦!OK,首先我们来关注一下本单元的语法知识。  相似文献   

Would you mind…?是英语交际中常用的用语,表示想麻烦别人去做某事或自己想做某事,婉转客气地向别人提出请求或希望得到对方的许可同意。在使用该句型和回答时,我们应注意: 一、句式结构1.Would you mind+doing…? 这一结构是表达请对方去做某事,关系比较近的熟人还可用Do you mind+doing…?如: Would you mind opening the window?劳驾你将窗子打开好吗?  相似文献   

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