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The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2014 as the premier international human rights treaty focused on childhood rights and protections. In this article, we briefly review the 41 substantive principles embodied in the 54 Articles of the Convention and stress the need for educators, and specifically school psychologists, to work in concert with families to promote these premises through effective collaborative partnerships. Finally, we review examples of how the themes and positive ideology of the Convention can be enhanced through family–school collaboration infused into schooling practices within a multitiered service delivery framework to meet the learning and development best interests of the child.  相似文献   

This paper aims to clarify three current misconceptions about the Islamic faith and issues of human rights and women’s rights in the West. The first misconception is that Muslims are terrorists because they believe in Jihad. It is factually the case that Islamic teachings stress the value of peace and prosperity for all human beings. The second misconception is that Muslims prohibit scientific knowledge and only aim to seek religious knowledge. To the contrary, Qur’an emphasizes that the opportunity to seek all forms of knowledge is a human right and responsibility of all Muslims. The third misconception and perhaps, the most controversial, is that Islam oppresses women. In reality, Islam offers women the right to make their own choices in the areas of education, business, and property, to name a few. By sharing my own experiential narrative as a Muslim born woman and that of a Canadian women who converted to Islam, I can actually see the similarities between human rights in Islam and the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of the Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) human rights program on moral development and psychological functioning. The FHAO curriculum significantly increased 8th grade students’ moral reasoning (Rest's 1979 Defining Issues Test) without adversely impacting on their psychological well‐being (scores on depression, hopelessness or self‐worth inventories). Girls were more empathic and had higher levels of social interest; boys had higher global self‐worth scores; there were no differences between boys and girls in their moral reasoning scores and no gender differences in the psychological impact of the course. This study adds to the literature which suggests that human rights education positively affects students’ moral development.  相似文献   

This article addresses the practices of multiculturalism and social justice as they are explored by an early childhood classroom. In response to the school requirement of participation in the Martin Luther King assembly, the children and their teachers seek to create a meaningful contribution reflective of the children’s voices and conceptions of justice and equality. The article examines classroom practices as children and teachers co-construct meaning around multiculturalism in early childhood. Through classroom research and discussion, the children develop their own concepts around these issues, finding meaningful ways to share their knowledge with the larger school community.  相似文献   

Between 2011 and 2013 lawmakers in every state proposed, and often enacted, laws intended to impact codified state provisions related to teachers and teachers’ unions (author calculation). These new laws either worked against union interests (e.g., by prohibiting collective bargaining) or they aligned with union positions (e.g. by providing enhanced compensation benefits to teachers). In recent years scholars have paid more attention to the impact of teachers’ unions and collective bargaining. Few researchers have made an effort to understand state-level attempts to legislatively modify traditional union-protected rights. This paper is the first to explore these changes in detail. Using a self-collected dataset, I track the proposal and enactment of legislation related to teachers’ unions and their collective bargaining agreements in state legislatures between 2011 and 2013. I find that while large-scale attacks on public sector bargaining rights dwindled after 2011, smaller, more focused legislative proposals concerning the rights of teachers continued. Lawmakers succeeded in removing several job protections for teachers in ways that left both teachers and unions more vulnerable to the actions of school and district administrators. However, contrary to the popular media narrative, teachers actually made legislative gains, particularly in the area of compensation and benefits following 2011.  相似文献   

Liang Qichao's thought on feminist rights underwent a construction process from female education to feminist rights. The process was simultaneous with the political and societal changes from Sino--Japanese War of 1894--95 to the 1911 Revolution. He opposed foot--binding and early marriage and advocated female education and women's rights, These were all important steps in the national construction process. The interpretation of Liang Qichao's feminist thought must be placed against the background of the Late Qing period. Also, Liang's feminist thought had some similarities to the modem we.stem feminism.  相似文献   

By judgment delivered at Strasbourg on February 25, 1982, in the case of Campbell and Cosans, the European Court of Human Rights held, by six votes to one, that Mrs. Campell and Mrs. Cosans had been victims of a violation of the second sentence of Article 2 of Protocol No. 11 to the European Convention of Human Rights on account of the existence of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure in the schools attended by their children. The Court also held, by the same majority, that the suspension of Mrs. Cosans' son from school following his refusal to accept such punishment amounted to a denial of his right to education, contrary to the first sentence of the said Article 2.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nordenbo, S. E. 1987. Children's Rights, die Antipädagogen, and the Paternalism of John Stuart Mill. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 31, 163‐180. In recent decades it has been maintained by some contemporary heirs to the tradition of progressive education that children must be regarded as a ‘subjugated’ section of the population, and that support for this view can be found in John Stuart Mill's moral and political philosophy. This article attempts a closer examination of this latter claim. It can be shown that Mill's ‘principle of liberty’ must be understood according to the strategic theory of moral rules, and that it can thus be argued that paternalism towards children is justifiable, which is what Mill maintains. From this reading of Mill it follows that proponents of ‘educational liberalism’ are not justified in claiming Mill as spokesman for their views.  相似文献   

Does rhetoric have a place in the discourse of human rights? Without certain reply, as the dilemmas of defining, claiming, and promoting human rights appear both to include and exclude the rhetorical gesture, this question invites inquiry into the preface of the contemporary human rights regime, the moment of the aftermath that provokes a struggle with language. Grasped partly through Richard McKeon's extended thought on human rights and conflict resolution, including his collaboration with a committee of philosophers charged by UNESCO to assess the grounds for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this preface opens the work of discovery, an inquiry that recognizes how the hypocrisy of “acting words” constitutes a potential for expression which beckons being toward its human rights.  相似文献   

Liberals, from Mill to Rawls see personal autonomy as paramount in civil society. They see human dignity to consist essentially in personal autonomy, that is, ‘in the ability of each person to determine for himself or herself a view of the good life’ (Taylor, C. (1992) p. 27). Multiculturalism and “The Politics of Recognition” p. 57 (Princeton, Princeton University Press). This emphasis on personal autonomy underlies much of liberal emphasis on freedom of conscience, justice, rights and fairness. Its core thesis is that a just society seeks not to promote any particular view of the good life, but enables its citizens to pursue their own ends consistent with a similar liberty for all others. Yet, when some citizens in America attempted to pursue their own view of the good life, they came up against head‐on conflict with the liberal state. These groups saw civic education with its emphasis on individual choice, on reflecting and weighing of alternative viewpoints and on personal autonomy, as threatening to their way of life and to their fundamental religious beliefs, and consequently they challenged the state in the courts. What ensued raised profound educational problems for educating children, parental rights, and the right of the State in a liberal democratic society, which are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福是美国第32任总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福的妻子。她是一位不平凡的第一夫人——她的政治和社会活动、独立意识、公开讲话及作家生涯都是其他第一夫人无法相比的:是公认的“世界第一夫人”。  相似文献   

韩礼德等人创建的系统功能语言学理论是20世纪后半叶国际上最有影响的语言学理论之一,Halliday把语言的纯理功能分成三种:概念元功能,人际元功能和语篇元功能,而衔接手段是语篇元功能的一个重要的范畴。本篇论文主要采取了定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,从非结构性特征的角度对Squatter’s Rights这一短文的衔接手段进行描述与分析,旨在从系统功能语言学的角度探究衔接手段在文本中的应用。  相似文献   

The following essay provides an analysis of the rhetorical strategies employed by Leonora O'Reilly, a Progressive Era labor reformer. The essay argues that O'Reilly's use of enactment and empowerment are representative of a “feminine style” as defined by Campbell (1989) and extended by Dow and Tonn (1993). As a subject of analysis, O'Reilly's rhetoric provides an opportunity to examine the public voice of a working‐class female reformer.  相似文献   


This article presents an analysis of the right to education in Brazil in light of the growing number of Brazilian families practicing homeschooling. The debate is recent in Brazil. Here we present an analysis of international literature on homeschooling, Brazilian literature on the right to education, and an appraisal of lawsuits against Brazilian families for teaching their children at home. In light of truancy regulations and the evolution of a right to education in Brazil, homeschooling creates legal and political challenges.  相似文献   

作为西方法律文化的产物,constitutional civil rights有其独特的自然法背景。本文通过对西方法律思想史、宪法史和美国最高法院司法实务见解的梳理与综合分析,认为将constitutional civil rights译为“公民权利”属于误读,它混淆了依据人的属性和依据公民资格而获得的权利之间的道德区别。应将其译为“私人权利”,明确这一权利体系的前国家与超国家特征,使其区别于实证法律传统之下个人依赖作为政治社会成员资格所享有的公民权利,并区分宪法权利与民事权利之间的差异。在法官的解释下,constitutional civil rights还呈现出开放特性,是一个能够感应时代变化的、发展的权利体系。  相似文献   

作为西方法律文化的产物 ,constitutionalcivilrights有其独特的自然法背景。本文通过对西方法律思想史、宪法史和美国最高法院司法实务见解的梳理与综合分析 ,认为将constitutionalcivilrights译为“公民权利”属于误读 ,它混淆了依据人的属性和依据公民资格而获得的权利之间的道德区别。应将其译为“私人权利” ,明确这一权利体系的前国家与超国家特征 ,使其区别于实证法律传统之下个人依赖作为政治社会成员资格所享有的公民权利 ,并区分宪法权利与民事权利之间的差异。在法官的解释下 ,constitutionalcivilrights还呈现出开放特性 ,是一个能够感应时代变化的、发展的权利体系。  相似文献   

《大学英语》(周珊凤、张祥保主编)第二册第3课以及其他地方多次出现 All right,That's allright,That's right 和 By all rights 等短句。不少同学对它们之间的差别不甚了解,下面谈谈个人的看法。一、对对方的建议或请求表示同意时用 allright,相当于 yes,I agree with you。例如:Miss Louisa:Kindly wipe your feet,gentle-men!Dan:(unwillingly):All right.All right.WeⅡ wipe our feet.all right 还有 indeed,satisfactory 之意。例如:Tho e are my pearls all right.  相似文献   

1.Socrates,the great thinker in ancient Greece,had a rude wife,who often lost her temper with him.  相似文献   

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