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It is broadly acknowledged that effective serials management supports and requires a close link between the staff in technical and public services. More recently, new technological opportunities combined with changes in library organization and administration have greatly facilitated this linkage. The nature and structure of a library’s organization can aid in and benefit from this connectedness. Departments in the University of Louisville’s public and technical services areas began a cooperative effort to maintain serials records in the online catalog in the early 1990s. With reorganization in the late 1990s, a new team structure emerged which further facilitated this effort. In return, this cooperation and the tools that it has created support the teams in a new user-centered approach to serials management.  相似文献   

Even with the coming of the virtual library, selecting and deselecting serials remains a critical task. College librarians are in a particulary favorable position to evaluate students' serials needs. To help decide what methods work best and to help college library staff assume a leadership role in serials collection management, the authors compared four different methods for gauging need for titles. If defining need broadly, then bibliographies of students' projects or student surveys, not collection use studies, provide the most comprehensive evaluation.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to identify: 1) usage of library e-resources by faculty and staff affiliation and status to identify research and teaching needs; 2) usage of library e-resources by student major, status, gender, registered disability and registered veteran to establish best outreach practices and areas that need service improvement and collection development in support of student learning; and 3) the correlation between use of library e-resources and student attainment as defined by grade point average (GPA). Demographic data was collected for these users based on their university NetID logins. The findings in this study conclusively document that students and faculty use library e-resources to a statistically significant extent and that a statistical relationship exists between student GPA and their use of e-resources. This information confirms the value of library resources to institutional teaching and research needs and can be used to document library value to the institutional mission.  相似文献   


Migrating from one automated system to another has become a common experience in libraries. Such a migration is as great a change for serials staff as implementing the library's first automated system. It involves conversion or re-entry of data, alterations in workflow, changes in system “philosophy,” and a lot of relearning. Much of the success of the process depends on staff training. This workshop offered practical ideas and suggestions for training serials staff to deal with a new system and the transition process. The emphasis was on practical steps to help with the migration process from initial planning through implementation and on to daily operations under the new system.  相似文献   

In early 2010, library staff at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in Ohio designed and conducted a usability study of key parts of the library web site, focusing on the web pages generated by the library's electronic resources management system (ERM) that list and describe the library's databases. The goal was to discover how users find and choose e-resources and identify ways the library could improve access to e-resources through its web site. This article outlines the usability study conducted at BGSU, presents its conclusions about how students at BGSU find and choose databases, contextualizes these findings with other current research about user behavior, and makes recommendations for increasing student use of library e-resources.  相似文献   

This article contains a list of core veterinary serials that the Veterinary Medical Libraries Section of the Medical Library Association feels should be in any veterinary medical library serving an institution accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association. It is a list that can serve as a nucleus from which the collection can be further developed as determined by the research thrust of the institution that the library is serving. An adjunct list of important human medical and general science serials is also included to help guide the librarian in developing the collection.  相似文献   

Within the past decade, academic libraries have seen a shift in purchasing from mostly print to mostly electronic. Although Carleton University Library (Ottawa, Canada) has experienced this shift, it had continued until recently to work within the confines of an organizational structure based on a print purchasing model. This paper will describe in detail the restructuring of the Library's collections and technical services departments to better meet growing electronic demands. Changes included dedicating more staff from print resources to e-resources, changing a librarian position to focus specifically on collections assessment, and shifting budgets to manage growing e-resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

The article will outline the Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians (NASIG Core Competencies Task Force [July 2013]) and intersect them with the practical everyday working experiences of an e-resources and periodicals librarian. The aim of the article is to convey an understanding of working in a practical library office environment, while being aware of the complexity of the theoretical competencies that are desirable and recommended. While it is aimed mainly at librarians, it should also be of interest to publishers and other vendors as they gain an understanding of what it is that librarians (their customers) do all day.  相似文献   

Electronic monographic series display a complex mix of the characteristics of electronic serials, electronic books, and print monograph series. Because many cannot be managed via the typical tools and services used to manage electronic resources, providing title-level, or analytic cataloging presents challenges above and beyond the usual challenges for e-resources. This article enumerates those challenges, proposes a set of criteria for making analysis decisions for e-monograph series, and suggests other directions libraries might pursue to provide catalog access to this important category of resources.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a serial usage study conducted at an Australian academic library. The study indicates what can happen to holdings if collection development staff do not have access to usage data. In this instance, 55.42% of serial holdings were closed, and 59.14% of serial holdings were unused. The study found that removing unused serials to closed access would significantly reduce the high level of congestion in the collection. It also found that the density of use of serials expressed as average uses per meter in some high-cost disciplines (e.g., mathematics, physics, and chemistry) was significantly lower than the density of use of serials in other disciplines. Possible explanations for this are examined and a number of weeding/relegation strategies are proposed.  相似文献   

One of the core functions of the electronic resources librarian (ERL) consists of managing various stages of the electronic resource lifecycle. In order to do this effectively, it is extremely helpful to have a detailed guide on hand. An e-resources acquisition checklist can assist the librarian in covering all aspects of evaluation, acquisition, renewal, and cancellation of e-resources such as databases, e-books, e-journals, and more. Such a tool can be indispensable, especially for new ERLs attempting to get a grasp on the logistics of electronic resources management. Using the newly created Techniques for Electronic Resource Management, the author details the process by which librarians navigate the e-resources lifecycle.  相似文献   

An experiment in latest entry cataloging of selected serial title changes is currently being conducted at Northwestern University Library. The integrated structure of Northwestern's automated system NOTIS and its applications to serials processing were primary factors leading to the investigation of latest entry cataloging as an alternative to the current standard of successive entry cataloging for serial title changes. A systematic investigation was conducted through most of 1985 and allowed project staff to identify and evaluate a number of concerns and problems. The study team is encouraged with the results, but will continue gathering cataloging statistics and will conduct user studies before adopting latest entry cataloging as a permanent option.  相似文献   

In Australia no library school at either professional or paraprofessional level offers a course to meet the needs of serials librarians. In the absence of such provision, this paper summarizes the findings of research on serials courses in the U.S.A. and Britain. It highlights the dissatisfaction of practitioners with training in this area and the failure of serials training to meet the needs of the profession; it indicates that a survey in Australia would probably produce similar findings. It discusses the content of librarianship courses-both the core curriculum and a specialized serials librarlanship curriculum-with the objective of outlining a professionally relevant serials librarianship course for Australia, drawing on experiences such as those at Loughborough and Columbia Universities. Finally, the paper specifies the aims and objectives of the proposed Australian course in serials librarianship, and outlines the content of thirteen suggested components.  相似文献   

图书情报硕士专业学位(MLIS)研究生需要具备扎实的专业知识素养、职业实践技能、社会协同能力和创新创业才能,其核心能力的缺失会造成人才竞争优势降低、学科声望提升受阻、图情事业发展驱动不足,以及图情教育缺乏支持等不良后果。文章提出通过采取优化培养方案、深化课程改革、加强实践教育、开展协作办学等措施,提升MLIS获得者的核心能力,进而克服跨专业报考教育劣势、功利目的严重、培养方案同质、师资水平失衡等制约MLIS人才培养的不利因素。  相似文献   

谈图书馆核心竞争力的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养图书馆的核心竞争力是充分发挥图书馆的作用并推动图书馆可持续发展的一个主要途径。在目前的情况下,应在文献资源、服务方式以及人才队伍等三个方面来着手图书馆核心能力的培育。参考文献12。  相似文献   

This study used the critical incidents technique to gather the University Botswana Library staff's stories relating to the change management process during the implementation of e-resources projects. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 13 individuals who were involved in the implementation of various projects at the library. Data was analyzed using grounded theory techniques of open coding, selective coding, and axial coding. The results of the study showed that communication, investing in resources, capacity building, team building, garnering external support through collaboration, and users' involvement were key change management strategies used. The library staff were involved in the coordination of projects, systems selection, liaising with stakeholders and consultants, benchmarking, and conducting in-house training. The findings also showed some challenges encountered, which included staff ignorance, reluctance, and fear to take decisions, and inadequate training facilities. The study recommends dedicated project team members with reduced workload and having knowledge and skills to lead the teams to fully participate and engage in the project process.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):367-378
The creation of two core serials lists, a general reference serials list and a general periodicals list, is examined in a case study of a medium-sized, multi-branch public library. Definition, purpose and background of core serials lists are given, and the methodologies for creating core lists of serials for various purposes are reviewed. The process of core serials list creation at the Tucson Public Library is described and recommendations for other small and medium public libraries wishing to develop and maintain their own core lists are made.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the challenges faced by the serials cataloging staff at Texas A&M University Libraries following a decision to move materials to an off-site storage facility. The process of cataloging review developed by serials cataloging staff to address these challenges is described in detail. More specifically, the process that deals with the preparation of the collections for off-site storage, with emphasis on the unique problems created by serials that have been cataloged under pre–Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition (AACR2) rules is described.  相似文献   

简述战略联盟对企业核心竞争力的促进作用,分析影响战略联盟知识获取的6类因素,以日产汽车公司为例着重从无形资产重组、技术协同、销售支持和员工培训等方面探讨基于战略联盟知识获取的企业核心竞争力建设问题。得出的结论是,企业通过战略联盟的知识获取可以构建新的核心竞争力或维持与巩固原有的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

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