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五四运动后,无政府主义者和早期马克思主义者之间既有合作又有冲突,正是在这种两难境地中,加速了马克思主义在中国的传播。  相似文献   

从整个人类文化的角度,知识分子文化始终是处在国家主义文化和无政府主义文化之间的夹缝中,并受到从两个方面来的排挤和压制的文化.中国现代知识分子文化由于受到西方文化的影响,其自身也有国家主义和无政府主义两种思想倾向,但它们从根本上不等同于中国古代的国家主义和无政府主义.而是两种知识分子文化形态,这给中国现代知识分子的文化选择带来了复杂性和艰难性.加强文化选择的自觉性,并且自觉承担自己所选择的文化道路上的风险和困难,尽量克服自我文化选择的盲目性,是中国现当代知识分子应当解决的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

无政府主义是20世纪初在中国影响较大的政治思潮之一,在几十年的传播过程中,逐渐溢出了政治领域,向中国文化,文学渗透,以其激烈的反抗精神和乌托邦的理想引起了不少作家的兴趣,使这一思潮与中国文学和中国作家发生了密切联系.近些年来,许多研究者对这一领域给予了一定关注,也取得了部分成果.学术界的研究成果基本上可以分为两类,一类是无政府主义对现代文学思潮的影响,另一类是无政府主义与作家思想的研究,以对巴金的研究最为突出,此外还有关于鲁迅与无政府主义、郭沫若与无政府主义、周作人与无政府主义的研究等等.系统梳理这些学术成果,并作归纳总结.  相似文献   

丁玲早期参加过无政府主义者们组织的活动,也与一些无政府主义者有过密切接触,因而受到了无政府主义思想的深刻影响。其早期作品对超拔于世俗生活之上的性爱乌托邦的追寻,标志着中国性爱小说走出了五四“爱情-婚姻-家庭”的世俗程序,进入到一个新的精神空间,使中国女性文学创作进入了一个新阶段。  相似文献   

Anti-racist efforts require talking with children about race. The present work tested the predictors of U.S. adults' (N = 441; 52% female; 32% BIPOC participants; Mage = 35 years) conversations about race with children across two timepoints in 2019. Approximately 60% of adult participants talked to their children (3–12 years) about race during the preceding week; only 29% talked to other adults about race during the same period. This paper describes the content and predictors of conversations about race, revealing how conversations differ depending on the participant's race, a child's age, and whether the conversation occurs with children or another adult. These data have important implications for theorizing about when, why, and how adults actually talk about race with children and adults.  相似文献   

Emotional inferences are conclusions that a reader draws about the emotional state of a story’s protagonist. In this study, we examined whether children and adults draw emotional inferences while reading short stories or listening to an aural presentation of short stories. We used an online method that assesses inferences during reading with a reaction time paradigm. Children aged 8 and 10 years and adults took part. We varied whether the short stories emphasized a certain goal of the protagonist in order to proof our assumption that protagonist-goals in stories help readers to build emotional inferences. Additionally, we assessed the updating capacity of our participants’ working memories assuming a positive influence. Results reveal that participants of all age groups drew emotional inferences. Type of text presentation, goal-emphasis, and updating capacity influence whether emotional inferences are built and how precise these inferences are. The way in which these variables influenced emotional inferences was moderated by the age of the participants.  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a fine grained analysis of writing by children with a specific language impairment (SLI) and examined the contribution of oral language, phonological short-term memory (STM), nonverbal ability, and word reading to three writing constructs (productivity, complexity and accuracy). Forty-six children with SLI were compared with 42 children matched for chronological age, receptive vocabulary (N = 46) and reading decoding (N = 46) on a measure of narrative writing. The SLI group performed worse on all measures compared to children of a similar chronological age. The SLI group produced a greater proportion of orthographic spelling errors than children with similar receptive vocabularies, but were comparable to children matched for reading decoding. The children with SLI showed specific difficulties in the omission of whole words (e.g. auxiliary verbs and subject nouns) and omissions of grammatical morphology (e.g. past tense—ed) reflecting the difficulties shown in their oral language. Receptive grammar made a significant contribution to writing complexity and accuracy. Phonological fluency contributed to writing productivity, such as the production of diverse vocabulary, ideas and content and writing fluency. Phonological STM and word reading explained additional variance in writing accuracy over and above the SLI group’s oral language skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two professional development models in increasing family child care providers’ frequency of linguistic inputs in conversations with young children. The first professional development model consisted of a 10-h in-service training focused on supporting early language development. The second included the same 10-h in-service training program and mentoring. Providers and children at 48 family child care programs participated in this study. The family child care programs were randomly assigned to one of the two professional development models (i.e., training or training with mentoring) or to a control group. Audio recordings of the language environment were collected prior to the in-service training, at the completion of the in-service training, and at the completion of the mentoring. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to examine the average increase in the frequency of providers’ use of linguistic inputs over three observations, conducted before training, immediately at the end of training, and 6 weeks after training. Results indicate that both forms of professional development increased linguistically stimulating inputs as compared to the control group. The professional development model including mentoring support was related to greater increases in providers’ use of informational talk and teaching utterances over in-service training without mentoring.  相似文献   

This paper is a report of a series of semi‐structured interviews conducted with the parents of fifteen “precocious” readers during their child’s time in Key Stage 1. The parents were interviewed three times: once each academic year. The views expressed are those of the parents. There are important lessons to be learned from these parents. However, it has to be recognised that, as the parents of children with a precocious skill, their experiences may be atypical.  相似文献   

中国共产党创建时期,无政府主义的影响和危害很大。陈独秀运用马克思主义理论,对无政府主义进行了深刻批判和斗争,取得了显著成效。这一历史经验,对于新时期进一步加强党和国家的建设,具有重要的启示意义和作用。  相似文献   

This article uses data from a longitudinal qualitative research project exploring the experiences of elementary teachers as they both learnt and taught science in the transition from a pre‐service to an in‐service situation. Interviews, journal entries and observations were the original data sources from which case studies were derived by narrative analysis. The material used in this article concerns a single participant. The purpose is to examine a narrative device, restorying, and explore its usefulness as a way of enhancing legitimation in narrative inquiry. Three sets of criteria for legitimation of qualitative studies are suggested; a set that requires research to be conducted in ways that provide evidence of thoroughness and fairness; a set that allows the reader to experience vicariously the world of the participants; and a set concerned with the ways in which education is enhanced for researcher, participants and reader. The authors suggest that a single text cannot fully satisfy all of these criteria sets but that by using multiple tellings or restorying, the legitimation of findings in qualitative research can be enhanced.  相似文献   

政治正当性与哲学无政府主义:以西蒙斯为中心的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对约翰·西蒙斯的著名论文《证成性与正当性》的批判性考察,分析指出由于"基于同意的正当性观念"过度依赖极端意愿主义的立场,因而无法(如西蒙斯所声称的那样)作为国家规范性评价的一个独立维度.因此,西蒙斯将"证成性"与"正当性"作平行并置的概念区别并不恰当,其哲学无政府主义论题的意义十分有限,没有切入当代政治正当性研究的核心问题意识.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how primary school children ‘learn to collaborate’ and ‘collaborate to learn’ on creative writing projects by using diverse cultural artefacts—including oracy, literacy and ICT. We begin by reviewing some key sociocultural concepts which serve as a theoretical framework for the research reported. Secondly, we describe the context in which the children talked and worked together to create their projects. This context is a ‘learning community’ developed as part of an innovative educational programme with the aim of promoting the social construction of knowledge among all participants. We then present microgenetic analyses of the quality of the interaction and dialogues taking place as peers worked together on their projects, and how these collaborative processes and uses of the mediational artefacts were taken up by the children. In order to exemplify these processes, our analyses centre on a selection of examples of dialogues, texts and multimedia products of stories created by groups of fourth grade (9-10 years old) children. Overall, the work reveals the dynamic functioning in educational settings of some central sociocultural concepts. These include: co-construction; intertextuality and intercontextuality amongst oracy, literacy and uses of ICT; collaborative creativity; development of dialogical and text production strategies and appropriation of diverse cultural artefacts for knowledge construction.  相似文献   

During the current global pandemic, parents and carers in England and across the UK have been asked by the Government to ‘home school’ their child/ren, and a plethora of resources have been produced and made available to assist with this. The perceived detrimental effects of being absent from school have been a driver for the Government in ensuring that schools remain open for as long as possible, and the current pandemic situation is replete with narratives of ‘loss’. Little attention has been paid to any potential benefits for children and families of homeschooling or the opportunities it provides. This paper reports on a small-scale online survey that explored the experiences of parents’ homeschooling their child/ren with SEND during a global pandemic in England. The findings are revealed through a qualitative methodology merged with post-qualitative concepts that emerged post-analysis. Novel findings regarding possibilities for creative and inclusive learning practices, family bonding and children’s improved social and emotional well-being are revealed in this paper.  相似文献   

As educators and lifelong learners, we were drawn together by the question: How have we fostered our own capacity for agency, self-efficacy and risk-taking in the research practices we utilize? This paper reveals a connectivity and enabling thread that has enriched our experiences within and across our disciplinary areas. In particular this paper articulates the value of metaphor as a conceptual tool as well as sharing insights and reflections on the workings of progressive integration into communities of practice.  相似文献   

Set against a period of rapid change, education has grown in political importance and policy development has moved from the local authority to central government with a key role being played by the Secretary of State. Based on a series of semi-structured interviews, with 10 politicians who have served as Secretary of State for Education, this paper considers a range of issues related to the development and implementation of education policy in England. This paper focuses on motivation and preparation for the role, the movement of ministers, regional factors, relationship with the Prime Minister and the breakdown of consensus. It illustrates the reality of policy implementation against the political realities of serving as a Government minister and the illusion of being able to develop long-term strategies in a rapidly changing environment.  相似文献   

Conflicting claims about important socio-scientific debates are proliferating in contemporary society. It is therefore important to understand the individual characteristics that predict learning from conflicting claims. We explored individuals’ beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing (i.e., epistemic beliefs) and their emotions as potentially interrelated sets of learner characteristics that predict learning in such contexts. Undergraduate university students (N = 282) self-reported their topic-specific epistemic beliefs and were given three conflicting texts about climate change to read. Immediately after each of the three texts, participants self-reported the emotions they experienced. Following reading and self-report, participants wrote summaries of the conflicting texts. Text-mining and human coding were applied to summaries to construct two indices of learning from conflicting texts that reflected which source’s information is privileged in memory. Results from structural equation modeling revealed that epistemic beliefs were consistent in their predictions of emotions, which in turn variously predicted different learning outcomes. In particular, a belief that knowledge is justified by inquiry predicted surprise and curiosity, which at times facilitated learning. In contrast, confusion, predicted by passive reliance on external sources, related to impaired memory of conflicting content. Theoretical and methodological implications are discussed for research on the relations between epistemic beliefs, emotions, and learning about controversial topics.  相似文献   

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