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先聊聊你的爱情观?因为喜欢现在的表演工作,希望自己能多花点时间在工作上。金牛座的爱情观比较务实,容易专注于当下,但不说永远  相似文献   

Mamba: Y m glad I' m not poisonous.Snake: Why?Mamba: I just bit my tongue.  相似文献   

That's Why     
~~That's Why@小非!编写 @柴立青!绘图  相似文献   

Why Be Late     
Teacher:Why didyou come to schoolso late this morning?Tom:Someone lost oneyuan.Teacher:Oh,now I know,you helped him to find themoney.Tom:No.I stood on themoney until the personwent away.  相似文献   

Why not……     
娱乐新闻里又出现了贝嫂携子女外出游玩的图集,生了一个又一个的贝嫂依然美丽动人、身材火辣,那平坦的小腹、那纤细的四肢、那永远的黑超下仿佛被刻成永恒的巴掌脸,总教人羡慕嫉妒。再加上她那时尚风向标的着装,活脱脱一个“辣妈”的活注释。  相似文献   

Nothing is worse than teaching that has stagnated.It is bad for the teacher,bad for the learners and bad for the insti- tution.Practitioners get out of ruts by reflecting on their teaching and asking serious questions about its impact upon  相似文献   

Imagine yourself as an astronaut flying high above the Earth.The most important thing in your spaceship is not your camera or your radio.The most important thing you have is your garden,where you grow food to eat and air to breathe.Growing air?Well,that isn't exactly what happens.But plants do take carbon dioxide from the air and use the light and water that help them grow to make oxygen.Take a deep breath. That came from a plant!It took 1.5 billion years of plants making oxygen before there was enough oxy- gen for us to breathe.  相似文献   

Dad Do you like school﹖Tom Yes,very much.Dad You're a good boy,Tom. A good boy is always fond of(喜欢) learning.Tom It's not that,Dad. I like school because if I don't go there,I should have no holidays.Why Tom Likes School@小文  相似文献   

Why Birds Sing?     
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.D o you know whata “territory”is?A territory is an area that an an- im al,usually the m ale,claim s(声称)as its ow…  相似文献   

小文 《初中生》2006,(5):22-22
在德国首都柏林(Berlin,Germany’s capital city),大约有20个垃圾桶(trash cans)能用德语、法语和英语说“谢谢你”,不过它们和人类一样,都有规则的作息时间。它们白天工作(work in the day),晚上休息(have a rest at night)。  相似文献   

Automation of instruction can satisfy current needs to increase educational quantity and quality in business, industry and education. Though the ideas are not new, automation gives the first practical opportunity for widespread application. Automated instructional systems include teaching machines, individual "closed-loop" tutoring situations and "feedback" from the student to the machine. These systems exploit the principles of knowledge of results, reward immediacy of reinforcement, participation and individual differences. As a result, teaching is speeded up and improved as students understand and retain better. Automation of instruction will continue to be exploited as it increases in complexity and man-machine relationships. Benefits will be widespread, improving especially teachers' efficiency and market value as well as the nation's means to challenge, effectively, Communism's world-wide competition.  相似文献   

TodaywewilltalkaboutaninterestingtopicwhywelearnEnglish.AsweknowthatnowadayssomanypeopleinChinaandevenintheworldarelearningandspeakingEnglish.WhydopeoplelearnEnglish?Ithinkthatitisaquitecomplicatedquestiontoanswer.First,Englishisabeautiful,usefullanguage.Itisoneofthethreemainlanguagesintheworld.Ithasbeenwidelyusedinmanyforeigncountries.AlotofcountriesuseEnglishastheirnativelanguage,suchasCanada,America,NewZealand,AustraliaandEngland,etc.AndeventheUnitedNationsalsotakesit…  相似文献   

Inrecentseniorsurveys,amajorityofuniversitystudentshaveindi鄄catedthattheyintendtopursue(goonwith)graduatestudysometimeinthefuture.ManyarethinkingaboutanMBA(工商管理硕士).Therearesomebasicquestionsthataresimpletoaskbutrequireself鄄explorationandresearch:WhypursueanMBA?Typically,youareprobablythinkingaboutpursuinganMBAforfourbasicreasons:1.Yourchosenprofessiondemandsfurtherstudy.2.Youwanttoenhanceyourmarketabilityandsalary.3.Youwanttochangecareer.4.Youarecommittedtof…  相似文献   

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