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近年来,慕课浪潮席卷全球,国内各顶尖大学纷纷加入慕课建设的大浪潮。那么,各高校在这场大浪潮中表现得怎么样呢?文章将以湖南省三十二所普通本科院校为例,从慕课建设与慕课应用两个立足点出发,广泛收集数据,多视角、多维度地对这些数据进行全面解读。  相似文献   

从2012年起席卷全球的慕课浪潮至今势头不减。慕课使高校传统教学模式面临挑战,但同时也为它带来变革契机。它引发对教学改革的深层思考,促成以学生为中心的教学模式的转变,对课程设计、教学组织、学分认证、师资队伍建设等诸多方面产生深远影响。借力慕课推动教学模式变革,将有利于发挥大学的教育资源优势,对促进学科发展、提升教学质量、重构学术权威和探索"学习支持型"服务模式具有重要作用。  相似文献   

This study explored the value of using a guided rubric to enable students participating in a massive open online course in writing to produce more reliable assessments of their fellow students’ writing. To test the assumption that training students to assess will improve their ability to provide quality feedback, a multivariate factorial analysis was used to determine differences in assessments made by students who received guidance on using a rating rubric and those who did not. Although results were mixed, on average students who were provided no guidance in scoring writing samples were less likely to successfully differentiate between novice, intermediate, and advanced writing samples than students who received rubric guidance. Rubric guidance was most beneficial for items that were subjective, technically complex, and likely to be unfamiliar to the student. Items addressing relatively simple and objective constructs were less likely to be improved by rubric guidance.  相似文献   

计算机网络、移动终端、大数据挖掘等信息技术的发展不断推进教与学的变革,在线开放课程的发展与应用为翻转课堂、混合式教学提供了支撑条件,充分体现了"以学为中心"的教学理念。南京邮电大学以品牌专业建设为引领,依托教学名师资源,借助教师信息化教学能力提升为手段进行在线开放课程的建设与教学改革探索,文章总结其具体实践的措施及经验,以期对同类地方高校在线开放课程建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The new pedagogical opportunities that massive open online course (MOOC) learning environments offer for the teaching of fee-paying students on university-accredited courses are of growing interest to educators. This paper presents a case study from a postgraduate-taught course at the Open University, UK, where a MOOC performed the dual role of a core teaching vehicle for fee-paying students and also as a “free-to-join” course for open learners. An analysis of survey data revealed differences between the two groups in respect to prior experience, knowledge, expectations and planned time commitment. The nature and experience of interaction was also examined. Fee-paying student feedback revealed four conditions in which MOOCs could be considered a pedagogic option for taught-course designers. These are: when there is a subject need; when used to achieve learning outcomes; when there is acknowledgement or compensation for the financial disparity; and when issues of transition and interaction are supported.  相似文献   

MOOC的发展历程与主要特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大规模在线教育在近两年取得突破性进展,已成为传统教育领域的颠覆性革新。MOOC在开放教育资源运动中发端,在连通主义学习理论中兴起,在行为主义学习理论中繁荣。与传统课程相比,MOOC具有以下典型特征:一是高校、教师、学生与投入等方面的规模化;二是学习对象、教学形式、课程内容、教育理念等方面的开放性;三是随时随地、主动学习、数据挖掘等方面的网络化;四是课程的组织方式、课程内容、学习方式、课程评价等方面的创新性。  相似文献   

Imagine the challenge of being immersed in a dynamic learning network where you play brinkmanship with being overwhelmed by a plethora of information, comments, and conversations on a topic of intense interest to you. Through adept facilitation, the comments and encouragement of fellow participants, and your own perseverance, you develop a network of personal connections which serve as metaphorical flying buttresses creating enough stability that you are able to learn in a new, yet profoundly meaningful way – the connectivist massive open online course (cMOOC) way. Through the lens of autoethnography, five seasoned educators collaboratively reflect on their motivation for participating in their initial cMOOC. They analyze their lived experience, what they found most engaging, and most importantly, they grapple with why cMOOC communities often endure past official end-dates. This article attempts to provide insight into the thrill and depth of learning and connection possible through participation in cMOOCs.  相似文献   

许多慕课平台存在高辍学率、低内化率等问题。为提升 MOOC 学习效果,通过分析 MOOC 自主学习特点,针对互动率低、缺乏监督引导等问题,探讨适合网络平台的学习方式,设计基于 MOOC 学习平台的自主学习模式。模式主要对学习前、学习中以及学习后的自主学习行为进行阐述,帮助学习者塑造良好的 MOOC 自主学习范式。对利用 MOOC 平台开展自主学习提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

MOOC时代的到来对远程教育带来深远影响,并且推动远程教育步入一个新的阶段,在这样的革新阶段,远程教育的模式又会是怎样的呢?本文将进一步探索基于MOOC的远程教育模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to better understand community formation in MOOCs through employing combined lenses of connectivism, rhizomatic learning, actor-network theory, community of practice, and community of inquiry. In a sequential explanatory mixed methodology design, social network analysis and nethnography were used to analyze and interpret data from a five-week, open and freely available MOOC, #humanMOOC, conducted in late 2015 and early 2016. The findings revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic drives have unique roles in community formation process and support. These include respect and transparency in mutual communication, being socially visible and building a digital identity, seeing the relationships and patterns among the ideas, and being emotionally present and creating a welcoming, safe place are some effective internal drives, while opportunities to connect to personally meaningful sources or nodes, being able to wander among open ecologies, using nonhuman elements to facilitate learning, creating a safe base ground for initial activities, and creating community goods and well-designed learning spaces that meet diverse needs of the learners are some external drives.  相似文献   


Learning outcomes is mediated by multi-channel learning environment and social engagement. Both factors may play a significant role in understanding motivation to learn in massive open online courses (MOOCs). The goal of this study was twofold: a. to compare behavior intention patterns of traditional e-learning platform and MOOCs participants; b. to examine relationships between behavior intention and perceived social support. Therefore, this study applies the concepts of technology acceptance model and social support theory to examine the underlying the determinants of learners’ continuance intention factors for MOOCs in Taiwan. In addition, this study adopts perceived convenience, computer self-efficacy, sense of community, and perceived gains as the constructs of social support perspective. Our examination reveals that sense of community, and perceived gains influence learners’ behavior intention of both general e-learning platform and MOOCs. However, perceived convenience and computer self-efficacy did not influence learners’ behavior intention for traditional e-learning platform, but still have efforts for MOOCs. In summary, our results show that the social support theory and technology acceptance model could be the suitable examination model to investigate the behavioral intentions for MOOCs. These findings have significant theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

慕课(MOOC),又称大规模在线开放课程,是近年来远程教育领域出现的一种新兴在线学习模式。它正影响着全球高等教育的改革与发展,也给军队远程教育带来了难得的机遇和诸多挑战。它不仅为军队远程教育提供了改革的思路和技术参考,而且向军队远程教育的网络课程资源、公开性和交互性、安全保密教育、远程学习者提出了高要求。  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have generated enthusiasm, excitement, and hype worldwide and recently increasing skepticism. They are being broadly discussed in the major news media (and to a smaller extent in academic circles). Rapidly increasing numbers of MOOC providers, MOOC courses and articles, discussion groups, and blogs discussing MOOCs are indicators of the involvement of many stakeholders. Most of these analyses and developments are based on economic perspectives (such as scalability, productivity, and being free) and technology perspectives (including platforms supporting large number of students in online environments, enrichment components such as forums, peer-to-peer learning support, and automatic grading). Few contributions analyze MOOCs from a learning science perspective and put them into a larger context with other approaches to learning and education. This commentary explores challenges derived from the perspective to conceptualize MOOCs as being one component in a rich landscape of learning.  相似文献   

张雷  王军 《数字教育》2019,(5):36-41
2017年和2018年,我国共遴选了1291门国家精品在线开放课程,这些课程分布在20个慕课平台。通过对国家精品在线开放课程数据的观察,发现慕课和慕课平台在数量、技术和品质上还有很大的提升空间。尤其是慕课平台的提升空间还很大。目前我国慕课平台虽然较多,但各平台在课程数量、学科分布、高校数量、高校层次和地域分布五个方面的差异却十分明显。慕课平台是慕课最主要的载体,应把优先发展慕课平台作为当下慕课工作的关键突破点。  相似文献   

Coursera作为开放在线课程的佼佼者,其教学成功之道无疑值得我们去思考与研究。该文通过跟踪学习"混合学习"课程,对其在资源、教学、学习及评价等方面的特点进行分析,挖掘梳理Coursera在教学方面的成功之道,并探讨其对我国在线课程发展的启示。研究得出为使我国在线课程迅速发展,在根据我国学习者特点和现有技术支持的前提下,其资源设计应满足在线学习者的个性化学习需求,教学上应提供完善的课程学习支持服务,学习上要打造空前开放的学习共同体,评价上需制定灵活多样的评价机制,进而开发出"本土化"的在线课程。  相似文献   

The statement by Hunter R. Rawlings III that “there are no good studies on what constitutes bad online pedagogy” coincides with the creation of a Global Learning Council to define the guidelines that previous online educators have allegedly failed to identify. This article discusses these disparaging remarks by the President of the Association of American Universities about the distance education (DE) field and the likely influence on the Council’s deliberations by the motives of its members—American university presidents, corporate representatives, and providers of support for massive open online courses. The influence of their conclusions on public attitudes to new educational practices is anticipated, and the distorted pedagogical principles being offered in support of massive course practices are defined as arising from a form of plagiarism. A formal response by DE and online learning specialists to the rejection of their previous literature is encouraged; and an analysis of the situation is offered by a fictitious educational historian in the year 2031.  相似文献   

目前,对现有网络课程质量的评价多以问卷调查、访谈法、专家法等方式进行,但由于数据本身或获取的途径存在主观因素,因而难以准确、客观衡量学习者在网络课程中的学习绩效,其他评价方法(如,模糊评价、层次评价等)不易掌握,难以推广。然而,以客观数据作为量化依据的网络计量方法,为评价网络课提供了解决问题的新视角。基于此,首先在对现有网络课程评价中存在的问题进行分析之后,介绍了网络计量方法及常用工具;然后探讨运用网络计量方法评价网络课程的可行性,提出网络课程评价应以学习者学习绩效测量为核心;最后,初步构建基于网络计量方法的网络课程评价指标体系,该指标体系对视频公开课和MOOCs评价也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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