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This article challenges measurement specialists and other physical education and exercise science professionals to explore alternative models that are not based on classical test theory. Examples illustrate how the many-facet Rasch model has been used to solve measurement problems associated with performance assessments in the fields of medicine, business, and sport. A second challenge calls for more collaborative research efforts that address measurement problems in physical education and exercise science. The measurement subdiscipline will advance in the 21st century if these challenges are met.  相似文献   

The aim of this series of studies was to develop and initially validate an instrument to assess stressors among South African sports coaches. In study one, a preliminary pool of 45 items was developed based on existing literature and an expert panel was employed to assess the content validity and applicability of these items. In study two, the 32 items that were retained after study one were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA). The resultant factorial structure comprised four components: environmental stressors, performance stressors, task-related stressors, and athlete stressors. These four components were made up of 26 items and, together, the components and items comprised the provisional Stressors in Sports Coaching Questionnaire (SSCQ). The results show that the SSCQ demonstrates acceptable internal consistency (.73–.89). The findings provide preliminary evidence that SSCQ is a valid tool to assess stressors among South African sports coaches.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法,从基层社群秩序自治的视角,分析传统武术群体产生冲突的类型与群体自治的内在逻辑,剖析现代武术群体冲突与破坏秩序行为产生的原因,认为:不同"利益诉求"与"共享文化"诱发了武术群体不同类型的冲突;在传统农耕经济社会,武术群体运用礼治规范、协作权利、记忆舆论等社会方法形成了秩序自治的内化控制系统。随着现代社会结构与经济体制的变化,联系不同群体的纽带产生割裂,武术群体中新的矛盾与冲突处于监管的"空当期"。提出通过礼法合治、文化认同、信息监管等措施,完善现代武术群体秩序自治结构,发挥其维系基层社群秩序的社会功能。  相似文献   


In the present study, a measure to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise was redesigned, extending previous research efforts (Karageorghis et al., 1999 Karageorghis, C. I., Terry, P. C. and Lane, A. M. 1999. Development and initial validation of an instrument to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport: The Brunel Music Rating Inventory. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17: 713724. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The original measure, the Brunel Music Rating Inventory (BMRI), had shown limitations in its factor structure and its applicability to non-experts in music selection. Redesign of the BMRI used in-depth interviews with eight participants (mean age 31.9 years, s = 8.9 years) to establish the initial item pool, which was examined using a series of confirmatory factor analyses. A single-factor model provided a good fit across three musical selections with different motivational qualities (comparative fit index, CFI: 0.95–0.98; standardized root mean residual, SRMR: 0.03–0.05). The single-factor model also demonstrated acceptable fit across two independent samples and both sexes using one piece of music (CFI: 0.86–1.00; SRMR: 0.04–0.07). The BMRI was designed for experts in selecting music for exercise (e.g. dance aerobic instructors), whereas the BMRI-2 can be used both by exercise instructors and participants. The psychometric properties of the BMRI-2 are stronger than those of the BMRI and it is easier to use. The BMRI-2 provides a valid and internally consistent tool by which music can be selected to accompany a bout of exercise or a training session. Furthermore, the BMRI-2 enables researchers to standardize music in experimental protocols involving exercise-related tasks.  相似文献   

Equivocal results of the psychophysical effects of music have been explained in part by the insensitivity of researchers to important personal and situational variables when selecting music. The aim of the present study was to operationalize a conceptual framework for the prediction of psychophysical responses to music into a music rating inventory to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments. An initial item pool was developed and administered to 334 aerobics instructors. Exploratory factor analysis produced a 13-item, four-factor structure (association, musicality, cultural impact and rhythm response), which accounted for 59.2% of the variance. This model demonstrated acceptable fit indices when tested using confirmatory factor analysis on 314 exercise-to-music participants, and was better than an alternative two-factor model. When cross-validated using multisample confirmatory factor analysis, the model also showed an acceptable fit overall, although some invariance in the rhythm response factor was evident that can be attributed to the exclusive use of synchronous music by aerobics instructors. The Brunel Music Rating Inventory appears to be a valid and reliable tool for both researchers and practitioners to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments.  相似文献   

Equivocal results of the psychophysical effects of music have been explained in part by the insensitivity of researchers to important personal and situational variables when selecting music. The aim of the present study was to operationalize a conceptual framework for the prediction of psychophysical responses to music into a music rating inventory to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments. An initial item pool was developed and administered to 334 aerobics instructors. Exploratory factor analysis produced a 13-item, four-factor structure (association, musicality, cultural impact and rhythm response), which accounted for 59.2% of the variance. This model demonstrated acceptable fit indices when tested using confirmatory factor analysis on 314 exercise-to-music participants, and was better than an alternative two-factor model. When cross-validated using multisample confirmatory factor analysis, the model also showed an acceptable fit overall, although some invariance in the rhythm response factor was evident that can be attributed to the exclusive use of synchronous music by aerobics instructors. The Brunel Music Rating Inventory appears to be a valid and reliable tool for both researchers and practitioners to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments.  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to examine the factorial validity of the six-item Intragroup Conflict Scale (ICS) in athletic trainer (AT) and coach populations and to examine measurement invariance by gender and profession. A total of 195 ATs and 615 head or assistant coaches working at secondary schools or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) institutions completed the ICS. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis procedures in LISREL 10 (Student Edition). Results supported the reliability and validity of the two-factor ICS model among ATs and coaches. Strict measurement invariance was observed when comparing male to female AT responses. Strong measurement invariance was observed when comparing male to female coach responses, as well as AT to coach responses. These data not only support the reliability and validity of the ICS for use in AT and coach populations but also support direct comparisons of mean scores across gender or profession.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development and validation of an instrument to measure volition in the exercise context. Volition describes an individual’s self-regulatory mental processes that are responsible for taking and maintaining a desirable action (e.g., exercising regularly). The scale structure was developed in an exploratory factor analysis which resulted in a reliable structure of the following six factors: Volitional Inhibition—Reasons, Volitional Inhibition—Postponing Training, Volitional Facilitation—Self-Confidence, Volitional Inhibition—Unrelated Thoughts, Volitional Inhibition—Approval From Others, and Volitional Facilitation—Coping with Failure. A sound theoretical explanation for these six factors is based on the Personal System Interaction Theory. This six-factor structure was also confirmed in a new sample in a confirmatory factor analysis, delivering an 18-item questionnaire with strong model fit and good internal consistency. In addition, the Volition in Exercise Questionnaire showed convergent validity because it was able to predict exercise participation. It showed incremental validity by explaining additional variance to the Sport Motivation Scale’s well-established predictors of exercise participation.  相似文献   


Establishing stability, defined as observing minimal measurement error in a test-retest assessment, is vital to validating psychometric tools. Correlational methods, such as Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa are tests of association or consistency, whereas stability or reproducibility (regarded here as synonymous) assesses the agreement between test-retest scores. Indexes of reproducibility using the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duda & Nicholls, 1992) were investigated using correlational (Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa) methods, repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance, and calculating the proportion of agreement within a referent value of +1 as suggested by Nevill, Lane, Kilgour, Bowes, and Whyte (2001). Two hundred thirteen soccer players completed the TEOSQ on two occasions, 1 week apart. Correlation analyses indicated a stronger test-retest correlation for the Ego subscale than the Task subscale. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated stability for ego items but with significant increases in four task items. The proportion of test-retest agreement scores indicated that all ego items reported relatively poor stability statistics with test-retest scores within a range of +1, ranging from 82.7–86.9%. By contrast, all task items showed test-retest difference scores ranging from 92.5–99%, although further analysis indicated that four task subscale items increased significantly. Findings illustrated that correlational methods (Pearson product-moment, intraclass, and kappa) are influenced by the range in scores, and calculating the proportion of agreement of test-retest differences with a referent value of +1 could provide additional insight into the stability of the questionnaire. It is suggested that the item-by-item proportion of agreement method proposed by Nevill et al. (2001) should be used to supplement existing methods and could be especially helpful in identifying rogue items in the initial stages of psychometric questionnaire validation.  相似文献   


This study validated sedentary behaviour (SB), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and vigorous physical activity (VPA) accelerometer cut-points in 5–7-year-old children. Participants (n = 49, 55% girls) wore an ActiGraph GT9X accelerometer, recording data at 100 Hz downloaded in 1 s epochs, on both wrists and the right hip during a standardised protocol and recess. Cut-points were generated using ROC analysis with direct observation as a criterion. Subsequently, cut-points were optimised using Confidence intervals equivalency analysis and then cross-validated in a cross-validation group. SB cut-points were 36 mg (Sensitivity (Sn) = 79.8%, Specificity (Sp) = 56.8%) for non-dominant wrist, 39 mg (Sn = 75.4%, Sp = 70.2%) for dominant wrist and 20 mg (Sn = 78%, Sp = 50.1%) for hip. MVPA cut-points were 189 mg (Sn = 82.6%, Sp = 78%) for non-dominant wrist, 181 mg (Sn = 79.1%, Sp = 76%) for dominant wrist and 95 mg (Sn = 79.3%, Sp = 75.6%) for hip. VPA cut-points were 536 mg (Sn = 75.1%, Sp = 68.7%) for non-dominant wrist, 534 mg (Sn = 67.6%, Sp = 95.6%) for dominant wrist and 325 mg (Sn = 78.2%, Sp = 96.1%) for hip. All placements demonstrated adequate levels of accuracy for SB and PA assessment.  相似文献   

A commonly held belief in sports is the need for team members to be able to work well together in order for that team to be successful. Despite this assumption, research in the field of sport psychology has yet to formally or sufficiently conceptualize what is meant by teamwork. In this theoretical and integrative review, we draw from the extant organizational psychology and team development literature to present a multidimensional conceptual framework of teamwork in sport. We provide a working definition of teamwork in sport and discuss how teamwork sits within a broader model of team effectiveness. We conclude by providing an overview of salient research avenues on teamwork and team effectiveness in sport, which have potential implications for guiding interventions with sports teams.  相似文献   

A sport-specific measure of moral disengagement was developed in 2 studies. In Study 1, a 59-item questionnaire was developed and tested with 308 athletes from 5 team sports. A series of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) testing different models suggested the model that best fitted the data had 6 first-order factors that could be represented by 1 second-order factor. Study 2 involved 305 athletes from the same 5 sports. CFA confirmed the 6-factor, second-order structure for the final 32-item measure. Results from Study 2 supported the construct validity of the scale, providing evidence for the factorial, concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity. The Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale (MDSS) is proposed as a valid and reliable measure of moral disengagement for use in the sport context.  相似文献   

Using a multiphase approach, the purpose of the present study was to develop a psychometrically sound questionnaire to measure protégés’ perceptions of peer athlete mentoring functions. Phase 1 consisted of three stages: (a) item development, (b) assessment of content validity via think-aloud interviews with peer mentored athletes, and (c) assessment of content validity via an expert rating panel. In phase 2, 377 Canadian National team and varsity athletes who were peer mentored completed an initial 42-item version of the Athlete Mentoring Questionnaire (AMQ) and its factor structure was examined using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), and hierarchical ESEM (ESEM-within-CFA). Measurement invariance testing was also performed in phase 2. The final version of the AMQ contains 34 items that measure six peer athlete mentoring functions. It is hoped that the development of the AMQ will spur research in the emerging area of peer athlete mentoring.  相似文献   

A contemporary view of early childhood motor development considers environmental influences as critical factors in optimal growth and behavior, with the home being the primary agent. However, there has been minimal research examining the relationship between motor development and the home. The present study addresses this gap with the goal of creating an innovative parental self-report instrument to assess the quality and quantity of factors (affordances and events) in the home that are conducive to enhancing motor development in children ages 18-42 months. Following initial face validity determination, expert opinion feedback and selective pilot testing, construct validity was examined using 321 Portuguese families. Factor analysis techniques were used to: (a) compare competingf actorial models according to previous theoretical assumptions, and (b) analyze the fit of the preferred model. Of the five plausible models tested, the five-factor solution provided the best fit to the data. Reliability was established through the scale reliability coefficient with a value of .85. The findings of this study suggest that the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development Self-Report is a valid and reliable instrument to assess how well home environments afford movement and potentially promote motor development.  相似文献   

目的:编制青少年体育核心价值观问卷,并检验其信效度。方法:根据前期扎根理论成果,结合文献资料和专家访谈法形成初始问卷,以初测对象306名青少年对初始问卷进行项目分析和探索性因素分析;以复测对象260名青少年对复测问卷进行验证性因素分析、信效度检验后形成正式问卷。结果:青少年体育核心价值观问卷共包含35个条目,分属健康、道德、能力、安全、交往、竞争、精神、终身价值观8个维度,共解释总变异的67.357%;验证性因素分析结果表明,问卷拟合指数良好(χ2/df=1.98,GFI=0.89,CFI=0.95,IFI=0.96,NNFI=0.93,RMSEA=0.056);总问卷内部一致性达0.95,各维度α系数介于0.77-0.954,重测信度介于0.763-0.938;效度分析各维度之间以及分维度与总问卷之间相关性显著。结论:本探究所编青少年体育核心价值观问卷具有良好的通俗性、区分度、信度和效度,可以作为我国青少年体育核心价值观的测评工具。  相似文献   

While there is a growing body of knowledge on disability sport consumer behavior (Byon et al., 2011, Byon et al., 2010a), these studies used scales explicitly designed for non-disability sport contexts, showing only reasonable model fit and not examining factors specific to the disability sport consumer experience. This publication represents the first attempt to identify specific disability sport motives and develop a scale, the Motivation Scale for Disability Sport Consumption (MSDSC). Newly identified disability sport motives include inspiration, supercrip image and disability cultural education. These were examined in conjunction with factors from Trail and James (2001) and Trail (2010). Data were collected at the 2011 collegiate wheelchair basketball championships; results were collected to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results indicated that a 9-factor model was most appropriate. Significant motives included physical attraction, drama, escape, inspiration, physical skill, social interaction, violence, and supercrip image. The model fit was improved over the Byon studies and was comparable to relevant non-adaptive motive studies (Lee et al., 2009, Trail and James, 2001, Robinson et al., 2004). This scale represents a tool for practitioners and academics to effectively examine spectators of disability sport.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between sport type, interdependence (task and outcome), and the developmental experiences of select male basketball players (n=129) and middle-distance runners (n=83) aged 14–17 years. Athletes completed the Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 (Hansen & Larson, 2005) and a modified measure assessing task and outcome interdependence (Van der Vegt, Emans, & Van de Vliert, 1998 Vliert, 2001). Hierarchical multiple regression determined that basketball players reported higher rates of teamwork and social skills, adult networks and social capital, and negative experiences. Furthermore, outcome interdependence was a predictor of identity exploration, initiative, emotional regulation, positive relationships, teamwork and social skills, and adult networks and social capital experiences independent of sport type. Although different sports may provide different learning environments, the developmental experiences youth garner may be more strongly influenced by how the people involved interact (outcome interdependence) than by the type of sport.  相似文献   


The primary aim of this study was to develop and validate a golf-specific approach-iron test for use with elite and high-level amateur golfers. Elite (n=26) and high-level amateur (n=23) golfers were recruited for this study. The ‘Approach-Iron Skill Test’ requires players to hit a total of 27 shots. Specifically, three shots are hit at each of nine targets on a specially constructed driving range in a randomised order. A real-time launch monitor positioned behind the player, measured the carry distance for each of these shots. A scoring system was developed based on the percentage error index of each shot, meaning that 81 points was the maximum score possible (with a maximum of three points per shot). Two rounds of the test were performed. For both rounds of the test, elite-level golfers scored significantly higher than their high-level amateur counterparts (56.3±5.6 and 58.5±4.6 points versus 46.0±6.3 and 46.1±6.7 points, respectively) (P<0.05). For both elite and high-level players, 95% limits of agreement statistics also indicated that the test showed good test–retest reliability (2.1±7.9 and 0.2±10.8, respectively). Due to the clinimetric properties of the test, we conclude that the Approach-Iron Skill Test is suitable for further examination with the players examined in this study.  相似文献   

高校教练员工作与家庭冲突及其相关变量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许欣  王斌  马红宇  唐汉瑛 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):138-141
以湖北省36所高校135名校队教练员为对象,对教练员工作-家庭冲突现状及其与工作满意度和组织承诺的关系进行研究。结果表明教练员工作-家庭冲突远高于家庭-工作冲突;教练员受教育程度和每周工作时间对工作-家庭冲突有预测作用;教练员工作-家庭对组织承诺没有影响。研究表明工作特征和弹性工作制两个因素对教练员平衡工作-家庭冲突具有重要调节作用。  相似文献   

The development of cable force during hammer-throw turns is crucial to the throw distance. In this paper, we present a method that is capable of measuring cable force in real time and, as it does not interfere with technique, it is capable of providing immediate feedback to coaches and athletes during training. A strain gauge was mounted on the wires of three hammers to measure the tension in the wire and an elite male hammer thrower executed three throws with each hammer. The output from the gauges was recorded by a data logger positioned on the lower back of the thrower. The throws were captured by three high-speed video cameras and the three-dimensional position of the hammer's head was determined by digitizing the images manually. The five best throws were analysed. The force acting on the hammer's head was calculated from Newton's second law of motion and this was compared with the force measured via the strain gauge. Qualitatively the time dependence of the two forces was essentially the same, although the measured force showed more detail in the troughs of the force–time curves. Quantitatively the average difference between the measured and calculated forces over the five throws was 76 N, which corresponds to a difference of 3.8% for a cable force of 2000 N.  相似文献   

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