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In recent years, reporting estimates of effect size have become more important in social and behavioral science research. Four full volumes (2003–2006) of four influential communication journals were examined. The findings show that the rate of reporting effect size was very high for some types of statistical analyses (e.g., correlation, regression), and considerably lower for others (e.g., t-test, χ 2 test). The results provide a picture about the current state of affairs in terms of effect size reporting in communication research.  相似文献   

The stories of four practitioners are presented regarding their involvement with the Aspen conference and their reflections on the essays in this forum. Their stories suggest that the ability for academics and practitioners to co-create engaged scholarship depends on articulating common values and interests, creating a shared language that allows them to develop and execute a project and to disseminate their findings in useful ways, and constructing a space for reflection on organizational processes. This suggests that academic and practitioners need to negotiate their differences in values, language, and approach in ways that co-create a mutually satisfying project.  相似文献   

许洁  夏心悦 《出版科学》2018,26(3):13-18
采用系统综述方法对56篇关于科学交流信任研究的文献进行分析整合.首先从期刊发表状况、作者情况、研究主题和学科、研究方法4个方面分析研究现状,其次总结科学交流中的信任来源于人际信任和系统信任,然后分析信任在科学交流中的决定作用、引导作用和激励作用,最后提出由信任发生机制及其影响因素和信任的作用机理构成的科学交流信任问题的研究框架.  相似文献   

Library Journal's 2011 Ebook Penetration and Use in U.S. Libraries Survey testifies to e-books’ increasing popularity in academic libraries. This review tracked literature published from 2005 that focused on academic librarians’ best practices for acquiring, cataloging, maintaining, and promoting e-books at their institutions. Some of these practices include implementing trial accesses, considering institutional requirements, providing an e-book presence in the library catalog, monitoring usage statistics, and utilizing the library Web site for promotional efforts.  相似文献   

This selective annotated bibliography is a helpful guide to an issue that is regularly encountered by all who do, and teach, legal research: What are the ethical obligations of the legal researcher?  相似文献   

陈邦武 《编辑之友》2016,(12):43-46
社会化媒体开创了群体传播时代,可以从信息空间、关系空间、情感空间等进行多维聚合,从而促进传播模式创新,即从名气到人气的转型.其主要表现是:其一,在主体上,从受众到合众;其二,在内容上,从信息到全息;其三,在方式上,从硬广到软广;其四,在效果上,从认知到认同.借助于人气进行传播,媒体组织不但可以实现全民传播,而且可以实现全民红利.  相似文献   

本文对国内五种新闻传播学代表性期刊1996-2005年发表的网络传播研究论文进行实证分析,将十年来中国大陆网络传播研究划分为三个阶段,总结各阶段发展与不足。  相似文献   

By drawing on Foucault's theory of governmentality, this essay posits that media discourses helped to create, deliberate upon, and circulate proper practices for U.S. white-collar working women in the 1980s. Analysis of discourse circulating in mass media about the woman manager, the saleswoman, and the woman union leader shows that media outlets claimed each would offer innovative solutions to counteract the volatile economy in the 1980s. For example, the logic of maternal management propagated in these discourses valorized a “return to the home” for women while simultaneously claiming that men were better maternal managers than women. The privileged subject ultimately emerging in this discourse was a feminized businessman, rather than a maternal or feminized businesswoman.  相似文献   

为鉴往知来,本研究运用引文分析方法,探讨近20年来(1994—2013年)科技教育研究的主题演进状况。样本取自WoS数据库的SSCI、SCI和A&HCI,共1 196篇,过滤后为1 009篇文献,共30 825条引文。①以五年为一个阶段,分析文献数量持续增加情况,各阶段的成长率分别为第I-II阶段为85.45%,第II-III阶段为62.26%,第III-IV阶段为55.79%;②  相似文献   

Is communication and media research a deeply international field? Are there real and extensive collaborations between various cultures represented on the highest level? In our current research, we analyzed the most recent 620 articles written by 1456 authors and published in 63 SCImago Scopus Q1-ranked journals in communication and media studies (CMS) to reveal the patterns of scientific contribution, the well-connected network of winner-countries, and the sporadic presence of loser or Matthew-countries. We used CATMA and Gephi software to analyze and visualize the distribution patterns behind scientific publications. Our results show that the network of collaboration in CMS is very sparse, most of the scientific publications are written by authors from a very few winner-countries, and the real loser of the field is obviously the CEE region with its lonely, disconnected, and marginalized representatives.  相似文献   

本文通过对2011年《健康传播》所发表的文章进行内容分析,并与前人的研究结果进行对比,从而揭示出美国健康传播研究的现状及变化。本研究发现当前美国健康传播研究主题紧跟美国健康实际情况,强调定量研究,重视新闻媒体的作用同时关注人际传播与新媒体,但是理论创新不够。  相似文献   

Film has become a popular form of entertainment among teenagers and provides images from which teens model behaviors and form attitudes. This study addresses the understudied area of the portrayal of teen and adult sexual behaviors over nearly three decades in the top-grossing teen-centered films from 1980 to 2007. This study analyzes the frequency, nature, character portrayals, and consequences of sexual behavior. The results show that teen-centered films are replete with passionate kissing and sexual dialogue yet contain a modicum of implied intercourse and intimate touching. Moreover, the frequency of such occurrences has remained surprisingly constant over the last three decades. This research also reveals that teen-centered films, as a source for sexual socialization, are relatively impoverished when it comes to responsible messages dealing with abstinence, safe sex practices, and the health risks associated with sex.  相似文献   

在中国共产党百年新闻宣传实践中,视觉宣传是其中独具特色的构成部分,处于十分重要的地位。目前有关中国共产党视觉宣传的研究存在两点不足:一是系统性的全历史研究成果不足;二是视觉理论与宣传实践融合有限。研究发现,中国共产党在不同历史阶段,通过创造性地征用不同视觉媒介进行宣传活动,形成了一套不同于西方发达国家的实践经验,也溢出了西方视觉理论的解释范畴。在研究过程中,应基于反本质主义的思维立场,破除媒介文化迷信和媒介体制迷信的思维窠臼,及其对理解中国共产党视觉宣传活动形成的刻板结论。文章提出连续与断裂中国与世界两大问题域,并以此为勾勒中国视觉宣传的纵横维度和展开当代研究的问题总纲。中国共产党百年视觉宣传研究应在史实材料的基础上,形成一派具有中国共产党主体地位与中国史学特色的历史书写,借由历史智慧建构出一套立足于中国语境与中国共产党主体性的理论范式,并以此为中国共产党的当代视觉宣传实践提供策略智识和批判工具。  相似文献   

There is a substantial gap between those people in the United States who identify as being favorable toward organ donation (~90%) and those registered as donors (~30%). A growing body of evidence suggests Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices are effective sites for facilitating higher organ donor registration rates on a national scale. The goal of the current study was to determine the utility and sustainability of a message immediacy approach, which draws from theoretical concepts such as priming and cues to action. Message immediacy requires individuals be: (a) exposed to a message that prompts an action, (b) in an environment where a prescribed action or behavior can be enacted, and (c) favorable toward the promoted behavior or action. Thirty-four Michigan counties, divided into three implementation groups, received campaigns in October (Group 1), November (Group 2), and December (Group 3) of 2009. Registration rates for three to six months after campaign implementation indicate that the on-site message prompts almost doubled registration rates in DMV offices. Additionally, preliminary cost-effectiveness evidence suggests message immediacy offers a relatively inexpensive campaign strategy.  相似文献   

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