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李晓强 《比较教育研究》2007,28(11):75-78,90
伴随着欧洲一体化建设的不断深入,欧盟逐渐建立起一套超国家层面的教育政策体系.超国家层面的欧盟教育政策具有导向、协调和整合三种功能.与民族国家教育政策相比,超国家教育政策具有特殊性和复杂性.同时,其三种功能所发挥的影响各有不同.  相似文献   

The term "design experiments" was introduced in 1992, in articles by Ann Brown (1992) and Allan Collins (1992). Design experiments were developed as a way to carry out formative research to test and refine educational designs based on principles derived from prior research. More recently the term design research has been applied to this kind of work. In this article, we outline the goals of design research and how it is related to other methodologies. We illustrate how design research is carried out with two very different examples. And we provide guidelines for how design research can best be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

欧盟制定超国家层面教育政策是从成人教育政策的制定开始的。欧盟超国家层面成人教育政策经历了一个渐进式的发展过程,不同时期,重心有所不同,并受到欧盟政治经济形势的强烈影响。欧盟具有特定的超国家性质,其成人教育政策必须建立在一定的法律基础之上。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》设计了未来10年中国教育改革和教育发展的蓝图,其中涉及到一系列教育经济、教育财政的理论与方法问题,需要从事教育经济学、教育财政学的研究者作出回答。这些问题包括教育与经济社会发展关系,教育中政府与市场关系,层级政府间教育职责和支出责任关系,教育管理中政府与学校关系,高等教育与劳动力市场关系,教育财政与财政制度评价,公共教育财政制度安排等。  相似文献   

This paper has several purposes. It introduces a new project funded by the European Commission within its Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) programme; it describes the research design of the Oxford part of that project, which is now beginning, and of a comparative study which was already being undertaken in Oxford on the implementation of the ‘European Dimension’ in education in England, Scotland and Wales; and it describes a number of theoretical and methodological problems we anticipate having to address as the studies proceed.  相似文献   

Given the new European institutional environment for education and training, policy and methodology for evaluation have become closely interwoven and stakes have been raised. This emerging situation calls for a robust reappraisal of existing comparative evaluation data and systems in the light of the perceived needs of European countries and of the specificity of European policies. Educational evaluation in Europe is not meant to compare results in the usual sense of the word but rather to help set global policy objectives and provide data to see if those are reached within national contexts. Is it really possible to do this without developing a 'unified' European understanding and methodology of evaluation? To what extent can existing national and international data be used for the purpose, knowing that in some instances they measure aspects of education which are either not relevant for or are contrary to the educational objectives of the construction of the Union? What are the alternatives? What are the consequences for education and for assessment research in Europe?  相似文献   

This paper sets out the findings and recommendations of a task force which was set up by the European Commission which investigated the “Educational Multimedia”. It illustrates some of the strategic planning which has taken place across EU member states to co‐ordinate work on new education technologies to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Four levels of authority within the educational decision‐making structure in seven European countries and states for primary and lower secondary education are analyzed. Next, the results of an investigation on loci, domains and modes of decision making are presented, indicating a slightly higher degree of school autonomy in England/Wales, the Netherlands and Sweden than in the other countries and states. A more evaluative assessment shows that democratization, market orientation, recession and general aims of improving the quality and equality of education are important background forces in shifting patterns of centralization and decentralization in the investigated countries and states.  相似文献   

中国是当今世界最大的发展中国家,欧盟是最大的发达国家联盟。从1998年到2003年,中欧关系实现了"三步跳",最终建立了"全面战略伙伴关系"。从2003年到2018年,中国通过三个《中国对欧盟政策文件》,确立了中国对欧盟关系的宏观目标、原则,明确了中欧的合作领域和主要合作事项。以中欧关系的发展演变和三个《中国对欧盟政策文件》为线索,可以发现中国对欧盟政策的目标日渐清晰,原则逐步明确,政策内容逐渐丰富,政策框架日渐完善。中国对欧盟政策制定需要全面而理性地认识中欧关系的定位和中欧关系的变化,还需要注意照顾欧方的合理关切,增信释疑,管控摩擦。  相似文献   

50多年来,欧盟的职业教育与培训一体化政策发展经历了一个从单一到综合、从手段性到目的性不断拓展的过程,逐渐形成了超国家层面的一体化职业教育与培训制度.进入2010年,经济社会发展的多方面需求使欧盟的职业教育与培训一体化政策呈现出新的趋势:加快资源整合,增强职业教育与培训吸引力;建立欧洲职业教育质量保证框架;鼓励在职业教育与培训中开展创新创业教育等.  相似文献   

从上个世纪90年代开始,欧盟委员会制定与实施了“里斯本战略”和“博洛尼亚进程”等欧洲层面的政策战略协议,并对欧洲高等教育的发展产生了深远影响。本文首先简述了欧盟委员会参与高等教育的历程。并分别论述了“里斯本战略”和“博洛尼亚进程”对欧洲高等教育产生的具体影响。欧盟委员会的角色在参与高等教育的制定过程中发生了转变,更具目的性与针对性,提高质量,促进与欧洲的合作,同时更具国际视野:在欧盟的框架下。欧盟委员会逐步扩大了参与高等教育的广度与深度,促进欧洲大学地位的提高,并且使成员国家的教育政策边缘化。欧盟委员会占据了欧洲高等教育话语的霸权.使高等教育成为欧洲的公共讨论空间.  相似文献   


Drawing on the author's current ESRC-funded research (The Impact of Performance Threshold Assessment on Teachers' Work), this article focuses on a current policy initiative in England, namely, the establishment of a performance management regime in schools and, in particular the Threshold Assessment. They examine three aspects of these developments. First, the manner in which the policy was initially established and the current situation regarding its development and implementation. Next, drawing upon the research they are undertaking in schools, they consider what the process of Threshold Assessmenthas felt like for various actors within the school context. Finally, they place this particular initiative within a global setting by drawing upon interviews recently undertaken in Australia and connecting these discussions to more general debates around 'globalisation'.We have progressively established a kind of 'Macworld' capitalism, where product choices whether for hamburgers or computers are increasingly homogenized and standardized across all countries, and where systems and tastes are alike controlled and developed in a proprietary mode by large corporations … The scale of markets and competition has decisively escalated in some areas, screening out local solutions and corporations in favour of transnational companies, dominant brands and standardized solutions. Cultural barriers to product acceptance have crumbled even in areas where they once seemed insurmountable. (Dunleavy, 1994, p. 50)  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to consider the treatment of education and policy in the International Review of Education between 1955 and 2001. The article focuses on the changing prominence given to various topics in education and policy in IRE during the period and the way conceptual thinking in this area has changed and developed. An attempt is made to link both the shifts in focus on various educational planning policy themes and issues, and the major paradigm shifts in the area, to the changes in perceived education and policy needs and problems in each decade during the period.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to consider the treatment of education and policy in the International Review of Education between 1955 and 2001. The article focuses on the changing prominence given to various topics in education and policy in IRE during the period and the way conceptual thinking in this area has changed and developed. An attempt is made to link both the shifts in focus on various educational planning policy themes and issues, and the major paradigm shifts in the area, to the changes in perceived education and policy needs and problems in each decade during the period.  相似文献   


Ulvund, S.E. 1982. Early Experience and the Development of Cognitive Competence: Some Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 26, 45‐75. A theoretical analysis focussing on the relationship between early experience and the development of cognitive competence is given. It is argued that the interactionistic position known as a transactional model of development (Sameroff 1975a) is especially applicable to the problem of early experience. It is further suggested that the optimal stimulation hypothesis forms a relevant basis for the identification of some of the major issues related to the effects of early experience, and that particularly the enhancement prediction (Wachs 1977) seems to correspond closely to what is meant by a transactional model of development. In accordance with McCall (1977), Sameroff (1975a) and Wohlwill (1973b), it is held that one of the main implications of a transactional model of development is that research to a larger extent should focus on discontinuity and instability in development rather than continuity and stability. Finally, based on various approaches to the problem of the effects of early experience (U?giris 1977), some integrated conceptions and their major implications for coming research are discussed.


欧盟增强职业教育与培训吸引力的政策措施探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增强吸引力一直是致力于走向合作与一体化的欧盟职业教育与培训发展的一个重要目标。在欧盟总体政策和目标框架的引领下,欧盟各国普遍采取了诸如拓展灵活、个性化的职业教育路径,实现教育与培训体系不同部分间的转换,增加职业教育学生进入高等教育的机会,实现对职业教育体系的有效管理等措施。这些措施对于我国具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了促进整个欧盟的高等教育质量提高,建立起欧盟内部有效的高等教育质量保障体系,欧盟多年来都在积极地开展质量评估工作。本文介绍了欧盟主要国家在质量评估方面的一些具体做法。他们在质量评估方面的标准、规范、措施和运作程序都值得我国高校认真借鉴和参考,以便不断完善我国高校的以评估为导向的质量保障体系。  相似文献   

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