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杜威根据其实用主义哲学,提出了其史学思想。杜威认为:历史具有双重属性和工具性价值;历史研究应关注全方位的社会生活、注重历史解释和问题解决,并强调历史研究的伦理目的;历史研究可采用动态情境的视角、逻辑探究和多元学科的方法。杜威在教育史研究中通过聚焦教育问题、分析教育史料、回归教育情境等方式,力图构建适应民主社会的教育科学。杜威实用主义史学思想启发我国当前的教育史研究,需兼顾实用价值与人文价值,批判性地解释研究内容,关注情境化、多元化的研究方法。  相似文献   

This essay explores the historiography of American and European education, considering how educational historians communicate powerful messages about the purposes and promises of schooling through their writing. I divide the historiography of American education into four interpretive traditions: traditionalism, radical revisionism, progressive revisionism, and plural revisionism. Each phase of the historiography, I argue, has supported particular myths about the relationship between public schooling and society. European historians have shared many of the interpretive assumptions contained within traditionalist, radical revisionist, and progressive revisionist scholarship, conveying similar myths to their US counterparts. Contemporary histories of European education, however, are distinct from recent histories of the US. In comparing the divergent trajectories of these two historiographies, I conclude by suggesting the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary scholarship in both fields, an assessment derived from a review of the underlying myths conveyed by each history. Recent US scholarship remains committed to narrative and draws attention to the educational experiences of marginalised groups. Scholarship on European education, in contrast, has explicitly embraced theoretical interpretive frameworks while also giving less attention to schooling on the margins. At the same time, many European histories of education have maintained a critical view of schooling, while some recent scholarship within the US has de-emphasised this connection, echoing older interpretive traditions and tacitly reinforcing faith in the ameliorative potential of public education.  相似文献   

外国教育史研究与外国教育史课程的发展,关系密切。外国教育史课程的开设推动了外国教育史研究的产生,其研究和引导学生研究外国教育发展规律与认识、规划与预测现代教育发展、诊断和指导教育教学改革、探索建设教育体系方面职能的拓展,促进了外国教育史研究的发展。外国教育史研究的发展为外国教育史课程功能的拓展与实现提供了可能与支持。目前,陷入"被弱化"危局的外国教育史学科,需要以现实化为基础,以中国化为核心,以科学化为目标,加强科研队伍与制度、平台、组织建设,整合学科间研究力量与成果,推动外国教育史学科走向新的阶段。  相似文献   

在五千年中国教育史上,有着极为丰富的和谐社会建设的思想资源.从孔夫子到陶行知,历代教育家追求社会和谐的教育实践活动,也是一笔宝责遗产,有待科学地研究总结.和谐社会建设时代要求巳构成哲学、社会科学研究的一个新视野,将推动中国教育史研究进一步解放思想,形成一个新的突破.  相似文献   


In the early decades of the twentieth century the question of mental disabilities was widely discussed in Italy, while the first special schools for the intellectually impaired were set up. An important role was played by the Franciscan friar Agostino Gemelli (1878–1959), a physician, renowned psychologist, and founder in 1921 of the Catholic University of Milan. Gemelli promoted relevant psychological research on intellectual disabilities, based on empirical and measurable processes. He considered only scientific studies necessary to promote appropriate educational actions. Gemelli and his collaborators developed from a biological point of view the classification elaborated by the famous psychologist and psychiatrist Sante De Sanctis (1862–1935). Moreover, in 1926 Gemelli established the School for special teachers and assistants for disabled children in the Catholic University of Milan, with the aim of making the “special” teachers confident with medical, psychological and pedagogical issues. This institution did not have a “Catholic colour”: indeed, Gemelli called professors of great fame to teach in his School, without concern for their ideological thoughts. All his work was characterised by the cooperation between science and religion: the experimental method did not contrast with Catholic values. This paper is based on unpublished documents from different archives.  相似文献   

对学前教育史研究的三种认识及其学术价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学前教育史是学前教育学学科建设的重要组成部分,是学前教育理论发展的重要资源之一.学前教育史不仅包含对学前教育历史事件的记录,更包含对学前教育历史事件的理解与叙述,这使学前教育史必然是不断被研究者重新书写的思想史与当代史,开展学前教育史研究必然是一项富有创造性的工作.它不仅能够帮助我们深刻地理解过去,而且能够帮助我们深刻地理解现在、预见未来,更好地认识学前教育发展的客观规律,更好地把握学前教育发展的时机.  相似文献   

近十年来出现的"通俗历史热"有着深刻的历史背景。经济发展、文化繁荣,历史通俗化的历史传统,阅读的多样化、自由化、个性化,以及现代媒体的推动,都是历史热出现的重要原因。通俗历史作品之所以广受欢迎,一是破除了传统历史写作枯燥乏味的痼疾,采用文学化的演绎和表达;二是从微观视角出发,注重生动逼真的历史细节的刻画;三是从平民化和人性化的角度切入,引起读者的共鸣;四是合理的心理分析,使读者有一种"心灵回归"的感受。当然,"通俗历史热"也存在内容庸俗、史实讹舛和史观错误等一系列问题。要想把这种"通俗历史热"保持下去并避免庸俗化,必须提高历史普及者自身的修养,增强普及者及媒体的社会责任感,处理好普及与提高、严肃性和娱乐性的关系。  相似文献   

It was in the late nineteenth century that teaching in Sweden’s elementary schools began its transformation from a religious education to a broader, national citizenship education that included history and geography. International research has pointed to a connection between the introduction of school inspections and the reform of public education during this period. In Sweden, however, the practice of inspection has not been explored at any length. This article therefore considers the part played by school inspections in the implementation of a more extensive curriculum in Swedish elementary schools in the period 1860–1900, with a particular focus on the subject of history, using a study of inspection reports from the diocese of Uppsala. It is argued that school inspectors had a key role in initiating reform at the local level, but also that the move towards broader-based citizenship education was not a simple, straightforward process.  相似文献   

韩飞 《教育学报》2002,(2):27-30
本文主要论述了创新教育背景下的中学历史教育教学的四大要求 :教育观念的要求、历史教师素质的要求、教育教学目标要求和教育教学方法要求。目的是为了探索历史教育教学改革的方向。  相似文献   

教育史学史是教育史学的客观演进历程,不仅为人们提供教育史学演进的知识谱系,而且提出教育史学研究中的问题、局限性与不确定性。由于中国教育史研究源于新式学堂的教学需要,服务教学成为中国教育史的研究起点并使其盛行于20世纪上半叶,由此出现了不同取向的教育史学研究。从1950年到20世纪70年代末,教育史研究者在借鉴苏联教育史学的基础上,对以往教育史研究成果重新作出分析评判,教育史学史得以兴起;然而,由于对史学理论与方法的使用不当,在改变学术研究性质的同时,还改变了研究方向。改革开放后,研究者在教育史的恢复重建中,开始关注以教育史学科建设为核心的教育史研究,教育史学受到高度重视并取得显著成果。但是,这不意味着教育史学研究没有问题。为繁荣教育理论,为人类教育事业贡献智慧,未来的中国教育史学研究需要处理好以下问题:其一,克服固守于“用”的教育史研究定位;其二,教育史研究中的概念和概念体系建设;其三,教育及教育史研究与社会之间的关系;其四,外来教育史学理论与本土教育史研究之间的关系。  相似文献   

受教育生活史研究范式的启发,学前教育史研究应关注所有学前教育参与者的日常生活,并实现从"生活故事"的文本叙事到"生活史实"的微观叙述的转变;应关注学前教育生活的层次与结构,使学前教育史的研究内容更具综合性和均衡性;应运用多种研究方法和研究技术还原学前教育生活史实,使之更具研究价值。学前教育生活史研究将有助于探析学前教师思想和观念的形成过程,促使学前教师更好地认识、理解和支持儿童的发展。  相似文献   

20世纪西方新史学范式对外国教育史研究的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪在西方史学中占主导地位的新史学范式具有研究范围扩展、采用跨学科研究方法、强调史学家的主体认识作用、用问题史学取代传统的叙述史学等特征 ,它至少在研究的领域、研究者的主体性、叙事体例三个方面对外国教育史研究具有方法论的启示。  相似文献   

教育史学具有社会科学的一般发展规律:教育史学适应教育社会实践的需要而产生发展;深受政治的影响而具有强烈意识形态色彩;与社会文化的更迭兴衰遥相呼应。教育史学作为历史学的分支,又有史学的演进规律:教育史学发展史就是教育历史被不断重写的过程;研究队伍的整体素养与教育史学发展水平成正比;教育史学研究中史料、方法与理论三者密切配合、协调发展;描述叙事性的教育历史与解释分析性的教育历史相互依存、互相促进;宏观教育史研究与微观教育史研究取长补短、相辅相成。教育史学自身的特殊的演变规律表现为:教育制度、教育思想、教育活动的历史研究齐头并进,且维持动态平衡;教育史学与教育学的其他分支学科相互依赖、互相借鉴。  相似文献   

In a book published in 1995 providing an overview on the state of the art in European educational historiography in Europe, Marie-Madeleine Compère referring to post-Franco Spain, emphasised the “dynamism” and “the capacity to mobilise” that had arisen among Spanish researchers by “any collective initiative.” Moving on, this article intends to clarify: a) to what extent Compère is right; and b) what caused the changes in the Spanish educational historiography during the last four decades. It also deals with some of the prevailing trends and issues facing this academic and scientific field today.  相似文献   

“小组学习和讨论”是现代远程开放教育要求采用的新的教学形式,是现代教育思想和理念的重要体现,它在开放教育教学模式的变革和创新中具有特殊的地位和作用。本文通过追溯“小组学习和讨论”这种教学形式的演变和形成过程,突出了其在教育思想和理念转变上的重要意义,同时也着重分析了“小组学习和讨论”在课程教学中强化学生参与性学习、建立直接环境、理解媒介信息形态、激发和培养创新思维的重要性。  相似文献   


This article discusses an analysis of abstracts of Brazilian theses and dissertations on environmental education from a database organised and maintained by a group of researchers in the EArt Project (www.earte.net). In presenting extracts of key trends in this dataset, our aim is to provide a snapshot of the many possible approaches to, and histories of, Brazilian environmental education research. The data also allow us to raise some questions that explore possible ‘blank spots’, ‘blind spots’ and ‘bald spots’ in Brazilian research on environmental education. Given the temporal development of the research field since the 1980s, we illustrate these ‘spots’ by exploring data related to epistemological and methodological diversity, from the viewpoint of knowledge areas as well as the graduate programmes that have been developing research on environmental education. Finally, we draw a picture of the methodological trends that have been privileged by Brazilian researchers, and pose questions as to what is needed in shaping an agenda for research on environmental education in Brazil into the future.  相似文献   

各种教育思想史的著作,从内容上看,也井井有条,但总体上没有成功地揭示教育思想自身的历史,而这恰恰是教育思想史学的核心任务。制约着这一问题的关键是方法论和方法问题,如果我们在研究方法论上有所进步,将会获得对教育思想史的重新理解。所谓教育思维,从内容上看,是教育观及其支配下的教育操作思路的统一体。这可以让我们从一个横截面了解了人类教育思想的结构,这无疑有利于我们对人类教育思想进行结构性的把握和结构性的分析与综合。从而,当我们面对浩繁的教育思想文献时,不至于思无头绪。进而,当我们进行教育思想创造时,心中有一个明晰的认识坐标。  相似文献   

《History of education》2012,41(1):25-39
History of Education has published a steady stream of papers on the history of secondary education over the first 40 years of its existence. This corpus of research has been generated in the context of renewed interest in the history of secondary education that has been stimulated by developments in social and historical inquiry as well as by the contemporary onset of intensive reform of secondary education in many countries. History of Education has made a distinguished contribution to this new literature, especially in relation to an understanding of the secondary school curriculum, elite forms of secondary education, and increasingly in relation to secondary education for girls and secondary education policy. Some other key themes and topics have been generally less to the fore and require further detailed investigation.  相似文献   

本文探讨历史教学中的美育,把历史美育列为历史教育的重要目标之一,并就历史教学中如何开展美学教育提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

2018年我国教育研究者围绕外国教育史展开了多维度的研究,成果丰硕。本文从2018年公开出版的50多种学术期刊和15本外国教育史著作中遴选260篇外教史学术论文和7本著作进行研究总量解析,发现2018年外国教育史研究的主题、国别、时代、论文期刊分布以及代表著作呈现出明显的不均衡特征。从研究主题上来看,本年度较之以往研究有所继承和创新。在欧美高等教育史研究、教育思想家研究等传统研究主题持续深入研究的同时,更加凸显了“教育国际化和全球化”“教育科学化”等研究领域的热度,促使更多的研究领域逐渐受到关注。  相似文献   

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