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Since its inception, large-scale school reform has been an integral part of the U.S. educational system. Although school reform is commonplace, educators continue to grapple with how to bring about effective systems-level change. School-based consultants (e.g., school psychologists) are in an ideal position to help facilitate the implementation and evaluation of systems-level reform to ensure substantive change (see Illback, 2014 Illback, R. J. (2014). Organizational development and change facilitation in school settings: Theoretical and empirical foundations. In W. P. Erchul & S. N. Sheridan (Eds.), Handbook of research in school consultation (2nd ed., pp. 276303). New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]). However, there is a paucity of research on how school psychologists can serve as systems-level consultants to actualize reform. Therefore, the purpose of this double issue is to identify high-quality research that demonstrates the implementation of school-based, systems-level reform in which school psychologists were instrumental in working with other professionals. The articles represent a wide range of school reforms that are occurring across diverse school contexts and collectively address implications for future research, training, and practice.  相似文献   

Culturally and linguistically diverse students develop in bilingual and bicultural environments, often not fully understood or acknowledged in testing. To increase diagnostic accuracy in these circumstances, official guidelines mandate the use of unbiased assessment procedures and multidisciplinary diagnostic input. "Bilingual speech-language pathologists" (BSLPs) are consultants on the multidisciplinary school teams evaluating bilingual students. BSLPs gather crucial diagnostic data to distinguish language differences from genuine language deficits. This article describes the consultant role of school BSLPs as consultant—consultee partnerships guided by bilingualism principles. The article discusses theoretical principles of bilingualism, applies such principles to engage consultees as key diagnostic informants, and concludes with implications of consultant—consultee collaborations in bilingual speech-language services and a diagnostic framework for consultant BSLPs in schools.  相似文献   

通用技术学科校本研修的基本形式有自主开展的研修、连环跟进式研修、校际联动式研修、专题式研修,研修实施的一般过程为明确问题,设计方案、收集资料、形成行动策略、总结与反思。  相似文献   

This multiple case study relied upon a socioecological framework and the lens of resilience to investigate practices and processes that are correlated with higher academic achievement among African American, Hispanic, and English language learners. Utilizing quantitative measures for sample selection of 10 higher-performing and 5 average-performing schools and qualitative data collection and analysis methods, findings indicate that 4 interrelated practices characterize higher-performing diverse schools: close engagement with and understanding of the student population; intensive literacy- and technology-enriched instruction; a collaborative and iterative approach to curriculum revision and data use; and fluid adaptation and deployment of resources. One of the 15 diverse high-poverty case study schools is discussed in detail as an exemplar. The findings from this study suggest that research cutting across levels of classrooms, schools, and districts sheds light on the interrelated proximal and distal processes that promote resilience and higher academic achievement among ethnically and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

This small‐scale study explored some aspects of the use of Pastoral Support Programmes, which were introduced by the DfEE in 1999 to promote social inclusion by reducing school exclusions. Issues explored were the level of involvement of educational psychologists (EPs), pupils, parents and other agencies, the conceptualisations of Pastoral Support Programmes held by senior school staff, and the factors that EPs associated with successful outcomes. The results revealed a wide degree of variation across all aspects investigated and the study recommends further research on determining and disseminating best practice in this area, and especially the role that EPs should play in the process.  相似文献   

优秀中小学教师胜任特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
探索优秀中小学教师成长规律和胜任特征,对青年教师的专业发展有借鉴价值。阅读了15名优秀中小学教师的传记,提取他们在专业成长和教书育人工作中发生的典型事件,运用关键事件技术和内容分析法,依照事件主题、教师工作活动类型,对其进行分类、整理和胜任特征编码。数据分析结果表明,优秀中小学教师工作中发生的关键事件,集中表现在与学生课下交流、日常上课、上公开课、获得荣誉、撰写教学论著等方面。他们成为名师的主要途径包括坚持自学、反思总结、向名师学习、上公开课等。这些教师从教原因各异,但都有强烈的成就动机,关爱学生,通过勤奋努力变得杰出。他们具备的胜任特征,相互紧密关联,其行为模式在相似情境下具有一致性。  相似文献   

面对以发展学生核心素养为主旋律的课程改革,2017年全国普通高考化学科考试大纲的修订更加突出对必备的化学学科知识和关键的化学学科能力的考查。根据高考考试内容的变化,在高中化学教学中应以化学学科核心知识为载体,在全面理解并掌握知识的过程中,发展化学学科能力,强调学科本质与思想方法,同时突出育人导向,关注知识内容与化学学科素养的融合,切实做好与新课程标准理念的衔接。  相似文献   

浅谈高职学生应具有的核心能力   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
所谓核心能力,就是在人的能力体系中处于核心地位的能力。现代职业所要求的许多能力,已经不仅属于某种职业,而是许多职业的共同基础,这种基础的能力是一种可迁移的能力,它使劳动者能够迅速适应岗位的变化,顺利进行职业活动。这种可迁移的能力叫做核心能力,它具有普遍性、可迁移性和工具性的特点。普遍性是指这种能力是职业生活中普遍存在的;可迁移性是指这种能力的获得会促使另一种能力的获得;工具性是指这种能力是实用的、与职业密切联系的,而不是学术的。核心能力强调的是,当职业发生变更或者当劳动组织发生变化时,劳动者所具…  相似文献   

对临床医学专业毕业生职业工作的跟踪调查表明,高职高专临床医学职业关键能力培养至关重要.高职临床医学专业应将职业关键能力培养上升到人生规划,将其贯穿于临床专业学习以及学生的一日生活制度之中,并大力提高学生自我培养职业关键能力的主观能动性.  相似文献   


This essay reflects on ways to equip teacher candidates so they are not only prepared to answer tough questions, but are educated for the linguistic and literacy challenges of today’s classrooms. We recognize that with an ever-growing majority minority population, it is time to change the teacher preparation system, and to support current teachers and the preparation of future teachers for the field; these changes need to be soon and are imperative.  相似文献   

中小学师生关系对教师的教学和学生的发展有非常重要的作用,但实际上师生的交流还存在一定的困难。如果借鉴心理咨询师对待来访者的促进态度,通过积极倾听的姿态,对学生能做到积极接纳和关注、共感理解、尊重和真诚,健康、和谐的师生关系就一定会形成。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了美国、加拿大等国远程教育专业人员的角色及能力结构。研究对103名从事远程教育的专家进行了调查访问,并对他们关于角色和能力的观点进行了两轮Delpbi检验。研究结果包括远程教育专业人员能力的结构模型.并用图表的形式描述了10种专业能力和11种专业角色。本文列出的另一表格,阐明了远程教育中的个体角色、角色得以发挥所需的能力以及行为表现等。这10种能力为:(1)人际交流能力;(2)策划能力;(3)协作能力;(4)英语水平;(5)写作水平;(6)组织能力;(7)反馈能力;(8)远程教育专业知识;(9)基础技术水平;(10)运用技术的能力。本研究提出的能力结构模型可作为远程教育专业人员培训开发与认证的基础。  相似文献   

Competencies for distance education professionals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purpose of this study was to identify the roles and competencies of distance education professionals within the United States and Canada. A population of 103 distance education experts was identified, and their perceptions regarding this information were sought in a modified two-round Delphi process. The results of the study include a competency model for distance education. It illustrates the final top ten competencies and eleven roles which were identified by the study. In addition, a supplemental table outlining outputs and competencies by individual role was developed. The top ten competencies portray the dual importance of both communication and technical skills in distance education. These ten competencies are: (1) Interpersonal Communication, (2) Planning Skills, (3) Collaboration/Teamwork Skills, (4) English Proficiency, (5) Writing Skills, (6) Organizational Skills, (7) Feedback Skills, (8) Knowledge of Distance Education Field, (9) Basic Technology Knowledge, and (10) Technology Access Knowledge. The resulting competency model will be useful in serving as a research foundation for development training and certification programs for distance education professionals. She is also Editor of the International Review section of this journal.  相似文献   

The value and relevance of Alpert's (1977) guidelines for school consultants are reconsidered after 1 1/2 decades of significant societal changes that have resulted in calls for educational reform and restructuring. The debate over the Regular Education Initiative-its underlying assumptions, its proposed methods, and aims-is discussed as an illustration of the necessity for an informed and realistic approach to planned change. Recent additions to the literature on planned change are considered, particularly those pertaining to specific methods and strategies necessary for successful implementation. The importance of institutionalization as the terminal stage of a planned change is also discussed. Finally, the potential impact of the educational reform movement on the role of the school psychologist is addressed.  相似文献   

This research study investigates co-ordination strategies within schools, their relationships to both teacher and student commitment to school, and the relationship between student commitment and student achievement in Switzerland. Two different kinds of co-ordination strategies, structural and cultural, can be distinguished. Structural co-ordination strategies have to do with formal, lasting arrangements that allow an organisation to operate. These include roles, rules, procedures, and authority relations. Cultural co-ordination strategies are related to the nature of communications and the consensus on organisational goals in the school. Cultural mechanisms shape what teachers want to do. Drawn from TIMSS, the sample for the present analyses included principals, teachers and students in 178 classes at the lower secondary level in three Swiss cantons: Bale-Country, Berne and Zurich. Multiple regression analyses carried out with different indicators of teacher and student commitment to school showed that school coordination strategies can make a difference, although the effects were rather small. A further analysis that included student commitment indicators as predictors of mathematics achievement suggests that the affective/social and the cognitive domains are relatively independent at class level.  相似文献   

The International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI) provides a methodology for drafting and validating teaching competencies. This study applied the IBSTPI methodology to identify and validate distance education (DE) instructor competencies. The research team's review of DE literature in the past 10 years resulted in a list of 20 competencies. The list was reviewed by 18 distance learning professionals as subject matter experts (SMEs). The SMEs' feedback and comments along with the performance statements developed for the competencies were analyzed which resulted in 54 task statements describing the instructional activities of a DE instructor. These tasks were then rated by 148 instructors in terms of importance, frequency of performance, and the perception of relative time spent on each task. The task analysis resulted in a list of 17 most frequently performed tasks that we linked back to the corresponding original competencies. Analysis of these data pointed out the significant characteristics of teaching from a distance including interaction with learners and technological and logistical requirements. This article presents the methodology and findings of this study and discusses their implications for recruitment, selection, and training of DE instructors.  相似文献   

Properties of an effective competency-based training programare considered, and it is suggested that well-written competencies must be measurable, reliable, and valid. If these conditions cannot be met, then competency-based training is inappropri-ate. Eight model competencies for attending behavior are presented. The data which are presented indicate that these competencies can be measured reliably. Although these competencies were developed for use with microcounseling training, they are easily adaptable to other training programs.  相似文献   

在教学实践的基础上,结合学科特点,论述了在《C语言程序设计》课程教学中采用多元化教学法进行的教学实践,其结果证明,多元化教学法能够激发学生的求知欲,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

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