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教育学中国话语体系研究虽然已取得一定的成果,但目前教育学中国话语体系尚缺乏大教育学的建构视野。新时代的中国教育学人,应进行教育学中国话语体系的大教育学建构,使教育学既成为面向所有教育领域的教育学,又成为能涵盖各教育领域的大教育学,在每个教育领域,都形成独特的教育学中国话语。目前,教育学中国话语体系进行大教育学建构亟待突破的问题主要有四个方面:突破学校教育、基础教育领域;突破教育学学科界限;突破西方话语;突破抽象形式。教育学中国话语体系的大教育学建构应当通过四方面路径:聚焦终身教育体系;立足大教育学学科视野;回归中国文化传统;扎根中国教育实践。  相似文献   

批判教育学从产生至今大致经历了三个发展阶段;它的基本认识是"教育应该是政治的",基本立场是站到弱势群体的一边,基本方法是阶级分析的方法.批判教育学把实践理解为在民主授权的合法性前提下规范的政治活动.以上特征使它与其他相关学派之间有着千丝万缕的关系.可以说,批判教育学的产生是必然的,存在是合理的,但发展的道路却不可能一帆风顺.  相似文献   

Identity Politics and Critical Pedagogy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Critical pedagogy wraps itself in the mantle of democracy, but in six generally accepted attributes of democracy (equality, important knowledge, nature of authority, inclusiveness, participatory decisionmaking, and rights and a seventh, not normally considered but one that has been the essence of the democratic dream—an optimum environment for everyone), critical pedagogy offers no direction. In fact, critical pedagogy, despite its unrelenting assault on the oppressiveness of schooling, may be guilty of diversion, division, illusion, and confusion, which are the major thrusts of oppression in a democratic society. Unlike critical pedagogy, a general theory of education informed by the seven aforementioned attributes of democracy provides multiple avenues for initiation of significant and realistic educational reform in existing public school sites.  相似文献   

Instead of being a theory Critical Pedagogy is a way of teaching. It tries to establish a bridge between the classroom and the wider social context, and mainly deals with power, such as social justice and social change through education. Based on the idea that education should be equal to everyone, CP never stops exploring the right way of realizing education equality.  相似文献   

文章以批评性话语分析的视角,在Halliday系统功能语言学的理论框架内,从及物性、情态动词和转换方面探讨政治语篇的话语功能,以便更好地掌握批评性话语的分析方法.  相似文献   

中国现代诗学话语体系具有浓厚的西方特征,与中国古代诗学话语体系是两种完全不同的谱系,其术语、概念、范畴主要是从西方输入的。在如何对待中国古代诗学话语和当代先锋诗论话语方面,中国现代诗学存在着严重的缺陷和弊端。中国现代诗学不应该只是新诗理论,还应该包容古典诗学;不应该只是“现代”诗学,还应该包容“当代”诗学,特别是当代先锋诗歌理论。重建中国现代诗学,应该充分吸收中国古代诗学思想和当代诗论思想,使它既能够有效地言说古代诗歌现象,又能够有效地言说当代先锋诗歌现象。  相似文献   

Critical Pedagogy and Foreign Language Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

教育学话语既有理论话语,又有常识话语,但长期以来常识话语被严重边缘化了。确立常识话语形态教育学的合法性和正当性地位,对教育学的发展、对完整认识教育学的全貌具有重要意义。和理论话语形态的教育学相比较,常识话语形态的教育学在话语特点、话语主体、关注对象、功能价值、问题域、方法论原则和话语表达方式等诸多方面都有其独具的特点。教育学需要多元话语,理论话语和常识话语走向对话和融通,是未来教育学发展的一个趋势。  相似文献   

论批评话语分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文论述了批评话语分析的基本理论,原则和方法。批评话语分析的出发点是对语方和话语本质的重新认识:语言不是中立客观地再现真实的手段,语言和话语的有效建构,调节并控制知识,社会关系和机构。本文分析了话语、权利和意识形态之间的关系,通过语方实例从几个方面讨论了批评话语分析的语言机制和方法,并指出批评话语分析的意义和提高语言批评意识的重要性。  相似文献   

罗秀霞 《海外英语》2012,(5):256-257
新闻反映社会问题和意识形态,是批评性语篇分析的主要对象之一。该文旨在介绍批评性语篇分析的概念和理论框架,并运用该理论分析《纽约时报》上的一篇新闻报道来论述、解释语言、权利和意识形态三者间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the underlying ideologies as well as the relationship between news discourse and ideology by analyzing a news report on Saddam Hussein's capture in New York Times from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. While making the analysis, this paper studies the details of linguistic features, transitivity, modality and thematic choice which are based on the three metafunctions of language proposed by Halliday in systemic-functional grammar, so as to reveal how news discourse is used by powerful groups to reinforce dominant ideologies, and to gain profound insights about the stance and attitude maintained in news reports.  相似文献   

peter Mayo 《Interchange》2006,37(3):277-283
This essay critically highlights the main features of a study that attaches importance to the concepts of time and optimism and their effects on the achievement and goals of high and low achievers in a North American and a Brazilian context. The focus on the time factor that serves as a leitmotif throughout the study gives this work its originality. One of the study's most pleasing aspects is that it draws on Freire's ideas as ducation Secretary in São Paulo to suggest options for future education policy intended to provide more democratic and socially inclusive educational programmes. It is argued that these Freirean ideas should be given greater importance in educational administration worldwide than is the case at present. They can serve as an antidote to the technical rational and managerial approaches that seem to dominate the area.  相似文献   

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