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This paper explores major historiographic “turns” in history of education with a focus, although not exclusively, on English-speaking Canada. It addresses the transformative intellectual impact of the turn toward social history on the history of education, the impact of cultural history and the linguistic turn, the reception of Michel Foucault, and the state of the debate in history at-large today and its implications for the history of education. It also attempts to contextualise the intellectual trends permeating the writing of the history of education in light of developments in education, and signals new directions in historiography influencing history of education. Given the limitations of space, rather than engaging in a historiographical analysis of individual historians of education, the paper traces broad trends, while highlighting the contributions of a significant few.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织2021年11月面向全球发布了《一起重新构想我们的未来:为教育打造新的社会契约》报告。本研究以报告英文版为主要分析文本,结合霍布斯、洛克、卢梭、马克思和恩格斯等人关于社会契约的经典理论,解读其副标题“为教育打造新的社会契约”之意蕴,聚焦“教育需要何种新的社会契约”“新教育社会契约如何实现”以及“我国新教育社会契约的本土话语与实践”三个核心议题。本研究通过厘清社会契约的“旧传统”和“新注解”,发现该报告提出了一种不同于法学、经济学、政治学领域的社会契约概念,而是从教育学领域切入,探讨教育如何成为、如何建构、如何引领一种新的社会契约;强调从人类视角、生态视角和技术视角解读新教育社会契约的内涵及实现路径;择要分析教育学、课程、教学、教师、学校、学术科研机构、其他社会组织以及国家与非国家机构等教育要素与主体的变革方向;思考新教育社会契约对我国教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

孔子“温故而知新,可以为师矣”一语针对师者而言,孔子以此为师道立万世之法。自温故而言,“故”源自“六艺”为主的贵族教育,孔子将其开拓为以六经为核心的儒家教育体系,涵盖了古代经典、语文与历史的世界,形成了中国古典教育的基本内容;“温”体现出中国古典教育涵泳自得的方法与注重生命体验的情感特点。自知新而言,以孔子为代表的先秦儒家以“自礼归仁”的思想转型为核心,将周代贵族文化转化为面向普通大众的文教体系。他们通过经典新诠、语文新解、古史新义等方式,开启了中国古典教育的创造性路径。“温故而知新”是中国古典教育的奠基,塑造了古典教育凝聚传统、开启新知、深入生命的基本精神,具有重要的现代启示。  相似文献   

作为教育史研究的新兴领域,教育身体史致力于研究历史上教育参与者的身体活动与教育理念、制度、实践等之间的相互关系。当前,教育身体史研究主题涵盖了身体的生理、心理、以及社会文化面向中身体的动态或静态表现;就研究对象而言,研究者更关注教育中的女性与儿童身体。同时,注重对于实物、影像等新史料的发掘与利用,基于福柯规训理论、知觉现象学和具身认知理论,采用隐喻、文本解读、话语分析和影像分析等方法展开研究。未来的教育身体史研究,应该警惕“身体”的模糊性,使相关研究从混沌走向清晰;应该注意对身体进行恰当深描,避免“抑身”或“扬身”的极端失重;在拓展跨学科研究与合作的同时,也要坚守身体史研究的教育立场。  相似文献   

教育史学史是教育史学的客观演进历程,不仅为人们提供教育史学演进的知识谱系,而且提出教育史学研究中的问题、局限性与不确定性。由于中国教育史研究源于新式学堂的教学需要,服务教学成为中国教育史的研究起点并使其盛行于20世纪上半叶,由此出现了不同取向的教育史学研究。从1950年到20世纪70年代末,教育史研究者在借鉴苏联教育史学的基础上,对以往教育史研究成果重新作出分析评判,教育史学史得以兴起;然而,由于对史学理论与方法的使用不当,在改变学术研究性质的同时,还改变了研究方向。改革开放后,研究者在教育史的恢复重建中,开始关注以教育史学科建设为核心的教育史研究,教育史学受到高度重视并取得显著成果。但是,这不意味着教育史学研究没有问题。为繁荣教育理论,为人类教育事业贡献智慧,未来的中国教育史学研究需要处理好以下问题:其一,克服固守于“用”的教育史研究定位;其二,教育史研究中的概念和概念体系建设;其三,教育及教育史研究与社会之间的关系;其四,外来教育史学理论与本土教育史研究之间的关系。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代兴起的妇女史,已经引用社会性别分析范畴,转向妇女—性别史,在这种新趋势的影响下英国教育史学家开始借鉴妇女—性别史的研究方法,引入社会性别的分析范畴,修正了社会教育史学,扩大了教育史研究的视野、空间和深度。以英国教育史学引入社会性别分析范畴为鉴,未来我国教育史研究应在密切加强女性教育史理论和实践结合的基础上,重新审视和解读教育史史料,避免教育史研究建立在两性对抗的基础之上,注意性别与阶级、等级的交叉及妇女群体教育的差异性,在平等与差异中展现妇女教育的全貌。  相似文献   

Narrowing the focus of existing research on academics’ and historians’ use of digital technologies and social media, this paper considers historians of education and their use of online platforms. It combines a small-scale survey of the self-reflections of historians of education together with personal reflections gained from building the social media presence for the History of Education Society as the inaugural Peter Gosden Fellow. The paper suggests that whilst historians of education are increasingly willing to use social media for networking, sharing and promoting their work and that of others, most continue not to use online platforms in conducting and disseminating their work due to expectations in the academy of publication in traditional forms.  相似文献   

In this article we give a survey of recent literature on the use and value of the history of geometry in mathematics education. It turns out that many authors have contributed to the debate why we should apply history. Their arguments can be divided into conceptual, (multi-) cultural and motivational ones. The number of authors who concentrated on the methodological question “How could we introduce history into mathematics lessons?” is considerably smaller. Those who want to make history an integral part of mathematics education have to bridge the gap between theoretical arguments and practical ideas, and, connected with this,between historians and teachers, and ultimately between mathematicians from the past and present day students. We divided the various surveyed publications, mainly journal articles, into categories according to a framework in order to clarify the discussion on the role of the history of geometry in education. Details about content and purpose of the articles are presented in two appendices, which make the articles more accessible both for further research and for practical teacher purposes.  相似文献   

In the past few years, worries about decreasing jobs or even the possible disappearance of the history of education as a field of study have frequently surfaced. Hence, the question arises as to whether the history of education, as a field of study, has a future – or is it, as many authors have remarked, in danger? This article starts from the idea that our field of study is definitely not alone in its struggle: many branches of the humanities have fallen victim to similar appeals of economic efficiency and relevance. In response to these developments, digital humanities in particular have been identified as a way out of the impasse. Therefore, this article explores the ways in which digital humanities or digital history can offer valuable contributions to the future of the history of education. This paper advocates that, although digital humanities or digital history cannot magically make our problems disappear, historians of education should further embrace the possibilities digital technology has to offer for the investigation of our educational past. I argue that digital technology not only has the potential to make our lives considerably easier; it can also help in addressing new research questions, give new meaning to existing concepts within the history of education and further enhance the interdisciplinary character of our discipline.  相似文献   

史学科学化是近代中国史家的一致追求,也是中国史学从传统走向近代的重要标志。尝试从史学科学化的角度考察近代中国史学的行程,是近代史学史研究的一个独特视角,可为重写近代中国史学史提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

中国妇女史:从研究走向学科化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾20中国妇女史发展的历程,面对新世纪女女学蓬勃发展的全球景观,如何在本土化与学科化的双重努力中实现自己的目标?本文认为,20世纪初中国妇女史研究的兴起是在现代化的社会和学术语境下展开的,80年代中期开始了妇女学背景下的史学关注;90年代初期引入了社会性别(gender)重要的分析范畴,同时,妇女学的全球视野更要求研究者从普遍认为有效的理念框架,基本概念,研究方法中主动选择并运用于本土研究,面对这一趋势和史学遗产,妇女史学者在继承,借鉴,创新以建立本土妇女史学科中,应尽快突破理论和研究方法上的多重困惑和挑战,开展妇女-社会性别史的研究和教学活动,以进入主流史学并纳入教育主流。  相似文献   

A reanalysis of colonial education is necessary in order to highlight its multifaceted and hybrid nature in specific colonial contexts. Although in general, colonial education served the socio-political needs of the colonial machinery, the colonial government's hegemonic authority over the school curriculum did not operate as a totalising project. It was fettered by issues of political and social expediency that required both assimilation and accommodation in dealing with the sensitivities that were part and parcel of colonial rule. Influenced by theories of colonialism, this study used primary and secondary sources, in order to provide a nuanced understanding of the colonial history curriculum in Botswana. The paper argues that colonial rule was not merely a result of a foreign administration, but operated subject to local (counter-veiling) conditions, which reflected the complexities of the colonial context, and inadvertently influenced colonial education policy and practice, as well. Moreover, in the quest to create room for the incorporation of indigenous histories, the colonial authorities unwittingly came to reinforce the cultural hegemony of the principal Tswana groups. This provided the basis for the framing of history curricula in ways that inadvertently rendered the histories of the ethnic minorities invisible.  相似文献   

International education is seen as an effective form of soft power. This article reviews one of history’s largest and most ambitious attempts to achieve global influence through university education, and to reshape the world—the Soviet university aid program, 1956–91. Drawing on existing research and Soviet archival materials, we lay out and contextualize characteristic features of the Soviet education aid program. Specifically, we identify its focus on students from “developing” and newly independent countries, and its ambition to form graduates who would return home to become national leaders sympathetic to Soviet socialism. We conclude by approaching the program from a world-systems perspective. Here, we highlight the intended catch-up style modernization and national economic development for countries through their participation in the Soviet university aid program as well as the intended development of the human capital of participant countries. The complex impacts on participants throughout the world and their subsequent worldview are the subject of ongoing research by the authors.  相似文献   


Geographically isolated in the south-west Pacific but intellectually and culturally connected to Western Europe, Aotearoa New Zealand’s early childhood education sector is a unique mix of influences. The imprint of progressive education is evident in a legacy of “free play” programmes, yet its national curriculum is built on the construct of “mana”, reflecting the cosmology and aspirations of the indigenous Māori people. These influences are held in tension with contemporary economic drivers to expand the sector and to focus on politically approved “learning outcomes”. Within this dynamic tension, the place of play and of “free play” is paradoxically both visible and invisible both in the education of very young children, and also in teacher education. This study draws on oral history interviews that focused on “free play” across 60+ years. The analysis of these indicates a process of “educationalisation” evident across three “reform agendas”: Play, Unity, and Education.  相似文献   

整体史观:重构教育史的可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类教育的发展经历了从不同国家和地区分割孤立到不断相互影响的过程.这种影响不仅表现在不同国家和地区的不同教育系统之间的相互联系,同样反映在民族国家内部教育系统不同组成部分之间以及教育系统与社会系统的联系的不断强化.教育史研究应深刻反映教育历史发展的基本趋势,以整体的、相互联系的观念重新阐释教育的历史进程.  相似文献   

易琴 《教育学报》2012,8(1):122-128
中华人民共和国成立至“文化大革命”前17年间,教育史研究班在全国范围内共举办了三届:1955年,苏联专家杰普莉茨卡娅在华东师范大学开办的首届教育史研究班,1956年,华东师范大学校长孟宪承指导的中国教育史研究班,1961年,北京师范大学创办的中国教育史研究班.这三届教育史研究班作为研究生教育探索历程中的生动案例,是新中国成立初期研究生教育探索历史的一个缩影.考察和分析早期教育史研究班的创办过程及其研究生培养的各个环节,不仅展现出新中国成立初期从学习苏联到逐渐探索适合我国国情的研究生教育历史变迁过程,而且呈现出该时期研究生教育从学习模仿到初步专业规范化的历史特点.  相似文献   

Contemporary historians of education associate the term ‘social efficiency’ with a group of US educators who, in the 1910s and 1920s, aimed at creating a technocratic school and a conservative society of social stability and harmony. However, an investigation of the origin of the term indicates that ‘social efficiency’ began its career in 1894 in the UK with the writing of Benjamin Kidd. From the outset, Kidd’s social Darwinist position was disputed by sociologists and philosophers who interpreted the term from a humanitarian point of view. It was the broad, liberal approach inspired by John Hobson, Lester Ward, and John Dewey—and not the narrow, utilitarian approach propagated by David Snedden—that educators took up when they employed the term ‘social efficiency’ to define the main aim of education.  相似文献   

文章从三个维度读解以人为本的历史底蕴:以人为本表明社会思想历史的发展是一个不断彰显其价值取向的过程;以人为本是马克思主义人的全面发展和三种社会形态理论在当代的历史逻辑使然;以人为本是世界现代化历史进程提炼出的最新发展理念.  相似文献   

西方教育史中教育概念的意蕴不断丰富,大致经过了词源萌芽期、丰富发展期、外延扩展期和动态稳定期四个阶段,教育概念在变迁中呈现出世俗性、多元性、实践性不断增强的特征。当代的教育概念研究中,应以哲学思维为基石,将教育概念研究提升至哲学高度;应突破时空局限性,使教育概念在更长的历史时期、更广的范围内具有指导意义;应以实践为指向,理论与实践相联系,提升理论研究的实践性。  相似文献   

地方课程是基础教育课程体系中的有机组成部分。其发展大致经历了四个阶段。在发展过程中还存在一些问题,在基础教育课程体系中,地方课程是个薄弱环节。对地方课程发展的检视,应聚焦于课程定位,关键是对“地方性”的再讨论,不妨将“地方性知识”作为课程支撑理论之一。但要从中国文化出发,进行时代转换,厘清“国家性”“民族性”与“地方性”,“一体”与“多元”,“和”与“异”等关系,把握好国家课程与地方课程等关系。要在基于与超越“地方性”中,进行地方课程的再建构,将地方课程纳入更高水平的育人体系,探索地方课程落实立德树人根本任务的实现方式。  相似文献   

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