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As a growing number of disciplines adopt geospatial technologies in their research, the need for access to geospatial data, in a variety of formats, has grown dramatically. For librarians to meet this demand, we also need to provide preservation, curation, metadata, and discovery services. GeoHydra, our open source toolkit and set of practices, provides these services for Stanford's libraries. We incorporate a variety of geospatial content types from raster imagery to scientific vector data to georeferenced scanned maps, and provide a data model for repositories. We demonstrate the potential of a new architecture and practice for librarianship for geospatial data using the Hydra framework. The digitization and georeferencing of historic map collections, streamlining the acquisition and cataloging of vendor-supplied data, shared cataloging of geographic resources, and citation of geospatial research data are all examples of use cases that GeoHydra serves. Our metadata creation and management strategies implement the ISO (International Standards Organization) suite of geographic standards, and a specialized metadata schema for discovery. We developed XSLT transformations, auto-generation of core elements, unique URIs for place names, and cross-institutional data sharing. With these metadata we built a novel geoportal, EarthWorks, to provide end-user discovery for geospatial data layers using GeoBlacklight technology.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the fact that the proper management of information has to include concern for its preservation and future re-use. This ambition is particularly significant for geospatial data. The primary aim of this article is to define the European and Spanish frameworks for the preservation and reutilization of geographical information, with the ultimate goal of proposing an articulated, lifecycle-based data management model. With this, the intent is to shed some light on a complex, difficult and ever-evolving subject.

The article is divided into two main parts. The first part begins with a conceptual justification for geospatial data management and continues by synthesizing the current normative and technological framework for the preservation and reutilization of geographical information. Within this context, the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) in Spain is evaluated. The second part begins with a case study from Spain that aims to identify different agents and flows that influence the lifecycle of geographical data, as well as the strengths and weaknesses found in each stage of the process under examination. Finally, the foregoing ideas are used in order to propose a SDI-related system for the management of geographical information.  相似文献   

Due to the exponential growth of spatial information, effective management and curation of geospatial data has become a central concern for GIS libraries. Although geospatial data are often generated based on a set of well-established standards and protocols, best management practices in geospatial data services are still limited. In this paper, the authors review the common challenges of geospatial data management and curation, which include the application of big data, the emergence of Web GIS, and the advancement of cyberinfrastructures. A spatial education project is used as an example to discuss potential best management practices to address these challenges. It is demonstrated that librarians need to be involved at the early stage of a research project and work closely with researchers at all stages of the data life cycle for effective data management. With early involvement of a GIS librarian in the full project development process, all three challenges can be addressed by using best management practices in organizing, managing, publishing, distributing, and preserving the geospatial data.  相似文献   

The University of Florida GeoPlan Center has been organizing, standardizing, and distributing geospatial data since 1998 through the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL), a collection of Florida geospatial data from various agencies, as well as data developed in-house. With funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), FGDL serves as a public distribution mechanism for hundreds of Florida geospatial data layers. Since 2004, FGDL layers have formed the data foundation for FDOT's interagency application known as efficient transportation decision making (ETDM), which facilitates the review and permitting process for proposed transportation projects. Data layers are standardized and inspected to ensure that the data are adequate for use in analysis and decision making. To efficiently manage the geospatial data and workflows, a quality assurance/quality control (QAQC) process and relational database schema was developed to track the standardization procedures, lineage, versioning, and archiving of the data layers. This article details the history of the Florida Geographic Data Library, challenges of managing a large geospatial data repository, development of a QAQC process and database schema, and lessons learned.  相似文献   

针对陆地表层地理空间数据的集成共享问题,提出从数据分类、数据编码到数据格网化编码的解决方案。 从我国国情出发,以中国国家地理格网为基础,分析其空间数据的组织与编码体系,并针对国家科技基础条件平台— 地球系统科学数据共享平台中的陆地表层数据,提出结合数据分类的数据属性编码,进而建立能够与国家地理格网相 衔接的地理空间数据格网化编码应用方案。以地理空间数据的点、面实体数据为例,证实了该编码的应用可行性。预 期该编码方案能够在科学数据资源管理、数据检索访问、数据资源集成、数据资源格网化处理、数据资源空间分析、  相似文献   

There is general agreement that spatial data adds particular difficulties to digital preservation due to, for example, the complexity of data models and semantics specific to individual thematic areas. However, there is a lack of literature providing an overview of the challenges and analyzing in particular the effort required to surmount these in combination with the potential added value gained through digital preservation.

The Delphi method was used to evaluate obstacles to archiving geographic vector and raster data serving as a basis for topographic base map creation, seen through the lens of data producers, providers and guardians. Two international Delphi groups were questioned on developments regarding geodata, and their influences on access and preservation.

The mentioned handicaps to preservation were of financial, managerial, legal, and technological in nature. The latter have a higher probability to be surmounted within at least 10 years than non-technological. The study shows that the lack of standardization and the use of proprietary formats is still a central problem. Furthermore, the consciousness about the value of geographic assets is considered most likely to rise early. As a good starting point for improving archiving of spatial data, we also suggest the controlled disposal of superfluous data as a measure to reduce cost.  相似文献   


As academic libraries grapple with the challenge of preserving their own digitized special collections, intensification of interest in preserving other electronic content may present opportunities to collaborate with organizations on campus. This article offers a brief introduction to some of the core issues in digital preservation, and suggests an orientation to the problems that can be helpful in thinking about how to join forces with others on campus.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据驱动的科学研究第四范式凸显了科学数据监管(data curation)的重要性。科学数据监管是一项技术与管理相结合的持续改善过程,亟需系统的知识体系来规划、指导具体的管理工作。[方法/过程]在分析科学数据及其监管要素的基础上,对国际数据管理协会划分的数据管理体系进行归类和精简,从管理的视角提出包括4个核心职能、4个辅助职能和1个综合管理职能的科学数据监管体系的概念模型,并详细解析每个管理职能模块的功能结构以及输入、输出和主要管理活动。[结果/结论]与其他监管体系相比较,本文所提出的数据监管体系针对性较强,重点突出并充分体现技术与管理相结合的特点,结构化的描述方法使科学数据监管的思想方法和工作步骤更加条理化、系统化、图像化和科学化。这一监管体系构架可为我国科研机构、图书馆及企业有效进行数据监管提供参考。  相似文献   

The Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) is a consortium of the twenty-one university libraries in Ontario, Canada. Since 1967, OCUL member institutions have worked together to share costs and workload through collective purchasing and licensing of information resources and more recently through the establishment of a shared digital infrastructure known as Scholars Portal. Under the auspices of OCUL, Ontario's university map librarians formed the OCUL Map Group in 1973 to seek opportunities to communicate and collaborate to improve the collections and services they offer their users. The opportunities provided by collaboration have ensured a greater capacity to manage evolving collections of geospatial data. The group has served as a community of practice, which has provided educational opportunities and facilitated collaborative problem solving through a listserv, conference calls, and face-to-face meetings. This collegial environment has also led to the completion of a number of projects, which have resulted in the creation of new technical infrastructures and strategies for sharing the workload of data management tasks. This paper discusses the role of collaboration in OCUL projects and offers some suggestions for others considering embarking on collaborations of their own.  相似文献   

论文基于软件程序资源的多样性和复杂性,从软件程序资源保存范畴的界定出发,在对软件程序资源保存内容所面临的采集、元数据规范等问题进行深入分析的基础上,探讨了目前主流保存技术策略在软件程序资源保存领域的适用性,并从合理使用的角度分析了目前软件程序资源保存所存在法律法规方面的困扰,最后从合作保存的角度提出我国未来软件程序资源保存的发展方向,希望对我国软件程序资源保存理论和实践的发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

The Terra Populus project (TerraPop) addresses a variety of data management, curation, and preservation challenges with respect to spatiotemporal population and environmental data. In this article, we describe our approaches to these challenges, with a particular focus on geospatial data workflows and associated provenance metadata. The goal of TerraPop is to enable research, learning, and policy analysis by providing integrated spatiotemporal data describing people and their environment. To do so, TerraPop is assembling a globe-spanning and temporally extensive collection of high-quality population and environmental data, ensuring good documentation, and developing a Web-based data access system that enables users to assemble customized integrated data sets drawing on a variety of data sources and formats. We describe TerraPop's collection strategies, detail the geospatial workflows involved in preparing data for ingest into the project database and those used to transform data across formats for dissemination, and discuss the system used to capture and manage provenance metadata throughout the project. A key aspect of the project is the development of global current and historical administrative unit boundaries that can be linked to census data. These boundaries serve as the linchpin of TerraPop's data integration strategy, and constitute an important data set in their own right.  相似文献   

数字保存的认知是对数字保存基本问题的看法,对地观测数据保存的认知调查包括保存的重要性、保存原因、保存用途和保存威胁。数字保存的实践是对数字保存领域中相关问题的目前解决方法,对地观测数据的实践调查包括保存数据的内容、采用的元数据标准和保存数据的使用。基于认知调查,提出了加强数字保存经济可持续性研究的思想。基于实践调查,提出了制定数字保存质量保证标准与设计质量认证模型的思路。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查我国部分双一流高校图书馆数据保全能力以及流失现状,研究和分析数字保存能力成熟度模型在减少数据流失以及数据保全的应用,为国内数据保全系统的建设和发展提供参考。[方法/过程]通过对国内外部分高校图书馆官方网站的数据保全和利用情况进行探究,从数字馆藏资源、数字保存能力与政策、数字保存意识等维度进行分析,并对图书馆运作过程中产生的数据流失现象提出意见。[结果/结论]总结我国部分高校数字保存现状,提出我国高校图书馆提高数字保存能力的必要性与重要意义,并用数字保存能力成熟度模型(DPCMM)对高校图书馆数据保全提供理论支持。  相似文献   

基于网格技术的科学数据存储与共享   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用网格技术,在科学数据库建设基础上,构建科学数据网格并实现其横向联合、纵向深入的多角度发展。同时,利用仿生学原理与信息管理相结合,开展科学数据发酵进而促进知识创新。在服务提供方面,建立科学数据网格门户为最终用户带来最大的导航便利,是符合我国现实特点的科学数据长期存储、创新和广泛共享问题最佳解决方案。  相似文献   

作为拥有百万藏品、开展数字化较早的博物馆之一,故宫博物院管理着大量的文物及其产生的数据。目前,因现存数据存在数量庞大、多源异构且较为分散的现象,导致利用这些数据制作的数字内容难以被全面管理、利用率变低。为改善这一现状,故宫引入英国数据策管中心数据策管周期模型,建立数字服务设计与数据策管并行的工作机制,尝试在实践工作中通过搭建一站式数字服务平台,对数字内容的管理及利用效率产生积极作用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对《科学数据管理办法》进行解读,以期为更好地理解和贯彻《科学数据管理办法》,推动我国科学数据管理与共享实践提供参考。[方法/过程] 从数据生命周期和责任相关者二维视角对《科学数据管理办法》进行解读。[结果/结论] 《科学数据管理办法》形成了以数据生命周期为经、以责任相关者为纬的科学数据管理体系,二者相互结合,互为补充,共同构成我国科学数据"国家统筹、各部门与各地区分工负责"的管理体制。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 立足国家科技信息资源管理的整体效益,以增强国家科技信息资源综合治理能力为目标,调查科学数据与科研档案管理协同的发展现状,探索相关推进策略。[方法/过程] 综合运用实地调查法、网络调查法、文献研究法、比较研究法和行动研究法,收集中、美、英、澳4个国家的科技主管部门、档案主管部门、科研资助机构、科研机构、科学数据管理机构、档案机构及相关国际组织的相关政策文本和实践材料,展开内容分析和后续研究。[结果/结论] 在政策层面,科学数据管理政策中与档案相关的规定集中体现在将档案馆视作存储基础设施及将归档视为科学数据管理活动;科研档案管理政策中与科学数据相关的规定集中体现在承认科学数据的档案属性,并将其纳入归档范围;科研资助机构的政策要求明确科学数据的归档和保存问题。在实践层面,国外在组织、政策、业务、服务等方面形成相对丰富的协同实践,国内的协同实践则刚刚起步。最后,从体制机制、政策体系、协作模式、业务融合、服务支撑、人才培养等方面提出推进管理协同的发展建议。  相似文献   

科研数据保存政策是科研数据共享和再利用的前提条件和基础,日益受到学术界的广泛重视,切实可行的保存政策能保障科研数据的有效管理。本文采用内容分析方法,从保存内容、元数据、格式、位置、期限与销毁、机构与责任、保存权益、安全与隐私八个方面,对英国28所高校的科研数据保存政策进行调研,发现其科研数据保存政策不同保存阶段内容完备程度不同,具有学科差异的数据保存规定仍需进一步细化和完善。我国在制定科研数据保存政策时,应科学设定保存内容和期限,统一规范元数据标准和格式,搭建科研数据保存环境,严格明确数据管理中的责任与权利,完善版权保护和隐私安全政策体系。参考文献51。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来,我国虽已出台政策对科学数据的管理、共享与利用给出了明确的引导与规范,但现有主流的数据管理平台架构侧重在对数据的科学管理,数据的共享利用效率不高,本研究在系统拓展现有平台的数据管理功能基础上,聚焦解决科学数据的共享利用难题。[方法/过程]在广泛调研与文献梳理的基础上,首先厘清人文社科研究数据管理平台建设的必要性和困境,其次系统设计与阐释了全生命周期视域下人文社科研究数据管理平台建设的核心功能与特点,进而结合平台实例,详细描绘了核心功能的关键技术实现。[结果/结论]以开放互联为基础、以开发利用为核心、以自助分析为特色,最终建立起面向全生命周期的研究数据管理平台基础框架,并据此设计实现了一个全生命周期的人文社科研究数据管理平台,可为相关实践与研究提供特色案例与参考。  相似文献   

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