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创新社会管理是新时期党和国家建设社会主义和谐社会的一项重要制度,也是地方各级党委政府践履建设“服务型政府”理念的一项重要任务,通过历时142个工作日对少数民族外出务工目的地以及居住的东、南部沿海六省区的实地调研发现,改革开放30多年的成功实践并没有完全消弭影响民族团结、边疆和谐、社会稳定与国家安全的某些消极因素,不利于沿海改革开放地区顺利开展创新社会管理的诸多风险苗头依然存在,并呈现某种程度积重难返的趋势,本文针对主要风险苗头产生的原因进行分析,并从顶层设计角度对在该地区开展创新社会管理工作需解决的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Purpose: The paper explores the role of boundary work and boundary objects in enhancing learning and innovation processes in hybrid multi-actor networks for sustainable agriculture (LINSA).

Design/Methodology/Approach: Boundary work in LINSA is analysed on the basis of six case studies carried out in SOLINSA project under a common methodology. In developing typologies of boundary work and objects, a grounded approach is used.

Findings: LINSA analysis demonstrates the dynamic character, diverse forms and multiple functions of boundary work and objects in three domains: learning, innovation, and sustainability. Addressing specific types of goals and actors leads to specific types of boundary work and boundary objects. Context-appropriate boundary work allows aligning differing actor attitudes, gaining increased external support, and developing LINSA. The concepts of boundary work and boundary objects are relevant in a broad range of divergent LINSA settings. Boundary work has its limitations, but its facilitation supports reaching LINSA goals.

Practical Implications: The paper proposes recognising context-appropriate forms of boundary work and skilful use of emerging boundary objects to both promote internal consolidation of LINSA and effective external communication to foster learning and innovation for sustainability.

Originality/Value: The paper provides insights into the forms, dynamic and outcomes of boundary work in LINSA in three key domains: developing shared knowledge base, co-producing innovation and negotiating sustainability.  相似文献   

论企业技术创新网络的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的技术创新网络是企业在创新过程中的联网行为,企业通过创新合作关系与其他企业、高校和科研机构、政府以及中介机构联结在一起,形成了企业的技术创新网络.创新网络的构建是企业在网络中进行技术创新的第一步,包括外界技术源的搜索、企业的纵向产品开发系列、企业与政府的联结网络以及其他网络的构建四个方面.企业创新网络是企业为应付创新复杂化和市场竞争加剧等系统性挑战而形成的一种新型的制度安排,它对于高新技术企业的成长和发展以及我国企业形成核心竞争力,有着不可忽视的推动作用.  相似文献   

农地产权制度创新与农业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地的可持续利用是农业可持续发展的基础。我国现行农地产权制度残缺,土地保护不力、利用效率不高、农民权益得不到保障等问题已严重制约着农业的可持续发展。顺应农业可持续发展要求,明晰和界定农地产权边界,稳定产权权能,保障产权权益,完善农业自我积累和生态保护机制,是保护土地资源、促进土地永续利用的有效激励。  相似文献   

共创性学习(Expansive Learning)已引发了国际学者对学习理论的革新性思考,该理论最初由芬兰学者Engestr觟m提出,共创性学习强调作为共同体的学习者,文化的转型以及新理论概念的创生。该研究首先借助学习隐喻的划分对共创性学习进行定位,然后对共创性学习的起源和意义进行探讨,对其过程和阶段进行了描述和分析,并对共创性学习的形成性干预研究进行了阐释,最后阐明了其形成机制、本质特征、演变过程等问题。  相似文献   

学习型社会的来临为我国高等教育自学考试的发展带来了机遇和挑战,自学考试只有不断地发展创新,坚持质量是生命线,建立全民学习支持体系,搞好社会助学,加大宣传,提升自学考试的精神价值才能更好地为学习型社会建设服务。  相似文献   

经济是人类通过生产技术手段从自然生态系统中猎取的并纳入社会系统中流动转换的物质能量总和。基于对再生资源为载体的生态能量的循环利用,决定农业成了人类社会与自然生态系统互动的重要端口,从而成为支撑人类生存发展的重要产业。可持续发展的中心问题从本质上讲,是农业与工业的结构配置问题,农业对经济发展提供的产品、市场、要素及外汇贡献表明,农业在任何经济体内都有至关重要的地位。  相似文献   

在收集100多个网络学习平台基础上,对学习平台的类型进行归纳和研究,并以一定的标准进行分类,同时以功能模块的方式归纳学习平台的一般功能,提出现有平台存在的共性问题及解决办法,以便给网络学习平台开发和研究人员一点启发。  相似文献   

作分析了深圳都市农业存在的主要问题:农业用地面积逐年减少;高素质农业人才缺乏;对突发性自然灾害的抵御和灾后恢复能力普遍较差,农业保险还未发育成熟;土地、水、空气和农产品受污染程度不断加剧,有害农药残留问题仍严重;集团化、集约化经营程度还不高,农业品牌意识有待加强等。提出了深圳都市农业可持续发展的对策:尽快起草和实施深圳都市农业法规,用法律手段确保都市农业健康发展;确保农产品不受污染;大力发展都市农业教育、科研和技术推广;充分利用先进的工业技术,尽快使深圳都市农业电子化、自动化和信息化;在休闲农业场地的设计中,要体现以人为本的设计原则,化解淡旺季矛盾;多样化发展都市农业模式;多样化发展都市农业模式。  相似文献   

合作创新绩效是衡量产学研网络产出的一个重要指标,同时也是衡量产学研网络是否成功的标杆。而产学研网络的基本特征又与创新绩效密切相关。现有研究主要利用问卷调查法搜集网络特征变量的数据,缺少利用社会网络分析法搜集数据。基于网络结构特征视角探讨网络特征与产学研合作创新绩效之间的相关关系。结论发现,中间中心度和联系强度对产学研合作创新绩效有正向的影响,而结构洞对产学研合作创新绩效影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文在疏理广州市学习型城市建设发展历程基础上,着重阐述了该市学习型城市建设的特色和创新,并分析了面临的挑战,展望了未来的发展。  相似文献   

创新力与控制力的相互平衡是企业处于生命周期中成熟阶段的最有力保障.许多企业创新力有余,控制力不足,盲目求大,盲目多元化,盲目创新,在短时间轰轰烈烈,又在短时间轰然倒下.强化控制力意识、实施精细化管理、加强资金链管理、提倡企业协同创新机制、建立规模扩张的控制机制等对策,对预防与治愈企业发展过程中出现的创新力与控制力失衡性问题具有较高的理论意义与实践价值.  相似文献   


This paper examines the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Germany and explores the possibilities of Social Network Analysis (SNA) for uncovering influential actors in educational policy innovation processes. From the theoretical perspective, an actor’s influence is inferred from its relative position within issue-specific information flows and the trust placed in its capacities and expertise, instead of relying on an actor’s openly expressed role and policy preferences. Drawing on techniques from quantitative SNA enables to analyse the social interactions as well as the frequency and type of information exchange amongst actors in a particular issue area. Empirically, I focus my attention on the educational innovation of ESD, which has been initiated at the global level, but is mainly put into practice at the national or regional level. Data for the study come from mixed mode interviews with a standardised questionnaire. The interviews were conducted and analysed using egocentric and complete SNA. I find, amongst others results, that NGOs and governmental actors occupy significantly more central, prestigious and influential network positions than schools in the course of implementing ESD in Germany. Furthermore, school representatives exhibit few and weak relations, and mostly share links with other formal education actors.  相似文献   


In this paper we outline an analytical approach to identifying points in the policy process where management intervention to adjust organizational design could enhance delivery of innovation policy over time. We illustrate this approach using an example from native vegetation policy in the state of Victoria, Australia. We then use this approach to interpret recent reviews of the Australian Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program, a policy instrument aimed at enhancing national economic growth by fostering innovation in research and development.

The approach described in this paper is grounded in the idea of policy as a complex and adaptive organizational system.

From the findings it was apparent that reviews of the Australian CRC Program have recognized some of its complex and dynamic properties. However, they have been limited in their capacity to translate this recognition into practical recommendations for organizational design to improve delivery on innovation, particularly in relation to the uptake of research outputs by industries such as agriculture. We propose that this is likely to reflect the bureaucratic foundations of innovation policy and the difficulties associated with changing processes and ways of managing them that have become locked in to the organizational system.

The design of policy instruments to deliver innovation, such as the CRC Program, should be informed by a detailed understanding of the dynamics that are mediating between policy objectives and outcomes over time. Dynamics such as the impact of bureaucratic constraints on the flexibility of policy processes and the participants engaged in them. In the absence of this sort of understanding, dynamics that critically affect the capacity of policy instruments to deliver innovation are likely to go unidentified and left to run their own course to an unpredictable and potentially counterproductive end.

While the idea of policy as a complex organizational system is well known, there remains a substantive gap in knowledge as to how thinking about policy in this way might be applied to generate practical options for improving organizational design. The analytical approach described in this paper addresses this gap in knowledge. In the absence of such approaches, the effectiveness of policy instruments such as the CRC Program, which are intended to foster innovation, will continue to be limited by deficiencies in organizational design.  相似文献   

地方高校科技创新能力是国家创新体系和区域创新体系的重要组成部分,对其分析和评价既有利于地方高校自身科技创新能力的提升和改进高校科研工作管理,又可以为宏观决策部门和社会各界对地方高校科技创新能力评判提供有价值的参考。以安徽省地方高校为样本。通过建立分层评价指标体系,运用因子分析方法对2010年地方高校四个维度的创新能力和总体科技创新能力进行了实证研究。得出了具有参考意义的结论,并建议安徽地方高校在注重资源优化配置的同时,重点培养技术创新能力,大力提高产出效率和知识市场化的能力。  相似文献   

在农业学大寨运动中,虽然"反大寨"的政治压力很大,但还是出现了经营副业、扩大自留地甚至搞包产等"反大寨"行为.广大农民以不易觉察的方式,甚至在受批判的旋涡中,修正、改变或消解着这场运动.学大寨运动中"反行为"的出现,说明人民公社体制已阻碍了生产力的发展;生产中的精神鼓励也不能代替物质刺激;话语宣传与社会认同存有一定的距离.  相似文献   


Purpose: This article assesses a participatory action and innovation research experience, in which project researchers, farmers and staff members of a local water users association (WUA) came together to: (a) jointly test and adapt a social mobilization and institutional strengthening approach according to the local context, and by doing so, to (b) develop a locally embedded approach to the institutional strengthening of WUAs in Uzbekistan.

Design/methodology/approach: The process of interaction and innovation development was one of joint experimentation, which over time and to avoid a disproportionate dependency on external social mobilizers increasingly adopted aspects of a laissez-faire approach, eventually relying fully on members of the local community.

Findings: The findings show that the cooperation style is highly influenced by institutional and structural causes and effects in the specific context of rural Uzbekistan. Participatory approaches to the institutional strengthening of WUAs in Uzbekistan should consequently allow for a high degree of flexibility to adjust key activities and their timeframe.

Practical implications: The research findings are relevant to the lowland irrigated areas of post-Soviet Central Asia where the strengthening of WUAs is still lacking, resulting in limited participation of water users and insufficient operation and maintenance of the slowly eroding infrastructure.

Originality/value: The transdisciplinary innovation and action research experience pays special attention to the change in the style of cooperation, its institutional and structural causes and effects with regard to the ‘localizing’ of the innovation, namely a social mobilization and institutional development (SMID) approach for strengthening water users associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

跨学科评价框架主要以跨学科知识的可迁移性和学生在学习过程中学科知识素养、能力素养的变化为出发点,当前已基本形成了评价跨学科学习综合能力和评价跨学科学习学科素养两种类型的跨学科评价框架。国外跨学科学习评价的框架主要有将学习任务情景化、将学习过程可视化、将评价方法技术化、将评价结果证据化等特点,这些对我国进一步构建跨学科学习评价框架有一定的启示作用,有助于进一步提升跨学科学习评价的科学性,更好地发挥跨学科实践的价值。  相似文献   

共享调节学习评价涉及协作学习的不同维度和过程,同时兼具群体感知的功能。现有的评价存在分析维度单一、数据利用不足、缺乏对互动过程的挖掘和跟踪等问题。将社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)引入共享调节学习的评价,可以充分反映共享调节学习特有的理论观照,呈现调节过程不同阶段的特点、不同评价维度的关联性以及调节的内在机制。基于SNA的共享调节学习评价框架,在数据收集以及分析工具方面,拓展了现有的共享调节评价维度,其引入群体交流模式、群体互动紧密性、个人或群体角色、不同关系维度、多模社会关系等评价分析工具,对共享调节学习过程进行评价与跟踪,促进了群体的自我感知。以华东师范大学教育信息技术学系的一门专业选修课程为解释案例说明概念框架的应用过程,也表明了基于SNA的共享调节评价能够评估共享调节学习的协作过程,促进共享调节水平的提高,相应的评价工具能够促进协作学习活动开展,强化成员的群体感知。未来仍需要进一步深化实证研究,完善评价工具,拓展应用案例,进一步挖掘概念框架的潜在价值。  相似文献   

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