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Low staff support for schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) is a barrier to implementation and sustainability. In this qualitative study, we identify staff opposed to SWPBIS among staff in 36 schools across 9 districts in western Washington. Nonsupportive staff (n = 44) are compared to supportive staff (n = 1,166) on demographic variables. Then, open-ended statements provided by nonsupportive staff are coded and analyzed to identify themes and develop an understanding of concerns about the SWPBIS initiative in their schools. Nonsupportive staff were concerned for the commitment and participation of all stakeholders, including staff, administrators, and students. Some sources of opposition were attributable to misunderstandings of SWPBIS and outright philosophical disagreements. Other sources of staff opposition were attributable not to the SWPBIS framework, but to school-level factors such as negative climate. We provide consultants with suggestions for engaging nonsupportive staff as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

防治校园欺凌的重要基础在于明确校园欺凌的具体行为。当前学界从不同角度对校园欺凌的概念和定义进行了探讨,始终没有达成共识。学界普遍采用的主观意图恶劣、违背他人意愿和重复性、持续性等传统特征已不能适应新时期校园欺凌问题的实际情况。校园欺凌是当前社会和政府关注的热点问题,为政府管理人员和教育工作者提供确切的、具有可操作性的校园欺凌定义,明确校园欺凌的具体行为,对于现有政策法规的进一步修订和现实问题的解决具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

积极行为支持源起于应用行为分析,最初是在美国特殊教育领域作为对抗厌恶疗法而出现的一种新的行为干预取向,以多元化的理论视角、强调生态效度、注重预防、主张系统性的改变和重视社会效度为核心特征。学校环境中的积极行为支持是积极行为支持这一干预取向在学校环境中的应用。其基本目标,是通过系统化干预,创设良好学校氛围,促进全体学生学业和社会性的发展。本文概述了学校环境中积极行为支持的四个基本要素(可量化的干预目标,结构化的数据收集系统,全校范围内的三级干预体系以及为干预工作提供保障的系统性支持),梳理了在学校环境中开展积极行为支持应遵循的步骤,特别是较为详细地介绍了作为积极行为支持主体的三级干预体系的开展模式。我国中小学心理健康教育可从积极行为支持中获得以下借鉴:明确心理健康教育的理论指导体系,动员全体教师共同参与渗透式心理健康教育,重视对于数据的收集与应用,为心理健康教育的开展提供系统化的支持,引入某些特色化的干预策略。  相似文献   

学校是青少年实现个体社会化和个性化协调发展的重要场域,打造阳光、安全校园是社会以及亿万家庭的共同诉求,然而频频发生的校园欺凌事件却让学校教育教学面临重重挑战。学校场域中规章制度的过度“规训”、教师教育惩戒权不明、师生课堂交往的失衡、同伴群体对游戏规则的漠视以及家庭场域中不良惯习的迁移都会促使校园欺凌的滋生,通过加强学校规章制度的育人因素、明确教师治理校园欺凌的权利与义务、重构师生交往的良性环境、转变同伴群体对校园欺凌的态度、建立学校与家庭场域的联动机制来优化学校场域环境,以期发挥学校场域在校园欺凌治理中的独特价值与重要作用。  相似文献   

Bullying has received increased attention from academics, scholars, and the media over the past decade and a half. The effects of bullying can be devastating and long lasting for victims and bullies alike. Recent prevention efforts and research has focused on the school environment as a whole. As such, two areas of interest that could affect bullying are the roles of school climate and school sector. School sector is important to examine as private schools make up 25% of all schools in the United States and approximately 80% of private school students attended faith-based institutions (Broughman &; Swaim, 2013 Broughman, S. P., &; Swaim, N. L. (2013). Characteristics of private schools in the United States: Results from the 2011-12 private school universe survey (NCES 2013-316). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. [Google Scholar]). This study utilized the School Crime Supplement to understand how school climate and school sector affect students’ experiences of bullying victimization. Using chi square analysis, propensity score analysis, and multiple regression models (of the total sample, public school sample, and private school sample), as well as Z-score coefficients, findings suggest that a positive school climate predicted less reporting of bullying incidents and that private school students in particular reported a more positive school climate and less bullying.  相似文献   

学校欺负行为干预研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欺负行为是中小学生之间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击性行为,它对儿童及青少年的身心健康发展具有很大的伤害性。因此,受到许多国家研究者的广泛关注,并开展了相应的干预研究,也取得了一定的效果。了解国内外学者所做的有关学校欺负行为的干预研究,对我们开展学校欺负行为干预研究,促进学生健康成长有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据欺凌主体的身份地位可将学校欺凌分为师生欺凌和同辈欺凌两种类型。催生师生欺凌和同辈欺凌的学校因素主要是占有式的师生关系、权力导向型的同辈文化和模糊不清的教师惩戒权。从根源上防治师生欺凌和同辈欺凌,可以从构建"学习共同体"为目标的师生关系、培育以"交往理性"为导向的同辈文化、赋予学校法定的教育惩戒权、逐步探索学校欺凌防治新模式四个方面努力。  相似文献   

Scientific reasoning of elementary age students with mild mental retardation was investigated using structured interviews during tasks involving properties of air and electricity. Discourse analysis was employed to describe preconceptions students with mild mental retardation reported about the natural world and how those preconceptions might be influenced by empirical evidence. Students in this investi- gation expressed prior understandings of air and electricity, but these understand- ings were incomplete and often at variance with generally accepted scientific fact. When faced with empirical evidence, students provided some responses that appeared to be more accommodating of this evidence. Characteristics such as outerdirectedness may have interacted with student responding. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBS) is the federal law's preferred strategy for dealing with challenging behavior by students with disabilities. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that PBS be considered in all cases of students whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others, reflecting IDEA's preference for use of state-of-the-art technology in special education. We believe that when schools take disciplinary actions against students with disabilities, PBS requirements will nearly always be at issue. This article describes the ramifications of IDEA's PBS requirements in the context of disciplinary situations, including the interplay of PBS issues with functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plans.  相似文献   

Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most heritable psychiatric childhood disorders, social and gene–environment interactions seemingly play an important role in the etiology of ADHD. Consistent with this, this study finds that School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) reduced the likelihood of pharmacotherapeutic treatment for ADHD at age 14–16 by 12%, using population-wide Norwegian register data and a difference-in-difference design (N = 698,364, birth cohorts 1990–2002, 48.7% girls, 5.7% immigrant background). At-risk students in schools with high fidelity of implementation are driving these intervention effects. Overall, the findings indicate that children with a genetic disposition for ADHD are more likely to avoid medical treatment in an organized and predictable school setting with a focus on positive reinforcement.  相似文献   

Bidirectional relations among adolescents’ positivity, perceived positive school climate, and prosocial behavior were examined in Colombian youth. Also, the role of a positive school climate in mediating the relation of positivity to prosocial behaviors was tested. Adolescents (= 151; Mage of child in Wave 1 = 12.68, SD = 1.06; 58.9% male) and their parents (= 127) provided data in two waves (9 months apart). A model of bidirectional relations between positivity and perceived positive school climate emerged. In addition, adolescents with higher levels of perceived positive school climate at age 12 showed higher levels of prosocial behaviors in the following year. Positive school climate related positivity to adolescents’ prosocial behavior over time.  相似文献   

School-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SW-PBIS) can effectively reduce problem behaviors and simultaneously increase pro-social behaviors in general education settings. SW-PBIS is not a “packaged” intervention, but a framework through which schools create systemic changes for promoting expected behaviors, while also monitoring and intervening with students who have behavior concerns through a tiered model of service delivery. A case study documenting the SW-PBIS implementation process in an alternative educational setting is presented. Alternative schools typically serve students who qualify to receive special education services, have a lower staff-to-student ratio, and often warrant more intensive student interventions as compared to general education settings. These differences from traditional environments pose unique challenges to the SW-PBIS implementation process. Suggestions for neutralizing these challenges such as providing enhanced Tier 1 supports and extensive staff training are explained in depth in this case study.  相似文献   

A self-report questionnaire about involvement in different types of bullying, what behaviours were regarded as bullying, and attitudes towards bullying, bullies and victims was completed by pupils in Year 7 (aged 11/12) through to Year 10 (aged 14/15) ( n = 170). Overall, direct verbal assault was the most commonly reported, and stealing the least frequently reported, type of bullying. For six specific types of bullying investigated, and for a composite measure of all types of bullying, significantly fewer Year 9 pupils than pupils in the other three years reported that they had behaved in these ways in the previous week. No significant sex differences emerged on these measures. These findings suggest that general patterns in bullying activities as a function of age and sex obtained in previous studies do not always hold. Although most pupils indicated that they thought that six out of eight types of behaviour viewed as bullying by researchers should be regarded as bullying, a substantial minority did not. The present study also extended bullying research by examining associations between pupils' definitions and attitudes towards bullying and their reports of bullying others. For one specific type of bullying, 'Forcing people to do things that they don't want to do', significantly fewer pupils who reported that they had behaved in this way than who reported that they had not done so included it in their definition of bullying. A consistent pattern of significant negative correlations of moderate size between attitudes and self-reported involvement in specific types of bullying were obtained. The implications of these findings for those concerned with tackling bullying in schools were discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪9 0年代之后,美国校园欺凌的诉讼日益增多.在校园欺凌事件中,公立学校是否负有责任,在什么条件下负有责任,应该付什么样的责任成为美国各级法院在案件审理过程中亟待解决的问题.本文选取了上诉到美国联邦最高法院和巡回法院的三个判例进行分析:在格布泽案中,联邦最高法院采纳了实际知情和故意漠视的标准以确定学校是否负有责任;戴维斯案延用了实际知情和故意漠视两个要件,推动了美国各级各类学校建立反校园欺凌的政策与程序;科瓦尔斯基案中,网络欺凌成为校园欺凌新形式的代表,该案也提出学校的责任和权力边界的新问题,法院肯定了学校对学生校外不当言行进行干预的正当性与合法性.  相似文献   

A framework based on research on bullying and on educational effectiveness was offered to schools to assist them in developing strategies and actions to improve their learning environment, their policy for teaching, and their evaluation mechanisms in order to reduce bullying. At the beginning and end of the intervention, the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire and a teacher questionnaire measuring three school factors (school policy for teaching, school learning environment, and school evaluation) were administered to the experimental and control groups. This experimental study reveals that the intervention had both a direct impact on the reduction of bullying and an indirect impact through improving the school factors. Implications for research into supporting schools to reduce bullying are given.  相似文献   

Through collaborative consultation with school staff, school psychologists have increasingly helped schools add bullying prevention and intervention programming to their service delivery systems. As schools search for ways to lessen the impact of bullying on the social-emotional health and academic achievement of students, forgiveness education is an area that may offer another perspective to bullying prevention and intervention. In order to infuse forgiveness education into schools' current tiered-service delivery systems, school psychologists and their district partners can use the frameworks of collaborative strategic planning (CSP) and the concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) in tandem to guide the development and implementation of forgiveness-focused bullying interventions at the core, supplementary, and intensive levels of a multitiered system of service delivery.  相似文献   

Children who feel unsafe in school because of threats of violence or verbal abuse based on race, ethnicity, or language cannot focus on the learning and achievement goals that the U.S. educational system has placed before us in the form of national standards. A primary need for some schools is to create a safe and secure environment and to ensure that children and adults of different backgrounds feel respected. Yet this raises an interesting question: Can schools be vehicles for improving race relations? In this article, I draw on a case study of 1 elementary school, Cornell,1 to examine this question in depth. Many would answer that, given historical inequities such as segregation and tracking, schools are unlikely places for improvements in race or ethnic relations to take place. On the other hand, schools do create cultures and norms of their own that may deviate in some ways from the national culture, and in this sense they represent a potential site for change in race relations, at least locally.  相似文献   

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