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选择和承诺:中美两国教师候选人比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在中美两国进行的一项全国性调查和个案研究的结果表明 ,中国师范生的家庭社会经济地位和学业基础均较低。虽然他们认为教师职业是崇高的 ,但是绝大多数学生 ,特别是少数民族学生并不准备终身从事教育事业 ,其重要原因是教师地位低下、经济待遇太低。因此 ,中美两国的政策制定者都应重新考虑、评价和制定各自国家的教育政策 ,以吸引优秀的年轻人接受师范教育 ,从事教育事业  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了美国开展艾滋病教育的几个原则.之后结合美国疾病探制及预防中心开展的艾滋病教育调查介绍了美国艾滋病教育的总体概况.最后以最具代表性的纽约市作为个案介绍了地方是如何开展艾滋病教育的。  相似文献   

美国对高质量教师的追求促使特殊教育教师资格证制度体系不断发展并走向成熟。为适应美国各州特殊教育发展的不同需求,其特殊教育教师资格证类型也呈现出多样化、灵活性的特点。本文对当前美国特殊教育教师资格证制度的政策背景及资格证的主要类型进行介绍和分析,以为我国特殊教育教师资格证制度的建立和完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国CTE教师教育发展概览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的生涯与技术(CTE)教师教育发端于公立职业教育的发展和教师教育的发展。在美国CTE开展的近85年的历史长河之中,形成了教师教育的双重系统。即有两条途径可以获得CTE教师资格证和初期执教资格:(1)传统的在大学或学院接受职前教师教育;(2)进入教学领域的非传统通道,有多种多样的形式和途径。与此同时,美国对于CTE教师资格认证也建立了严格的标准,并在教师发展和教学条件等方面正在做积极探索,这些经验都值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Although progressive education was an international phenomenon, historical interpretations of it may be affected on the national level by academic and institutional contingencies. An analysis of how US and English historians of education interpret progressive education reforms in their respective countries identified a strain of condescension toward progressive education in history of education scholarship in the US, which often resulted in misrepresentations of the historical record. English historians of education tend to regard progressive education with critical sympathy. These findings are possibly explained by different institutional and academic circumstances of historians of education in England and the US.  相似文献   

近年来,公民教育在我国越来越受到重视,如何培养社会发展需要的独立民主精神,提高公民的法律意识和道德意识,增强公民的政治参与能力已成为我国思想政治教育的重要课题。本文从公民与公民教育入手,总结归纳了美国公民教育的核心理念和培养途径,重在解决我国思想政治教育在现实中面临的现状和遇到的难题,为我国的思想政治教育引入公民教育理念进行教育改革提供有益启示。  相似文献   

试论美国师范教育的转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王凤玉  单中惠 《教育研究》2006,27(11):80-85
19世纪后期的美国师范教育经历了两次转型,从而使其从封闭定向式的教师培养模式走向了开放非定向式的教师培养模式。转型为美国教师教育的发展带来了新的契机,尽管转型后出现了诸如师范教育在大学中的边缘化、教师职业地位低下及专业性不强、教师入业标准如何控制等相关的问题。尽管如此,这种转型一方面加强了师范教育与整个教育体制的一体化,建立了综合性大学现代开放型的教师培养体系;另一方面师范教育通过转型增强了自我发展技能,拓展了生存空间。中美两国国情不同,但师范教育的转型有共同的规律可循,美国师范教育转型的历史经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of war on African-American education. This question is considered in three different periods: the eras of the American Revolution, the Civil War and the Second World War. Large-scale conflict, such as these instances of total war, can afford historical moments when oppressed groups are able take steps to improve their social status, challenging the forms of domination that have subjugated them in the past and demanding rights and liberties long denied them. This is an especially noteworthy case because of the highly developed system of racial oppression that African Americans became subjected to historically. In each of these cases, disruptions of existing patterns of social and political inequity provided openings for African Americans to realise new opportunities for education and social advancement. Implications of these historical patterns are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

美国学校心理学家职业特点分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学校心理学家是受过专门培训的职业工作者,他们运用心理学和教育学专业知识和技能,与教育者、家长及其他心理健康专业人员协调行动,为学生创设安全、健康和支持性的学习环境。本文从学校心理学家的界定,工作角色与职责,服务机构、对象与内容以及学校心理学家的培养等方面对美国学校心理学家的职业特点进行分析。了解和研究美国学校心理学家的职业特点对构建我国学校心理健康教育体系具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

本文选取了美国国家教育统计中心收集的长期跟踪数据,描述了美国都市和乡村高中毕业生在高等院校的学习持续性问题,同时分析了影响上述两大群体在校学习持续性的因素。  相似文献   

The Catholic school system in the United States is undergoing significant changes in size, populations served and the funding models which have traditionally supported such schools. The closing of many schools in urban areas in the last 10 years in conjunction with the rising costs of schooling suggests that unless a new approach to funding schools is developed, the future of Catholic education in the United States is seriously threatened and with it the American Church. This article explores the link between traditional sources of funding Catholic schools and the increased role of federal and state funds. The rise of Charter Schools has added a significant model for Catholic schools to emulate in regarding future sources of funding. Three strategies for future funding are explored with an emphasis on the development of Faith-based Charter Schools and the development of ‘Catholic’ Charter Schools.  相似文献   


This study examined and compared school autonomy in China and the United States. Based on the international PISA 2012 school data, the authors examined three aspects of school autonomy. We found that in comparison with the United States, (1) principals from China were less likely to have responsibility over eleven school decisions (hiring teachers, firing teachers, salary increase, budget formulation, budget allocation, disciplinary policies, assessment policies, student admittance, textbook selection, course content, and courses offered) and were similar in having responsibility over teacher start salaries, and (2) teachers from China were less likely to have responsibility over six school decisions (hiring teachers, budget formulation, disciplinary policies, textbook selection, course content, and courses offered), were more likely to have responsibility over two decisions (firing teachers, student admittance), and were similar in having responsibility over four decisions (teacher start salaries, salary increase, budget allocation, and assessment policies). We also found that schools in China had (1) lower responsibility for curriculum/assessment and lower responsibility for resource allocation and (2) a lower level of teacher participation/autonomy. The findings have implications for educational policy in China and the United States.  相似文献   

This paper explores three influences on the effectiveness of teacher professional development for improving schools – the individual teacher, the learning activities in which teachers participate and the structures and supports provided by schools for teacher learning. It does so by relying on survey data collected for a national study of teacher professional development in England. The analysis indicates that while the professional development of teachers in England is generally ineffectual and lacks school level systems and supports, the professional development and supports for professional learning by teachers in high performing schools display many of the characteristics associated with effective professional learning. Given the results showing a link between school factors and professional learning and the lack of influence of individual teacher factors, the paper concludes that the previously reported importance of school capacity in influencing learning and improvement is supported by the findings.  相似文献   

Education policies, and in particular those related to teacher education, are central to the construction of Europe as a knowledge society and for facing the social and economic challenges that European countries must respond to in this millennium. This article presents an analysis of studies on the evaluation of in-service teacher education conducted in Portugal since 1992. Based on the results of this analysis, the study develops a reflection on the concepts, policies and practices of in-service teacher education, contextualising it within a wider equation related to teachers’ education in Europe. The study consisted of content analyses of scientific articles, research reports, studies of evaluation and legal documents that provide the guidelines for in-service teacher education in Portugal. At the end, a final reflection and some general recommendations for teacher education are presented. There is a focus on the importance of placing in-service teacher education at the centre of educational contexts and on the problems that this causes in teachers’ work, emphasising its importance for social justice in Europe.  相似文献   

王佳佳  胡甜 《比较教育研究》2019,41(8):29-34,43
虚拟特许学校是虚拟学校与特许学校的结合体,反映了美国最新的教育改革动向。其办学主体较为多元,需满足特定的办学资质要求并获取相应的授权。而且虚拟特许学校的生源具有门槛较低、来源多样的特点,学生学费主要由政府资助。他们所采取的是市场化的教学运营系统,其课程通常交由第三方公司编制,通过网络平台提供个性化的教学,并对学生的学业状况进行动态监控。虚拟特许学校的评价体系包括质量导向的政府评价、优胜劣汰的市场评价和丰富多样的社会评价等。  相似文献   

为了解决乡村教师的发展问题,美国联邦政府、州政府、高校和社会组织等多方协作,发挥了重要作用。联邦政府通过制定教育法案,为教师培训提供了宏观支持,并组织实施了多种项目和计划。州政府根据乡村地区教育实际,采用多样形式推行教师培训计划。高校深度介入乡村教师培训,解决关键问题,促进乡村教师的长远发展。社会组织为乡村教师培训提供了外部支持,减轻了乡村教师的发展压力。美国乡村教师培训的经验为我国提供了有益借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

美国现行的教育体制构建在两个理想的前提上,一是必须保证所有的人接受基础教育,但由于各州经济状况的不同而导致基础教育发展不平衡;一是必须保证所有人都有接受高等教育的权利和机会。美国教育体制下存在公助和私助两种办学模武,他们更强调教会学生创新和独立思考,一些学校正进行改革试验,并取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

二战后,美国政府、高等院校和社会各界为促进高等教育公平,保障社会处境不利人群接受高等教育的平等权利,采取了若干措施,并积累了丰富的经验,本文分析了美国为保障高等教育公平所采取的多项措施,以期为我国实现高等教育公平带来启示。  相似文献   

RISE是由美国国家科学院与国家研究理事会共同设立的一项科学教育计划。旨在通过研讨会和研究帮助参与该计划的科学家和工程师,并倡导他们参与幼儿园和中小学科学教育。本文将从RISE计划理论上的教育方式和实践中的教学项目等方面对其加以介绍,以期对我国目前的科学教育改革有所启示。  相似文献   

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