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学校学业乐观是教师群体对教与学的积极信念与态度及由此形成的良好学校氛围,由注重学业成就、教师集体效能感以及教师对家长和学生的信任这三个协同作用的成分构成。与社会经济地位、学生先前的学习成就等因素相比,学校学业乐观更能稳定而显著地预测学生的学业成就。学校学业乐观概念的提出及结构成分的确立源自积极心理学、学校组织行为学、教育心理学等多学科的理论与实证研究的支持。 相似文献
未来教育家培养工程中的制度设计与课程安排 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对免费师范生的培养要作为未来教育家奠基性系统工程,在人才培养模式、课程体系和培养实践等方面实施全新的设计。完整的人才培养模式由纵向学习时限模式和横向培养过程模式构成。纵向时限模式采取4+2本硕一体化的制度设计。其招生对象是推荐免试的优秀本科毕业生,学习方式是在职攻读。横向培养过程模式的实践表达是:厚基础、精专业、强能力、高素质。本科阶段的课程结构采取四大模块。教育硕士阶段的课程安排应是专业理论和教育能力的双提高设计。课程体系本硕连贯。 相似文献
普通高中课程改革要求高中教师成为"学养教师",因此,教师教育者的教学即为智者之教。通过智者之教来达成学养教师的培养,教师教育者在教学中至少应做到以下几点:引导师范生从表层学习到深层理解,缩短理论和实践的差距;培养师范生的反思能力,达成"知识+反思=提高";重视师范生的行动研究,培养"教师研究者"。 相似文献
戴春林 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》2004,3(1):117-120
探讨现有中小学学业评价奖励制度的去激励机制,认为现有的中小学学业评价奖励制度违背了有关教育心理学原理和激励理论,损害了学生的学习动机和学习积极性,阻碍了学生学习潜力的激发和能力的培养,对大多教学生而言具有较强去激励作用。 相似文献
高职院校大学生科技创新体系构建的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高职院校应培养出具有创新精神和创新能力的人才,以适应当前及未来社会发展的需要.本文在分析高职院校大学生科技创新能力的现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了相应的对策与建议,以此促进高职院校大学生科技创新能力的提高. 相似文献
Teacher and Classroom Context Effects on Student Achievement: Implications for Teacher Evaluation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
William L. Sanders S. Paul Wright Sandra P. Horn 《Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education》1997,11(1):57-67
The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has been designed to use statistical mixed-model methodologies to conduct multivariate, longitudinal analyses of student achievement to make estimates of school, class size, teacher, and other effects. This study examined the relative magnitude of teacher effects on student achievement while simultaneously considering the influences of intraclassroom heterogeneity, student achievement level, and class size on academic growth. The results show that teacher effects are dominant factors affecting student academic gain and that the classroom context variables of heterogeneity among students and class sizes have relatively little influence on academic gain. Thus, a major conclusion is that teachers make a difference. Implications of the findings for teacher evaluation and future research are discussed. 相似文献
《The Journal of educational research》2012,105(1):4-10
Abstract The relationship between employment and academic performance in a nationally representative sample of U.S. students was examined in a longitudinal study as the students progressed from Grade 8 to 12. The participants (N = 15,552) took part in the base year (1988), first follow-up (1990), and second follow-up (1992) of the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the NELS data set while controlling for the effects of family background, previous achievement, gender, and ethnicity. Employment had an overall negative and curvilinear effect on high school GPA. Students who worked fewer than 12 hr per week fared better academically than those students who were not employed. A significant decline in academic performance was observed when students worked more than 11–13 hr per week. 相似文献
Simon J. Crook Manjula D. Sharma Rachel Wilson 《International Journal of Science Education》2013,35(2):272-293
Our study capitalized on a unique natural experiment rather than a researcher-designed, randomized experiment whereby, thanks to the Australian Government's Digital Education Revolution, half of grade 9 students in 2008 received laptops and half did not. Consequently in late 2011, when these students sat for their grade 12 external examinations based on the same curriculum implemented across the state of New South Wales, half of them had been schooled with 1:1 laptops for over three years, and half without. With school principals and district administrators asking the question ‘what will these laptops do to our examination results?' this dichotomous scenario presented us with a unique opportunity to find out. The aim of this study was to evaluate if having 1:1 laptops was a predictor of success in the sciences in the external examinations. The science students (N?=?967) from 12 high schools in Sydney, Australia were studied. Using socio-demographic, school and examination data, multiple regression analyses were performed to measure the impact of the 1:1 laptop provision and other variables on student attainment in biology, chemistry and physics. We found that being schooled with 1:1 laptops had statistically significant and positive standardized regression coefficients with student attainment, with a medium effect size in physics (0.38), and small effect sizes in biology (0.26) and chemistry (0.23). Upon further investigation, exploring data provided by student and teacher questionnaires, we found that the greater effect size in physics corresponded with greater use of simulations and spreadsheets by students and teachers. 相似文献
宁波市中小学生学习成就动机调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈斯君 《宁波教育学院学报》2009,11(4):36-40
成就动机被认为是学习动机中最重要的动机,对于学生的学习有着重要意义。人的成就动机由追求成功和回避失败两部分组成。通过对宁波市三所学校不同年级的学生进行抽样研究发现:中小学生学习的成就动机呈现不平衡,总体上更趋于追求成功;成就动机不存在性别上的差异;不同年级学生的成就动机差异显著;社会支持这一外部因素对学生学习的成就动机有影响作用。 相似文献
《Journal of research on educational effectiveness》2013,6(4):475-489
AbstractMy Teaching Partner-Secondary (MTP-S) is a web-mediated coaching intervention, which an initial randomized trial, primarily in middle schools, found to improve teacher–student interactions and student achievement. Given the dearth of validated teacher development interventions showing consistent effects, we sought to both replicate and extend these findings with a modified version of the program in a predominantly high school population, and in a more urban, sociodemographically diverse school district. MTP-S produced substantial gains in student achievement across 86 secondary school classrooms involving 1,194 students. Gains were robust across subject areas and equivalent to moving the average student from the 50th to the 59th percentile in achievement scores. Results suggest that MTP-S can enhance student outcomes across diverse settings and implementation modalities. 相似文献
This study examines the impact of secondary school culture on the dual student outcomes of academic achievement and engagement
with the institution attended. Elements of school culture were identified, specifically the roles played by administrators,
the professional teaching staff, and the adolescent peer group. A mixed-method research design was employed with the primary
research instrument taking the form of a survey questionnaire that was distributed to 268 Grade 11 students attending two
composite secondary schools in a mid-sized Canadian city. The results demonstrated that institutional culture had a limited
impact on student academic achievement but a significant influence on students' perceptions of engagement with their schools. 相似文献
高凌飚 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2006,3(3):98-102
新课程的评价理念、结构特点和内容都和现行高中的学生学业评价不吻合,有必要重构普通高中学生学业评价体系。新的高中学生学业评价体系分模块水平和毕业水平两个层次、采用包括过程性评价与终结性评价两种方式,简称为2×2的评价体系。过程性评价的主要作用在于促进学生及时地进行反思和展示学生学习的过程。终结性评价可根据模块的内容和类型的不同,组织书面笔试或开放式、表现式的测试。 相似文献
本文对加拿大安大略省小学四年级学生的成绩报告单作了简单介绍,并借此评析了安大略省小学课程的特点和学生成绩评定特点。 相似文献
改革课程评价是基础教育新一轮课程改革的重要组成部分,而且急需一个能够帮助人们形成以评价促学习理念的模式。本文介绍的“学生学业成绩分析、反馈与指导系统(SAAE)”的构建契合这一重要需求。SAAE以国家课程标准为参照标准,采用诊断性评价方法,检测初中八年级学生学业成绩发展过程。项目任务是根据检测成绩以及相关因素问卷调查数据的分析结果,给参测地区提供有益于教育教学管理、课堂教学改进和教师发展的反馈信息。这个评价系统还对提高各级教研员的教学评价能力有所帮助。本评价指标体系的建立能够为保障中学英语课程教育质量做出贡献。同时,它也是诊断性语言测试理论的有益实践。 相似文献
This paper evaluates the Achievement Test for Junior High School Graduation in reliability, validity and practicality, which is aimed to help junior English teachers to understand how to identify a u... 相似文献
新疆中小学少数民族教师双语教学能力评价方案建构研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
新疆的双语教育自2004年以来进入了发展的快车道,双语教育实践对大量合格双语师资提出了需求。然而双语教师资格认证标准的缺失,使得现实的双语教师培训出现偏差。为给科学研制双语教师资格认证标准甚至建设新疆双语教师资格证书制度奠定基础,该研究致力于建构新疆中小学少数民族教师双语教学能力评价方案。依据双语教学能力构成的理论、新疆双语教师资格认证中存在的问题以及国外双语教师资格认证考核项目的启示,该研究认为:1.新疆中小学少数民族教师双语教学能力评价指标为双语教学表达能力、双语教学设计能力和双语教学实施能力。2.该研究建构了新疆中小学少数民族教师双语教学能力评价权重、标准和评价方法及工具。3.该研究通过试评进行了信度和效度检验,表明建构的评价方案具有较好的质量。 相似文献