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《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):244-259
Parliamentary procedure is pervasive in most decision‐making groups of a dozen or more persons, but it is has been understudied as an important influence on the group communication process. It is not well understood by members of groups who claim to have adopted it, and procedures are seldom invoked in ways that suggest a very sophisticated model. However, parliamentary procedure need not be considered as simply a rigid set of laws. This multi‐phase research project provides insight into how parliamentary procedure is selectively used in community groups and functions as a set of rules that influences the vigilance of the communication process.  相似文献   

英国图书馆专业从业人员的培养,迄今经历过四个时期。其中尤以分别代表了后两个时期的百年考制和专业教制为要。从对这两种体制的评说,可以看出英国的图书馆,图书馆协会以及图书馆学教育三者间的关系和各自角色与作用的演变。这一考察的目的是为中国的图书馆事业及相关的教学与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

数字化时代的大英图书馆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述英国大英图书馆应用数字和网络技术,实施信息存储、修正、展示和传送的成功业绩,探索其对各种信息的获取、维护和使用的传统观念的延伸和改革.  相似文献   

1972年美国图书馆史学家迈克尔·哈里斯发表《历史视角下的美国公共图书馆目标:一种修正式解读》,从社会阶层论视角爬梳美国公共图书馆的起源及其领袖人物的图书馆目标,认为公共图书馆是社会精英阶层用以管理和控制社会的工具,批评传统进步主义图书馆史学家对相关问题的理想化认识。以菲莉丝·戴恩为代表的进步主义图书馆史学家认为公共图书馆是民主和人道主义的产物。戴恩批评哈里斯的修正式观点因缺乏扎实论据而失于偏颇。双方展开了1970年代美国图书馆史研究中的“哈里斯-戴恩论战”,引发学界对公共图书馆的起源和目标的深刻反思,对图书馆史研究的方法论和发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

周瑜 《出版科学》2011,19(3):52-56
对英国多所主要高等院校出版高等教育的教学体系、课程设置、教学方法等进行比较详尽的资料收集和分析,从中归纳出当前英国出版高等教育的主要特点及可取之处,旨在为数字时代我国出版教育的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

英国公共广播体制是在社会民主主义思潮的影响下形成的。英国社会民主主义的两个基本原则(公有制和民主)决定了公共广播的两个基本特征(非市场和非政府)。社会民主主义思潮还形塑了公共广播要为民主服务的广播理念。在探讨英国公共广播体制的起源时,只有从这一角度来看问题,才能真正理解英国公共广播的兴衰以及广播的公共服务理念的核心所在。  相似文献   

镇江英国领事馆馆舍的数量问题在20世纪80年代即已存在争议.21世纪初,杨瑞彬先生在多方面查证的基础上提出了正确的观点.今根据1916年的英国驻镇江领事馆总平面图等英方资料可以进一步确定,今镇江英国领事馆建筑群的5幢建筑中仅有两幢属于领事馆的馆舍,即今镇江博物馆称为3号楼和4号楼的建筑.而今镇江博物馆所称的1、2、5号...  相似文献   

英国国家档案馆文化休闲服务的类型包括公共教育服务、文创产品服务、游戏化服务等。其主要特点有:公众参与形式丰富、文化休闲活动多样、服务方式注重社交媒体的作用、环境优美气氛温馨等。通过借鉴英国国家档案馆经验,可为"局馆分离"后我国档案馆服务能力的提升提供有益参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在研究和借鉴大英图书馆的数据开放实践经验,推动我国图书馆数据开放。[研究设计/方法]从法律、技术两个方面研究大英图书馆如何将资源转换为开放数据,并调查了该图书馆促进数据利用的措施。[结论/发现]大英图书馆在法律层面对公共领域作品、孤儿作品、自身拥有版权的作品以及涉及他人版权的作品采取了不同的开放措施,在合法的前提下将数据开放到公共领域;在技术层面,注重增强数据的可发现性、可访问性和可分析性;在促进数据价值创造的措施上,主动走向用户,培育创新利用方式。结合我国实际提出图书馆数据开放的建议:保障公共领域作品数字化副本的使用不受限制;将数据融入互联网环境;鼓励用户参与数据开放工作。[创新/价值]为我国图书馆数据开放实践提供参考,进一步提升我国图书馆数据的价值。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):407-420
Determining whether or not to publish controversial photographs is a challenge for any editor, particularly when questions arise regarding invasion of privacy. Further complications occur when these images involve members of the British Royal Family, given the longstanding tension between the British press and the Royal Family. Within weeks of the 15th anniversary of Princess Diana's death, British newspaper editors faced two separate ethical dilemmas of whether or not to publish nude photos of Prince Harry and of Prince William's wife, Kate Middleton. This study uses qualitative textual analysis of 111 editorials and opinion columns in Britain's national newspapers to determine why the British press made these decisions. We found that editors and commentators offered conflicted explanations over whether Harry and Kate had an expectation of privacy in their respective contexts and whether or not the images were in the public interest. Prior good or bad behavior, the legacy of Princess Diana and her treatment by the press, the situational factors involved in each case, and their respective marital statuses were all used as reasons behind whether or not privacy won over the appeal to the public interest. We argue the restraint used by the British press in publishing these private royal photos and the somewhat robust discussion of press ethics captured in this discourse may be evidence of a tentative shift in how newspapers address privacy and the Royal Family.  相似文献   

完善我国公共图书馆企业信息服务建设,可以充分发挥其商业支持和创新支撑的社会经济价值。通过文献调查法、网络调查法和案例分析法调研大英图书馆企业信息服务现状,发现大英图书馆设置了专门机构提供多样化的商业信息支持和丰富的咨询及培训项目,其工作开展具有重视度高、体系成熟,层层递进、各有偏重,各界合作、共建服务的特点。参考大英图书馆服务建设模式,我国公共图书馆应从建设中心、发展分馆,丰富资源、开发指南,转变角色、支持创新,细分用户、按需服务出发开展企业信息服务建设。  相似文献   

As editor of On My Mind, I wanted to introduce myself and let you, the reader, know a little bit about what I intend this column to be. Primarily, I want it to be a venue for you to write about anything that has been bugging you or that you think needs to be said. This is an opinion column so please share your opinion. Maybe you want to talk about what you wished you had learned in library school. Or, perhaps you have a bone to pick with people who rely too much on using statistics in their weeding of books from the library's shelves. Whether the majority of librarians hold your opinion or not, I will try to give you a venue to express your thoughts. Also, this column is intended to be informal; feel free to use the first person. That does not mean that you cannot or should not back up statements you make with research. Please do. It does mean that personal anecdotes and stories are encouraged and make for a more interesting read. Finally, inquiries into writing for this column should be directed to me via e-mail. You will get a timely response. –Eric Jennings  相似文献   

在介绍战略背景的基础上,从战略宗旨、战略目标、战略内容、战略任务、战略实施等角度分析英国主要大学及研究图书馆联盟的战略规划,总结出目前英国大学及研究图书馆联盟发展战略具有完整性强、现实性强、连续性强、透明度高、期望值高等特点,同时根据我国大学及研究图书馆联盟战略规划的现状,借鉴英国经验,提出规范战略规划文本、加强理论研究、增强规划主动性、提高规划内容透明度、积极与其他机构开展合作的建议。  相似文献   

The organization of registriesemerged in the First World War to become apersistent problem in the British CivilService. Registry services and control ofinformation and records were the key issues. The Treasury's re-organizations beginning in1919 and continuing into the 1960s, andsubsequent changes in its registry in 1920,1928, 1938, and 1944, highlight contemporaryconcerns for efficiency and better control overinformation and practices. Despite lip serviceto the importance of official knowledge inrecords, models were imperfectly implemented.By 1950, official records were only a smallpart of the Treasury's recorded communicationsand the ideal model of a central registryservice was giving way to local applications insub-registries serving functional communities. Registries were as much social practices asthey were rule-guided systems for informationartefacts.  相似文献   

以数字人文为视角,通过文献调研、案例调研、实践验证等方法从政策、项目实施、技术三个方面研究大英图书馆如何开展馆藏资源数字化工作,并调查了相应的措施及起到的效果,发现大英图书馆在战略规划成为“使能者”、数据化与模型化、与社会交互、适应数字时代的生存与发展这四方面是其数字化建设中的前沿趋势,可为我国图书馆馆藏资源数字化建设与服务提供参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the influence of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 in coordination with presidential debate viewing on the outcome variable of confidence in George W. Bush's policy positions. In addition, the combined influence of these competing persuasive appeals is assessed across three political ideology groups: liberals, moderates, and conservatives. There is a statistically significant experimental stimulus-by-political ideology interaction, with Bush making substantial gains among political moderates who viewed Moore's film prior to a Bush-Kerry debate. The study also reveals similar patterns of influence for liberals and conservatives.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对目前我国个人信息保护规范和政策不断出台而大学图书馆相关政策极度缺失的状况,调查并分析英国10所著名大学图书馆网站个人信息保护政策,为我国大学图书馆今后发展个人信息保护政策提供可借鉴的经验。[方法/过程] 对英国10所著名大学的图书馆网站个人信息保护政策内容进行全面扫描,结合隐私保护准则以及隐私关注测量模型进行政策文本的分析,揭示这些政策文本在形式和主题方面的特点。[结果/结论] 英国大学图书馆个人信息保护政策主要包括隐私政策、Cookies政策和数据保护,颁布主体多为学校;内容主题通常包括保证类、个人信息生命周期管理类以及事务类,与OECD隐私保护准则以及隐私关注测量模型有较好吻合。这些对我国大学图书馆未来发展个人信息保护政策有很好的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

英国政府网站网页归档项目是世界范围内少数专门针对政府网站网页进行归档的项目,近年来该项目发展十分迅速,目前已经归档超过5000个政府网站,并形成了系统、完备的工作模式。我国自2020年开始规范政府网站网页归档工作,但因缺乏项目实践基础而在工作中仍存在诸多疑问。因此本文通过思考借鉴英国政府网站网页归档项目,结合国内相关工作的开展情况,提出完善工作的建议,以推动我国政府网站网页归档工作正常、有序开展。  相似文献   


A large body of literature in representational studies reflects a deep professional concern over the negative effect of the role of the media in representing significant Others. Western media's coverage of an international event, in this case, a football competition, raises some ethical questions about the choice of specific lexical items and textual contents. Drawing on the work of Stuart Hall's representation theory, this article examines how Turkey, a nation located on the semi-periphery of Europe, is represented in Western media outlets. By looking at the role that sections of the British sports press plays in their construction of the Turkish national identity, I evaluate the Euro 2016 and Euro 2004 reporting of the UEFA European Championship qualifying matches between Turkey and England. I apply a combination of lexical and narrative analysis, and I question the way that Turkey is represented in the British sport texts. The style and language used in the presentation of football games reveals that British media outlets are prone to present England's politically and economically powerful position, and its cultural superiority over Turkey. Findings also suggest that the discourse of the “West and the Rest” is alive in the modern world.  相似文献   


This article discusses the theory of exhibition presentation as a genre, the specific issues of curatorial styles, and the distinct features of exhibitions in libraries. Based on my personal reflections on taking part in curating the Russin Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths exhibition at the British Library, the article discusses the tension between the nature of collections held in libraries and their transformation when turned into an exhibition display, as well as the tension between the purpose of collecting for libraries and collecting for displays. It also presents the author’s experience of the challenges and solutions that exhibitions in libraries normally face. As the number of exhibition projects in all kinds of libraries is growing, the library communities are looking toward a better understanding of how libraries’ special and general collections can function in an exhibition environment and how information professionals can contribute to curatorial practices. Sharing experience about library exhibitions in the wider framework of art and museum curation will help to recognize exhibition curating as a requisite part of librarianship, which might change our perception of libraries and their relations with users now and in the future.  相似文献   

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