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春秋礼乐文化的解体和转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文叙述了春秋前期礼乐文化的一般状态 ,而后集中讨论春秋后期礼乐文化的危机和演变。论文强调 ,在春秋后期的政治危机中 ,人对礼的关注从形式性转向合理性 ,礼文化的重点由“礼乐”转向“礼政” ,礼作为政治秩序原则的意义在政治理性化的过程中突出出来。而思想家的关注的焦点 ,不再关注那些华丽典雅的仪典文化 ,而更关注现实生活世界的混乱与安宁。  相似文献   

中国古代早期的珠玉崇拜和水崇拜联系在一起。神话中的珠意象往往伴随出现水及水族动物 ,索珠、赠珠神话的神灵角色都是水神。早期的玉神话和水崇拜密不可分 ,玉和水的渊源极深 ,玉神话突出表现水的润物功能。早期珠玉神话沿着优美的方向发展 ,出现众多女性神灵。到了后来 ,珠玉出现阴阳之分 ,受到传统哲学的影响。神话中的珠玉意象往往寄托先民的长生之想 ,而珠玉作为美饰意象则是后来的事情。  相似文献   

The major distinctive feature of cultural goods is that consumers must learn how to consume them, implying that preferences should be modelled as intertemporally dependent. The canonical model in the literature uses a habit formation analogy. In this paper, we discuss in detail, though in the simplest setup, a consistent preference structure for that model. Then, we derive the implications for the dynamics of two aggregate equilibrium models, a fixed price model and a flexible price model. The learning-by-consuming behaviour is characterised by a preference structure displaying bounded adjacent complementarity in the demand for the cultural good. This implies that there will be short run complementarity between the stocks of culture and financial wealth and that the adjustment of the demand for cultural goods, or of their relative price, will have some inertia. In the exogenous price model, we find that increases in income will raise the long run demand for cultural goods while increases in the relative price will decrease it. In the endogenous price model, an increase in the supply of cultural goods will imply an initial undershooting of the price of cultural goods followed by an upward transition process. Our results seem to be consistent with the empirical results on the demand for cultural goods and seem to offer an explanation for the Baumol and Bowen paradox.JEL Classification: Z1, E21Earlier versions of this paper have been presented at the 1st Conference of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Economia (SPiE, 1997) and at the Xth Conference of the Association for Cultural Economics International, 1998, Barcelona.  相似文献   

刘勰所谓"情文"容易被误认为审美之文,即当代文论中的"文学"。我们认为"情文"乃五性外发为情,以言为媒介而成辞章。本文通过考察先秦至六朝的性情之辨对此予以论证,并阐明"情文"所指及它在哪一层面触及狭义文学的本质特征。  相似文献   

生命意识的觉醒与儒、道生命观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命意识带有甚深的文化内涵。本文考索中国古代生命意识的觉醒过程 ,并重点论述儒家重生命社会意义、道德价值的生命观和道家生命即是意义、尚无为的养生观 ,以此揭示其深刻的文化内涵  相似文献   

黄薇 《中国文化研究》2006,11(3):150-157
本文通过对《野草》封面图像语言符码的考释,探寻鲁迅与中西艺术文化的历史关联性。文章认为:最早阐释《野草》意义内涵的是与这本书共时存在的书面图像,颜色和构图成为文本精神的象征表达和形象展示。在启蒙事业中鲁迅与中西艺术文化发生广泛的历史联系。经由鲁迅参与制作的书籍图像传播广远,是建构现代中国思想和艺术文化的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

金敏 《文化交流》2013,(1):12-15
吴越人以舟师主水上作战,以步兵主陆上作战。步兵作战以近体格斗为主,这样短兵器就显示了威力。剑,锋利、短小,便于随身携带,既可用于装饰,又可防身杀敌,故古人常有佩剑的风习。剑,对吴越人来讲,更是一种不可缺少的格斗武器。  相似文献   


This essay diagnoses how humanitarian non-governmental organisations are filling a sovereign vacuum created ironically by governments outsourcing their governing functions; this outsourcing marks a transformation of the Westphalian order of states. The proliferation of non-state actors facilitates the politicisation of human rights around how to recognise who or what is a human being endowed with natural rights, and who is a terrorist or outlaw. By tracing the connections between human rights and governmentality, I contend that human rights advocates must acknowledge that their cosy relationship with powerful militaries has resulted in humanitarian interventions using the language of rights to justify neocolonial projects that often intensify human suffering. Humanitarianism may function as a deterritorialised form of governmentality that offers a theatrical illusion of protection and security, while undermining their possibilities structurally. Indeed, I demonstrate how powerful states not only use human rights and humanitarian legitimations for their particularist geopolitical and economic ends, but also direct humanitarian NGOs strategically by proxy for their own interests.  相似文献   

景观地图与社区地图作为生态博物馆的实践工具,能够帮助人们阅读本地景观、展示地方价值、识别发展问题,同时增强社区凝聚力,促进乡村遗产价值传播。地图工具伴随生态博物馆实践在欧洲得到了广泛应用。对意大利实践中的地图工具进行理论研究与案例解读,总结经验要点,并结合国内实践相关问题,提出促进国内生态博物馆建设以及乡村遗产保护和乡村振兴的启示:地图工具能够有效增强居民对本地景观价值的意识;生态博物馆的实践不能忽略乡村社会经济发展议题;生态博物馆实践中应有更多文化景观视角研究的介入。  相似文献   

Production of Egyptian blue and green frit was obtained by pure chemicals and natural raw Egyptian materials in different experimental conditions. Changes in stoichiometric ratios and in melting temperatures were tested to synthesize the expected pigments. Obtained products were examined under the polarizing microscope and characterized by XRD analysis; in addition, absolute colour measurements were taken in CIE 1931 and CIE 1976 coordinates to evaluate colour changes. Correlations among chemical composition, melting conditions and recorded colours were discussed.  相似文献   

In 1973, German historian Arno Peters unveiled the “Peters projection,” a map that challenged the Eurocentric Mercator style by redrawing the so-called “Third World” to appear more prominent on the global landscape. The projection sparked intense debate among cartographers about the overt use of ideology in mapping, while simultaneously championed by international groups (from the UN to church organizations) as a corrective against the marginalization of developing nations. This essay addresses how the Peters map became a rhetorical emblem for an internationalist identity within the contentious spatial conceptions constraining the Cold War. Ultimately, the Peters projection, despite its radicalism, constituted a “recolonization” that supported logics of Western liberal development in the Third World.  相似文献   

自1711年卫方济(弗朗索瓦·诺埃尔Fran(c)ois No(e)l)关于孔子和儒学的第一本书出版,直到现在,在对中国哲学中这一重要领域的研究、翻译及见解方面,存在着或褒或贬多方面的观点.本文的目的就是要在前人研究的基础上,勾勒出一条孔子和儒学在波希米亚和斯洛伐克接受的简短的历史线索.  相似文献   


20世纪 8 0年代以来 ,中国的文学理论界一度热闹非凡 ,硝烟不断。由于历史的原因 ,许许多多在我们今天看来本应该是常识性的理论问题都被推到了讨论的前台。如今 ,我们大概已不会去为这些问题争论了 ,因为这些问题早已不是“问题”,而是作为某种既成的“观念”(比如通过教材 )内化到了我们的生命结构中 ,成了我们面对文学作品行使判断时的一些基本尺度。然而 ,我们的这些“观念”究竟又是从哪里来的 ,在“观念”抽象的过程中 ,“问题”的丰富性是不是遭到了某种简化 ,面向新世纪的文艺学建设 ,这些“问题”应该扮演什么角色发挥怎样的作用。…  相似文献   

In recent years, microfinance – the suite of financial products offered to the poor – has been widely adopted in international development policy. Organizations around the world have replicated this model successfully. This essay takes the comparative case more explicitly to read against the tendency to understand microfinance as the globally institutionalized and realized norm, and local unruly credit economies as the exception. We go beyond comparing credit in India and Paraguay in order to illustrate how comparison is actually central to the banking practices of microfinance. Moreover, it is the collaborative anthropological project that helps to show this, allowing not only for empirical grounds of comparison, but also raising theoretical and methodological questions of comparison itself. In juxtaposing microfinance in our two fieldsites, we find that as credit proliferates globally, so do the comparative projects both of borrowers and lenders in the disparate worlds of Kolkata and Ciudad del Este. At the same time, these were constrained by the global financial comparisons between countries made by investors. Ethnographic methods are vital for understanding how microfinance becomes part of a wider repertoire of financial strategies used by women while simultaneously offering the grounds for women to undertake their own acts of comparison.  相似文献   

张蔚 《文化交流》2014,(12):70-73
浙江山阴之兰亭,原本是个不起眼的小地方,只因东晋王羲之在此就一次文人雅集即兴书写了记事散文《兰亭序》,竟成为历代书家仰慕的圣地.而这纸宽不过两尺、高不足一尺的作品,又成为中国书法史上最著名者:围绕其流传与真伪的问题,展开了千年聚讼,形成了一门叫“兰亭学”的显学.  相似文献   

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