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The challenges facing those charged with teaching mathematics to engineers are enormous. Faced with large groups of students possessing a considerable range of abilities, prior experiences, and motivations, it is incumbent upon the developers and deliverers of mathematics programmes to engineers to ensure that such programmes are as inclusive as possible and take into account the particular and often individual needs of the student. Often a mathematics lecturer is caught between the demands of an engineering department expecting students to know and apply advanced techniques, and the needs of groups of students who lack confidence, have serious gaps in their knowledge and sometimes lack ability in mathematics. This paper describes an innovative approach to these challenges which involves a mix of traditional and modern technologies and which has been used with some effect at Loughborough University, for the teaching of mathematics to first year undergraduate engineering students.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics is a fundamental foundation of all engineering disciplines. A vast majority of engineering undergraduate programmes contain one or more courses on thermodynamics, and many engineers use thermodynamics every day to analyse or design energy systems. However, there is extensive anecdotal evidence as well as a wide range of published literature indicating that students often struggle to understand thermodynamic principles. In an effort to understand students' attitudes and perception of thermodynamics, including their expectations, experience and frustrations, an investigation was conducted. Following a review of the literature on the teaching and learning of thermodynamics in engineering, a survey questionnaire was developed and administered to close to a 1000 students in 17 thermodynamics classes at 13 universities in 7 countries. Survey results were analysed using statistical methods. This paper presents the findings of this investigation.  相似文献   

Engineers face challenges when they are to manage project groups and be leaders for organisations because such positions demand skills in social competence and empathy. Previous studies have shown that engineers have low degrees of social competence skills. In this study, the level of empathy as measured by the four subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, perspective taking, fantasy, empathic distress and empathic concern, among engineering students was compared to students in health care profession programmes. Participants were undergraduate students at Linköping University, 365 students from four different health care profession programmes and 115 students from two different engineering programmes. When the empathy measures were corrected for effects of sex, engineering students from one of the programmes had lower empathy than psychology and social worker students on the fantasy and perspective-taking subscales. These results raise questions regarding opportunities for engineering students to develop their empathic abilities. It is important that engineering students acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding empathy.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of on-campus residence, in comparison with commuter status, on academic performance, vocational commitment, self-efficacy, and perceptions of the college environment among female and male Iranian students at Shiraz University, Iran. The study sought to extend previous work investigating the effects of college residence on adjustment by testing these effects with a national population that has received relatively little attention in the extant counseling literature. Nearly all previously published studies exploring these phenomena have focused exclusively on college students in the United States. We found that residential living had positive effects on student adjustment and academic performance and that these effects were mediated by gender. Implications of these findings for the college psychotherapy and student development knowledge base, college and university psychotherapists working with international students and American students of Middle Eastern and Northern African descent in the United States, and college counseling professionals working in Middle Eastern and North African nations, as well as critical limitations of the study, are discussed.  相似文献   

The education of engineering graduates at Aalborg University is an exceptional experiment in an international context. The curriculum is project-organized from the day the new students arrive until their graduation. The work is project-organized and carried out in small project groups. An assessment of the results of our study programmes in engineering was carried out after almost 20 years of experience. This discovered that the graduates and their employers considered the programmes to be very suitable in preparing graduate engineers for the engineering professions. The assessment also revealed that the knowledge and experience which the graduates had gained in project work were considered to be of greater value for their professional activity than were the knowledge and experience gained from lectures etc. This paper presents a brief introduction to the educational concept and to the main results of the assessment.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in the influences on undergraduate performance in recent years as a result of the increasing diversity of students entering third-level education and an ever increasing emphasis on the development of a robust knowledge economy. This paper investigates the influence of students’ dominant interest types and prior academic achievement on undergraduate performance in an Irish university. Holland's Self-Directed Search (SDS) interest inventory was completed by 308 students drawn from three, second year undergraduate programmes in engineering, nursing and teaching. The impact of dominant interest types and prior academic achievement on the performance of these students in their second year was then investigated using correlation and linear regression analyses. When combined, student interests and prior academic achievements were found to account for between 38% and 50% of the variance in undergraduate performance for students in these three undergraduate programmes.  相似文献   

Engineering education should be relevant to the needs of our industry as industry absorbs the large majority of our engineering students, either directly or indirectly. The contact between industry and engineering students has therefore to be stimulated. As no legal obligation exists in Belgium, this is left entirely to the initiative of the professors and the engineers in industry. We will explain how at our university those contacts are developed for the mechanical engineering students. We will explain our aims, our working conditions and circumstances, our results and the role of the research. The art however is to stimulate the students, and to convince the industry of the importance of those contacts in the education of our and their future engineers.  相似文献   

Recently, many educational institutions across the globe have implemented engineering leadership programmes either as a part of a formal engineering curriculum or where leadership development is embedded into separate in-house programmes. This shows the clear intent of these educational institutions to prepare their engineering students for solving real-world problems, recognising that both technical and leadership skills are valuable for tomorrow's engineers. Leadership programmes in engineering education have been implemented in various formats with varying degrees of success. It has already been identified in research studies that 80–90% of engineering leadership programmes offered explicitly across the globe were based in the United States of America. However, in Europe and Australia, there is a noticeable lack of engineering leadership programmes, particularly in undergraduate curricula. The programmes that are offered across Australia and Europe have distinct design and delivery styles but there are certain key features that are common to most of the programmes, including professional partnerships, mentoring, engineering design and project-based approaches.  相似文献   

The paper deals with studies of engineering programmes in foreign languages at Vilnius Technical University (VTU), Lithuania. In order to organize studies in foreign languages, an International Studies Centre was established in 1992. The following aims were pursued: integrating into the systems of university education of European countries and promoting international exchange of students and staff. BSc studies (architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electronic engineering programmes) are organized in English, French and German. Over 150 undergraduate students from Lithuania and foreign countries are studying at the centre. About 150 students are enrolled for the next academic year.  相似文献   

The growing frustration of developing countries with their relatively slow rate of economic progress, their increasing dependence on imports of technology despite genuine efforts for endogenous developemt, and the flight of their skilled manpower for employment in developed countries have combined to focus attention of their educational planners on the ‘appropriateness’ of their engineering education programmes. Since technology is nation- and culture-specific, it is argued that all educational programmes in the field of engineering and technology should be specifically designed to meet the needs of the country concerned. Formulation of such programmes may, however, inhibit mobility of engineers across national boundaries, hamper transferof technology and decelerate global economic and technological development. The paper examines the observable differences in the characteristics of developing and developed countries, the technological framework and projections of economic growth of developing countries and the special features of the engineering educational system needed to respond to their needs. Implications of recent advances in information technology, biotechnology and manufacturing technology on engineering education planning are analysed. The compatibility of socially relevant engineering education with that of internationally comparable standards is examined in detail. It is shown that it is possible to develop programmes in developing countries which are intellectually challenging, meet international standards of achievement and at the same tiem equip students with competence in technology assessment, with awareness of pitfalls of technology transfer and with experience in use of technological solutions for current social and economic problems. It is argued that such programmes while essential for developing countries will be equally useful to developed countries and would accelerate international appreciation of problems of development. The reversal of brain-drain is proposed through the creation of challenging opportunities at home coupled with the utiltisation of intellectual and financial resources of emigré nationals abroad.  相似文献   

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of University of Miskolc has been involved in six European Union Tempus projects since 1991, with the objectives of upgrading academics, modernizing laboratories and introducing new curricula, courses and up-to-date teaching methods in order to approach EU university standards. Microelectronics, electrical drives in automation, mechatronics, energy engineering, PhD engineering programmes in English and telecommunications were focused by the projects. One hundred and thirtytwo Miskolc students prepared their diploma theses at EU universities and academics could spend 1100 weeks within the mobility scheme at EU universities. To enlarge the European dimension and prepare academic staff, students and engineers working in industry, two Jean Monnet projects for European integration studies were also awarded.  相似文献   

The Dainton enhanced engineering courses were designed to produce engineers who would be better prepared for careers in manufacturing management than their counterparts from conventional engineering programmes. As part of a large scale evaluation of these courses, the views of 167 students and 220 graduates of the programmes were compared with those of a control group of 353 students from conventional engineering courses. Respondents were asked for their opinions of 19 course elements in terms of the amount of time devoted to each as a preparation for a career as a professional engineer in industry.In general, enhanced students viewed their courses more favourably than students from conventional courses. Thus, over half of the conventional students criticised their courses for a lack of business and management material, compared with less than one in five enhanced students. There were few differences between the two groups in their views about the technical content of their courses. Criticisms about insufficient time being devoted to CADCAM, Engineering Practice, and Engineering Applications were common in students from both types of course. The views of enhanced graduates, who had up to five years' work experience post graduation, were similar to those of the undergraduates. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for engineering education in general.  相似文献   


Case studies have long been used to support the mathematics education of undergraduate engineers. Changes in the mathematical ability of entrants to engineering programmes and, indeed, the changing nature of many of the programmes themselves indicate the need to make the students' mathematical experiences more 'user friendly'. We describe here an approach which uses case studies, not as illustrations of applications of mathematics after a mathematical topic has been discussed, but in a fully integrated central role as vehicles for whole group discussion from which the students 'discover' the necessary mathematics which is taught subsequently. Not only is the 'carrot' of the application then central to their learning, but the need for the mathematics being taught is also clearly demonstrated. This approach has been tried with a group of 50 first year engineers. The effects on student motivation, ability and knowledge retention are discussed together with an indication of the Integrated Case Studies which were used.  相似文献   

根据“卓越工程师教育培养计划”对学生掌握专业知识提出的新要求,在我校推广“模块化”课程改革之际针对土建专业隧道工程进行了教学改革的研究。基于隧道工程教学现存的问题,开展了隧道工程的教学改革思路研究,通过改善学生学习兴趣及专业知识实用性,为学生日后的工程实践打下坚实的基础,也为我校培养应用技术型的一线卓越工程师做出了积极探索。  相似文献   

For an engineer to become an effective manager, he must have a basic concept about management principles and techniques. Some amount of management capacity can be developed in engineers by creating an awareness of the scope of management, imparting basic knowledge about management principles and identifying more closely with the management team. This paper describes the way in which the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi promotes engineering management training to its students. The training consists of introducing some management courses to undergraduate engineering students, conducting lectures and seminars related to management disciplines, encouraging students to do management related industrial projects and arranging vacation training programmes in industry. Moreover, a full M. Tech, programme in Systems and Management exclusively for engineering graduates is conducted. In addition, the paper discusses the other postgraduate and research programmes in management that the Institute conducts through its Management Centre.  相似文献   

In this paper I attempt to list the body of knowledge and skills which future young engineers will need and how such knowledge and skills can best be transferred to students during the engineering education process. The educational environment should stimulate students and encourage them to develop the capacity for lifelong learning as a preparation for tackling the unknown problems which will occur in future decades. The formation of an engineer should comprise both education and practice. Some of the problems facing higher education today are discussed and some ideas for cross-border harmonization of engineering education are given. Finally, there is a brief comparison of today's current ideas on engineering study programmes and the course that I followed more than 50 years ago.  相似文献   


In higher education, engineering students have to be prepared for their future jobs, with knowledge but also with several soft skills, among them creativity. In this paper, we present a study carried on with 128 engineering undergraduate students on their understanding of mathematical creativity. The students were in the first year of different engineering first degrees in a north-eastern Portuguese university and we analysed the content of their texts for the question ‘What do you understand by mathematical creativity?’. Data collection was done in the first semester of the academic years 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 in a Linear Algebra course. The results showed that ‘problem solving’ category had the majority of the references in 2014/2015, but not in the academic year 2016/2017 were ‘involving mathematics’ category had the majority. This exploratory study pointed out for ‘problem solving’ and ‘involving mathematics’ categories and gave us hints for teaching mathematics courses in engineering degrees.  相似文献   

The under-representation of women in engineering is an issue of concern for policy-makers. While much of the existing literature has focussed on understanding reasons for women's under-representation in engineering and related technical fields, there is a paucity of research that examines why women who are already in engineering persist. This study aims to answer the question, why do women engineers in academe persist in a discipline that is generally perceived to be inhospitable to women. Three main challenges, namely gender discrimination, lack of institutional and disciplinary support, and the rigid nature of the workplace, emerged as key impediments to women engineers in the private sector. In contrast, women engineers in the academy identified the flexibility offered by academic environments, the presence of personal support networks, and a passion for teaching and students as critical factors that influenced their decision to remain in academia.  相似文献   

Professional bodies expect engineers to show competence in both mathematics and engineering topics such as mechanics, using their abilities in both of these to solve problems. Yet within engineering programmes there is a phenomenon known as ‘The Mathematics Problem’, with students not demonstrating understanding of the subject. This paper will suggest that students are constructing different concept images in engineering and mathematics, based on their perception of either the use or exchange-value for the topics. Using a mixed methods approach, the paper compares 10 different types of concept image constructed by students, which suggests that familiar procedural images are preferred in mathematics. In contrast strategic and conceptual images develop for mechanics throughout the years of the programme, implying that different forms of competence are being constructed by students between the two subjects. The paper argues that this difference is attributed to the perceived use-value of mechanics in the career of the engineer, compared to the exchange-value associated with mathematics. Questions are raised about the relevance of current definitions of competence given that some routine mathematical operations previously performed by engineers are now being replaced by technology, in the new world of work.  相似文献   



An outline is given of a programme in applied chemistry within a classical chemistry department of a university located in a Third World country with certain specific needs. The curriculum has been specifically designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills used by chemists in Jamaican industry. Industry personnel were invited to participate fully in the development of the curriculum as well as in actual instruction. In this way, an attempt was made to bridge the gap between the ‘academic’ and the ‘real’ world.

The Third World has experienced a perennial shortage of skilled professional scientists, including chemical engineers. The role of the applied chemist, as envisaged by the authors, has assumed greater importance in the light of this shortage. The programme outlined can probably serve as a basis for discussion in other developing countries contemplating similar programmes.  相似文献   

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