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One of the Millennium Development Goals is to ensure universal access to primary education by 2015. However, primary school dropout remains a challenge in many developing countries. While official statistics in China report aggregated primary school dropout of only 0.2 %, almost no independent, survey-based studies have sought to verify these dropout rates in rural areas. The primary objective of our study is to document the dropout rate in primary schools in rural China and compare the dropout rate of ethnic minorities and Han students. Using a first-hand dataset of 14,761 primary students in northwest China, we demonstrate that the annual dropout rate in poor rural areas is 2.5 %, suggesting a cumulative dropout of 8.2 %. Importantly, Hui and Salar minority students drop out at rates that are significantly higher than the official rates. Most noteworthy, 23 % of Hui girls and 22 % of Salar girls are dropping out by the end of grade 6. Our findings call for more attention to China’s primary school dropout issue—especially in minority areas. Policymakers should begin to examine new ways to increase the chances for minority students to succeed in the educational system.  相似文献   

云南是一个边疆民族大省,不同层次的中学校长专业发展水平如何将直接影响学校整体的发展水平。采用问卷与访谈的方法,从基本状况、专业发展情况两个维度对云南省民族地区、初级中学、高级中学241名校长的专业发展状况进行了调查与分析,该研究显示,云南少数民族地区中学校长专业水平有较大的层次差异性。分析和探讨这些差异性是促进边疆民族地区中小学校长专业发晨的有效路径。  相似文献   

本文通过《儿童孤独量表》调查边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学学生的孤独感,发现边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学学生的孤独感高于非寄宿制学校的小学生;男生体验到的孤独感要高于女生;低年级的小学生比高年级的小学生体验到更多的孤独感。提出三个方面的建议即建立边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学的亲情补偿机制;加强对边疆民族地区农村寄宿制小学教师心理健康教育方面的培训;构建充满亲情的校园环境。  相似文献   

自我认知是向内的自我探索,是人自我意识的认知部分,包括自我观察和自我评价等。本研究通过编制《基于核心素养的少数民族中小学生自我认知发展状况调查》问卷,以青海、内蒙古等少数民族聚居区为主要调查省份,研究少数民族中小学生自我认知发展现状。研究结果表明:少数民族中小学生自我认知能力整体处于中等偏上水平,其中自我评价能力略高于自我观察能力;出生地和就学地在城市的少数民族中小学生自我认知能力发展较好;父母亲职业稳定,家庭条件优越的少数民族中小学生的自我认知能力更高。基于此,为提高少数民族中小学生的自我认知能力,首先,应重视少数民族中小学生自我认知的发展,营造良好氛围;其次,充分利用少数民族中小学生自身优势,加强教育的针对性;最后,指导少数民族中小学生学会自我分析和自我体验,增强自我了解,提高对自身的满意度。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the educational attainment of Tajikistani adults born between 1947 and 1989. Adults in the oldest cohorts completed school during the educational expansion of the Soviet period and the youngest cohorts completed their education in the post-Soviet period, which was marked by educational contraction. To date, there is not a clear picture of attainment trends during the Soviet period that provide a perspective for judging educational attainment in the post-Soviet period. Using household survey data collected in 2007 by the World Bank, I conduct a synthetic cohort analysis to estimate the likelihood of completing basic, secondary and higher education for men and women; urban and rural residents and ethnic majority and minority citizens. Findings for particular groups are mixed, but in general the gap in educational attainment between advantaged groups and disadvantaged groups narrows during the Soviet era, but widens in the post-Soviet period.  相似文献   

This article analytically describes how the state of mainland China addresses the 'periphery syndrome' of education in its 'peripheral areas' of national minorities. It discusses the rationales, policies, implementations and results for the development of minority basic education. The examination of the 9-year compulsory schooling and the boarding school system for minority pupils suggests contradictions and mismatches between state policies and implementations. The article reveals educational, as well as geographical displacement of minority schooling, particularly the internationally little-known Tibetan Schools and Classes that have been radically developed in the metropolises of Han majority. The dislocation of reform for minority basic education, especially the lack of cultural sensitivity, is further compounded by the ubiquitous practices of pupil tracking and school differentiation in the education system. The author concludes that the policy components of cultural responsiveness should be integrated in minority education development.  相似文献   

对中国城市教育收益率的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2000年中国35个城市工资价位抽样数据分析显示,高中教育收益率低于高等教育收益率;另外,中国城市教育收益率已高于发达国家,但教育收益率在地区间呈不平衡状态,东部地区各级教育收益率都高于西部地区。这一估计结果对我们制定科学合理的人力资本投资战略具有指导意义。  相似文献   

“中小学民族教师汉语培训工程”是我国发展民族教育的重大举措,同时也是一项艰巨的任务,要达到培训的预期目标,必须从培训学员的实际出发,采取合理有效的教学方式。本文针对少数民族小学教师汉语培训中的若干问题,进行了客观分析,阐述了相关对策。  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省小学教师心理健康状况。方法 运用SCL-90量表对海南省291名小学教师进行心理健康状况调查。结果 海南小学教师的心理健康水平低于国内一般成年人;男女教师心理健康状况表现出不同特点;毕业班科任教师心理健康状况不如非毕业班教师;少数民族地区教师心理健康水平较汉族地区教师高;城市教师心理健康水平比乡村的低。结论 要想培养身心健康发展的人,就必须重视小学教师的心理健康问题。  相似文献   

采用问卷方法,对西北贫困地区1700余名少数民族成员的社会情绪进行研究。结果表明,当前西北贫困地区少数民族的社会情绪良好,城乡居民对当前生活以及少数民族政策的贯彻实施满意度很高,但对当地政府部门工作的满意度不高;教育公平是城乡居民关注的焦点问题,认为贫富差距问题和务工就业问题最严重;城乡居民感到压力最大的是子女教育问题。  相似文献   

通过对民族教育"当事者"之一的民族中学校长的教育公平观、公平感受分析,对其工作中诸如学生升学、学校课程、学生就业等方面面临的公平"难题"进行解读,从而总结并梳理了少数民族教育实践者的教育政策期待,以促进并逐步解决少数民族教育公平进程中的深层次问题和矛盾。  相似文献   

英语新课程改革使英语教师素质的提升面临很大的挑战,继续教育是当前解决这一难题的基本途径。太原市郊县区,其经济和教育发展相对落后,中学英语教师的学历水平和专业化程度总体上落后于城市地区。农村中学英语教师继续教育要紧跟时代的发展、不断地更新培训理念,从而满足农村中学英语教师的需求,促使农村教育可持续发展,体现教育公平。  相似文献   

This article investigates the contours of inequality in the context of institutional decline and polarization in educational attainment. Using household survey data collected in 2005–2006 by UNICEF, we conduct synthetic cohort analyses estimating the likelihood of transitioning to secondary and higher education for men and women; urban and rural residents; poor and wealthy; and ethnic majority and minority citizens. Overall, gender and ethnic differences appear to contribute most to the polarization, although poverty and rural residence play a role in some contexts.  相似文献   

少数民族女子是中华民族大家庭中的重要成员,其接受高等教育的状况至今鲜有人研究,文章以汉族女子、全国女性及少数民族男子作为参照物,以教育机会均等为突破口,揭示少数民族女子接受高等教育的民族与地域差异,并进行原因探析和对策研究。  相似文献   

民汉合校的核心目标,是在民族学校与汉族学校合并的基础之上实施双语教育,提高少数民族地区的教育质量,促进各民族之间的共同发展,使各民族达到文化、心理、情感上的融合。达到这一目标,在少数民族地区实行双语教学具有巨大的现实意义。  相似文献   

少数民族中小学生的心理健康关系到民族的素质。近10年的研究表明,国内少数民族中小学生的心理健康水平低于汉族学生。学校、家庭、社会等环境因素以及年龄、性别、人格特质等个体因素是影响其心理健康的主要因素。不过这些研究主要是一些质性的研究,且大多探讨的是一些消极的影响因素,具有民族特色的研究较少,教育干预研究较为缺乏。今后应该尝试从积极心理学的视角,深入探讨民族精神、民族意识、民族性格等因素的影响,发掘少数民族独特的心理健康教育资源,并加强教育干预研究。  相似文献   

Although universities have expanded in size, it is unclear whether the poor have benefited. If there are high returns to college education, then increasing access of the poor to college has important welfare implications. The objective of this paper is to document the rates of enrollment into college of the poor and to identify the hurdles to doing so. Relying on several sets of data, including a survey of college students from universities in three poor provinces in China, we have found that the college matriculation rate of the poor is substantially lower than students from non-poor families; the same is true for rural women and minorities. Clearly, there are barriers that are keeping the rural poor out. The paper also demonstrates that the real hurdles are not during the years of secondary schooling or at the time of admissions to college. The real impediments keeping the rural poor from pursuing a college education arise long before high school—as early as preschool and elementary school years—and are present throughout the entire schooling system.  相似文献   

目的:了解大理州学生视力不良状况和变化趋势,为采取预防控制措施提供依据。方法:按照《历年全国学生体质健康状况调查研究工作手册》的要求,于1991年、2000年、2005年、2010年分别对大理州中小学校学生进行裸眼视力检测。结果:白族、汉族男女生,小学、初中、高中视力不良率均随年份的增加而增加,且视力不良率均随年级的增加而增加。平均视力不良率,小学、初中、高中白族男生分别是15.48%、31.06%、49.26%,女生分别是20.05%、38.83%、58.61%;汉族男生分别是23.07%、52.89%、69.47%,女生分别是28.61%、63.00%、77.58%。2010年汉族城乡男女生视力不良率均是女生高于男生(除男生的视力不良率小学阶段城乡差异无统计学意义外)。视力不良的程度除小学白族女生的视力不良率是以中度为主外,其余都是以重度为主。白族、汉族男女生视力不良均以近视为主,重度视力不良率是汉族学生高于白族学生。结论:大理州学生视力不良率有不断上升的趋势,且以重度视力不良、近视为主,学生近视防治工作应引起社会各界高度重视。  相似文献   

基于甘肃义务教育阶段学生的家庭调查数据,分析了影响西北民族地区农村儿童辍学的因素。研究发现:汉族儿童相对于少数民族儿童更容易入学,男童比女童更容易入学,父母的受教育程度对儿童入学的概率有显著的正向作用,家庭财富和资产对儿童入学有正的影响。在匹配婚姻上,父母一代的婚姻匹配程度相对高于祖父一代,汉族的匹配程度要高于少数民族。  相似文献   

运用自制问卷 ,对昭通市城乡中学生的性别角色意识进行随机抽样调查。结果表明 :有 70 %以上的学生持男女平等的观念 ;但对现实社会地位、社会作用、生理心理差异等问题上 ,存在着性别差异和城乡差异 ,与学生的社会生活经历、生活环境和所受教育等因素有关  相似文献   

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