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《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):178-186
During recent years, some college classrooms have moved away from traditional teacher-centered lecture pedagogies toward learner-centered strategies. Relatively little empirical evidence exists to date assessing the utility of such pedagogies. This exploratory study examined the content and structure of student speech outlines from teacher-centered, lecture-based classes and from learner-centered discussion and experiential-based classes that implement Kolb's (1984) cycle of experiential learning. The results of this examination suggest that students in learner-centered environments do create better outlines than students in teacher-centered, lecture-based classrooms. Future studies should test the generalizability of these results on larger student populations and across curricula.  相似文献   

Plato's mimetic theory proposes art is an imitative representation of nature. Mimesis and imitation have a long history of rhetorical significance. This article investigates the potential impact increased technology might have upon the mimetic nature of the interpretation of poetry within modern forensics performances. Technological advances have made millions of performances available immediately. This vast increase in performance accessibility has created serious implications for repetition and impersonation within the genre of interpretation. As YouTube has made poetry performances visibly and audibly accessible to the masses, literal mimetic performances are quickly taking shape. This article utilizes a classical rhetorical framework upon modern-day technological advancements in an attempt to articulate significant educational benefits and limitations technology has had on mimetic performances for students, coaches, and judges.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of congruence coefficients, which can be used to determine the similarity of factor structures (Tucker, 1951). Although this technique has been widely used, the human communication literature contains no simple explanation of how to calculate congruence coefficients. Therefore, this paper provides information on how to use factor analytic data to compute congruence coefficients. Information on testing congruence coefficients for statistical significance is also provided.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]明确图书情报与档案管理更名为信息资源管理的背景,探讨学科更名后的知识框架和发展路径,为今后的学科建设与教育改革工作提供参考。[方法 /过程]基于教师履历和课程体系等调研数据,从师资队伍、课程体系和专业生源3个不同方面论述学科知识多元化的现象,基于学科基础理论和框架探讨新环境下信息资源管理学科知识的解析方式,并从知识整合的角度出发阐释学科更名后的专业建设路径。[结果 /结论 ]信息资源管理学科存在明显的知识多元化现象,未来应紧密围绕“要素–领域–学科”3层知识解析框架展开研究、教育与实践,在开放的跨学科环境中塑造自身的认同和影响力,以知识整合的具体实践进一步弘扬信息资源管理学科守正拓新的主旋律,优化课程体系的内容与运转机制,并推进多层次的人才培养改革。  相似文献   

文章通过实例,回顾了我国高校图书馆面向社会服务所取得的成绩,并对“十二五”高校图书馆对外开放的难点问题进行探究。  相似文献   

In response to the increased construction of digital scholarship infrastructure in academic libraries this article articulates a new staffing model for the management of digital platforms in the academic library environment. Based on two cases, this article discusses the increased use of digital infrastructure in pedagogy by Library Special Collections at UCLA, and the workflow pressures these infrastructures created that challenge traditional staff roles. Digital infrastructures are then framed as types of boundary object, catering to multiple communities of practice. In order to tend to these boundary infrastructures, a new staffing model has been introduced—that of the boundary staff—whose primary purpose would be to support these hybrid infrastructures and more effectively integrate them into the general library environment. This approach to digital project collaboration can set the stage for more flexible and innovative digital instruction, building on the current skillsets of library staff to facilitate new modes of faculty and librarian partnerships.  相似文献   

Based on almost 50 years of combined experience as prison activists and prison teachers, the authors offer three case studies of prison activism and pedagogy in action. The first case study, by Hartnett, details the “artistry of agency” as enacted in poetry workshops in prison and in public poetry events, thus illustrating artistic communication. The second, by Wood, examines how friendship becomes political in the epistolary communication between free and imprisoned correspondents, thus addressing interpersonal communication. The third, by McCann, addresses web-based communication as a tool for advocacy for condemned prisoner/activists on Texas’s death row, and hence political communication. Taken as a whole, the three case studies celebrate different communication strategies as avenues of enlightenment and empowerment while offering powerful arguments for abolishing the prison–industrial complex.  相似文献   

国内图书馆微博建设现状及发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过调查,对国内图书馆微博的数量和内容进行了分析,总结归纳出国内图书馆微博存在主体不统一、缺乏认证、内容偏向单一等问题,并对其今后的建设与发展提出了若干针对性建议.  相似文献   

浅谈公共图书馆与高校图书馆信息资源的共建共享   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对公共图书馆与高校图书馆信息资源共建共享的必要性和可行性的分析和探讨,提出了实现两类图书馆资源共建共享的途径和办法。参考文献4。  相似文献   

In 2009, the Climate Research Unit had over 1,000 private e-mails stolen and made publicly available. Quickly, several of the e-mails were widely reported in the media: supposedly providing proof of conspiracy among scientists supporting the Anthropogenic Climate Change hypothesis. Despite the inaccuracy of the accusations, the charge of conspiracy stuck. In this essay, I argue that a set of interrelated variables (existing anti-elitism, the consistency of the charge with existing ideology, the perceived accuracy of the narrative, and the poor rhetorical response by the accused) caused the Climategate conspiracy to resonate even after the charge was proven false. This essay adds to contemporary rhetorical theory about conspiracy theory by considering variables beyond paranoid style and accuracy of the charge.  相似文献   

Previous research examining the accuracy of deception detection judgments by individuals has concluded that the ability to detect deception is only slightly better than chance. Research has also found that individuals tend to be over‐confident, truth‐biased, and reliant on nonverbal behavior when making veracity judgments. This study (N = 129) tested if differences in deception detection accuracy, truth‐bias, judgmental confidences, and self‐reported cue reliance exist between individual judges and groups of individuals working in collaboration. No significant differences between groups and individuals emerged for accuracy, truth‐bias, or self‐reported cue reliance. Individuals within groups, however, were significantly more confident in their decisions than individuals working alone.  相似文献   

我国图书馆学研究与其他学科的交叉日益普遍。通过对我国公开发表的图书馆学论文统计分析可以看出,我国图书馆学研究与多学科交叉存在着涉及学科广泛、程度日益加深、技术依赖强、紧贴时代主题等特点。因此,我国图书馆学界应该在今后的研究中打破传统,革新理念;顺应趋势,未雨绸缪;戒热忌斥,客观对待;积极培养,储备人才;博采众长,发展自我。  相似文献   

本文针对东北地区省立图书馆的学术成果进行分析评价,通过对比分析,旨在促进公共图书馆学术水平的提高,更好的为国家的政治、经济、文化等建设服务。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify pay disparities within gender and race using private and public Association of Research Libraries (ARL) libraries as a lens. In this study, 44 ARL libraries participated, leading to 1099 usable responses to our survey. The findings indicate that race and gender pay disparities are larger at private libraries than at public libraries. However, disparity levels at both public and private ARL libraries are smaller than the national averages for all professions and continue to shrink.  相似文献   

The ethics of academic library collection development are discussed within the context of the polarized political climate of the United States. The ethics are examined in regard to collection development and the exercise of professional judgment. Legislation introduced in the State of Colorado is used as an example of a manifestation of the political polarization. The legislation's possible effects upon the academic freedom of librarians are examined. The limitations of the ethical principle of neutrality and rationale for engaging in advocacy are explored. An expansion of the teaching role of academic technical services librarians is recommended.  相似文献   

田野调查:人类学方法在图书馆学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田野调查是人类学标志性的科学方法,与文献研究、问卷调查、科学实验、案例分析等方法相比有着自身的特点。田野调查法的原则、技术可以移植到图书馆学研究之中,适用于研究图书馆事业的边缘地带,从多方面说明研究对象,展示原生事物存在的合理性及其寓意。现有图书馆学的田野调查实践,也证实了人类学方法与图书馆学交叉是有效的。图书馆学借鉴人类学田野调查方法,有助于丰富自身方法论内容,也有助于提升图书馆学跨学科研究的能力。参考文献31。  相似文献   

互联网上的中外学术期刊资源比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤宁 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(3):52-53
文章主要介绍互联网上几个主要的学术期刊资源 ,并就中外有关情况进行比较研究。  相似文献   

1972年美国图书馆史学家迈克尔·哈里斯发表《历史视角下的美国公共图书馆目标:一种修正式解读》,从社会阶层论视角爬梳美国公共图书馆的起源及其领袖人物的图书馆目标,认为公共图书馆是社会精英阶层用以管理和控制社会的工具,批评传统进步主义图书馆史学家对相关问题的理想化认识。以菲莉丝·戴恩为代表的进步主义图书馆史学家认为公共图书馆是民主和人道主义的产物。戴恩批评哈里斯的修正式观点因缺乏扎实论据而失于偏颇。双方展开了1970年代美国图书馆史研究中的“哈里斯-戴恩论战”,引发学界对公共图书馆的起源和目标的深刻反思,对图书馆史研究的方法论和发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

公共图书馆单一供给的缺陷及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
葛霞 《图书馆杂志》2008,27(5):29-31
图书馆产品是典型的具有正外部性的公益性产品,对供给和消费的扶持和鼓励是政府和全社会的共同责任.本文在分析了图书馆产品政府单一供给模式缺陷的基础上,提出了图书馆产品多元供给的改革对策.  相似文献   

胡浩志  耿卓  邓菁 《出版科学》2016,24(1):45-48
专家审稿制是一种保障学术期刊质量、促进学术繁荣的重要机制。专家审稿与编辑审稿之间不是替代关系而是互补关系。职业校对也无法取代编辑校对,相反,学术编辑将取代职业校对人员,完成校对工作。在专家审稿制度背景下,学术期刊编辑需要重新进行职业定位,做一名杰出的初审者、优秀的学术研究者、卓越的校对者、出色的学术联络者以及干练的学术信息推送者,才能提升自我价值。  相似文献   

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