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犹太复国主义运动是由于犹太人在欧洲遭受歧视和迫害而逐渐兴起的一场旨在推动犹太人回归巴勒斯坦的政治世俗运动。作为一场促使犹太民族重建民族家园的运动,它从犹太教信仰中汲取了众多思想精华,推动了复国主义的发展并最终建立了以色列国。然而,以建国为目标的犹太复国主义思想在以色列建立之后并未消失,而是始终存在于以色列社会之中,并对以色列国家政策的判定、实施产生了重大影响,也在某种程度上影响了以色列的和平、安定与繁荣发展。  相似文献   

针对人们对体育教师的偏见的认识,提出了“学者型”体育教师的论题,并讨论了“学者型”体育教师的概念、“学者型”体育教师的形象特征以及“学者型”体育教师培养途径和措施,以期对我国体育师资队伍建设有所帮助,提供理论上的参考依据.  相似文献   

After presenting the essential principles relevant to the education of teachers, according to which the Israeli educational system is organised, the article examines teacher education patterns in the various institutions in Israel. These are divided into institutions for the education of teachers in nursery schools and elementary schools run by the State, and schools of education in the universities which train teachers for secondary schools.

Ideological concepts divide the institutions of both kinds into those that train teachers for religious and non‐religious nursery schools and elementary schools.

The teacher training institutions in Israel (together with the whole educational system) have been immersed, during recent years, in a process of reform which reflects the changes that Israeli society has undergone since the establishment of the State.  相似文献   

以色列中小学教育投资研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以色列从建国起就形成了由中央政府、地方政府和社会共同承担教育投入的体制。在这个体制中,中小学教育投资占全社会教育投入的一半以上。其中,以色列中央政府对中小学教育的投入又占中小学教育投入的大部分。除此之外,以色列还通过立法等手段保证对中小学教育的投入。  相似文献   

阿哈德·哈姆提出的精神复国主义是世界犹太复国主义理论体系的重要组成部分。犹太人困境与犹太教困境为精神复国主义的崛起奠定了基础。以阿哈德·哈姆为代表的精神复国主义是作为政治复国主义的修正观而出现的。他批判以赫茨尔为代表的政治复国主义者不切实际的外交理论与实践、忽略了对犹太民族自身族性的重塑,主张将巴勒斯坦确立为犹太人的精神中心、恢复希伯来语的使用和繁荣希伯来文学。在巴勒斯坦的移民与拓殖问题上,阿哈德·哈姆对以热爱锡安组织为代表的犹太殖民者在巴勒斯坦地区垦殖的不合理方式提出了批评并对未来的阿犹冲突提出了早期的预警。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年里,比较教育领域发生了重要的变化.受比较教育学者的论述和不同语言及文化等背景因素的影响,世界上不同地区的比较教育领域具有各自不同的特点.本文主要关注世界比较教育学会联合会(WCCES)的作用,介绍了WCCES的运作形式以及随着时间的流逝其面对的某些压力及转变.  相似文献   

文化犹太复国主义是不同于政治犹太复国主义的另一条犹太民族主义之路,它激烈地批评了政治犹太复国主义的理论和实践,在复国内涵和方式方面提出了富有价值的新观点。应该说,这两种复国思想都存在合理性的一面,两者既相互矛盾又互为补充,在不同程度上为犹太复国主义事业所接受,并且两条道路的合流引导犹太复国主义事业走向了最终胜利。  相似文献   

也谈学术期刊的编辑学者化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦刚 《德州学院学报》2009,25(1):104-105
当今学术期刊的发展趋向要求编辑走向学者化的道路。编辑学者化要求编辑不仅在编辑学领域具有较高的学术造诣和鉴赏水平,而且在相关的专业领域也应该具有较高的研究水平,只有如此编辑才能衡量他人研究成果的价值。学者作为编辑进入审稿过程,首先应该是鉴赏,用专业的眼光去审视。同时在审稿过程中,也会对自己的专业研究起到积极的影响和促进作用,最终提升学术期刊的品位,提高办刊质量和办刊水平。  相似文献   

Physical education lacks a set of superordinate research questions to guide our crossdiscipline, and it also lacks an overarching mission and set of goals to guide our profession. It is contended here that clarifying the possibilities and limitations that exist in our society for provision of services by experts in exercise and sports could help us to clarify the mission and goals of our profession, and this in turn could facilitate the development of a set of vital, superordinate scholarly questions around which our crossdiscipline could coalesce. This enterprise requires scholarly investigation of sports and exercise in relation to the social contexts in which they are most frequently embedded—health, leisure, and education. Sociocultural inquiry is ideally suited to examine such phenomena, and therefore it is contended that sociocultural scholars are of crucial importance to the future of our field  相似文献   

As distinguished from the formal, political science-oriented citizenship curriculum studied exclusively in secondary schools, civic education-learning develops throughout the young-mature citizen's life in Israel. The analysis of the role and learning of two primary civic myths--'Israel is a Jewish and a democratic state' and 'Israelis are Jews'--demonstrates how this learning takes place through 'formations' of hegemony such as the family, the media, civic militarism as well as through schools' statist and social curricula. Successes of civic education enable the civic myths to be vibrant, gestalt worlds of meaning for Jewish Israelis, and sites of resistance for ultra-orthodox Jewish as well as Palestinian citizens of Israel. On the other hand, as an ethnocracy, democracy in civic Israel is not a meaningful world of value but rather a means to manage political processes. Therefore, the Israel case study is insightful for understanding the limitations of civic and citizenship education that seeks to advance democratic-oriented values such as human rights, liberty, justice, tolerance, civility, coexistence, pluralism and an alternative concept of Israel as a civil society.  相似文献   

北京市西城区教育学会成立于1984年,十几年来,由成立之初的6个专业委员会,300多名会员,发展到今天33个专业委员会,4500多名会员,是北京市普教系统最大的区县级学会。通过什么活动来吸引会员积极参与,是学会工作生命质量的关键所在。我们认为:只有不断提高学术活动的质量,才能使学会工作具有旺盛的生命力。在学术研究中,我们遵循的主要原则是:一学术研究要抓住热点,体现时代气息围绕热点问题开展研究,及时澄清会员的模糊认识,使教育沿着正确的轨道前进,可以调动会员参与学术活动的积极性。例如,在实施素质教育…  相似文献   

‘Non‐traditional’ students are increasingly a part of university populations. This study examined differences between mature age and younger university students in their learning and study strategies as measured by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI). Subjects were 21 mature age and 104 younger teacher education students enrolled in The Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) course at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Significant correlations were found between the students' LASSI scores and both their self‐reported level of global skill and their perceptions of how difficult the course was. There were significant differences between the two groups in terms of their learning and study strategies, with mature age students reporting themselves to be using effective strategies more often, on average, than younger students. The validity and implications of these findings in terms of student learning, support and instruction in study and learning and in predicting academic success are discussed.  相似文献   

以色列作为中东地区发达国家,其发达的创新创业教育是推动国家科技进步和经济发展的不竭动力。以色列理工学院作为以色列甚至全球领先的创业型大学,通过培育创新创业文化、引进先进创业师资、开发创新创业课程、完善创新创业组织架构、促进科研成果转化等一系列措施已经构建起了成熟的创新创业教育生态系统,对以色列甚至整个世界均产生了重要影响。这对于我国高校创新创业教育生态系统的构建具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A century ago, Israel Friedlaender—scholar, communal activist, and educator—played a key role in such educational institutions as the Teachers Institute of JTS, the Bureau of Jewish Education, the Menorah Society, Young Israel, and Young Judea. A JTS professor and prolific writer, Friedlaender has been described as “the teacher of the Jewish youth of that generation.” Yet, scant attention has been devoted to exploring his educational thought and action agenda. This retrospective focuses on Friedlaender’s activities and impact in advancing Jewish education and considers the relationship of his legacy to current directions in the field.  相似文献   

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