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内尔·诺丁斯(Nel Noddings)是当代世界德育论坛的大成者,她的"幸福教育观"在当今人类社会理性至上、意义缺失、精神危机的大背景下,对于中小学的德育工作具有重大意义。她的"幸福教育观"以"关怀伦理学"为基础,为教育注入"关怀"的理念和行动指南。她的以"幸福"为角度的教育目的论、多元开放的幸福内涵论、基于生活的幸福来源论、崇尚选择的幸福教育论成为中小学德育新的关注方向和实践方法。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,公平问题越来越成为人们关注的焦点,高等教育大众化的到来将高等教育公平问题推到了历史舞台的最前沿。社会分层与高等教育公平问题成为教育社会学关注的焦点,社会分层对高等教育入学机会和专业选择有着重要影响。  相似文献   

在对21世纪初叶教育事业发展及历史学科发展趋势进行分析的基础上,依据目前中国师范院校的实际特点,对高等师范专科学校历史学科的建设提出了改革的新设想和新思路。  相似文献   

西方平等思想经历了一个漫长的发展过程,在人类历史当中对于平等思想的阐述的思想家也不胜枚举,从古希腊的普罗泰戈拉到上个世纪一些思想家都对平等问题作了不同的阐述。在人类发展的不同历史阶段上平等也包含着不同的内涵,它已经成为西方政治文化的一部分,是人类永恒的追求。  相似文献   

尧是中国古史传说中杰出的部落首领,长期以来与舜、禹一起被视为古代圣王政治之典范。尧天舜日更被视为理想中的大至盛时期,幸福美满的代名词。而他们治世方略的基本思路却是由尧起始和奠定的。根据有限的文献资料及近年来对冀西的考古调查和发掘实物,在厘清帝尧传说真相的基础上,着重考证“尧文化”的最早发源地为今天保定市境内的顺平、望都与唐县;同时探讨尧的历史贡献、尧文化的思想内涵及其对现代文明的积极影响。  相似文献   

周敦颐作为理学开创者,对二程最重要的启示是“孔颜之乐”。“孔颜之乐”涉及儒家的境界论问题,主要讨论的是,人的生命存在如何由有限而达到无限。在这个问题上,周敦颐以“道德有于身”进行了初步回答,二程则继续深化,提出颜子之所乐,在于经验世界与价值世界合一而产生的精神快乐。此外,抛开历史记录,论文以犹太哲学家马丁布伯的“我与你”理论,对“颜子所乐何事”提供另一种思路的哲学阐释。  相似文献   

被马克思和恩格斯称为"希腊人中第一个百科全书式的学者"的西方哲学家德谟克利特,是西方伦理学思想史上最早的唯物主义幸福论代表人物。他在认识论的基础上,对于"幸福的来源","什么是幸福","如何才能得到幸福"等问题作了系统而完整的阐述。随着我国由生存型社会向发展型社会的转变,社会发展的根本目的不再是社会财富的最大化,而在于以实现物质生活和精神生活相统一的国民幸福最大化。因此,研究德谟克利特唯物主义幸福论的合理内核,对提高我国国民幸福感具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

For over 25 years in some countries and more recently in others, bilingual education involving sign language and the written/spoken vernacular has been considered an essential educational intervention for deaf children. With the recent growth in universal newborn hearing screening and technological advances such as digital hearing aids and cochlear implants, however, more deaf children than ever before have the potential for acquiring spoken language. As a result, the question arises as to the role of sign language and bilingual education for deaf children, particularly those who are very young. On the basis of recent research and fully recognizing the historical sensitivity of this issue, we suggest that language planning and language policy should be revisited in an effort to ensure that they are appropriate for the increasingly diverse population of deaf children.  相似文献   

South Asia's historical heritage of ideas and practices for educating children with special needs contains many of the approaches that western teachers discovered independently in the past 150 years. These include close observation of children's current abilities, adjusting the curriculum to individual needs, valuing the social benefits even where intellectual progress is weak, allowing more time for learning, using specially designed materials, educating children with disabilities in ordinary schools, and providing role models of adult achievers who have disabilities. These approaches are here illustrated with stories from ancient India and educational documents from the British Raj. The cultural heritage has largely been ignored during the inflow of western educational ideas to South Asia. Some of the simpler approaches were displaced by the growing professionalisation of special education in the late 19th century. Casual integration of children with mild and moderate disabilities is still obscured in modern integration debates. To facilitate exchanges on a basis of mutual respect and reciprocity, the cultural and conceptual riches of South Asia's educational history must be rediscovered.  相似文献   

张俊洪  陈铿 《成人教育》2013,(11):126-128
夸美纽斯是一位对17世纪西方近代教育理论和教学研究贡献最大的划时代人物。他的教育实践经验十分丰富,教育理论著作众多。由于夸美纽斯的教育理论对我国教育实践具有重大的启示作用,因而探究夸美纽斯教育理论的历史作用以及其对教育思想史的影响,有着巨大的现实意义与理论意义。  相似文献   

Current policy developments are intended to broaden the group of children receiving special education provisions traditionally reserved for those with mild intellectual disability. A definite policy has been formulated to close special classes and the use of individualized intelligence testing has been largely discontinued as a basis for establishing special educational need‐‐thus ostensibly providing greater flexibility for service allocation. The term “backward” (the traditional term for mild intellectual disability in New Zealand) has been rejected, and children with mild intellectual disability are now included in a new category “children with educational and social difficulties"‐‐a category which also includes children with specific learning difficulties, those with mild sensory disabilities, and those with mild emotional/behavioural difficulties. It is argued that available resources are grossly insufficient to provide high quality special educational services for all “children with educational and social difficulties,” that the decision to close special classes represents a premature and unsound reduction in the range of options available to children with mild intellectual disability, and that research into the effects of current policies on the lives of learners with mild intellectual disability and their families is urgently required but will now be very difficult to undertake.  相似文献   

简婕  马萍  张晓彤 《电化教育研究》2021,42(4):18-22,52
技术的教育价值一直是教育技术学者孜孜以求的终极问题。新冠肺炎疫情的出现成为人们再次思考这一问题的契机。从21世纪对人的发展要求出发,世界各国已经达成了广泛共识--以高阶思维能力为核心的21世纪技能是当下教育的宗旨。从技术作为人类获得自由和解放的场域来说,面向高阶思维能力发展的技术使人获得了发挥自身创造性的权利自由与解放。这种旨在让人成为未来社会的主人(主体向度),并有能力积极改造社会(社会力量向度)的教育价值观彰显了教育的元价值。古往今来,技术在教育活动中一直扮演着中介的角色。而在21世纪的教育活动中,技术应当成为教育元价值的中介。  相似文献   

本研究以我国31个省份的教育数据为基础,通过对教育人力、财力和物力资源省级差异的分析,发现了教育中部塌陷现象——即中部四省的教育发展水平不但远远落后于东部沿海省份,而且还落后于西部地区众多省份,成为我国教育发展中的塌陷地区;同时还发现,中部四省的社会经济发展相对滞后和财政实力弱化、国家教育政策有选择倾向性的非均衡发展策略和中部四省教育供求关系等原因,共同造成了教育中部塌陷现象的发生和加剧。  相似文献   

从现代生态学视角研究教育是一种新的理念、新的方式,有着重要的现实意义。本文在前人研究的基础上,揭示并归纳出整体关联规律、动态平衡规律、协同进化规律、教育节律、富集规律、限制因子规律、耐度最适度规律等七条教育生态规律,它们是教育生态原理和规律的体现,是进行教育改革、制定教育规划和政策、指导教育实践、解决教育危机的理论基础和依据。  相似文献   

20世纪中国教育学发展之镜鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪中国教育学经历了四个阶段,即启蒙教育学阶段、救亡教育学阶段、意识形态教育学阶段和非意识形态教育学阶段。从共时态的角度来看,教育学是否是一门科学的追问一直响彻20世纪;教育学基本理论何以存在的探求一直在代代教育学者群中构成追问。因此,如何使我国传统教育思想的“因子”在引介西方教育思想的背景下得到激活是20世纪中国教育学发展的再一主题。  相似文献   

It can be argued that agricultural science is one of the original forms of science education. However, over the past century, agricultural science education has habitually been perceived as an educational venue meant solely for production agriculturalists. When examining modern agricultural education we find it to be a minority within the broader field of science education, contradicting its historically stout scientific standing within the sciences. This educational shift leaves one to ponder the historic development of contemporary agricultural education. To gain deeper insight into these questions we reviewed the historical evolution of agricultural education within the United States. We then examined the professional habitus, or cultural nuances, associated with contemporary agricultural education. Next, we considered potential outcomes associated with the profession embracing post-modern perspectives within mainstream science and community-based education. Finally, we call for critical venues within agriculture education to question the status quo and challenge the acceptance of commonly held views.  相似文献   

积极心理学是20世纪末在西方兴起的一股全新的心理学思潮,对高职院校心理健康教育具有深远的意义,可以从幸福感目标的树立、积极情绪体验、积极心理品质和积极校园文化环境建设四个方面构建基于积极心理学视角的高职院校心理健康教育。  相似文献   

Comparability between different educational qualifications is an important issue within policy discourse in the UK. In this context, the comparability of qualification demands has been explored through the use of expert human judgement. The involvement of human judgement in estimating assessment demands has consequences for methodology. This review considered the ways that the Kelly's Repertory Grid (KRG) technique has been used to compare assessment demands over recent years. The review involved the identification and analysis of research documents as well as consideration of the original theory on which the KRG method was founded. This article describes how the technique has been adapted as it has shifted from its original psychotherapeutic context to be used in educational assessment and comparability studies. The review also explored possible disadvantages that stem from these adaptations, leading to recommendations to ensure the validity of findings when using the technique in educational assessment studies.  相似文献   

戏剧在西方是一门古老的艺术,其历史可追溯到公元前6世纪古希腊罗马的酒神祭祀。伴随着漫长的历史变迁,戏剧本身,无论是在内容或形式上,也经历了巨大的变革。在对西方不同时期的戏剧进行比较的基础上,阐述现代、后现代主义戏剧所表现的戏剧的一个发展趋势,即对深层戏剧形式的解构,称之为“推动力的削弱”。  相似文献   

李孔珍  张力 《教育研究》2006,27(4):11-18
以西部大开发五年多来的教育发展为背景,采用德尔菲咨询法,调查了国内30位专家对区域教育发展战略选择和西部教育政策调整方向的意见。多数专家认为,在区域教育发展战略的选择上,应当均衡地普及九年义务教育以及高中阶段教育,非均衡地调整高等教育布局,促使国家扶持、东部地区支持与西部地区自身努力有机结合,坚持走区域特色发展、分类推进的路子。在西部教育政策的调整上,要加强中央政府政策与西部地方政府政策之间的配套;进一步协调部门政策,以切合西部教育发展实际;加强中央政策的法律支撑体系和良性运行机制建设;采取不同方式处理东、中、西部及西部内部地区之间的关系;健全投入体制,深化办学体制改革和制度创新。  相似文献   

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