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陈贺丽 《文教资料》2013,(26):195-196
建构主义理论彻底颠覆了以教师为中心的传统教学法,教师的角色由传统的传递知识的权威者转变为学生学习的辅导者、促进者.作者结合自己的实际教学,浅析了如何利用建构主义理论指导基础日语教学的具体问题,以期达到建构主义理论和传统教学法相结合,提高课堂教学质量的目的.  相似文献   

建构主义提倡在教师的指导下以学生为中心的学习。用建构主义学习理论指导计算机教学,改进计算机教学方法,对于提高课堂教学质量,改革传统教学,培养学生的创新精神、实践能力、认知能力,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

学习活动是一种创造性的理解。建构主义理论指导下的有效学习主要指学生自主的、探索性的、研究性的学习。在建构主义学习理论指导下的课堂教学,教师正确地把握教育目标,吃透教育内容去创造性地利用,组织形式多样的数学活动,合理利用教学载体等去提高课堂教学的有效性,让学生在学习过程中充分发挥主体地位,教师在活动中应注重学生互助、合作交流,并用心与学生进行充分的沟通。  相似文献   

在教学中运用建构主义和人本主义理论指导教学实践,将有利于改变教师在教学中的形象和地位,充分发挥学生学习的积极性和创造性,促进课堂教学的改革和素质教育的实施.本文就如何在教学中运用建构主义和人本主义理论进行有意义的尝试与思考.  相似文献   

建构主义理论作为教育心理学最新发展的成果,对计算机教学起着重要的指导作用.在信息技术课教学中运用建构主义理论指导教学实践,能够充分发挥学生学习的积极性和创造性,促进课堂教学的改革和素质教育的实施.利用计算机和网络的丰富资源,结合建构主义教育教学,使计算机课程教学更加丰富生动,是我们不断探索的目标.  相似文献   

刘芳 《甘肃教育》2008,(3):23-23
建构主义理论内容十分丰富.但就其教育论的核心观念则可概括为:以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对所学知识意义的主动建构。要提高思想政治课的教学实效,仅靠传统的教学方式已远远不能适应现实教学的需要.而运用建构主义理论指导教学实践.将有利于改变教师在教学中的形象和地位,也能够充分发挥学生学习的积极性和创造性.并促进课堂教学的改革和素质教育的实施,使学生得到全面的发展。  相似文献   

建构主义理论是当代最为流行的学习理论,它强调学习过程中学习者的主动性、建构性,强调学习过程的情景性、社会性。认为“情景、协作、对话、意义建构”是学习环境中的四大要素。建构主义理论是对传统教学的改革。在教学实践中运用建构主义理论指导化学教学设计,必将给化学教学设计注入新的生命力。下面介绍在建构主义理论指导下的“化学反应速率”一节的课堂教学设计,愿与同行切磋,共同提高。1教学设计指导思想建构主义认为,学习是学习者主动地建构内部心理表征的过程。是学生通过自己独特的认知方式和生活经验,对外在信息的独特理解、感悟…  相似文献   

大学英语阅读教学长期囿于以教师为中心的教学模式,学生的阅读能力提高缓慢。为了弥补传统阅读教学注重语言学习的不足,本次实验教学设计了以拓展学生英语阅读背景知识为主题的课堂活动,活动的内容和形式遵循了社会建构主义的教学原则。本次阅读活动由教师设计课外阅读任务,并且提供大量机会让学生相互交流。活动达到了多个教学目标,是在建构主义理论指导下进行阅读课堂教学改革的有益尝试。  相似文献   

建构主义主张教学应以学生为中心,学生是积极主动建构知识的认知主体.建构主义强调学习是学生对当前所学知识意义主动建构的过程,而教师是教学过程的组织者、指导者、意义建构的帮助者.本文阐述了建构主义学习理论及教学模式,并从学生学习实际情况出发,结合切身教学体验,提出提高大学生自我成长课堂教学有效性的教学策略.  相似文献   

当前,建构主义学习理论以迅猛之势渗透到各个学科教育领域.这场革命对语文教学来说,意义极为重大.传统的小学语文教学,存在着许多重模式,轻内容;重结论,轻过程;重结构,轻背景经验;重工具,轻人文精神等不足.因此,用建构主义学习理论指导小学语文教学设计,要注重培养学生的主体参与意识;注重创设真实性情境.  相似文献   

Guided by affection exchange theory, the present study examined the associations among deceptive affectionate messages (DAMs) during sexual activity and duration of post-sex affectionate behavior, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. Two-hundred twenty-eight participants ages 18–30, the majority of whom identified as White, completed a survey assessing deceptive and sexual communication. Linear regression and serial mediation using sexual satisfaction and post-sex affectionate behavior as sequential mediators revealed that more DAMs are associated with less sexual satisfaction, less post-sex communication, and less relationship satisfaction. The findings provide a more complete picture of how DAMs affect sexual encounters and may be used to inform interventions aimed at promoting healthier sexual relationships. Additionally, the implications for affection exchange theory are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper tests hypotheses based on Garland and Dougher's (1990) formulation of the "victim to victimizer" relationship which is a social learning theory etiological approach to adolescent sexual offending. METHOD: Two hundred sixteen adolescent sexually victimized sexual offenders and 93 adolescent sexually victimized nonsexual offending delinquents from three Michigan sexual offender treatment facilities participated in an anonymous cross-sectional survey regarding their sexual victimization and offending as well as a social desirability measure. RESULTS: When comparing the two groups, nonsexually offending delinquents and sexually offending delinquents, the latter were found to have: closer relationships with their perpetrators; a higher chance of having a male perpetrator(s); a longer duration of sexual victimization; more forceful sexual victimization; and the experience of penetration as part of their sexual victimization. Logistic regression showed that the gender of the perpetrators being both male and female and the forcefulness of the perpetrators were the best predictors of being in the sexual offender group. CONCLUSIONS: The social learning theory hypotheses were generally supported. Further multivariate research on this theory is warranted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The prevalence and characteristics of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) among men who have sex with men (MSM), and links with sexual risk are explored. A model linking CSA and sexual risk among MSM is proposed. METHOD: A telephone probability sample of urban MSM (n = 2881) was recruited and interviewed between November 1996 and February 1998. The interview covered numerous health issues, including history of sexual victimization. RESULTS: One-fifth reported CSA, primarily by non-family perpetrators. Initial CSA experiences are characterized by high levels of force (43% involved physical force/weapons), and penetrative sex (78%; 46% reported attempted or actual anal intercourse). Such men are more likely than nevercoerced men to engage in high risk sex (unprotected anal intercourse with a non-primary partner or with a serodiscordant male). In multivariate analyses, the effect of childhood sexual coercion on sexual risk is mediated by substance use, patterns of sexual contacts, and partner violence, but not by adult sexual revictimization or by depression. CONCLUSIONS: Findings are interpreted within the context of social learning theory and prior research on sexual risk-taking. The high risk for CSA among MSM, which can predispose such men to patterns of HIV sexual risk, warrants new approaches in HIV prevention.  相似文献   

This comparative study examined the relationship between self-efficacy theory and contraceptive practices in male and female adolescents enrolled in Midwestern University. A survey method was employed to obtain data from 101 female and 106 male subjects aged 18-20, sexually active, single, and who had one sexual partner for at least 3 months. Findings suggest that both genders need to develop the necessary communication skills in sexual matters and contraceptive issues. Females scored low on several self-efficacy statements that involve the ability to communicate about sexual matters and securing the use of contraception. They also obtained a low score in statements that require assertiveness in preventing sexual intercourse in highly involved situations. Meanwhile, male subjects scored low in items involving communication skills. Finally, contraceptive self-efficacy was found to be significantly different for males and females in the following areas: females need to learn how to assume responsibility and to become more effective in securing contraceptives; and males need to learn to be assertive about avoiding sexual intercourse when not using contraception and to develop the ability to talk about using contraceptives.  相似文献   

Good quality teacher education and training has been acknowledged as an effective strategy to reduce sexual prejudice against sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning/queer [LGBQ]) students. However, no mandated programmes have been developed to include LGBQ-related content in teacher training in Hong Kong, a Chinese society in which heterosexism prevails. Based on the concepts of sexual prejudice, minority stress and contact theory, this paper explores the international and regional literature on LGBQ students’ school experiences, highlighting the significant role teachers play in supporting these students to transgress sexual prejudice, and presenting suggested themes and strategies for teacher training programmes, drawn from qualitative interviews with eleven Chinese teacher allies. Data analysis led to the identification of the following themes: 1) starting sexual diversity training officially; 2) reconsidering assumptions; 3) engaging with relevant cultural knowledge and skills; and 4) using dialogue as a training strategy. This paper argues that accurate content about sexual diversity should be incorporated into the professional teacher training curriculum, with updated sexuality concepts and prejudice-free, LGBQ-inclusive language relevant to the Chinese cultural context. Teachers need to become more aware of how sexual prejudice is manifested through cultural forces. Intergroup contact can be included as a useful training strategy.  相似文献   



The goal of the current study was to examine the extent to which child sexual abuse (CSA) and particular characteristics of CSA are associated with pedophilic interest and sexual recidivism.


Subjects were 462 adult male sexual offenders who had been incarcerated in Canadian federal prisons.


Compared to sexual offenders who had not been sexually abused, those who had been sexually abused before age 16 sexually offended against significantly younger victims and had significantly more indicators of pedophilic interest. This was the case whether we examined self-reported or officially documented CSA. Offenders who had been sexually abused exclusively by a male had significantly more indicators of pedophilic interest than those who had been sexually abused exclusively by a female. These findings are consistent with past research and theory suggesting that CSA may play a role in pedophilia and sexual offending against children. CSA exclusively by a female abuser predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism than abuse by a male or both a male and female abuser. Among offenders with victims 15 years old or younger, a closer relationship between offender and abuser predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism. The relationship between CSA and sexual recidivism was significantly moderated by actuarial risk. More specifically, CSA predicted higher rates of sexual recidivism among higher risk offenders, but CSA did not predict sexual recidivism among lower risk offenders. This novel finding raises the possibility that CSA may play a role in sexual recidivism for some offenders.


If future research replicates this CSA by risk interaction and identifies the constructs and processes involved, CSA may be worth considering in risk assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

In the midst of a generalised HIV and AIDS epidemic in southern Africa, the argument for more coordinated and comprehensive youth sexual health interventions is intensifying. Yet the crucial question of how best to provide young people with these skills and knowledge remains a key challenge for policy-makers, researchers and practitioners in our region. Moreover, amongst the available literature on sex education in southern Africa, few authors have taken an applied perspective, to look at fresh approaches and tools with the potential to be implemented more broadly. This paper argues for a greater focus on concepts of masculinity and sexuality in the development of sexual health efforts in southern Africa. It aims to bridge theory and practice by advancing six promising approaches with the potential to create a suitable space and environment for participants to engage with these issues. Approaches include methods and tools currently being implemented in existing programmes, as well as ideas emerging from recent literature. Our paper is ultimately a call for further ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking to find more effective and creative practical ways of providing the sexual health education our region's youth urgently needs. It is also a call for more applied research, to better inform future sex education programmes in southern Africa.  相似文献   

性基因数量与性别决定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有性基因的存在,就必然有性基因数量的存在.本文用各型生物各种染色体在性别决定中的相对作用来代表它们含性基因的相对数量,以此讨论性基因数量与性别决定的关系,从而揭示出雌雄异体生物的性别,是在性型结构与性基因数量的双重机制作用下,由有效数量大的X基因或Y基因来决定的.X基因与Y基因的有效数量的比率──性指数X/Y和Y/X:为1.0时,发育为中性;小于2.0和为2.0时,发育为性发育不完善的雌性和性发育不完善的雄性及异常雌性和异常雄性;为2.0和大于2.0时,发育为正常雄性和正常雌性;为3,0和大于3O时,发育为超雌性和超雄性.这个理论能取代现有的性别决定学说,统一解释雌雄异体生物的性别决定,把它称之为“性基因数量决定学说”.  相似文献   

Most incarcerated women suffer from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as abuse (e.g., physical, sexual, emotional), neglect, (e.g., physical, emotional), and chaotic home environments (e.g., witnessing domestic violence), and adult intimate partner violence (IPV). Yet the majority of research on the relationship between ACEs and IPV has been limited to non-incarcerated populations. Using data from a stratified random sample of all incarcerated women in Oklahoma (n = 355), we explore the relationships between individual, cumulative, and clusters of ACEs as they relate to multiple forms of IPV in adulthood utilizing a feminist life course theory approach. Our findings indicate that individual ACEs, high accumulation of ACEs (five or more), and clusters of ACEs are linked to simple assault, aggravated assault, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse in adult intimate relationships in the pre-prison lives of women prisoners suggesting strong support for the use of a feminist life course theory approach in understanding these relationships.  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解四川省高校学生性心理健康现状及其影响因素,为高校学生提高性心理健康水平提供可参考的实践依据,也为高校心理健康教育者提高学生性心理健康教育效果提供科学的理论依据。本研究针对性地对四川省6所高校共1400名学生进行了性心理问卷调查,结果发现:(1)总的来说,学生性心理健康水平处于中等偏上,其性认知心理比性态度心理健康水平高;(2)不同的性别、年级、学校、家庭关系和带养人的学生之间,其性心理健康水平有差异;(3)学生的性心理健康水平与其性别、年级和家庭关系这三个人口统计学因素相关,可以通过以上三因素进行预测。  相似文献   

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