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在挺身式跳远教学中,学生感觉最难以掌握的是腾空后的挺身动作,并且有不少学生出现以挺腹代替挺身的错误动作。一、产生原因 1)起跳高度不够,没有腾空时间来保证腾空步及挺身动作。 2)讲解不透彻,学生没有完全明白动作要领,没有在头脑中形成连续  相似文献   

<正>在挺身式跳远的教学与训练中,怎样在有限的学时内使学生快速掌握腾空后展体、送髋的技术动作,是一个亟待解决的问题。笔者在深入研究国内外高水平运动员挺身式跳远的技术录像和跳远相关理论的基础上,结合中学生身体素质发展水平的实际情况,经过多年的教学与实践,尝试了一些新的教学方法,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

<正>挺身式跳远技术判定的关键环节是腾空步后的挺身动作,也是学生较难掌握的技术环节。在教学中,一般学生在短时间内很难掌握和理解,时常会出现以下四种现象:1.摆动腿下放用力过大,摆动腿垂直下踹,导致动作僵化,挺髋不充分;2.起跳腿前屈过快,摆  相似文献   

立定跳远是由预备、起跳、腾空和落地四个部分构成的,影响立定跳远成绩的主要因素主要有技术动作、学生个体身体素质、心理素质等方面的因素。立定跳远动作中的起跳和腾空展体阶段是相对较难掌握的阶段,教学中可以采用强化训练来改善和提高起跳和腾空的动作质量,最终提高学生的练习成绩。  相似文献   

<正>"腾空步"是跳远动作技术的重要一部分,无论采取"挺身式"还是"走步式"动作技术,在人体跳起腾空后,都有一个共同的姿势"腾空步",它的质量直接影响空中动作的完成,如果不能正确地掌握"腾空步"动作,会影响到跳远的其他空中技术动作的掌握。目前,中小学生在"挺身式跳远"  相似文献   

<正>一、确立主题制作微课时要精心研究学生,从学生最近发展区出发制订教学目标,使微课更具有针对性和时效性;其次,围绕教学内容的教学目标确立主题。一般情况下,一个微课只选择一个知识点。选择的基本原则是学生学习的重难点、易错点等。微课用于课前或课中,起到助学的作用;用于课后,达到巩固、提高技术的目的。如,学生掌握了挺身式跳远的助跑起跳及空中腾空步技术后,为使学生在课中快速掌握"展髋挺身"这—重点技术,确立以"展髋挺身"为主题,运用现代信息技术制作微课辅助教学。  相似文献   

立定跳远是《国家学生体质健康标准》综合评定学生身体机能检测项目之一,是国家体质达标测试项目.常见的挺身式立定跳远技术动作主要包括4个组成部分:预摆、起跳、腾空展体、落地缓冲.以下笔者主要通过多年的教学训练经验结合众多研究资料,分析在体育教学和训练中该阶段学习的常见易犯错误及原因.  相似文献   

挺身式跳远空中动作是初学者难学的技术环节,主要有两方面的原因:第一,腾空后空中动作的用力特点和方向与起跳的方向不一致;第二,腾空后的空中动作是在瞬间完成的。此外,还要求初学者有较好的弹跳力与协调性,没有好的弹跳力就不能跳起一定的高度进而形成良好的腾空步;没有好的协调性就不能在身体没有支撑的情况下有效地完成技术动作。因此,对于初学者在学习挺身式跳远空中动作时,必须采用有效与合理的方法才能更快地促进空中动作的掌握。笔者根据多年的教学经验总结了快速掌握挺身式跳远空中动作的方法和步骤供大家参考。  相似文献   

正跳远的四个技术环节:助跑,踏跳,腾空和落地。四个技术环节中的助跑,踏跳,落地三大技术在跳远中的作用和练习方式大致相同,腾空步技术在跳远教学中是至关重要的技术之一。挺身式跳远——踏跳腾空后做一个展体挺髋收腹动作,对身体各部位的控制,对力量,速度,柔韧,协调,爆发等各方面的素质要求比较高。现把  相似文献   

挺身式跳远是一种常见的跳远方式,在挺身式跳远中,腹部力量是跳远运动员应具备的重要的素质之一。它是运动员腾空后在空中做动作的决定因素。腹部肌肉不仅是挺身收腹时的关键部位,而且是维持腾空后身体平衡的关键因素,加强腹部的肌肉练习,是使挺身动作做得更完美、更有效的重要方法。  相似文献   

Lacrosse has long been considered Canada's national sport and, beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century, became tied to the nationalist ambitions that sought to promote a national identity through the ‘creation’ of a uniquely Canadian game. Popular in the decades prior to the turn of the twentieth century, lacrosse in Alberta began to decline after the First World War, becoming a marginal sport played only in the province's larger cities. A brief and unexpected revival of lacrosse occurred in two communities, Edmonton and Lethbridge, in the 1920s championed by a nativist organization, the Native Sons of Canada (NSC). For this group lacrosse represented a natural means to promote their ‘Canada First’ ideology to young male Albertans. In Edmonton, the Native Sons sponsored a senior men's lacrosse team that garnered some local and regional attention, while attempts by the Lethbridge assembly to promote youth lacrosse in 1927 were largely unsuccessful. Despite the continuing affinity between Canadian nationalism and lacrosse, the NSC were ineffective in their efforts to revive interest in the sport. The ‘national’ game did not provide nativists in Alberta the platform they sought to promote their nationalist agenda.  相似文献   

就如何安排少年乒乓球运动员的训练 ,处理训练中量与强度的关系 ,如何抓住训练中的技术、身体、战术训练的重点 ,如何处理训练与比赛的关系等方面加以探讨 ,以便打好儿童少年训练的基础 ,提高训练效果 ,为上级乒乓球队伍输送优秀运动后备 ,提高训练的成材率。为从事儿童少年乒乓球业余训练的同行提供一些可借鉴的参考依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、社会调查和综合分析等方法,在阐明高校体育文化的内涵、分析高校体育文化的特征和主要功能的基础上,提出了加强高校体育文化建设的对策:加强舆论宣传的导向作用,营造高校体育文化氛围;加强领导,提高高校体育师资素质;采取有效途径增强学生体育兴趣,养成经常体育锻炼习惯;建立和完善规章制度,加强体育场地设施建设;完善高校健康教育体系,推进高校文化体育建设。  相似文献   

叶飞 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(5):610-612
随着网球运动在全球的蓬勃发展,网球早已告别"贵族运动"走向全民化,越来越多的人开始接触网球,越来越多的人加入网球大军,落点更准、力量更大、速度更快、变化更多,是当今网球发展的主流,各种技术都是以争取时间、掌握主动来制约对手的。运动员的致胜武器也从单一化向多元化发展,而对于打网球的人们来说,发球无疑是最关键也是较重要的一项技术,根据当今网球发球技术的发展和个人在发球技术上的训练较为详细地论述了现代网球发球技术及其训练方法。  相似文献   

Writing over a decade ago, Penney and Harris examined extra-curricular physical education (ECPE) provision in state schools in England and Wales and focused, in particular, on issues of inclusion, equality and equity. They concluded, among other things, that ECPE provision was highly gendered, characterised by a disproportionate emphasis on traditional team games and competitive sport and provided a limited number of opportunities to only a minority of pupils. Although Penney and Harris were less concerned with reflecting upon how the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE may come to impact the involvement and experiences of young disabled people and those with special educational needs (SEN), their analysis nevertheless has important implications for understanding this largely under-explored and neglected aspect of research. In this paper, therefore, we draw upon some key aspects of Penney and Harris's analysis to examine the extent and ways in which physical education (PE) teachers have endeavoured to incorporate disabled pupils and those with SEN in ECPE. In particular, by drawing upon the findings of a study conducted with 12 PE teachers working in five secondary schools in north-west England, the central objectives of this paper are to: (i) examine the ways and extent to which teachers have endeavoured to incorporate young disabled people and pupils with SEN in ECPE; and (ii) explore the extent to which the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE impacts on pupils’ involvement and experiences. The findings suggest that the trend towards including disabled pupils and those with SEN in mainstream schools has not radically altered the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE which, according to PE teachers, continues to be heavily dominated by competitive team sports that retain a strong emphasis on performance, excellence and skills. This provision, it is claimed, appears to have done more to reduce, rather than enhance, the opportunities for pupils to participate in the same activities and to the same extent in ECPE than they might have done in the special school sector. Indeed, when compared to their non-disabled peers, some disabled pupils and those with SEN typically tended to be provided with a limited and somewhat narrow range of sports and physical activities in which to participate. Teachers also suggested that some pupils rarely participated, if at all, in ECPE and, in some cases, they were often taught separately from other pupils in clubs and teams that were developed specifically for them in an effort to cater more adequately for their needs and abilities. It is concluded that until PE teachers and schools are willing and/or able to bring about desired change in the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE, rather than developing more inclusive and non-segregated forms of provision, teachers in many schools will be constrained and/or inclined to continue providing programmes that, in effect, continue to provide what Penney and Harris call ‘more of the same for the more able’ pupils in ECPE.  相似文献   

Efforts to ensure the welfare of athletes have long existed in sport but have heightened recently across numerous countries in response to shocking revelations of sexual abuse in sport. Cases such as the sexual abuse of female gymnasts by a team doctor in the U.S. and sexual abuse of male footballers by a coach in the U.K. have drawn significant attention and scrutiny by stakeholders in sport and the public alike. These and other cases indicate that in spite of existing athlete welfare policies, educational programmes, and efforts to ensure compliance, numerous athletes were abused, the perpetrators were permitted to continue over an extended period of time, and some adults knew of the abuses and were complicit in failing to intervene. In this article, the authors use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to review the current landscape with respect to initiatives to prevent and address athlete maltreatment at each level of the theory. The authors also propose that to advance athlete welfare, more attention needs to be devoted to the development of interventions at the macrosystem or international level. Using Bruno Latour’s concept of the oligopticon (1992) an argument is forwarded to create an international surveillance system to promote athlete welfare.  相似文献   

篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球竞赛中,抢得篮板球是获得控球权的重要手段,是双方攻守转换的焦点,是增加进攻次数的、发动快攻的重要保证,而篮板球取决于制空权的掌握,制空权又不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,更在于对高度控制的持续时间上,因而连续起跳就显得颇为重要;本文就篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用作出理论参考。  相似文献   

爆发力是快速力量为主导的体育项目中决定运动成绩的重要因素,爆发力的任何变化都有可能造成冠军或者名次的改变,因此如何在赛前准备活动中更大程度地提高运动员比赛时的爆发力成为近年来研究的重点。不断去追求和探索更加合理的、有效的激发运动员爆发力的方法和手段,成为运动员和教练员们所关注的内容。随着学界对于后激活增强效应(postactivation potentiation,PAP)的研究愈发深入,发现后激活增强效应有可能成为通过赛前准备活动提高运动员在比赛中爆发力的突破点,对PAP的功能及其在运动能力上应用的关注和研究与日俱增。许多研究人员在运动试验中,通过诱导出PAP提高了运动员的竞技表现,但因这些实验的变量选取纷繁复杂,研究多集中在PAP对运动能力即时性提升的效果,而PAP诱导效果的影响因素尚不明确。从生理机制、诱导条件与适用运动员特点3个方面进行梳理,分析研究PAP产生的生理机制,PAP进行诱导刺激所需的条件,以及适合通过PAP提高运动水平的运动员的特点,旨在为我国教练员和运动员在竞技训练实践中合理利用PAP提供有益参考。  相似文献   

对高校选修、训练课学生排球意识培养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校排球教学与训练现状 ,就排球意识对选修学生和高校运动队队员在学习、训练、比赛中的影响因素加以探讨 ,指出应在技战术教学与训练中 ,有计划地安排战术意识训练 ,并提出了具体的教学与训练方法。这对于学生掌握专项动作技术 ,适应训练和比赛的要求 ,发挥技战术水平 ,培养全面发展的排球选修学生和运动员 ,提高教学与训练质量及学生的专项能力是非常重要的。  相似文献   


Although there has been a rapid growth in the globalisation of sport and its delivery to world markets, nevertheless there is a variety of models of sport-business whose characteristics are the product of local histories, local political and sporting cultures, local economic conditions and so on. This paper does not seek to deny the increasingly obvious impact of globalisation on professional sport, but rather it seeks to articulate the ways in which such global phenomena are locally mediated in professional soccer systems in five countries, to identify and to explain local responses to global pressures. The five examples include the oldest professional football system, that of England, and a second contrasting European system, France, together with three relatively recently established professional football systems in Japan a developed capitalist economy, Algeria, which is developing a post-socialist sports economy, and China which is experimenting in sport as in other areas with a ‘socialist market economy’. The resultant evolution of professional sporting systems represents distinctive configurations of stakeholders in what are in effect contrasting business models, and reflects a situation of ‘diminishing varieties and increasing contrasts’, in contrast to the claims made by Elias in relation to global cultural phenomena.  相似文献   

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