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课程建设与改革是提高教学质量的核心,突出职业能力培养的课程标准建设与开发是高职课程改革的重要枢纽,是促进课程规范化的关键,课程标准建设能够有力推动基于工作过程的课程改革。本文介绍了高职课程标准的内涵及课程标准的功能;结合本院实际探讨了课程标准开发与实施的方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of designing a curriculum model for Bible teaching in UK Jewish secondary schools. This model was designed over the period 2008–2010 by a team of curriculum specialists from the Jewish Curriculum Partnership UK in collaboration with a group of teachers from Jewish secondary schools. The paper first outlines the context of UK Jewish secondary schools and then the curriculum context in which this specific model was designed. It then details the model itself and concludes with a discussion of the implementation of the model and associated challenges.  相似文献   

当前课程改革已进入全面深化阶段,课程标准的落实是其中的关键环节。地方教研机构在课程标准的落实中扮演着重要角色,对其发挥的作用进行研究有利于推进课程实施。根据古德莱德的五级课程理论,课程标准转化为实际的教学需要经历三个环节,每个环节中都可能会出现偏离课程标准的情况。为了顺利地落实课程标准,X区教育学院主要通过开发细化课程标准的文本促进教师对课程标准的理解;通过开发教学范式引导教师基于标准的教学;通过完善评价机制为课程的实施提供反馈;探索新的教师研修模式为教研机构的作用发挥提供保障。  相似文献   

Introducing an educational innovation into any school context involves some challenge to existing practices. Transition Year is an innovative, optional, one-year programme taken by approximately half the 15–16-year age cohort in schools in the Republic of Ireland. Based on data from an extensive study of TY operating in six different schools, programme co-ordinators and school principals are identified as having key roles in the successful implementation of TY. However, exercising the collegiality both roles demand goes against established cultures of isolated individualism in Irish schools. Furthermore, maintaining TY's coherence and integrity in the face of threats from more established programmes offers particular challenges. For this innovation to be successful, active curriculum leadership by school principals is seen as crucial. The paper interrogates the evidence through the lens of the 2008 OECD study on school leadership and poses questions about the relevance and value of the OECD perspective.  相似文献   

近年来,要求课程与教学回到社会生活情境中的呼声越来越高,在这一背景下,笔者通过再现一个以"非典"为主题的综合实践活动课,试图对情境中的课程与教学加深理解,从而揭示情境中的课程与教学的整体性与多元变革性。  相似文献   

Curriculum implementation often falls short because of a lack of cultural understanding by curriculum developers and aid organizations. This paper describes a single-case study of a professional development programme for polytechnic Heads of Department in Ghana, which aimed at identifying how curriculum development activities were sensitive to culture. A conceptual framework for culturally sensitive curriculum development was applied to facilitate the identification of culture in the curriculum development process. Two curriculum specialists and various project members from Ghana and the Netherlands participated in the data collection by means of interviews, documents, and a researcher’s logbook. Results showed that the conducted curriculum development activities were strongly impacted by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions—High-Low Power Distance and Collectivism–Individualism and to a limited extent by Hall’s cultural dimensions—High-Low Context and Polytime-Monotime. The outcomes of this study strengthen the relevance of Context analyses, iterations of design–implementation–evaluation activities, and additional implementation support. Through the conduction of these activities, culture can be taken into account in curriculum development processes and a good fit between the developed curriculum and the local context can be ensured. Furthermore, this study encourages curriculum developers and project teams working in international cooperation contexts to create more cultural understanding by using the framework and by intensively collaborating with informed experts.  相似文献   

新课程实施情况调查:问题与障碍   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
课程实施是课程改革的关键环节。通过对课程实施过程中问题与障碍的考察 ,透视课程实施的成效 ,是当前教育理论工作者与实践工作者的当务之急。本研究运用质化与量化两种研究的方法 ,通过对全国十个实验区的调查分析 ,提出当前课程改革的突出问题 :课程实施资源的严重缺乏 ;考试改革的滞后 ;教师面临的压力重重  相似文献   

The ‘knowledge society’ has become a central discourse within educational reform. This article posits that the impact of the knowledge society discourse on curriculum and assessment has led to the emergence of what the authors term a new-form/re-form curriculum, and it asks whether what is transacting in contemporary movements in curriculum is less the reform of curriculum and more the emergence of a new-form/re-form curriculum. What is emerging is well beyond the discussions of outcomes and curriculum alignment that characterised much curriculum reform effort in the late 1990s. In this new-form/re-form curriculum ‘content’ is displaced by ‘skills’ and ‘knowledge acquisition’ by ‘learning’. Curriculum coverage is replaced by learner engagement. In this context, assessment also begins to take on new-form/re-form. Assessment now engages and promotes learning as process rather than as product. Two cases – the Republic of Ireland and Queensland, Australia – are analysed and compared to illustrate this shift in the conceptualisation of curriculum and assessment. Consideration is given to the possibility that this new-form/re-form curriculum represents a settlement in the contestation associated with learning outcomes and their perceived technical rationality and market focus. The paper concludes that the new-form/re-form curriculum is emerging in locations as diverse as Ireland and Queensland.  相似文献   

高职院校课程建设直接关系到人才培养规格的落实,是一项复杂而庞大的系统工程,必须引起高职教育工作者和管理者的高度重视。本文首先对高职院校课程建设的现状进行梳理,通过对课程改革、课程资源整合、课程开发以及课程评价等方面的学理性分析,进一步阐述了高职课程建设的必要性和课程构建的途径与措施。  相似文献   

论“卓越计划”实施背景下高等工程教育课程体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“卓越计划”实施的目标是改善高等工程教育质量,更好地向社会输送高质量的工程师,其中,科学合理的高等工程教育课程体系是“卓越计划”成功的关键。本文以“卓越计划”实施为背景,从课程结构、课程内容与课程实施3个方面,分析了高等工程教育课程体系及其问题。阐述了高等工程教育课程体系设计的原则与途径。  相似文献   

产业结构升级转型期急需大量高素质技能型人才,校企融合、工学互动是高职教育教学改革的重要方向,“工学互动”课程体系的构建是有效实施工学结合教育的关键。通过对我国高职院校“工学互动”课程体系构建现状和存在问题的分析,可以从五个方面对“工学互动”模块化课程体系进行研究:确定课程目标、进行课程开发、设计课程模块、组织课程实施、完善课程评价。  相似文献   

Current education policy discourse in Ireland, as elsewhere, is replete with reference to innovation, creativity and enterprise. Meanwhile, the ‘pedagogical turn’ is a dominant motif in current discourse in art practice, curating and critique, in Ireland and internationally. This article firstly considers some of the implications of the ‘turn’ as a concept in art and education. In that context, it goes on to address changing patterns of curriculum design, development and reform in Ireland. Next, it describes the evolution of Irish education policy over the past decade in the context of global experiences. The particular experience of art education in Ireland is then considered in the light of the curriculum culture and the wider policy discourses already identified. Finally, some implications of the Irish experience are addressed, in terms of art practice at the edges of art education, and art education at the edges of education practice.  相似文献   

课程地图既是一种课程理念,也是一种课程实施技术。它在可视化、资源整合和课程管理功能的基础上强调儿童在课程实践中的中心地位,是提升课程实施质量和儿童学习结果的重要途径。利用课程地图建设园本课程,就是要基于儿童的立场建构和实施课程,依据儿童学习规律和未来社会的发展需要促进儿童的自主学习与核心素养的形成。基于课程地图建设园本课程时,可以把民间文化和生活实践作为课程的基本内容与实施手段,通过创设自主参与的课程学习环境,支持儿童良好学习品质的发展。  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom tensions have existed for many years between the pedagogical traditions of pre‐school, which tend to adopt developmentally oriented practices, and the more formal or subject‐oriented curriculum framework of primary school. These tensions have been particularly acute in the context of Northern Ireland, which has the earliest school starting age throughout Europe. In response to international research evidence and practice, a play‐based and developmentally appropriate curriculum, known as the Enriched Curriculum (EC), was introduced as a pilot in Year 1 and 2 classes in over 100 primary schools in Northern Ireland between 2000 and 2002 and continued until the Foundation Stage became statutory for all primary schools in 2007. This paper outlines four key lessons that have been learned from the first four years of the evaluation of this experience. These include the value and the meaning of a play‐based curriculum; the importance of teachers’ confidence and knowledge; teaching reading in a play‐based curriculum; and easing transitions in a play‐based curriculum.  相似文献   

课程评价对课程的实施起着重要的导向和质量监控的作用。课程评价作为新课程改革的一项重要内容,是新课改得以顺利实施的关键环节,在很大程度上决定着课程整体改革的成败。新一轮课程改革倡导“立足过程,促进发展”的课程评价标准,这必然就要求课程评价从各个方面都发生转变,以适应改革的趋势。一直以来我国的课程评价存在着诸多的问题与缺陷,在此简要分析与评判以往的课程评价,并在新课改的视野下重新认识和厘清课程评价,以促进新课程改革的顺利实施以及课程本身的发展,最终促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

课程改革的关键是教师。教师课程领导力是指教师在课程规划、资源建设、实施与评价等方面的规划力、整合力、开发力等,是教师专业发展的标志;是学校领导文化转性的标志;是课程实施从忠实取向走向创生取向的标志。课程文化是教师课程领导力的重要追求。学校课程文化建设,有效提升了教师的课程领导力,促进了教师的专业发展,也提高了学生的综合素质,提升了学校的办学品位。  相似文献   

课程实施是课程改革过程中的一个关键环节,决定着课程改革的成败.影响课程实施的因素很多,例如课程计划的特征、关键人物的作用和实施情境等等,这些因素对课程实施发挥着综合的作用.  相似文献   

本文通过对工学结合教学改革的分析,以及对课程群与课程群建设原则的介绍,论述了工学结合教学改革课程群建设的指导思想与实施步骤,团队建设与教学规范,并结合游戏软件专业给出了一个课程群建设的设计,最后给出了结论。  相似文献   

In 1999, the primary curriculum was published in Ireland, with emphases on ‘breadth and balance’, recognition of the role of language and the arts and commitment to each child's potential and holistic development. In 2011, the Irish government published a strategy aimed to improve standards of literacy and numeracy among children and young people in Ireland, ‘Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life: The National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011–2020’. The approaches to address concerns over literacy and numeracy in Irish schools, taken by the Strategy, require deconstruction, and in this paper, we argue that the focus on literacy and numeracy to the exclusion of other educational objectives in Ireland at present threatens the holistic ethos of the curriculum. We challenge those involved in education in Ireland to ensure that pedagogical rather than political concerns motivate our strategies and policies.  相似文献   

The Irish national discourse on curriculum and assessment reform at the Junior Cycle level has been fraught with controversy in the past two years. The introduction of the new curriculum and assessment framework in 2012 by the then Minister of Education, Ruairi Quinn has led to significant media coverage and teacher union response. In this paper, we argue that in the midst of the reaction toward the particular assessment elements of the framework, the focus has been lost on key revisions made in the draft science curriculum and assessment specification released in September 2014. A central aspect of the draft document released for consultation includes the introduction of a ‘Nature of Science’ (NOS) theme intended to be an overarching feature of all science teaching and learning. We examine the coverage of NOS in the draft document and analyze it relative to a model of NOS developed in our recent book. Our analysis illustrates that the draft science curriculum and assessment specification for Junior Cycle incorporates contemporary research and aligns the Irish curriculum with most features of NOS, although some aspects need further development including the articulation of a nuanced model of NOS. We highlight some future directions for curriculum and assessment development for a comprehensive, coherent and holistic coverage of NOS in Junior Cycle Science in Ireland.  相似文献   

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